SOIdptiInists VHecrr Herman Cauihers THIS WONDERFUL MOM DESERVES SPECIAL DAY Lovin children and lov in mother make good team to ceiebratc Mothers Day in Barrie photographlci Thyspeaking Sunday day virtually commercial en terprise for parts of the eco nomy recognizes the hardest working member oi most in Inule onlsoendvrï¬flhter quarters of hot Canadian earned lamin incomes Mrs Harold Brett so Agnes street is mother surrounded by proof in quinluplicota from the ieit and clockwise child renarclimmy 7Stenhen4 Barry Mary Lynne and Robbl Mrs Jessie Trevv Honored AI SeVenth CSCL Assembly Three hundred leather crafts men and their guests convened at Prudhommes Garden Centre Motor Hotel Vinolond for the seventh International Assamny of Lenthercrattsmen At riding lrom Harrie were Mrs onnn Barry Miss Eliza beth Craig Mrs Mae Corbett Mrs Violet Caldwell Mrs Shir ley Bothill Mrs Joy Findlay Mrs Deli Jacombs Mrs Elsie Tuck Mr and Mrs Trew Mrs Clara Cavanagh and Miss Kay Yasunaka Approximately 200 leather or ticles made by members of guilds in Flint Detroit Dear born Michigan Builalo and Rochester New York and many Ontario centres as well as Mon treal were on display In the Canadian display were articles mdae by Miss Helen Anderson Langiord Mills Mrs Announce Date Midland Rally At IVY WMS Meeting In Barrie The May meeting of the Ivy Missionary Society met at thehome of Mrs Harold Gibson Barrie with 11 mem hers and two visitors present Complete Plans For Lilac Tea The April meeting of Christ Church Altar Guild was held at the home of Mrs Henry Davis with seven members present Mrs George Davis opened the meeting Mrs Richard Price read the Bible reading The secretary read the min utes oi the last meeting Thank you notes were read from Mrs Major and Mrs Jen nett for Easter Lilies they re ceived from the Guld Mrs Ii Davis gave another interesting chapter on The Al tar Guild anu al of Good Church Housekeeping It was decided to hold the an nual Lilac Spring Tea and bake chur nt May 31 The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Davis May 16 SALLYS SALLIES We Dan nor it was an brilliant grinbrief MOVING May 16th to Eleanor Coutts Garnett Pratt Mrs Bottrill Mrs Caldwell Mrs Corbett Mrs Cavansgh Mrs Trim and Mrs Tuck BU oi Barrie One of the highlights of the assembly is the Salon Exhibit In choosing articles or the sa lon the judges stress original ity creativeness workmanship design and technique the 15 articles selected this year 11 were made by members oi the Canadian Society at Crea tive Leathercrait Mrs Jessie Irew of the Barrie branch of CSCL received the honor oi hav ing one of her articles selected for the salon It was noted that the majority of articles chosen tor the anion were undecorated of good design and excellent workmanship Mrs Cavanagh demonstrated flower making and this demon Mrs Clive Patton presided for the devotional part olthe pro 8mm The business was conducted by the president Mrs Gordon Cochrane motion was passed to extend an invitation to hold the sectional meeting In Ivy this year The May rally will he held at Midland May 16 It was decided to buy new pulpit fall and communion table runner or the front of the church The program was in charge of Mrs Fred Nelson and consist ed of several interesting read ings followed by duet by Mrs Peggy and Mary Gibson The Study Book was on the life of Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist Bible quiz was from Matthew chapter Assistant hostesses were Mrs Clive Pattonland MrsEd Ben HE FLOR AL Offer ings which we receive arecare fully arranged stratiou as well as workshop period will he repented at the next meeting of the Barrie branchofthaCSCLinBarireon May 31 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clnppertou at Worlley Rov Gordon Walker Pastor MilaElnio Cinuï¬hleym Director or Muslo 10 to 10 Sunday Church School 11 am Cor AND MY FAMILY 11111 THE ETERNAL TRIANGLE Two blocks mm the heart or Barrie with the people of Harris at heart VISITORS ARE WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER sr Services St Sunday School am MOHTALS AND DVIMORIALS Reading Room on premises Weill4 pm All on welcome UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 0F BARRIE 945 am School of Religion AND ELECTION OFFICERS TO BE HELD AT BARRIE VIIIswan SC OWEN ST For Fnrthcr niornratlou Call PA 900 Boryona welcome WILLowoALE UNITED CHURCH and displayed FUNERAL MOM mm Steel Street Public School Iona am MORNmG WORSHIP THE OHURCHS SECRET LIFE run in ATKINSON Muster suNnAv scaoor no to am Nexttojrowo and CG STEVENSON INSURANCE Harman cautherd was Speak or at the Hay dlnner meeting at the Soroptlmlfl Club at Don rlo held at the annuity House lhInsday evening lain Fion Helium president chaired the meeting Ilrl Loweiia Hldnnos intro hcod the speaker who is sup crintcndent and fieldmnn at the balmlow IIire Milk Dairy Limited Harm Harm educated in the neighboring comualty cl stay nor and began his career in dairying in ms Mb Caulhcn attended Dairy school at 0a taxIo Agriculture College at Guelph and has worked at his chosen career in Napnnee Minn and Cohourg The Barrie resident was loun der and first President oi the Odntrnl Ontario Dairy Club and is at present director oi the organization RADIOACTIVITY IS TOPIC Mr Couthcrs topic was Radioactivity and our food suplily Unfortunately be cause milk has been proven to be oi the best uhstnnco for use in checking radioactivity in our food SUPPLY the public now has milk and strontium 90 so closely associated in its mind TRINITY CHURCH ZI Collier Street Next to the Port OIiIco Sunday Alter Ascenrlou 800 LII Holy communion no am Tho Explained Corn amnion Service Sunday Seaanrrno Nursery 11 amthiominx Inyar Emu mom some 1s luv Sherrlnl 100 p1n4Evlhsnn Sermnn win on HE scum Canon Read moo ï¬lmAdult ConiIrmIIIImr Cl All aroWelcome um hulk regarded by many on cadre danger to health Many people have mistaken Honroduced the milk camco ol their children in some uneato levels so low or to be dangerous from the standpoint Ethnuuitlon be told Soroptlm In dimming radioactive all out in relation to our food cup 1y several points need stress be oootlnued Fin and foremost loiiout and upeclntly Strontium 90 because of in long halt tile must btI put in limiter perspective Wu are all exposed to an appreciable amount at radia tion from natural well as iron manmads Sources such no medical xlhyl We In all exposed continuously to donate radiation from the skies and ram radiation emitted from rnlt dloactiva materials such as ur unlurn and radium In the ground will Mr Cautheu Mn Hazel Beaumont new member was introduced to Club members by Mrs Margaret Lnurence Bolero coming to Barrio cightycars ago Mrs Beaumont resided in Kirkland Lake Corsage and club regulations were presented by Miss Wilda Colbert THE ANGLICANCHURCH OFCANADAW DIOCESE 0F TORONTO The In Rev Wilkinson illM DD LLD Lord Bishop of Toronto Church of St Clio AnlUchn 05 Cook Street The Rev Riddel In SUNDAY man ASCENSIDN DAY 000 am HOLY COMMUNION 030 AM CHURCH SCHOOL v45 AM no cannons Young People 11 amMORNING Imam Preubor The luv uninay Rectur of It Mukl Midland Thus war be mam OrgInlm and choir Itthln sumI 100 rumHOLY HAPIIIM 100 amammo PRAYER ml non CDMMUNION 17H IUCHAIIJST 800 pmConiirmation Clair Adultll Everyone Welcome 1000 am Young People HE STARS SAY Hy WA FOR TOMORROW Sundays influences angnr well iotaoclal program nod entertainment at every type It in do for nappineu for good donrot crelstiomhipo romance and oourtnhips also or liking Short tripo Poi run ammo If tomorrow II your birthday your horoscope Indicate that you can make the coming year an outltandtng one It you push forth with continence and urea night Mobilize your oliortn at once especially on Iongraoga protectsoch tho result you achieve between now and Octo bu Will have definite cilect upon the way you wind up the year In all molten be non rzrvntive however asmï¬ctlul in personal re no especially ing November Dont let yotlruioov casionnl obstlnncv lead you into diliicultios with klth or kin With controlled emotions you should ind most oi your nuc clations quits pleasant for must of the year For the single duly and Au gust will be good or courtship and marriage also Ior travel child born on this day erl be kindly and understanding companion extremer capable In any type oi emergency ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Burton Avenue at Granville Street flu Sunday Alter Alccnuon II in nod for III In Cr near to God 900 am Holy Communion Bible Clul II LILAIORNING PRAYER Ir Convention and Church School Nuru cm In tho Raoto Mootlnl Room yulvumla minim and Conlnhlflorn Inltnlctinh invite you to com and worship with or The Salvation Army Cirodal oo Collier Street Sr Captain and Mrs Gillespie Corpr Officers SUNDAY snavwas 11 am and pm Sunday School 945 am welcome awaits you LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steal StOiflIwy11 REVMIIAN Banal PA 61631 1100 Im DIVINE WORSHIP Sunday School 945 am The Church or IVl TIIII II TIIC Lila Roman Catholic SUNDAY MASSES run am 1016 1130 am EVENWG DEVOTIONS Sunday non Wednesday at 180 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 and 1115 aim 600 pan QEOIIII 1100 AM EREACHING THE FOOLISHNESS or UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA cENTRAL UNITED THE NEW CHURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Toronto and Ron Street REV CECIL BRENN BA MR IRELAND ILMJ organist andChoirmallgr CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY 1100 am HOLDING THE HOME TOGETHER Iniant nd Toddlcr Nurseries CHUECH SCHOOL 945 am9 Years And Over 1100 amUp To Years Mothers invited to Attend 750 PM SIMCOE FRESHWERY LICENSING SERVICE AT COLLIER STUNITID CHURCH BURTIIIIIIIIEIIIIE UNITED CIIIIIIIIII REV TRIMBLE BA BD Inn GEORGE JAMIESON Organist MOTHERS DAY Two MORNING SERVICES Tan canon EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY IncI uh VALIIAHLZ CONTENTS THREE QUEENS Water in which vegetables Three quccns are buried at have been cooked contains volu St Peters basilica in Rome ablo minerals and vitamins and Christina oi Sweden Charlotte should be loved ior use In soup at Cy us and Clementina or gravies Bonnie Prince Charlies mother Lndies or chu 17 JEWEL MOVEMENT WATC ES Waterprooi Shockprooi USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN gt JEWELLERS LTD To DUNLOP ST PA Mus PRESBYTERIAN ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Burton Avenue Ailandalo Rov Bell BA Minister Mrs Walker Organist 1100 am CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY CHILDREN AND PARENTS ATTENDING CHURCH TOGETHER 1100 AWLJESUS CALLS Us Church School 045 unr Norcry and Kindergarten 11 am 700 PMALL FOR SDI COULD NOT ATONE CHURCH SCHOOL 045 ALI DEPARTMENTS WED 815 EM BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER GROUP nations New momma WELCO ME ST AN DREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Worsley St Rev Adams BA Minister Raymond Daniels Director of Praise 1100 am CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY Subject The Characteristics oi Christian Home CHURCH SCHOOL 045 amJR Int and Sr Deps 1100 amNursery Kindergarten and Primary Dents PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL 1100 amUnder the auspices of St Andrews Church and Prubytery oi Barrie in Johnson Street Huhlic School Coma AND BRING THE FAMIL To CHURCH FIRST CHRISTIAN THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH FORMED CHURCH St Vincent Strut 112v Cornelia Econ Rev Jac Geuzahrook pastor PM PA on Phouo PAy $9376 SUNDAY MORNING 157 shanty Bay Road 980 amSunday School 1030 SERVICE or WORSHIP The Minister Preaching mo AMREV HUNTZ Wm Dfllfln 1030 SUNDAY scaoor FOR CHILDREN 730 amRev KUNrz To be held in St James Church from Gflllln Tho Church of Back To Goa at Crown llrll YOU ARE WELCOlIm Hour Radio Program ALLIANCE CHURCH Heresy and Dunlap Streets George no Pastor saanMENr or insane BAPTISM 100 pm SPECIAL SERVICE FOR MOTHERS CONDUCTEn BY OUR TEENAGERS Visitors Ara WoloOnra $313Inlttb lt8 IImnl urn mm In qu Innn II II IEI Minister Rev SkellyMA Omaniland Choirmuter Lloyd IIiflord no am SPECIAL SERVICE ma PURPOSE or ammonia MrDOIIgIoo Thmiinuon ran SACRAMENT on camera YOU ARE WELCOME TO PREAOH THE GOSPEL amaSundny Sï¬fohiw 1100 arn Morning worship 700 Evangeiistlo Service BAPTIST IEMMAN CE UELI 945 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL nEngIIIIIES SEIIIIEIE