Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1961, p. 9

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AROUND sI MCoE COUNTY COOKSTOWN INSTITUTE NEWS An enjoyable institute meet inxwesheldatthelown Rail on Thursday evening May with good number of mem bers and several visitors res ent The lint vicepres eat Mrs Hubert lemon took chap ge oi the meeting The meetan was on Agriculture The roll call was answered by saiety rule that applies to the term satisfactory reports were given and committees termed or the district onniverssry meeting on May 23 meeting will be held at the home the president Mrs Riley on May 10 tor the exec utive and convenars oi the man thly meetings on program plan ning Mrs Patton gave re port on the district executive meeting The following members will canvass or the Cancer Fund Mrs Donnell and Miss Slight in Essa Mrs Hansen and Mrs Riley in Tecumseth Mrs MoMaster and Mrs Reiva in lnnlsiil and Mrs Mayes and Mrs Coults in West Gwiliimbury The institute members were asked for donations pi silk stock ings tor the Retarded Children to he brought to the June meet ing Mrs Patton convenar of the agricultural mealins opened withaiovaiyplanoeoiobyun Ade Monaster Miss Sarah Slight gave the current events and paper on Agriculture The guest speaker Roy Hick iing oi Barrie gave very in lormatlve talk on agricultural societies Hi clubs school lain Junior Farinert OAC scholarships weed essay poa tests and club tours His topic was Whats doing on our own doorstep During this past week an 0t tlcers Conluence ior Womens institute Branch Presidents was held at OAC Guelph Seven re sidean tmm South Simcoe rict attended this coolerenco among them Mrs Riley 11 Cooksiown This conference was attended by about too branch presidents from all over Ontar in This was the 13th annual ol ficera conierence held for var ious Institute officers and con veners it is designed to help Womens institute oliicers und erstand and handle their rer pective positions in more an able manner Delegates at this oonisrenca were given guidance and direc tion from such people as TWio President Mrs Lymhurser Miss Helen liicKercher Home Economics Services lion Good ieilow ltllnister oi Agriculture Rev Young OAO Proi Dent osc and Stephen Davidoviich oi comm Pra grams Branch Departmental DAILY CROSSWORD same prime mover an IJHerdm 1253 at ashram mship 171mm cannons commune Emm 11m 240mm withvioas 26011 mmmme 206mm 303mm naming 3301 °i°r meantime glghythm incomes the inside DOWN 1A mrhll mini VAR ion II all TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxvr CHANNEL BARRIE SATURDAY MAY 500 Trane cram Car néu eso Bull 130an brittlths snow 1h Mensch 111 Elm chotoe sno slt hit son Sea Hunt 900 orut Movin 1010 Juilettl 1100 one Nawa 1110 News Weather Sports this Movie iNsw Mexico SUNDAY Mint it til must return 1100 Churc aervi 1200 News and Popeye and 1215 at Time 1210 us To us 100 00nd Lt 110 Country ar 20a Junior Magazine 800 Como Playhouse L10 The El quellion 20th Century Direction in Music Newa Mailliha Naked Gil Rabin Hood National Voivat World of Music Ed CIIIIiVln Show GM Presents Background cm TVNBW lel Weather Movie Kfin Tikl MONDAY May rs 1010 Test Pattern 10 Man To Man 1100 Romper Room r100 Popeye and ran ins Noonda Report News aatinr Soorls 1250 Movie Wu Their owm on omena snow sno Open House 300 Raiiectinnl sao Verdict is Yours soom 400 Popeye and his Junior uounou Items or the gunlle Nawa Hllfliinll Natlona Multan Blfl Churchill Farm Market imam non Jamiason 62o 3883 Festival CBCTV The Wee FFyssrrlsy 853333 Ttiflly In arts community we ruaaneli MAY 1a 1030 rut Pattern 1040 carktapnm 1100 stompr porn 12 00 Popeye and Pale 1225 Noonoay RIport Mirau Consist Events Ali OF Rlpflfl Movie WellMen of Dostth bmtnl Sill Tells oi the Town Music Break Verdict is Yourl PUPQYU and PII President xannddy Arrival in Dttawn Junior Roundup toogoa Firm arkot Report Dali Jameson Nawl Weather arts Wanted Dead or ve Manhunt Chlv Show rr0ot Para Rad Shelton Closa For us CBCTV The Weath an Today in arts community ewe SharilLof Cochise tm um cantnt Egpppsrmrsa 3883 aE CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO HAHNDAY MAY 13 erlflm thb one Hi 30 News Wlllhlf Inert rsnadium Ktaa Ganaisi ahow Brothers arsonIan Naked City it Fl ht of the Walk Jo nny Elan snow News Weather Sports Manhunt Saturday Ntaht Theatre Fighting Kantuckian Epitome suNnAY MAY at man Youth and till ion 1050 stories or sun ay 1100 Playhoua Around the World 00 News Packue grown TITAN re 00 intorna League Baseball cares Tlu Real Macaw The Donnarlisedgsno Hormones Aeaoem Performance Part ii an owl weather aaoiporte The Things an 1125 Sunday Night Ihutra 150 Epitome nioNnar Mini is 1100 no And suy Channel Theatre NAWI Protosaara rushway Rin Tin Tip arts Calls ewe West er sport Wagon Train Theatre At Eight The neman Want Dead or Alive 1030 ether Sport 01 1100 Late 114s Glenc non 1210 News weather Sports 1120 lpunrua TUESDAY MAY a9 233228 83 23 1100 Free and any 200 Ch he Thastro 355 Na 100 Prolanorl aidsway 430 Science Fiction nun Cheryl Laurel and David visit Educeuoo Delegltes had at poromltles to air problem and successes in severe discussion mops it is hoped that branch preoidaru who mid not It teod this year will he ahio to at tend similar conference in GRENIEI Friday iii ht found i0 tebles at the weeiSy eumre and prize Ruth Harris and William Mc Padded lone black Mrs Scott and George Harris low Mrs Greeoams and Unit Guest Committee in cher ge Wu Donneiiy and Mr and Mrs McGirr Miss Linda Walton and Art Tilk were married Saturday May In Burton Avenue Unit ed Church The reception was held in the Groom Community Centre ujwiltlilinncsroeg Barrie was in un ay morning Rev Wailxiia is still under the doctors William illnArtlttir Bond Head and Miss Alice Cole new to Bolton Sunday to visit triends Mr an Mrs Charles Cole ed Mr and Mrs Bateman in Thornton Sunday North dealer EasHVest vulnerahie will titre bidding North nut Muth is part on Psa Opening leadnine oi clubs Here is hand played in loam of our mail The par ticipants were all at the expert class but it the evidence pre seated here belies tti assertion we can only say in defense that truth is stranger titan fiction At the iirst table the bidding went as shown There is no question that North and South were each at least mildly re sponsible iorthe stratospherici contract they reached South was influenced by his exceptionally powerlul trump iauit and probably many play iers would have been equally ambitious otter partner had voluntarily raised spades and followed witil cue bids in both clubs and hearts Norths bids were all accept PM mlD UREA aorrtaousovs Mic MBA lid WO R0 66 News Weather Sports 61 setter Dmll rhanka Presents New lbllnma vest The Young People presented the play Descon Duhba at Wye hridge Saturday night M11 Morgan Edward attend ed the innerll oi hike Myrtle Ney or Alliston inst Thursday Attending the MIS Presbyt eriei inOriliia were Mrs Runney Mrs Harry Rooney Mrs Ted Vesey as Hennan Robinson hilss Lottie Robinson and Mrs Morgan Edwards Guest speaker hirsnYoung train the Prehytery gave talk on the new pattern of work for church women and answen ed several questions The anniversary service will he held in Vesey United Church May 11 Rev MrBunner at this char ge will speak at the morning service and Rev Wilson Morden of Midland church in the even ng Mr and Mrs Alex Spence and lemily oi Eirnvaie Visited Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards and iamlly Mrs Fred Runney spent few days in Midland hospital but has returned home Mr and Mrs Morley Clement and lamlly spent last Saturday with Mrs Mr and hits Morgan Ewords Mrs John Lookhart was tak en to Midland hospital recently CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER made ialse cue bid of live hearts and thus induced South to bid slx lie shouldfih West led club Declgsror look the ace crossed to his hand with trump and led heart West grabbed the ace and re turned club to deieat the con tract one trick At the second tehlo the bid ding went tire spades North East south West rrr PM Pill Dole These hids mode more sense but tho some dubious contract was reached The and result however was diliereni West paying hood to his part ners double of live hearts Blackwood response showing two aces opened the ace oi hearts At trick two he shiitcd to 11 club but it was case at locking the horn door alter the horse was stolen Declarar took the are at clubs discarded diamond on the king at heart cashed lhe ace of diamonds and ruiiod diamond When both opponents followed suit the slam contract became assured After entering dummy with trump South mtled anothar dia mond thus establishing two diamond tricks in dummy De iclarer was then able todlscard his club loser on one oi Norths diamonds and wound up making the slam contract tor scam oi 980 points On Monday Another Famous able up to the point when he Hand is preslhted by Mr BeckiI ni mos wru as ouraseuooi THEIR SUMMERVACATION Clements parents DONALD nucx lt gt lt wormsome won BLADE ruesor swoch CREAM DOZEN Mme swamram nsunaEiz SUPERVISION THIS RUCKUSJUUE BUDDY GIG LETITOONTINUE MAYLENSSUPPOSEDTOBE JULIET JONES heENTU RYAUTOi PARTS rtOWESTPlilCESUSEBPRBTS NEW urw iiiw GUARANTEED BRAKE LINING AXLE SET wheels 350 and up REAR AXLES SUEL PUMPS SHOCK ABSORBERS hcrcules double action 475 and up DiifiERENIIALS TafiE straps 511mm yAcxs 335 ramsmrssrous muons TOPPER PORT WALLS black and white 605 set or tour MOTORS mum BEG NARROW PORT WALLS white 850 set 01 1° GENERATORS morn arm FENDER MIRRORS 295 and STARTERS ASSEMBLIES mass DRUMS 5158 Chev 780 each WHEELS aonv PARTS BRAKE DRUMS Ford UNIVERSAL JOINTS RADIO AERIALS sea intrinsic ilfliili norms LETS DOUBLEDATE THAT WAY are we cANr GO ON LIKE rve 601 sales rousrms You yours GONG TO VOUBE AND YOU N01 AKING con KEEP AN THE CLASSVZWC immune TRUSTle eye ON EACH EITA KEIT WNNO M5 UK rm DAY MTEK No iaAarir CREAMERY WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE Burton 49 23 comm so BARRE WHOLESALE HOUSE OlLYES rr FIT HBREBTHE swexree PERFECTLY KNITTED VOLLCANT are NOW tM Liam FOR AN BUZ ISAWYER Muses NDSKEETER

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