112 llama Erection Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Sayfield Street Barrie Ontario PAGE FOUR Missile Base SATURDAY HAY ll 1N1 EDITORIAL Disputes Stalling Space Progrdms If iobs had been completed on their original schedule wed be further ahead than we are today Were not talk ing days or weeks were talking months This statement was made recently by chief vest officer for the Atlas missile booster used in the manned space capsule project at Cape Canaveral Florida It was made before the Senate permanent subcommittee on investiga tions which was looking into charges of delays due to labor difficulties The same basic missile is part of American defense installations where charges of this sort also haye been made It should not be inferred that all such delays have been the result of slowdowns or irresponsible strikes Some have followed from mistakes or ineptness in planning But evidence as to unnecessary costs in time and in money is sufficient that it should cause Your Father The following article by Jpn Rush was first published in church paper in 1010 We felt his thoughts were ap propriate for the time we annually put aside for special thoughts about our parents There are usually two periods in our lives when we think much of Father and Mother The first is the early years from the time our eyes first look into the faces of those who love us and who would if necessary give their very lives for us We never know the time when we start to love them in returniand place our childish con fidanlre in them Perhaps the first ten years of our lives perhaps the first fif teen are years of implicit love and trust in them The other period is when our loving parents are bowing beneath the weight and care of years Time has spun out its silken thread with them until we know they cannot long remain with us We begin to count the acts of kindness they have strewn so abundantly along our lifes pathway We begin to meas ure or try to measure that tender affection which has been theirs to be stow and ours to receive all through our lives since we saw the first peep of day We look back to the times when we have grieved them We did not see how it hurt at the time it was only having our own waythe best way we thought as of pourse our father could not possibly be so wise as me Ah how we would blot out if we could from their memory and from ours too the unkind word spoken in heated moment the disrespectful heartl ache But how sad it is and yet how true that there isva periodln the life of al ct which made mothers organized labor to look seriously into its own housekeeping comments the Chris tian Science Mpnltor As matter of fact theexecutive council of the AFLCIO Building Trades Department last February issued inst ructions to local unions to avoid calling strikes on missile installations without first exhausting all conciliation pro cesses The Army and Air Force sp polnted additional labor relations offic ers to help adiust ontheJob grievances Theproblems here include not only jurisdictional strikes where the issues are essentially between unions but also the matter of work practices where rc sistance to more efficient methods piles up bills In the race for national excel lence epitomized in missile development success calls for full contribution from every workman and local labor leader as well as from every subcontractor administrator and technical expert says the Monitor And Mother most everyboy andgirlfusually When well on in their teenssometimes ear lierthat Fathers way of thinking and plans of doing are all too slow and out of date for the clever young son Mothers wise counsel is altogether too restrictive for the haughty young daughter Father may make mistakes Mother may seem little too careful but remember they passed over the road you are travelling long ago They saw the pitfall of bad company they saw the danger spot of careless companion ship of boys and girls too whose lives and thoughts were not of the purest They look back Just as you will do if you follow their footsteps and thank kind Providence who guided them into straight path which leads on and upto victory through the blood of him who loved us and gave himself to die that we might live Young folkdo what you can to make Fathers lifeeasier and Mothers cares less heavy to hear You wont have them long at most If you are living away from home dont forget they would like to see you Make the old home sure mark for at least part of your holidays every year They know your off time is much taken up with other things but they prize thought ful act and refreshing visit You owe it to them Honor yourself by honor ing them with your presence as often as possible Dont forget to write to Mother she is worthy of the best letter you can compose and just as regular and often too as you would write friend of your own age Joyful reflection is better than regrets of neglected past You have it in your power to make for your self whichever you choose Down Memory Lane OLD COFFEE MILL In The Examiner of May 1941 un der Museum Exhibits an old coffee mill is mentioned It was cabinet some five inches square three to four inches high and fitted with crank for grinding the coffee beans Dried chicory root was sometimes ground or used to mix with the coffee It resembles milkweed in stalk Sometimes as last resort it was toasted bran wlth syrup or sometimes roasted parsnips or carrots with molass es Coffee was first brought from Ar abia in the lothcentury intoEgypt and Turkey After reading lone news of the day many person is as tense as the string ona hillbillys fiddle Perhaps thé mainreason people are greatly worried over worsening interna tional situations in many pars of the word is that its the only world they have The Barrie Examiner Authorind ll second class mail Post Ollch Department Sundays and Statutory Holidays uupns KENNETH WALLS Publisher BRIAN seasons Genlfll Manager sonar com uuonss Running Editor causes walrus some Manager aoaanr snares Advertising Maul JOHN EDIDER circulation Munr Subscri lion rate usrrie on Mt 5r sin wukly Dliiy lvorsll Ava roroulnxmounuri Offices 25 26 en éeorrn Street Vansow Street Montre yer Member of Tr Audit our at lrouletions The Cmadim Preu exclusive use for re ubliesuon or now tehewln this rper cre lted roll or The AI talmiror Reuters and also fun lacl news published ther All run of ropublicsiiorlJl nineluau heris are isomorvedn dues to ill feKentr Paragraphloony Speaking vision for more when she isnt surround edby 6crew of callow chorus boys com mitting choreography dl handed you paper sack and note demanding that you fill the stick with Londons first coffee house opened in Cornhill in 1602 by Greek named Pas quet In France it was Marseilles in 1671 and Paris in 1872 with more com petitors Miss Orchard presented the mill used by her mother who was married in 1852 and came to stroud MET THE QUEEN From Lets Chat at that time Miss Marjorie Black nurse from Stroud on duty in military hospital 50 miles from London told of being presented to the Queen who visited them and she also had brief conversation with the Duke it isliopedthe following item will enable hay fever victims to continue to keep tight grip on their determination not toyield to the temptation to bump themselves off medicoscientist pre dlcts that cure for hay fever will be developed by 1970 We think that we shall never see The world return to sanity Freezing person will kill all disease germs he may be harboringsays physician Yes and decapitation will cure dandruff Most of us enjoy girl singer on tele One ordeal undergoneby the Russian spaceman which US astronaut would not suffer is that upon his return he would not bekissed by the chief ex ecutive gt Worezrbankï¬ellarandï¬maf moneypwwhaewould you do asks psychologist Wed hand them back to him and say Next window please NATO To Extend Scope Following Oslo Meeting By JOSEPH WEN Canadian Press Raff Writer Theis NATO foreign minty iers ended threeday meet log in Oslo Wednesday with msior decision to defend vital areas around the worldbr nnd ills deï¬ned region of heir Atlantic alliance against Communist inroads in communique Nsio reclt ognlzed that the total diplom acy of the Soviet bloc on all fronts of ihe cold war can best be countered by the Wests own total diplomacyz The menace which draw them the Allies together now is not only military but also has worldwide political economic scientific andpsy chnlogical aspects Promising to stand firm in West Berlin the foreign chiefs also arranged for export study groups lo be sci up on some of the worlds msior trouble areas Africa the Middle East Asia Lalin America in anoiber bisiorle move ilicy accepted ll United States pledge to deply by 1963 at least five Polarisscnlrying nu clear submarines in the liled VilElTllliunn area for European defence GREEN GRATIFIED Highly pleased at the Oslo decisions was Canadas Ex ternal Affairs Minister llow ard Green who at the last NATO meeting in December was abouteihesoniyr minister putting forward the global View Green seized the opportun ity tourge in effect that the United States try to negotiate wih Cuba despite iis leanings toward the Communist bloc He also pleaded for an em barge on arms shipments to Laos the indochiuese king dom where Canada is mom bor of truce supervisory commission along with India and Poland REPORTS PROGRESS lhat commission was the cynosuro of world atieuilon as foreign ministers converged on Geneva for iinsfiou EastWest conference on Lens where Communistled rebel lion has intensified during the last three yellrs Countries invited were the Unlicd Siulcs Britain France iile Soviet Union Communist China Canada Poland Indie Burma Thai land South Vie Nam Com iriunfsrilorih Viet Nam Cam bodia and Laos Delegates reported Friday the truce commissions early findings indicated ceasefire was in fact taking place in Laos but the Geneva confer ence was delayed pending the arrival and decision on scat ing of rival Laotian delega 0115 78 KILLED An Air France plane ballad from Brazzaville Congo Re BEPOBT ROM UK New Day Dawning For UK Patients By MolNTYRE HOOD London England Colrespondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON new day is about to dawn for patients in British hospitals No more will patients be subjected to early morning calls for cups of tea the taking of temperatures and the making of beds ihe ministry of health has given its full backing to the rec ommendations in report sub mitted to it by panel of sixex perienced report which advocates the scrapping of many traditional hospital rou lines which are for the benefit or doctors and staff but which do the patients no good The report states that the day in the life of hospital patient is hectic affair stretchng over 17 hours During this time the patient is besieged with every ibiilg from thermometers and bedpsus to visiting staff and the it points attentions of nurse out that the average patient has 42 calls ouhis time and patience during an averagehaspitai day It prescribes new table of act lillvilifies which cuts the number in HOMEFOR REST The report suggests that hos pital patients have very little rest while there it says Rest is an essential part of thepniients treatment yet it is becoming progressively more iff rest in hospital and it is no longer unusual to hear of patients talking about guing home for rest The patient is called upon to endure mara thon beginning far top early in the morning and lasting until late in the evening In our view there is no good raasonltn ills ify this practice Early waking in the morningils Joust cï¬es ne hospital day says the nurses should not begin at five oclock but nearer seven Fax Jeni should be given an hour light paying thelfl put intoj effect Psalms 333 public to Paris plowed iuio Saharan sand dunes early Wednesday killing all 7s per sons aboard TALKS PROMISE Announcement came Wed nesday that the French gov ernment and Algerian rebels agreed in open talks May 20 in the hope of ending the lifos lem rebellion that has raged for years it will be the third attempt in ii months President de Gaulle pledged Moudayjhe recent Imly ul surrectlon in Algeria will not regard the forward progress of France and be also prom ised to build new govern ment in Algeria with or with out the Moslem nationalist leaders TO TRY TSKOMBE The central Congolese gov ernment announced last Surl dsy it will try Kstsnga pro visclal President Moles Tshcmbe on charges of high treason and for file assassi nation of former premier Ps trlce Lumumbs The government also said for the first time it had au thorized the arrest of rech sionist Tshombe when he was picked up April is while iry ing to bolt constitutional conference at Coquilbafvllle That conference which doesnt in represent atives of Katangs or rebel Oriental provincecalled Fri dey fornar tightlyknit Congo lese federation not loose group as fsbombe urged SCANNING THE NEWS The is prosecution charged that even Adolf Hit ler objected because Adolf Elchmanu proposed liquidat ing Dulch half Jewsbut only because the German army would lose thousands of quarterJews eventually Buddhist Somsrema There who assassinated Cey lorlese Premier Solomon Ban daranalile Sept 15 1059 was sentenced lo be executed along with two accomplices US VicePresident Lynlt don Johnson on an Asi tour pledged increased old Com munistthreatened Soul Vi 11am neighbor of Leo Spucemsn Alan Shepard re celved rousing welcome in Washington modal from Presidentlfebnedy and as sured everyone he had no bad moments at all on his voyage 115 miles up Portuguese authorities said they captured 7i Ghanisu na tionals fighting alongside rebel bands in strifetorn Angola US rockingcllnlr sales boomed afiel Kennedy was photographed in one but union protested the thing was $3 together by nonunion is The five children of Mr and Mrs John Wagerman died when fire fleshed through their frame dwelling in Hall fax Monday Prime Minis and half in rest around mid day Here are some of the sugges tions which are contained in the report Morning tea should be ruled out miles the patients are al ready awake to receive it No bedmaking at dawn Beds should be smoothed and made in the afternoons or at the time most convenient to the patients Temperatures need not be tak en Just as routine but only when the patients condition warrants it The same applies to the daily rounds with bedspsns Ward rounds rblastali should start later and they should not interfere with the comfort and the lrestmentof patients One farreaching recommenv dsliou concerns visiting hours The report says these should be staggered The report adds lAs long as ward sisifvbeliev ed they were required io pres ent patients for meticulous in spection at ward rounds at nine oclock solong would they find it necqsarydo awake patients at perniciouslyearly hour The committee welcomes the introduction of 44hour week for nurses but re gr eta that some hospitals implemented it at the expense of the patients welfare Enoch Powell minister of health has given his outspoken approval to the recommenda tions They have been approved by the Central Health Services Council Copies are being sent by the minister to all hospitals in the country with view to BIBLE THOUGHT on let then lead me Those who really seek the truth are most apt to find it but we must welcome truth and ier Didenbliler reported CI bodies nonmth iroopo in Tol Langmbrougbedupcosev tr limes WW lese have been issued beav ler weapons credit un ion nation umiailon meet ing was told in Montreal that North American membership now is 15000000 including more than 2500000 Canadians lo Moduli Out 10year old Boudewyu de Lange Dutch immigrant died liter chasing and kissing girl coroner Ialddeath which came while the boy was being questioned by police was caused by heart failure Medical School Needs Million Will Launch Canadian Appeal mums lop The Paul Graduate Medical School of law donistolsuocbsnnppeslls Canada later this month The target 31000000 Ball of this sum is to provide burssrlu for Canadian doctors wanting advanced or Ipccililst training The oiher 8600000 will build and equip Canada floor or department in the new laboratory block in Britain the appeal organ isers hope to add Inoibel 05000 000 to this total The school was opened by King George in less Since then it has provided postngd uais training for 2300 doctors fromCanada and some 13000 from other countries SHORT 0F SPACE it has always been short of space Plans for new buildings in the his 1m hld to bi scrapped when the Second World War broke out the recent opening of new wing donated by British chain Itom magnate lease Wolfsou Prime Minister Mlcmillln said the school offers doctors from overseas the best training in British medical methods It is drawing eveninmulug numbers ofntudents from the Commonwealth and foreign countries he said The rims minister adds that the not in west Inpdoo is known throughout the world for its achievements in medical re search its pioneer work included 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