Published by Canadian Newspapers limited re Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario PAGE FOUR but IsntThe Customer Always Right Veers To The Left MONDAY MAY I5 EDITORIAL one imam luncheon Republic TriesLiving In Peace TANANARWE Reuters The lornonihold Malagasy Re public an island sprawling In the Indian Ocean off Airi southeastern coast is emerging on the African political scene in what it hopes will be special role Pbllibert Tsiranana its presi dent said recently We should like to make our great island sort of African Geneva neu tral territory where many diffi culties can be ironed out quad rels settled and agreements reached The island one of the worlds biggest and particularly its cap ital Tananarivc appears to have some unique qualification for such role Formerly known as Madagas car this republic is the only place near Africa where For liven When He The Dangerous Lives OurrChildren Are Living The little children you see happily skipping along Barrie sidewalks on their way to schoolare living life that is fraught withd ger Before we miss this thought too easily as beingfarfetched we should mention some aSpects of the forthcom ing annual meeting of the Canadian Home and School and ParentJieacher Federation at Ste Anne de Bellevue June to 10 Home and School leaders from everyprovlnce will gather under the direction of president Douglas Walk ington who spoke recently in Barrie Discussions will includemany facets of education which is the main concern of the movement in its work for the welfare or children But the agenda for this year suggests that great perhaps major interest will be in the area of protoction The Federation lists the following dangers to children which are down for discussion and possible action radio active fallout unprotected railway cross ings criminal sgxual psychopaths and obscene literature news release states that one of the dominant items of interest is expected to be the report of the international Committee on the agenda for discussion Bornof the concern of parents over the threat of atomic warfare the committee was set up plan of action for Home and School to in 1960 to prepare detailed work toward the reduction of interna tional tension and the promotion of world peace We are told that specific proposals in the plan being brought forward include recommendation that Canadian Home and School should sponsor an internat ionall conference of parent groups in 1963 with delegates from 25 countries meeting for three days in Ottawa fol lowed by one day at the United Nations While we understand that there are widely divergent views in Home and school asto whether and how move should be made into the international field all members apparently do agree that the decision to be made may be of historical importance to the Home and school movement We can certainly see that the matters mentioned here might seem far and away from the province of home and school group But it is also true that nowadays international happenings which once seemed far and away from our lives are fast becoming matters which directly affect every individual The simple fact that these subjects are to be presented at the annual meet ing of this national organization of par ents proves we think that pEople are concerned and should be concerned Life is dangerous for our children and we commend the Federation for its in terest in doing something about it Dewn Memory Lane TROUBLE INBRADFORD column from The Advance of April 30 1391 tells that woman tramp caused considerable trouble in Bradford Epidemioamongrpigs aroundColdwa er singhampton ladies having tarry pulls before commencing housecleaning Mrs Davidson Toronto gives $1000 for repairing New Lowell United Church kitten with two heads four eyes two cars and one nose born in Orillla did not long survive WDudley shippedaon bushels or potatoes to Philadelphia from stayner Spry was appointed agent for the Ontario Express Company just open ing in Barrie operating over the GTE The Barrie Examiner Authorized second class mail Post Office Department Ottawa Daily sununyr and Statutory Holiday excepted macro warms Publisher roman saucer cerium Manager nanny CONN nuolms Managing collar oneness wands Business Mmarui ROBERT ERNEB Advemsln Manager JDHN riotous ucuuuon Manager Subscription rate daily by carrier zhweekly $1320 ycar singi cop 3700 nr $41Kle man scrotum moan uni man buml Ontario repaysr Outside Ida SIMID year oificea 425 University Ave Toronto on Cathcart Stree Montreal me West moralsiren Vancou lt cardamom Newspeperrfu inner Association The Cancit hell and ta Audit Bureau of Circulation The Canadian Press exclusively entitled to on ueeAor republication or all new dispatched in nu ï¬apflrgormiilld to it or The Associated Prarr nr eutqn and use the local news published therein All right or republication aelal dilute herein are lilo larvae in my mail in oatriot Giving Up Business sale was adver tised by Murchison POLICE HASSLE Onfuesday May 1941 thewregu for meeting of town council the re appointment of Police Chief Alex ste wart was confirmed He had been twice asked for his resignation the first time with his staff included motion sponsored by Relive MacV Laren was then passed by recorded vote of 150 that all reference in the minutes to business arising from the appointment of two additional const ables be deleted from the minutes Ev eryone cooled off however and when ad journament came all seemed to be just one big happy family with the mayor probably the most pleased in the know ledge that the contentious police quest ion apparently had reached solution after months of bickering cows rorsoncn From Elmvale came an item about the ins by Joseph Bonneau of six milking cows by reason of poisoning on Wednes day night April 30 1941 He had moved recently to farm on Con of F105 south of Elmvale In the woodshedlthere he had found steel drum which he op ened by the lid attached and thought thrill coptai is tafletoolg used for the cows Unfortunately it was sodiulnï¬chlcrate for killing weeds and nextmorning he found all milk cows dead on the floor ended East Middle East Africa and Europe have met blended and formed handsome gracious harmonious whole in people who with pride call themselves Maigeche ONE BASIC LANGUAGE The forefathers of these 5000 000 people may have come from lndonesia ur Borneo or the black African coast England or France or Portugal But today they speak one basic language Merlnu and consider themselves one nation Madagascar formerly French possession is about 250 miles from the African coast opposite Mozambique its pro dominant influences are Ma layanPolynesian dating back to mass migrations frnmioulbcast Asia five centuries ago traders merchants and European sea men who have been coming to these coasts for hundreds of years now But the inhabitants of the high plateau along the centre of the island including Iho capital Tananarlve have distinctive Malayan Polynelt sinn features Though the Malgache does not feel actual brotherhood with the African he does however feel certain kinship And such we shall always be willing to act as disinterested intermedlar ies in any disputes sayarlresr dent Tsiranana The first experiment appears to have been succesful SITE CONGO MEETING Congolese lenders who held summit meeting here early ln March signed series of resolu tions that turned The Congo into confederation and in the summer School llboard Liner VANCOUVER CPLPossibly the worlds most unusual sum mer school will be held at sea starting June 19 The classroom will be the BLOWion liner Mnniercy of the Motion Line University of British Col umbia Meredith Thompson will be one of the instructors The ship will cruise the South Pacific stopping at Tahiil the Cook Islands Auckland Sydney Fiji Samoa and Hawaii Eight courses all fully accredited will be completed in 23 days of classes Prof Thompson will give course in SouthSeas literature His lectures willgain realism through calls by the seagoing students to the islands that in spired Melville Loii Gauguln and Maugham Though primarily designed for college and teachers the courses will be open to all passengers opinio of experienced observ ers went far inwards solving the troubles of The Conan World cares and tension in ternational intrigues and com plications certainly recur mole from lovely Tananarlve The city is built on Win hill on thetooofoothigb plateau in the heart of finished If 200000 inhabilaais liai gaclle Chinme indlans few Arabs large French commu niiynnd few other Europeans live in pretty llltlehouses cling ing to green and brown cliffs Steep twisting stairs lead to steep twisting roads Every where there are green patches and flowers lo the long wide valley be tween the hills turned into an attractive plaza there are gar dens market and status of Joan of Arc Under President Telranana theMain Republic has re mained in the French Commu nlty and on the side oi the West Opposition to the president Seclal Democratic party ap pears however to be growing and in elections last September the Opposition Independence Congress of Madagascar AKFM emerged as the siren est party in Tananarive The Congress has socialist leanings and basically like the dominant parties in most parts of black Africa today stands for form of positive neutral ity between the world blocs Anothcr big opposition party tile Christian Grouping of Mada gascar ROM opposes Tsira nana largely because of what the RC detribes as his too close tics with the French REPORT mom UK Reluctant Pee Notable UK By MCINTYRE HOOD landed England Correspondent For ThevBarrle Excmfncr IDNDON Regardless of the result of the election in South cost Bristol Anthony Wedgwood Benn otherwise Viscount Stalls nuiable victory Hï¬lï¬ï¬‚ï¬nwo belligralldwed to renounce his peerage so that he could remain member of the House of Commons has pro duced government announce ment of select committee to tackle the problem of reform of the House of Lords The terms of reference are so phrased as to bring the contentions of Vis count Sinnsgaie under review The committee will make rec ommendations as to changes in the House of Lords constitution which would make peers or peercsscs eligible to sit in either house That is exactly what Vsi count Stansgate has been urge ing ever since the death of his fatherdisqualified him as member of the House of Com mons STILL DISQUALIFIED whatever the committee rec ommends it will have no boar ing on the election just held in Southeast Bristol Mr Benn as he idslsLs on being lullan is still disqualified to sit in the Commons it may be year or more before my report is forth coming from the committee so pretty problem has been pos ed by his candidature in the by elecllon What the average citi zen cannot quite understand ls why if he cannot qualify as member of the House of Com mons his nomination was ac cepted it could only result in legal battle to decide what would happen in lb event all Mr Benn sccurin majority He would of cours be disqual ified but the courts may have to decide whether the Conserva tive candidate can be declared elected because of that fact It is puzzling situation arising from one of the craziest byelec lions in British political history PJVI UNCOMFOBTABLE Prime Minister Macmillan is going through an uncomfortable period He does not have to wor ry very much about the Labor opposition which is too divided to be effective But he is being harrassed and worried by mem bers of his own party in the House of Commons launching strong attacks on him and his pnlicics Three of them have QUEENS PARK Highway Contracts Nt InOrl non OHEARM TORONTOWell at least the highway contractors are free from this sin There has been lot of com plaint recently about fixed bids Various municipalities haye complained that in some fields number of suppliers have been bidding the same amount on contracts This certainly doesnt apply to our highways contracts in one batch for instance fenders were called for pain some bridges in the Ottawa dis trict The low bid was $11251 The high and there were only three bidders was $29898 In the same group there Were bids for paving five miles of Highway 401 west of Cornwall The lowest of in tenders was $69719330Tho highest was 51 101182 NM UNUSUAL This is not unusual There has always been great variance in thabids in this field These are dog days gt Fixes The GOP for instance has been making lot of clamor aboutloablnet ministers crossing picket lines to go into the Royal York The everaggresive Kenneth Bryden says they are making it abundantly clear if there ever was any doubt that the present government of Ontario is on the side of the big corporations and against the wage earner soamssmw Somehowuar other that seems Justa bit silly It is not up to government tolake sid Or perhaps should it jo the picket lines Liberal leader Wintermeyer has been talking alot about crlme And iii at least one direction he makes sense He decries the sourcesAttor heyGeneral Roberts used to give reassurance about crime The attorney general rst cites police chiefs in the prov ince and then his own magis trates These people he says tell him there is no important lncide ce Thetempo bermrcnliy Ahasntrnqulmg picked back co the session But the critics continueeven if at timesit seems they are trying to take sawhorse into They would hardly admit it if although last year be bad jumping no But surely would they say anything else they are the men charged wilhrkeeplng crime down it were getting away on them wins Iiclory made him the subject of an al tack because cfSouth Africas departure from the Common wealth Spcarbending this attack was New Zealandborn MP An thuny Fell Conservaiive mam her for Yarmouth Ho accused the siteliite and derided the cabin as government com sod of Little Englanders Mr Illfacrnil fan the said had failed in lead ershlp at the last Prime 95 Conference He saidhls only faith and hope for the fut ure was that the country get prime minister who is really Commonwealth prime minister He accused Mr Macmillan and Ills ministers of dithering and chasing around Europe and across to the United State We have had every policy he said but Commonwealth pol my WEEK ATTACKS John BiggsDavison another Conservative MP described the withdrawal of South Africa as flagrant failure of Common wealth slatesrnanship The prime minister and government he went on must co pt heavy burden of responsibility for this melancholy breach Viscount Hinchingbrooke aclt cused Mr Macmillan of failing the Commonwealth through in eptitude lacknf foresight lack of preclpient planning and lack of energy Strangely enough only Con servative members attacked the government on this important issue The Labor opposition was strangely silent TEACHERS SALARIES Teachers obE and Wales have been given some in dication of their prospects for the wage increases they are de manding This has come from government offer made to their colleagues in Scotlandlohn Maclay secretary of state for Scotland has announced that he ls prepared to sanction Scottish teaching pay lncreases up to about 12 per cent of the pres ent total pay bill English and Welsh teachers now negotiating for more pay are asking for in creases totalling more than per cent The proposals in Scotland pro vide for the following increasesz For honor graduates increas ed from $2145 $3350 to $2230 $4400 with the maximum reach ed in 10 years instead of 17 Ordinary graduate teachers Increased from Slum$2750 to to $I7BSM75 with the max mum reached in 12 years stead din Darling Marjorie Of Dumbells 0i WWI Is Now Just PLEASANT POI NS CF Marlene of the Born bells like many sweetheart of the First World War now is just memory Marjorie war born of an bin in agnbre ï¬siueï¬eld in rance er po arlty if like wddllre through the and lasted for in years after the war on stage across the North American continent Then it faded Rnss Hamilton the Nov Scolla soldier who took to abuts lipstick and falsettn song ln one of historys most success ful morale booming effort for troops pow lives ulclly in log cabin be beJ build for himself near this hamlet in central Nova Scotil MANY MEMORIES Hes bald now and bar modest paunchbut theres twinkle in his blue eyes and be causing mean soprano yet He chops wood tend the gar den roads or writes travels lime and relaxes He wont tell his exact age but admits hes in the middle 60 He likes conversation and meeilng people and most of all be him offering tips on the stage to interested young peo He likes storyiclllng and the story he loves most is about Marjorie and the Dumbells it began just before the 1917 Vimy battle in which the Canadians suffered heavy casualties 0n the way in the front 11 ofus all with the 3rd Canadian Dlvislon had the idea he says We got the colonels per mission and put on concert for the troops The first one was in on old barn Ifnnyone had told me at that time Id come back to Can ada as woman would have killed him Ross Hamilton then was tough soldier with the ambulance corps loan five feet ll Anyway after few perfor mances we get permission lo form group and go around to entertain Canadian troops all over France We called our solves the Dumbells because that was the insignia on our sblrts ADOPTED SKIRTS Five of the company acted as girls and six were boys We knew wed have to act glrls to attract the boys he said Be lieve me we did too nl dare leave the show without first changing back to mens clothes was the leading lady For our very first show my gown was made at tent canvas sewn on It was covered by curtain gauze My hot wash it covered with canvas cu and feathers And my first beads were rosary Wllh songs such as Give Me Little Cosy Corner Widows are Wonderful and If you Were the Only Girl the little loup packed makeshift the alres for two years They went to Londo ploy fur week and ed three weeks Back at Halifax they were disbanded but soon renrgan ized They travelled from coast to coast in Canada once by cat tle train putting on as many as three shows day with longer stays in the large cen tres The singing dancing and clowning group next crossed the United States playing almost all themajor cities They were held for month in Boston MARJORIE QUIT Changes in the group occur red from time to time and in 1971 it was decided to bring real RUSS HAMILTON the Nova Sootia soldier who turned to lipstick and skirts poses as Marjorie of the Dumbells famous llmember troupe that helped boost morale of Can adian troops in the First World War many old sweats joined in and for three hours were back in tile trenches Hamilton had dicied oil 22 pounds in llwceks before that show and Marjorie was acr claimed as flirtatious and graceful always enchantlng never minclng Also illthat show were Jack Ayer of Toronto who wrote some of the Dumbells original songs the late Ben Allen who didhls famous piece the klt in spection Pat Rafferty Alan Murray and Jack McLaren The original Dumbells as Hamillon remembers them in cluded Capt Merton Piunkett and his brother Al at or 0nt Bill Tcnnant Winnipeg Ted Charter New York Bel irarn Langley Toronto Gorly Brayford of Western Canari Elmer Balding of New York Leonard Young of Montreal Jack Ayer Alan Murray of Montreal and himself Hamilton now is settled in his log cabin filled with memen loos plclures and clothes of the old Dumbells BIBLE THOUGHT Ir make my bed in hell be held thou art therePsalms 1393 Many men make their own hell butno one can sink so low thrill eternal law does not pro va gt women into the show Rosss Hamilton opposed this but was overruled Marjorie quit at that point knew couldnt compete with beautiful gir he recalls For the next 10 years he was on and off the stage In Toronto in 1939 he worked with the Chin Up revue then joined up for the Second World The softsulging sweetheart ot the Dumbells sllpped from pub lic view But Marjorie was not For nongraduate yforgolten lnloss six of the ear teachers Increased fr $1500 $2750 to 31540 32am Leaders of the Son sh teach Organizations aim the they are still far from satisfied with these concessions and that this new offer was not likely to halt the strike threatened for next month THEATRE RECORD My Fair Lady will hold the boards at Drury Lane Theatre London at least until Christmas of 1962 which will give it the longest run of any show in the Zeayears history of the theatre By then it will have had 1933 performances easily beating Oklahoma whichran at Drury Lane for 1373 performan ces My Fair Lady has now completed three years at the theatre and in that time has been seen by 22750000 people including 76000 people stand lng HONOR FOR ARTIST Canadian artist Timothy Phillips son of LtCol Eric Phillips of Toronto and grand lier Dumbells includipg Ross Hamilton were cheered by packed house of 3000 at Tor ontos Massey Halllh sinnwas salute to En ilton Can and the Pr cess Patricias Canadian Light In fantry The Dumbells on the occas sion brought tears of sentiment and joyous applause with songs like Pack Up Your Troubles and Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty The audience including for money Just Phone Beneï¬cial Get the cash you went Ills One phone call and one visit to the £09 does everything Call up or come in May YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 VBAYFIELDSTREET Phone PArkway 85931 BARRIE Is now rantriclr on loans um lace up to sow You toqn can ullfusmll BENEFICIAL FINANCE co OF CANADA son of McLaughlin of Osh awa has had meet his paint ings accepted for hanging at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition of 1961 It is picture he painted4whlie on his honey moon at Nassau in the Bahamas eorISihis year sntbis canvas entitled Bathing the Horses ln Nassau This is the first point ing Mr Phillips so has had no copied for me Royal Academy drawing in the exhibition EXYENSION PHONES nave wear and tearcoma In col oursrl models Call Inc BELL Elsinammcr kï¬l man in our green truck