Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1961, p. 7

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FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE TEA ANNUAL SOCIAL EVENT The event of the year for the Royal Victoria Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary was held at Tiinity Parish Hall Friday af ternoon The annual Florence Nightingale ten and bake sale attracted croch of Barrie and district women Above four of the hostesses hold the traditional Florence Nighfin gale candles which centred the tea tables Left to right Mrs Ross Underhill lights Mrs William Sarleants can die while Mrs Roy Christie and Mrs Ab Kelcvy look on Mind Over MatterWhen Fear Causes Blindness Dear Mary Haworth have been reading lately about the blind and how many cases are being cured have also read that people can go blind from trim Is thal true If one does go blind from fright is the sight restored when the fright passes and the per son is calm again if not can the sight be restored another way have an ordeal coming up and am little frightened and wo der if maybe this could happe to me In the event it did and were only temporary that wouldnt be so bad Please answer for my peace of mind EN MIND OVER MATTER Dear FN People dont literlt allv go blind from fear in terms of the optic nerve being dam aged or destroyed and then later regain their sight What happens if this seems to be the caseand understand it isnt uncommon on the battle front is demonstration of mind over mattcri Or shall we say demonstration of fear over faculty The lrightened person has an hysterical revulsion to the situa tion or experience he dreads ll he feels he can neither outrun nor faceup to the menace he blacks out maybe by faint ing and on regaining conscious neSs finds he cant see luded or sclfhypotized into state of nonseeing helpimncss or usclcssncs Ihat automati cally retire him from the firing line at least tcmporaily WAY OF LYING DOWN In childish selfdefence he has unconsciously created ndfsabil ity that compels others to take care of him and sympatheti cally lift from his shoulders the burden of having to stand on his own and cope when he doesnt feel equal to it Thus he is client for psycho therapy rather than for an eye doctor and when he is brought to understand the nature of his dilemma his eyesight turns on again It has been turned off by kind of emotional paralysis So if you should have an at tack of this type of hysteria due to an ordeal you fear just call psychiatric specialist to the rescue However dont be afraid of the fear you feel It is perfectly normal and healthy actually to feel anxious and edgy about tests of endurance that lie ahead To sufferimaginatively is indicative of sensitivity and intelligence which are Al hu man qualities MH Dear Mary liaworth Wont you please stop misulng the word distroit which means absenbmioded The word you mistake it for is El In thu conditio he is selfde iNSIDE YOU AND YOURS infectious Impetigo Needs Treairneni By BURTON FERN Mn TERROR struck when the school nurse called Mrs Kelly to explain that Junior had impe tigo Why impetigo had almost killed him before he was live days old Mrs ll didnt knnw that impetigo is mild infection ex cept when it strikes unprotect 9d thinskinned newborn bab res The infection begins when bacteria which normally coat the skin find weak spot to in Evade Any rbur crop or scratch in an open invita ion Insects may inject millions of germs when stingssand bites pierce the skin Sickness may dissolve away skin resistance Resistance may drown in flood of new germs at the touch of another impetigo victim TARGETS AND SPREADERS Because children cant spare time for handwashing they are favorite targets for impetigo and handy little spreaders too Tiny blisters break out and soon bulge with grayish infec tion They break and dry into hrownishyellow nu sur rounded by red inflammation CARRY GEMS Little fingers scratch the itch ing rash and carry germs to other exposed skin and so crusts usually decorate face and hands sometimes arms and legs but rarely chest or abdo men Impetigo itself hardly scratch es the surface aad heals without scar Infections that pene trate deeper are called boils or carbuncles but never impetigo VARIOUS CONDITIONS and form crusts Your doctor can quickly tell ifJuoior has impetigo and how best to treat it We rm soapy water or The raw areas are then coat ed with germkillers Your doc tor may prescribe oint ments such as oldtime per cent ammoniaoed mercury or modern bacitracin Both work welll gt Strong antiseptics like iodine are out They burn raw flesh MAY PRESCRIBE ANIIBIUIICS may suggest penicillin or other Hanfibiotjc nmkiliers Clean es separatebowels and in dividual washcloth elp keep your home Withina few days every blemish clears and Junior is no longer public health menace Now your worries are over until he goes out to play with that little imp whos still spreading impetigo around the neighbor hoodl Historic Spade Still 1111 omily LONDON Ont CP sil ver spade that has been wielded by princes and once helped turn the sad for Canadas first rail way has come into the hands of Londn family And the timely birth ofBruce Capreol means the spade will years Frederick Case Capreol 110 years ago for the ceremony that started constrcllon of the Tor AontorfiimmcrandfluronF way in 1851 The Prince aI Wales later Ed ward Vll usedit nine ycars la terto plant tree in the Hunt miner oil can soak off each crust cultural Gardensin Toronto In 1901 the Duke of York later distraught ointments fail your doctor impetigo fr raging through probably stay here for many The spade was created byI Dear EG Whose dictionary do you read My copy of Weir stcrs Collegiate fifth edition 1943 defines distrait as air sent minded distraught And distraught is defined as dis tracted beset with mental con flict So take it that both distrait anddistraught are related meanings an whether the shading is towards absent mined or to dis tracted is indicated by the no oompanyiag text in the given in stance Anywoy thanks for your interest ME Insane Friends parishioners coll eagues and acquaintances of Msgr Clair joined to celebrate his 40th year in the priesthood yesterday Msgr Notes are intended to mar the general rectal life of the city and district Weddlu unlyernrkl bridge putter DWI command an tlu visitor and traveller III and of ml to the women readers at this page Your help in napkins thll new will be ml predated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA H537 and ask for the Woml Page yum NIAGARA rams Mr and Mrs Leon Garrick and dilldren Maple Avenue Mr and Mrs Gaston lagoon Stroud and Miss lllurielle Gus noa Lake St Jean Quebec motored to Niagara Falls 0u urio It the weekend SUNNY SOUTH Mr and ME Empke Toronto Street have returned to the city from five wecls me tor trip to sunny California and Maine Memorable highlights of their trip were visits to Los Angeles San Francisco and San Diego BAPTISMAL RITES The service of Baptism was observed at Ctral United Church yesterday morning with Rev Cecil Brena ofti doting Children baptized were Robert Fletcher son of Mr and SPEAKING 0F Mrs Donald Wiley liflln Street Matthew James ton of III and Mrs John Faith Perry Street Dean Westnway mnoerandlllrs GeraldS Yea of Lisle David Edward son of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Johnston Penetang Street Greg Clifford son of Mr and Mrs William Monger of Painswldt Tracey Ellishdauwr er of Mr and Mrs Lorne Carter Oakley Park Square Irvin Stewart son of Mr and Mrs William JohnstonBBY field Street Michael John Hal fburton Sandra Mary Jeffrey Owen James Brian Julln Anne children of Mr and Mrs James Dunlop Park Street Mich ael Reginald Thoma John Victoria Lynne Jane Allison mlldren of lllr and Mrs Reg inald Rowe Sophia Street West Douglas Stephen son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Molt att Johnson Street WINS AWARD Nelveyenrold Joanne Whit field ElmvaiE place in the ISyearold dassin back playing at the Orian music festival Miss Whitfield is pupil of Mix Jessie Bry son Barrie cmnsrcnnvc recur Mr and Mrs Ward Goodfel low Edgehill Drive entertain 1961 CONFERENCE World CounCil TO Meet In India The monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of Collier Street United Womans Mission ary Society was held May 12 Members were welcomed by iMrs Marshall and Mrs King President Mrs Neil MacDon ald opened the meeting with an inspirational thought Minutes of the April meeting were read by Mrs Sam Steele and the treasurcrs report was given by Mrs John lllillward Mrs MaeGregor reported the correspondence work and Mrs Leighton Clarke the work of the community friendship commit tee Mrs ma Sarjeant browsed Clair is shown above cutting the cake at reception held in his honor at St Josephfs Auditorium yesterday after noon Mrs Jerry Coughlin was chairmanor the event nnmsrsu bras GRIMSEY CPRevrEdgar Hugh Bowden Taylor 75 of rGrimsby ficachfirurat dean of Lincoln and Welland couiires died in hospital Saturday na tive of England he came to On taria in 1906 and graduated from Trinity College Toronto MEDICAL CHECK MONTREALICP chroma women examnied at the Royal Victoria Hospitals WellWomen Clinic sewer cent donut visit their ddctor regularly poll showed The women queried were being checked for cancer and George Vplanted another tree in Toronto By tradition the spade of sterling silver mounted on bumished mahogany shaft with the capreol family crest inlaid has passed to the first son of each generation For Commercial rInduatrlal Ehotos Portraits Passport Film Devalgpiug CALL SMIIII STUDIO as Dunlap St Prams rover Bun Queens Park in 1912 He served as minister in churches in Toronto Hamil ton Foothill Port Robinson and new member Mm Boadway Mrs Maxwell bad charge of the afternoon program Pro pare ye the way of the lord Mrs Atkinson read the scrip ture and Mrs Paul Scott led in prayer Mrs Welsh Mrs Barnett and Mrs Armstrong sang selections accompanied by Mrs Chishoth The offering was received by Miss Goodfellow and Mrs Noble and dedicated by Mrs Maxwell Mrs Parse had charge of the study taken from John Webster Grants book The Ship Under the Cross The Ship Under the Cross faces stormy seas but she is well launched and carries committed crew The World Council of Churches came into being only 12 years ago in Am sterdam Now all eyes will be on the coming conference in New Delhi India in November of this year gt Men and women will come from all comers of the world each in his own regnlia from 172 different Protestant and Orthodox churches scattered across more than 50 nations churches to which 200 million people belong This will be unity in action Dr Vissert Honft Dutch theologian is general secretary of the World Council and has been from the begin ning In 1947 the church of South India was formed million Christians belong to churches at one time associated with Pres byterian Methodist Congrega tional Reformed and Anglican missions now belong to one church Then there is the Unit edChurclr of Canada the Unitw Church of the Phlllipines the United Church of Central Africa lnRhodesia and the United Church of Japan the Kyopan There is only one Protestant Church in Angola All these are examples of church union in which Chris tians have found new unity in working together Mrs Parsons conclude WERE MOVING May 16th to 113 DUNLOP ST Next to Brown and Co STEVENSON lNSURANCE Birthday Party MAY l°2° claimed seeond PEoELE Alli PLACES ed at dirlstenlng party in honor of their tiny granddnuyr ter Asher Lorraine Goodeliow daughter of MD and Mrs Rob ext Mellow RR Barrie Agnes lprrnine was among the duldren baptized at Sutton Avenue United Church yester day Among the guests at the christening celebration were Mrand Mrs Roy Coodfellnw Stroud Dr Agnes Jamleson of Orillia Mr and Mrs Jandesou Barrie greatgrand parents of Agnes Lorraine Mr and Mrs Harry Kline and sons of Barrie Mr and Mrs Frank Kell and Clarence Kell of SPRING WEDDING Miss Joyce Folhexby he Zcamelliabrideof Gordon Mrs Lean at an aftemoon cere mony at Presbyterian Church Guthrie The bride is the dault ghtcr of Mr and Mrs Fotberby Guthrie The bride groom is the son of Mr and Mrs McLean Thornton Rev Bauleh officiated reception was held at the River Gardens THE STARS SAY By ESTREUJTA FOR TOMORROW Tuesdays planetary vibrations urge caution in dealing with others Keep your emotions un der control and dont try to force issues or press unwanted opin ions or advice upon others Writ ten matters are generously as pected however FOR THE nmrrmav If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while there will be some oppor tunities for you to make job and financial gains during June and late September generally speak ing it would be well for you to follow conservativepolicy in these matters for most of 1961 Take advantage of all good op portunities of course but dont go off the deep end financially or you could seriously unbalance your budget The remainder of the year will be excellent for romance and early July will be auspicious for travel Do be careful in per sonal relationships during the current month and November however Early October will be good time in which to win the co operation of business associates and superiors in the pursuir of cherished goals and late in De cember you should find your financial status improving child born on this day will be artistically inclined and will have great desire for knowl edge finiuuuc EXAMINER MONDAY any 15 not Fish Foods Make Tasty Appetizers By IDA BAILEY ALLEN Gay danca around the May pole on greens in parks at country fatlvals May Dance luncth and suppers spans sored by clubs and churches Child Heath Day proclaimed All peaceful salutes to the up surge of springl In Hawaii May first is lei Day Leimakers will compete for prizes rare and exotic flaw ers often replacing lhe usual Is land orchids carnations and tube roses flutes and music add to the celebration of springs joy ous blossoming TOMORROWE DINNER Sardines Devonshire Minute Steaks Maltre Fried Pots toes Country Sty Broccoll Robe Mustard Sauce Peach Tapioca Puff Soft Custardi Cof fee Tea or mdk Measurements are level re cipes for Sardines Devonahire Arrange chilled sardines individually on salad plate Add 11 shredded drng lettuce and rosy red radish with tbsp sea soned sour cream next to the sardines Fried Potatoes Country Style Bell medium potato in iack ets peel while hot In large frypnn that can go totable measure tbsp corn oil Add potatoes slow heat crushing potatoes slightly with twopronged kitchen fork Add 61 salt and tsp pepper Gradually brown turn over potato several times Dust with tbsp minced parsley Peach Tapioca Puff Drain syrup from llh can sliced peachm Bring syrup to boil Add Vi sugar enough but water to make liquid is tsp salt and tsp crushed grated orange rind Bring to boiling point Stir in 14 quick cooking tapioca cookstir frequently un til tapioca is clear Fold in drained peachea cook minute longer Remove from heat Beat egg whites stiff and fold tapioca into them Chill serve with or without salt custard or whipped top ping Note we egg whites from custard use in making out meringue cake recipe tomor row Chctl Food News Pastry chefs and skilled fashloned home cooks have long known that pic baked in pans darkened by use bake more quickly and with browuer color than when shining metal is used Science has caught onto this knowledge PM on the market comes new foll pie pan with black bottom the coating ap plied to make possible quicker absorption of heat and even heat distribution simultaneome to all surfaccsof the pie crust Resultless soaking of filling crisp under crust and shorter baking time WOmens Groups Call Conference TORONTO CPD Represen tatives of 20 national womens groups recommended Saturday that the citizenship and immf gration department call con ference of Canadian womens organimlions citizenship and immigration committee conven as The mendntion was made at meeting called by the IODE to discover whether there is an overlapping of serv ices offered by organizations to newcorners to Canada and whe ther more might be done to in tegrate the immigrant with the community Bessie Touzel executive di rector of the Ontario Welfare Council suggested that cable ences be called in cities Canada to look into the tion Womens organizat national headquarters ontowere invited to gates to the meeting pected another one uature will be held MODERN CDNVE About 87 per cent homes have running 39 per cent have refrigerators aEraEsa rain Drinkers FLUFFY sorr cLEAN CELLOPHANE WRAPPED AND SEALED IN ioEAiL PACKAGING FOR WARM WEATHER STORAGE WAGGS Lanudryand Dry Cleaners Limited 85 ESSA RD 23 currenva PA 83952 From BOSS To orrrcn STAFF CHECK srock or coNrmuous EokMs AND COUNTER SALES BOOKS savE onnnnnvc Now non rnE Barton 12thle ma AUGUST DELIVERY néw sales tax or 39 comes into fleet in September and will apply to all tinting ommernialr in log Department or Barrie Examiner will accept any 0rd fordellvery in August or before

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