Do you suffer conï¬dlt ence nerve to introduce yourself to people even to shake their hands and slap their backs bit recent magazine article da talls the powerful effects of at tending the Dale Carnegie cour se which is designed to help people overcome worry develop sellconfidence become lead era of men This course actually converts normally shy retiring rather pleasant people into aggressive sclfeonfident super personaiib ies how there seem to be so many of these boisteroust confident types around that we are con sidcring opening Barrie branch of our Avoldlsm Cour se Our one clnlm is that we guar anteo shyness or your money back if you still have enough confidenco to ask for it You too can be the man hid ing behind the potted palms In the corner at every cocktail party cries our advertising The possibilities of this cour so are so grandiose that we are even considering presenting the course free to the Advertising and Sales Club GUIDEPOSTS Wont they be impressed when we recite the Seven Guideposts To Being introverted Never be the first to offer to shake hands ignore anyone else doing 50 Speak only when spoken to and then not very loud if iaskedgtqwSpeok hand the tsononcbt Acme Hearing Aid Service cards and depart If making sales calls never tell funny story this alone is worth many times the price of the course gt When in groups always stand behind someone or some thing Bcttcr still sit behind someone or something Never attend courses VIEWPOINT slam anamar Do you find that you have the athati have tripled my income learn as Aloysius Wbittle the leader of the Avoidists is forced to the front to address the group We can imagine their enthus Once too was confident he will tell them used to ad dress myself to perfect strang ers and display my confident personality at the drop oi an id Personally think was particularly good at shaking hands Too many people dont show enthusiasm and lrlendll near when they shake hands lot used to wring the strong at handsrto mere shadow of their former size But then discovered the treasured wisdom of Avoidism how to be truly shy From that time on my life has been slt cess aftersucccss Now really lack confidence lm almost pos itive that lm inferior NEW LIFE And Whittle will describe how this revelation and change in his life made new man of him Look at me hell exclaim Before you stands man who would prefer to be over there behind the drapes Thats what Avoldlsm has done for me can truthfully say havent shaken hands with man or beast in 15 years We ignored every strangcr thats crossed my path plus countless others Life is now complete ig nore everyone and everyone ig nores me The few people have to talk to vant hear me because dont have the confid ence to stop mumbling now have so much more ltlmeto attend to my business mrlheapastatwerregm to spend with You too can be an Avoidist and gain new success and new wealth Lack confidence and start living he will proclaim as he derous silence The audience fouldnt make out his mumbl 118 steps from the rostrum to thun KENNEDY BY BURNS REVEALS KENNEDY THE POLITICIAN SCIENCE AT WORK The Strange World of Of The AstrOnCluts nyrrnamssocurnn annss Topic this week us as troaaut Alan Shepards ride in space capsule its miles up WIIAT IS SPACE What is the strange world astronaut Shepard visited and where does it begin Some say it begins at 100 The Flower Drum Song Brings Orient To Toronto Rodgers and Hammerstein with such outstanding hits to their credit as Oklahoma South Pacific arid The King and have done it again This time it is Flower Drum Song which left New York while doing capacity bus iness at theSt James Theatre because of road commitments Flower Drum Song will playthe OKecfe Centre in Toronto for two weeks begin ning Monday one and runs HURONIA nluvnIN THEATRE no can mldntgitfhï¬ad elm ii continua cumswa oneon JaotestmDranEdwoaML oooonooatoonnooooon nus canroou fAMoUS PLAYE THEAT boat 15 miles northeast of Lind ithrough Saturday June 17 with mailnces on Wednesday and Saturdays Flower nlum Song is our rived from Lees novel about aIamlly of Chinese Americans in San Francisco Although the elders adhere to Chinese traditions of family life and accept the responsi bility of regulating the lives of their children the younger generation longs for the inde pendence with which American young people look after their personal affairs Specifically Wang Chi Yang chooses Hong Kong picture bride for his son But his son is infatuated with breezy ChineseAmerican girl who has long since abandoned tradi tians CONTRASTS The contrasts between the old and the new are especially Interestingthe softness grace and delicacy of the fplcturel bride against the brashness of the ChineseAmerican col quette the traditional bride llnglels Invade Ontario lls Season Opens TORONTO CF Thousat oi anglers are expected to the highways in Ontario to for the midnight opening of the pike and plckcrel season Water conditions throughout the entir Kawartha Lakes chain and most other southern waters were reported near per fect for the annual session of Hotvever anglers were faced with the prospect of chil tem peratures and thepossib ty of being drenched by rainno par ticular deterrent in the heart oi the Kawarthas Say is expected to be the hub of the pickcrel fishing WERE MOVING Mny16th 113 DUNLOP ST Next to Brown and Co STEVENSON INSURANCE NOW SHOWING Nightly at 730 pm Rs Box om Opens at ltE dancerdirector As usual Bobcaygenn village groom against the brassy as surance of smart operator Nancy Andrews is Chinese women proud of her naturnlA ization papers whichprovide her with some amusing num bers and Gene Castle is as full of grace as an old Chinese print GOOD MUSIC Music by Richard Rodgers lyrics by the late Oscar Ham merstein ii and book by Oscar Hammerstein and Jo seph Fields is assurance of good musicnl entertainment which can be enjoyed by every oneyoung and old alike Gene Kelly actorsinger staged Vibe entire production Also in volved in the lavish production are Oliver Smith who creat ed the sets Irene Sharaff who designed the costumes Carol Haney choreographer for the show and Peggy Clark in 000 feet or 20 miles high above all but one per cent of the earths air But theres no sharp bound ary Theres some atmosphere above 60 milesone millionth of the earthsatmosphere to be exact Traces of atmos phere have been detected as high as 600 miles Space is generally con sidered to begin in the nether land of the earths atmos phera sometimes abovo 20 miles usually above 60 miles FOR SPACE BREATHING How much air llid Shepard have to breathe He was liv ing anan atrnospllareof pure oxygen and it could have been stretched out for some so hours under the best cir cumstances say representa tives of the firm which sup pliesthc equipment But actually to keen up cabin pressure in the space capsulepthe system was de signed to supply onlyza hours of oxygen with another so hours in reserve as backup system BIGGER ANDBETIER Before the end of the year the US space agency plans to test at Cape Canaveral mammoth rocket that will make Shepards Redstone look like model It will even dwarf the huge Russian rocket that launched Yuri Gagarin into orbit around the earth The Saturn rocket will de velop some 1500000 pounds of thrust nearly twice as much as the Russian space rocket and nearly 20 times as much as the Redstone which put Sbcpard in space charge of lighting Already the barge that will carry the Saturn by river and sea to this missile base in Florida has madeits practice run water route had to he found for thamammoth mislt silo because there are too many obstructions for such an immense rocket to move by rail or truck TEE BARRIE ZXLWBR SATURDAYMAY I3 19 AT BARBIE LIBRARY Recently Arrived Books 1Provide Topical Interest JOHN KENNEDY POLITICAL PROFILE by James MacGregor Burns In 1352 John Kennedy was little known congressman rom Massachusetts when he was senator he narrowly missed being Adlai Stevensons running mate few years later he won the Presldcnflal election What are the personal and political forces that brought this about In fuilrlcngth biography Mr Burns traces Kennedys background and political development in forthright rr that throws light on the man his personality and principles and the kind of administration he will lead The sutbor be ins with the founding of the ennedy dyn asty in Bostonhnd discusses the effect of the family backv ground on young Kennedy He reviews Kennedys harrowing and heroic experiences with the Navy in Worldrvlarrii his entrance into politics and emergence in public life as Pulitzer prize winner vigor ous campaigner and president ial aspirant He discusses Kennedys stand on McCarthy ism his mixture of conserv atism and liberalism and his attitude to state and church This book is both an inter esting biography and eullg oniug reading for people co In 1956 BARRY CONN HUGHES Opening Up The Cottage Bummer Last Saturday afternoon Keith and squeezed groceriesjackets and sleeping bags into the little car and headed up to Port Severn to perform the annual and ancient pagan rite of opening up the cottage We were looking forward to that sharp mix ture of was and wonder when you first step on the dock and view the ravages of winter while sniffing the first real breath of air youve had for months But we were coupleof weeks early this year and it was bad move We were hardly outside of Barrie when the car began to hump along as if it had frog in its throat This slowed us up enough to make us late for the rendezvous with our boatowningrfrlend at Port Severn Plililgapologles provisions and persons lnto the boat we roared out toward Gloucester Pool The water coldly slapped the how and we ducked dollops of spray under leaden sky DOUBLETAKE Having reached the Pool we stopped first at our friends island and did doubletake at the stark sight that greeted us Three chairs were grouped before the his stone fireplace which con tained warm little fire But there wasnt any cottage surrounding this homey scene Our friend had decided to tear down the old building and erect new one around the sturdy stone fireplace Hls workmenwere ensconsedln sleeping cabin nearby and we persuaded him to spend the night over at our cabin Ton cold and crowded on his island Over at our point the cablnstood unharmed amid the poplars and pines few of the poplars were down and the piece of tin on the chimney top had blown off otherwise the place seemed to have survived the lonely season We hustled inside for it was beginning to rain After stumbling about over mattresses and stocks in hOIStfthejshutbe friars in That were little stacksof mousekilling pols oned seed around We made some supper going BOAT WOULDNT START About seven our friend went to gethls work man to bring them over for coffee His boat wouldnt start The electric starter lustjclunked Huddled in the rain we took the top off the engine and tried the pull my in turn Onefnfter the other fell back on the damp deck after an ccessful ull unsltinally tile outboard roared into life and our friend disappeared around tbe point We hurried ktothefire bac Much much later the men returned The motor had conked out agalnover at the sland after getting the fire Theyd spentmany more miserablemlnutes yank the ullrope in theraln Then the pultrope hlgke all theyd had to fashion makeshift on we sat around the not talking much COUGIIS INTO ACTION When the men prepared to cave they spent gt another annoying time trying get the unoo cerncd with the dircctinn of US policy OUTWARD BOUND FOR SPACEhby David Woodbury With space achievements in the news this book will help provide abackground to re cent cvcnts Mr Woodbury an engineer ing consultant and inventor goes back to the early exper iments with rockets brings the story up to 1960 and gives preview of what lies ahead He describes whit count down actually involves and discusses the huge missiles which will propel man into space He also goes into the difï¬culch which will be en countered ln space such as how to kecp mans blood from boiling how tokeep coffee in cupand how to live in per petual darkness SECRET DIARY FROM RED CHINA by Tong Smugglcd out of China this firsthand story of the trials cfAayoungcbinese teacher is moving record It shows mans patriotism idealism and dignity in the face of crushing conditions it also shows how mans mind can remain free in almost hopeless CIICHMSlaIICBS Because he refused to sign distorted report on the abuses of the landlords this teacher lost his job and his home his friends joined the Communists becoming vicious and untrustworthy He was forced into peasant labor and then imprisoned on trumped up charge Later he was forc ed to work on dam project Here in personal terms are some of the grief and tragedy suffered by ordinary peoplo under the Communist regime But the book is also tempered with courage and endurance and refusal to give up hope TALES FROM TROUBLED LAND by Alan Paton Those who have read Cry the Beloved Country will be acquainted with Alan Patons keen knowledge of South Ai rican conditions his realism and compassion and his beaut ifully simple way of writing These characteristics are demonstrated again in this col lectlon of stories SATURDAY GUIDE WEEKENDDance tonight in the IOOF Hall Collier Street features Tom Crowe and his orchestra from Orr Lake Spotlight dance refreshment booth and checkroom all help make this al1 enjoyable night on BINGO Legion bingo tonight at pm in the Collier Street Legion Hall may be your fan DDUBLE FEATURE At Hurpnia Drivein Theatre has Rory Calhoon in Apache Ter ritory Dick Clark in Because Theyre Young BEN BURAt the Roxy Thea tre in Barrie took 11 academy awards thisyear in Holly woods hey day Feature starts at 730 pm but box office opens at 515 pml IMPERIAL Hippodrome in Eastmancolor provides tile shock suspense thrill of deathdefying drama Time is and pm today NORTH of the cfly lies Pinecrest where couples dance and cat cabaret stylchhone for reservations tSGlON gt BINGO SArusnAY LEGIONHALl 71 COLLIER 51 His theme is the spiritual damage caused by the apar theid policy and his char ICICISJIO living individuals Six of the stories stem from his experiences as head of reformatory These vivid tales ranging through love dospair hope sadness Violence and horror reveal the deep sympathy and insight with which Mr Paton views the troubles of his coun try JUST dam us BANDITS by Glenn Blalmarson The author of this book wrote it as prisoner in King ston Penitentiary He explain Its just collection of moms orics stories and anccdolcs collected over years in various jails and different cities it could be described as blink 01 humor although we have peculiar sense of humor that is all our own But sense of humor we do have We have to or much of the diff wa liV would drive or litany of the stories Hialmar son relates are very funny and reveal the tricky very human side of the cons in and out of prison They are full of such matters as the gentle art of ifishing from cell to cell techniques of escape how to handle the prison psychiatrist or prey on the sanity of the prison guard there are also the unconventional manoeu vres either larcenous or legal of bandits on the street Here is fascinating look at the cons and their ways Sometimes one almost feels sorry for the guards only Hjalmarsnn makes them sound so stupid He makes the reader feel it would take clever person to keep ahead of these band its Perhaps he has dressed his tales up bit At the same time underneath the gaiety andbravado there are glimpses of feeling of hope lessness too iMPERIAL LAST SHOWING TODAY EASIMANCOLOR SHOWING MON AND TUES Count Daren lo Obllvlonl Mans ton Clloncc lo mil EWIS Maallrs mamas CHARLES BEHRENS IUHANSSON llllld lhu Elm Sandman nanMW nouns ENTERTAINMENT fire and drank your enffe WHO SAYS They say that despite the good weather weve been having its too cold still for water skiing on Kempcnfelt Bay Butperhaps if we had ITSfCOLD acompanion like this young fellow at Ktrkv Kova near Arden southuof Highway we wouldnt Worry mom got Irav BANQUET HALL rdsil meetings private pnrtles busines wedding receptions service cluballl types of metal avoutl Ii your reception urly RESTAURANT lo on OPEN pm to Fool treeto oil to lnlormatlnll no obilutlon