Licence to preach the gospel was given to Douglas Tomlin son graduate olCentral tr BARBIE MAN LICENSED T0 PREACH GOSPEL United Church Sunday night The licensing service was conducted by Rev Brena of Central united Left to right are Mr Brena Rev Viisnn hlordan oi Midland Mr Tomlinson and Rev Skelly minister oi Collier St United Collegiate at Collier Street On Lake Youth Rodde0 Clair Vhethnm 19 oi Orr Lake is tncwlnner oi the safe driving roadco sponsored by theBarrie Junior Chamber of Conunercc TheRoadco was held at the Barrie shopping Plaza on Sunday afternoon and at teenagers competed Competitors had to answer written test and drive through four ohstaclm Rubber balls spaced one tire breadth apart were set in line and the con testants had to drive up the line rwithoat touching the halls Alter completing this the driver had to park his car in cramped space without hitting the mark eIS Winner Sverol kegs were lined up atone side of the area and gt the drivers had to weave in and out of these without grazing the keg or the marking flags This done the competitor had to stop at set distances Clair Whetham the winner and Larry Carson chairman of the roadea will go on an all cxpensc paid trip to Ottawa June to ior the provincial fin als The expenses will be paid by an oil company other winners were any Car son 17 of Angus Gordon John slon 18 Blake Street and Ruth Jenoett 19 RR Utopia Geography Writer Will Address Reading Association In Barrie Simcoe No Local Council oi the international Reading As sociation holds its annual meet ing and banquet Tuesday at 530 pm at Trinity Parish Hall Barrie School trustees members of womens institutes and home and school associations along with all teachers are being es pecially invited to the meeting says council president En nxs The council which is concern ed with the improvomEnt of teaching of reading and allied skills has obtained an appro priate speaker for the occasion David Clce BA MSc FRGS is master of Tomato Teachers College and editor of Teachers Guide and the Junior Red Cross magazine Mr Clee who wrote the grade nine georgraphy text in Many Latitudes and the grade 10 geolt graphy text Across Europe and Asia has also been associated with number oi educational television and radio programs Says the reading associations secretary Moira Weller litany areas and educators are acutely aware of the priceless value at this area in the field of education and it is the on deavor oi the lth to enable our children to develop true ap preciation for what is most worthwhile in the world they are to inherit so that they will grasp with eagerness and ex amine with wonder the literary and artistic heritage of their generation The ï¬rst sod tobe turned tor the addition to St Peters Firearms Law Attorney Urges VINELAND CPJA Crown attorney Saturday specific legislation in cases involving negligent use of firearms because it is almost impossible to get conviction HIV lbbeison Thunder Bay district Crown attorney put his motion to the Ontario Crown At torneys Association at its con vention here He said since it is so difficult to prove criminal negligence concerning fir arm thero should be some lesser legisla tionsunder which to lay charge Theassociation proposed resolution for legislation in the Criminal Code to cover negli gent handling firearms and com ended it he Another resolution all ior Anglican Church at Minesing was dug by Archdeacon Lightbourn and Mrs Aunt Alice Fralick The occasion marked the climax cl four year elfortlo raisovfunds tillllllliitlvilss roll ment committee chairman cm estahllshmenlsr ingorderctordrawr 80 Attend Party Oi RCAF Assn The regular biweekly RCAF Association Wing house par ty Saturday night in association eiubrooms was attended by about local residents Ferguson entertain ceed proceedingswhile George Reid and his orchestra provided music Prizes and draw were featured yesterday afternoon Right in his car And nothing to eat it happened this way Sawciluck was driving north along 400 He smelled smoke when he reached the Baytield cioverical His car was on lire So he pulled over to the side of to put it out An unidentified passing motorist came to his rescue The Samaritan had barrel of minnows in three pails oi water This watcr and iish was thrown on the fire and extinguish ed the blaze when Barrie ï¬remen and an OPP cruiser arrived everything was under control Everything that is except Damage was slight ly the same thing same spot fishwater help He prefers it that way Terrier in Canada Ha makes his appearance Saturday in Bar ric Arena for the lilteenth Bar rie Kennel Club show at 10 am of Port Credit notes on her Ip pllnation to the club or hlbtion only form Kennel Club will be his ï¬rst public appearance because it Ls show COMPARES 10 BEST hreeders dogs will be shown lrom the local club with 380 dogs showing tries are expected Columbia Texas around the continent since ac cording to local club pruident Frank Jones thk show in size 22d quality is comparable to the st edlromlhe following owners The dog breeds are listed alter their names All are from Barrie unless otherwise indicated Airedales Welsh Terriers and English Setters Mrs Margaret Chiids Poodles Il THERES SMOKE Fish In Time Saves Auto Wininnfséwamck oi Toronto Sawchuck doesnt quite know what to make at it Practical happened to him last year And at nearly the He put that lire out himself OneeofKind Ding pom MONDAY no out iEnterédi In Show Here On Saturday there is only one Tibetan Cordier RR Danbshundsand Beagles Ken Johnson RR Welsh Corgia Mr and Mrs Frank Jones hlidhurst Labra dor Retrievers hlr and Mrs Blake Lamont Shetland Sheepdogs alrs Hilda Pugh Wcinmarancrs Mr and Mrs John Terrelly Graven hurst Norwegian Elldiounds Mrs OBrien Saint Bull mast Mr and Mrs Fell Co aMr and Mrs Paul Robinson Ora Station Shetland Sheepdog Mrs Bruce Brown Boston Terriers Miss Mary wall Sault Ste Marie Ont Airedale and Labrador Retrievers Mrs Peter Harvie RR English Greyhounds rs Albert Korey Richmond West Highland White TerriertMrs Roy Black Airedales Welsh Terriers No oi the bestknown Am erican judges Edwin Pick hardt Conn and Mrs Ethel Gnltschalk Scarboro Ont are pruiding at the show Also judging is an bhio man Jerome Hallo other Barrie Kennel Club of licers are Mrs Vino Jones sec retary show superintatdent Harold Butler trophy committee chairman Harry lilorren Miss Amy Lee social convencr as sistant show superintendent Cliff Von Valkcnburg clean arena space is insured entries by arena manager Wes Allsopp ODGVl Is Gone Now Its Lakeview Football and basketball con tingents from Barrie will have little difficulty trying to pin down their old ioes in Orillin next season if they try to ind the Orillia District Collegiate and Vocational institute But they should be able to find the usual competition in the some general neighborhood Only the name has been chang ed to protect the record The old ODCVi is no more Rom meeting last week it was decided to rename the collegiate drop the Orillia and call it LakevicwCollcgiate and Vocational institute Meanwhile few blocks wut new high school Park Street Collegiate has sprung up over the summer Tentatively at least school colors and crest owner Margaret Carlson an eir Barrio chosen wellrun irieodly bandied Show Under the new arena root as in so breeds En lrom British and points Local club entries are expect Mildred and Norma Blaclét Mrs Lillian had annncxpcctcd lishdry he road and desperately tried alight aroma oi fish however without Shanty Bay Man Heads Unitarians Syd Shoom of Shanty Bay was elected president of the UnitarA ian Fellowship of Barrie last night at the groups first annual meeting in Barrie YMYWCA Mr Shoom succeeds Bob Fullt larton other members named to the executive include Vicepresid ent Ken MacDonald Secretary Moira Weller Treasurér John Ransom gt Initial meeting to discuss or ganization oi the Unitarian Fel towship was held in June 1960 and from this begihning the group has grown to member The Fellowship also operates ship of 38 weekly Sunday morning school of religion and it was reported that average attendance at these classes has been 24 chiidren SOCIAL ACTION Mrs Ransom drabman of the social action committee re ported that the committee had GroupRaisés Symbolic Flag OTTAWA CPA group of young people from Ottawa and Montreal calling themselves the Evolutionary Movement or Can ada say they will continue to place their own flag on Ottawa attention to the fact that Can ada has no flag of her own spokesman who didnt want to be identified said his group was responsible for the two flags police took down Sunday One was flying from the Carle It your carrler has nor arrived by p111 please phone AndA Copy will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE SARJEANT co LTD made review of number of items of national internation al and local concern in which some action might be initiated it was decided to adopt one pro ject and promote it This was the organization of planned funeral society to be passed on as community organization FINANCES The report by treasurer John Ransom showed that receipts of 575333 and expenses of $660 55 left balance on hand and in the bank of $9273 Principal sourcu of revenue were pledges memberships and collections Hall rental pur chase ot tape recorder and speakers expenses were among the main expenditures too County courthouse and the other irom the teachers college Both buildings are in downtown Ottawa The flags were five ieet by three feet halt red and half white with maple leaf in the centre The spokesman said the flag was his groups idea of na tional banner but that they would be satisï¬ed with any de sign as long as it was the otii cial Canadian flag til the government wakes up the spokesman said some 20in thettwo adoption of dismctive would mark Canadas complete fevolutjon to nationhood Well keep flying our own un Members of the movement eel Heretyou NOW ill lOW SUMMER PRICES iARYZST BARRIEv torvday to YOUNGSTERS SHOW STUFF ON in WINNERS of RCA Camp Borden bicycle roadeo which was held Saturday afternoon are iront row lolt to rigit Daryl Lalonde 10 John DOW neilv Jimmy Selim David Buchan Erian Dow nelly Elizabeth Gilliland Merldeth Campbell Ca thy Melellan Back row lei to right Robert Newn ham 10 John notation Heather neu 12 Charlotte Kidney 12 Susan Kennedy 12 Jim Pearson 12 Michael Newnbam 13 and Darryl Mata 12 woman Islniured In TwoCar Crash Two eastbound cars collided on Highway 90 at the 5th conces sion Essa at approximately Sunday lvy Hill Barrie was passenger in the car owned by her son Wayne Hill when it was strutl from the rear by the car owned by home Holman Barrie She was taken tnRoyal Vicotria Hospital to be treated ior head injuries The hospital reported Mrs Hills condition satisfactory this morning The Holman car skidded lBS ieét alter the impact and rolled on its side on the south side oi the highway SNOW MAROONS DENVER APt Two men and boy marooned by snowstorm since Friday were rescued Sunday night by ground party which reported all Ihree were in good condition The vicious slorm wreaked haA voc with travel and communi cations in Colorado and Wyom ing before abating snowvtrac tor reached the trio about dusk in shoulderdeep snow in north with motto have been chosen ern Colorado Probably most of them Experienced travellers have bankcard add gréntly to the enjoymentde Synopsis Aband of showers and th up it er showers that stretched this morning from Lake Michigan to Texas will move carats Southern Ontario today This disturbance will be followed by somewhat cooler air Tuudny Little change is ex pected in the weather picture in the North These forecasts introduce cer tain changes in the public wea thcr iorecnst regions Lake Erie Lake Huron re gions Windsor London Cloudy with showers and thundershow ers todayVariable cioudineï¬ and cooler no so Winds south to southeast 25 occasion ally 45 in lhundershowers be coming sopthwest 15 to 75 to night Georgian Bay and Haliburton Vfoow MANY WENT TO VA BANK FIRsr get answers dourTenor nestiona1 or arrange to have funds froer rded to chairté expense For larger red bani aim in room mm regions North Bay and Sud bury Variable cloudiness today and Tuesday few scattered showers or thundershowers this alterooon and tonight little cooler Tuesday Winds southto southeast ii to 25 occasionally 45 in thundershowers late today becoming southwest 15 tonight Forecast temperature Low tonight high Nesday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronlo Peterboro Trenton Killaloé Muskoka 887 ssanoaassess 8818i8i$818i8$$ earned that contentment or travelling safekeeping lettéra of introductionvlraveilors Cheques are ideal has many am your local bank before you gt lnstructionoi judges of the peace was given unanimous support PHONE PA 2461