lTBE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 15 mi Cdminuriism In LONDON Ont CPILiberal Leader Wintermeycr told meeting of church members Sunday the Wests quarrel with hiarxinn has nothing in do with the antagonism of capitalism and communism Mr Wintermcyer said the dif ference between the two sys tems is avconfiict between way of life based upon the exis tence of God and the spiritual nature ofmanaod way of life based on the denial of these truths Communism is in fact Chris iiunity inverted lilr Winter meyer told members of St Step hens Anglican Church Mens Breakfast Club He said communism has suc ceeded because it has moved into moral vacuum The pop ples of the West had lost their roots They must reexamine their traditions and get good grasp of their ideas Minimum Security Isllost Effective TORQNTO CWReform In stitutions Minister Ward rope said Sunday night the provinces training and treat ment program for criminals in almost invariably more effec tive In minimumsecurity insti tutions Mr Wordrope told delegates to the Canadian Congress of Corrections that Ontario Lor sev cral year classr ficaiion of criminals with an eye to making most effective use at smaller treatment cen tros of medium or minimum se curity The rehabi tion of the of lender is ur rnain objectiv he said nd our job is to help him solve his problem The minister gave the opem ing address to the congressa bi ennlai convention attended by more than 1000 members of the judiciary prison staffs and pria Shell reveals how to increase your cars mileage up to 30 extra miles per tankful the prisoners discharged from Ontario relormntoriea had not hen the law within ï¬ve years survey showed 40 per cent of their release YORK AP North AianunooCom As result of private argument as to who could go farthest on gallon of gasoline Shell scientists have performed prodigies Tum of them have achieved 20232 miles per gallon gt ted Press and United Clean or replaca ï¬lter for air International for two ITIIfl fucloil as manufacturer rec ommends Tighten ï¬iél line connections Have automatic transmission or clutch checked regularly slippage in either puts good mileage on the skids power up £173th per tankful is catdeï¬ed for power with purr Its the super octane resplt ofrcgfalytic action 909 is heavy alliance ocï¬nï¬ antiknock ingredient Prevents knock arlow mdhigh engine speed is antiknock mix for extra re sistance to knocks It help control combustion so that pistons get ï¬rm even push gather than hard knock is bufnne for quick starts It is so anxious to get going it would boil in your refrigerator 221 system Will be used in ooni Etfdmwith plan in which radio stations would in time of emergency switch to two spe cial frequencies to broadcast ci vil defence and other necessary information The defence conunand would then feetd 3119 ntectessary motion saons the talentinter systems norm mileage records of your own ally used by AP and UP for the dispatch of news to radio stations The telatypes used for news distribution to newspapers would not be affected You cant hope to equal this record under normal driving conditions But ifyou take some practical tips from Shellsrecordbreakersand if you use todays Super Shellgasolineyou can probably set some moneysaving Ofrpmol interest to owner of OUTBOARD MOTORS Shell announces the for this in greater engine wear properly operating thermostat assuru per gallon proper warmupssaving fuel and You cam my free mile by wear making habit of slow steadyaccel ï¬grhl 313 an°n with gasolineto clim inate the cause of engine trouble Incomplete mixing of lubricating oil and HEN it comes to mileage mara thons two Shell scientists are champions unlversuy Honors Theyrackedupanastcnishingzoz32 Frost Degree miles per gallon But like most mileage SQDBUEY GP premier conocsts it was largelyahit ofscicnuï¬c Frost and Ralph Parker fun chairman of Laurentian UniverA itys board of governors will receive honorary doctor of laws degrees at Laurentians first convocation May 29 Both are being honored for their part in the establislunent of the university Laughton President Rev drivers are lucky if they get six miles Note Todays Super Shell has just warmup ingredients to save you gaso line fen Xron PremiumMotor Oil also helps cold urging It mamreel Even when coldmm ï¬tel and reduces engine wear Check the pressure in your tires regularly Keep your tires properly in flated Underinflated tires increase drag and friction and cost you mileage 335011 in YD Dutbmd Wk canplayhob with the motormake gggmuon the £05 Head in overth score the cylinder walls even cause it to seiu up Shells new QuickMix Outboard Motor Oil blends completely with gasolinethe way cream blends in Our Mileage Marathon winners run on normal Shell gasoline They lid install used carburetorfrom an old onwcylinder engine Their special modiï¬cations tothc car and driving techniqueswercunusualtosaythclcast To rcducefriction the wheelbcaring HE is mixed pentaiies for fast warm ups It is made by tearing petroleum apart much as you split H7 is an antiioer to check cold weather stalling its added when the temperature is to remain be low 45°F 2Usealighttouehiviththeaocelerator It pays heavy dividends Tromping dovVnonthcpedaliSauexpcnsivehahit Emile nuvier said Mr Frost Checkfor draggingbrakï¬they eat fuel Have your Shell dealer check came with the idea for the gulversity and Mr Parker err4 ecuted it This will be the sixth doctor of laws degreeybestowed on Mr Frost by an Ontario universi MnFrost will deliver the co vocation address when the versitys ï¬rst 50 graduates rev cave their degrees Clouds 0i Dust Create Stars PASADENA Calili APlAn astronomer has found that gi ant red stars burning them selvesï¬lp in space generate vast clouds of dust that ultim ately help to create new stars Scientists have long known at great clouds of hydrogen gas in galaxies They have detected thitfthedust of heav ier elements But the snurce was not known Dr Armin Deutsch of Mount Wilson and Palomar ob servatories has discovered that the heavier elements come from red stars millions of miles in diameter Some of these stars continn ously discharge matter at the rate of atrillion tons second Sometimes the matter in pro cesses not fully understood con denses with the hydrogen to lubricant was so thinthar if you jacked up front wheel and gave it quick sr it weed keep 93mins haircut 15 The radiator was re moved it uses up horsepower All gears except high were removed Overthen94milccourscthedriver accelerated at full throttle in high gear from to zolmph Theuwcoasted in neutral with the engine off This ï¬ts andstarts techniquewas used through out the contest and accounted for lot ofthe extra mileage To use such extreme techniques and mechanical alterations yourself would soon get you even more trouble than mileage But there are certain steps you can take to increase mflcageéparncularly by adopting good personal driving habits and switching to todays Super Sheilathe gasoline with nine ingredi ts for top pegemirates Heres what Shell scientistssuggu Starting upit holds your automatic transmission ina lower gear longer ï¬rmneedthhismakcsthejn turnfaster wasung fuel Underway uneven pedal pressure is costly too Instead food just enough fuel on even speed Drive aliciid of your car4yonn be money ahead three ways Watch for slowing traffic and red lighisas far ahead as you can see Youll be oh to coast up to stopping cafe instead of braking heavily when you get there Your savings here will not only he infuelhutalsoinbrakeliningsandnresr Dont let fuel costs creep up at the stop light Ifyour car creeps when idling with the automatictransmission engaged have your engine idle speed adjusted You may save plenty And if you driven stick shift remember that pumping the accelerator wont change the lighrIt only pulls your gasolinegaugc dovsn 17 for wheel drag next time youre in for for itcverymilcryoudrive rolling as they should fréveal poweiewasting valve and ring adjustments your coffeein just seconds And it stays mixed so you are sure ofper fect lubrication cvcfy sfcond your lubrication lfhrakes drag you pa runnm Ifyour dealer suggests reluhriuting ultra mom wheel bearings heed his words Youll save gasoline as well as hearings by having them properly luhrigatod and Get regular oil changes and lubri gt cationincludingtransmission and inferential Your Shell dealer knows what to do He has the ï¬nut equip ment and lubricants to do it with Your car will last longer Your gasoline will go farther Get these fuelsaving adjustments for top performance Ifspark is off for example you pay for it in wastedgasolincxnockfrommimimcd spark does your engine no good either Hal the comp 535510 checkedl mp one whodrivayour careespeciailyif conditions The ear Other essential them to follow these rules Insist that they stop for service at the sign of the Shell iA Keep your spark plugs at peak While we cant guarantee 30 extra efliciency Use Super Shell gasoline with TCP additive to give them extra lifel When electrodes wear be yond repair replace the plugs theyre frittcring away fuel gestionsare followed the better your mileagewill he unanscrvrrair KlNGST NCPE Kingsley Evans of Toroniolwaa elected Delft wasting cold cosh When your engine is cold it uses up more fuel it doesnotv operate cffi ly our dangerofunde Dont indulge in jack rabbit starts they only show oil your cars getaway ndy urrflsdai for Super Shell next youre It contains the nine ingredients most cars 7V Have automatic choke checked Feed or 01 pnï¬mmnm Or correct operatic Unnecessary choking wastes gasolin 10 Show this advertisement to every you pay their gasolinehills Impiorc milespcr rankful the closer these sugg To start off right ï¬ll up with todays 41 is for trolleys It can give man oarsup to is seminars H8 is gum privenï¬ve to help carburetors from cloggin is Platformate for extm mileage it takes one million dollars worth of platinum catalyst for Shell tomake this superenergy ingredient After you have ï¬lled up with Super Shell youll soon feel and hear the diflt forence in the way your engine runs That diï¬eience is the purr and power of top performance lt BULLETIN inom SIlELL RESEARCH nhnamam rolirrnusumoln