4ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE BOATS MOTORS DOT BOAT lei RC bill rmem Ap luau um ya root uncutr or 10 Owner 2519 nmnau meme sum hilly ï¬ulpwd Ilth lullr ll DIRT pm II FOOT IUNRO nan IbuIIl or Reason tvlnrud pnm PA um ADAMs FURNITURE PRICED TO SELL BARGAINS MAXWELL 15 BLADE Rotor Lawn Mowers cycle REGULAR $6900 PRICED To SELL $5900 MARCONI 17 Table Model TV REGULAR $19900 PRICED TO SELL 2995 RANCETIES FOR THE COTTAGE 4995 UP ISTILL AVAILABI 341001 GROUPS FROM $89000 AND UP mphon PA um II in raw IleL PO Oan CHICKS HYLINE PULLETS FOR SALE 2000 STARTING TO LAY I1 WEEKS OLD Rul drum we Ind Ind and with krunl final le mo mvm to turlher intern men pflzu mun SKYLINE FARMS LIMITED WHY PHONE PA 74335 or SIMOOE DISTRICT COOP PA 66581 mum In mu Um no Pulleu or our man mm or pa rum motr IIlr phone luaud man PASTURB FOR RENT no Acul uu or nu or wui mm mm pnlun Plus um Ind no Axply rel wuwln Telphonl one run Mom or ewroxlm um no held am 00 per head or III may no An LIle mu Brnutwood MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS VIAU RAMBLER HILLIIAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN IV GOWAN STREET PA 04486 6500 DOLLARS 1951 Studebaker door Goodrrunnln eondluon TELEPHONE PA 84591 LTD 1959 OEIVBOLBT nun cullom One nlb AD mer or Ivenu PA IEID FORD VJ lulomule Sun llner converuel ll mum wu cellon condition 610 Telephone 5A human N11 Ind == AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR BALI waomeEWAms ANEWCAR say vawua Levcou unbound SCUIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA nu unsuca no down wan nun qum In nined runcum mail In when 0mm numw HIM us mun Emma body mo run candIIIOfl no run me Im an PA um or mflhlr mumnon IONTIAC two door au mudrd human mu re garman emlleul flla EtcInt Eonlluon mulls am Good dell lor cllh rm mam Sport In excellent eonduon ma mu em on DUI Ill SIN PA mo comm um mile dcllln mm no lnIIrlox warn mm room mmgnuu to Telplain PA el ll MBRCIDII um 00 GII omk acupuonu vllul Rlfllo low mllllll be Phone PA IIIII pm Ill VO KSWAOKN hrenu um in nu um um ety hellln Item nfllo EIII II Shroud JAGUAR $000 or run 195 ram sulon wueu mom 1057 BSA Geld em MO II II molar Cycle TIIIDMII PA nu mnou or Imamla Lrlnlmlllldll new enllal mIIu on all II flownr menlh hnnu Toby noelno telephone woe PONTIAC onvefllbll eulo mlllc newer Iflnl Ind If brlhl WM II And an In axe enI cflnfltlon Sellln fulï¬ll thy Telephonl PA 1950 VOLKSWAGEN VAN 8090 mm like new Um IhouI um months No wInm driving Amy Iloeklnl amry Elmvale Phon mmvm CARS WTD TO BUY wmwwmw IInflIle Halon HP Rold BIB rle PA 331 Try An Enmlner Wont Ad Phone 241 alt LOST FOUND CAT LOIT Canal Ihtll In VIO == IO HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE mucus mum INITIAILIIIOPMIOMII glamuku IO ulna trams our In Wm one not In ntï¬Im PERSONALS YOUND lumnu 011 In In hymnu 1m name To hen PA 110 um III In DIIMD WOMENS COLUMN sum IIIOP rolduru III ruee BIIMIIIIOI Indoor at $23 hint Phone PA in ally VIImum sum 1m am up An an mm her autumn RIWAID Olllnd or lnlonuucu ludlnl IDIHGWIU or null llmnll Drawn III It no malnur coma Ion or pylch one mu south of eonll Gm weenI an to nor Toluvhoal 7A FEMALE HELP LAnml Sell harmful lie1m gkyaur nuow urinalysis lg OI II WWII mm LIImum IIOUSIKIIP Illrld In Pro mum motherlu emu III so me from dunIn en MALE HELP LOCAL MAN REQUIRED need re rnlnullve or 111 mu opunlï¬ 5m me Work Cln lty Town Ind Rllrl dwallenl An you preplnd In um II oncol WHII Sllel Minl Box Marleen Clnldl MlAN TO TAKE any eh humidcum Mlloed III WANTED Sllufl Order Cook AD Pl Io CIIIIIu Bax ROIIIIIMM 400 flhw Cooktown TIIO Dhan Io HrLrijNun Io HILR WANTED I2 TENDERS mam we PAY YOU TO TRAIN EOR RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT Elf Iwuï¬ï¬ï¬ GUI III nou am to JUI in gmdniï¬ifli Imam no agwmun youum IA so so our Doc we have are or flu Insulinnu pn mne emu uhfl In unnumzmgï¬ exponent mun man dlDId upon III INU Ind Hemnet of In VIIIIIISIIIHII II lhl Inï¬llElm unwlrd mm nIIEgnnInnoI ago to our I11 mu OIIIIBIIVI ll lulon to an mvervuzd uunlIu Iro vld axeum autumnal or null mu upon lnfllvl on emu anlu II 170qu Incl POR IISII IIII Group we moo In and Health Plllh ehlrl Humour and Wm Il Van one QUALIFICATIONS IAIIIIIIIIID norm CAI Illlt EII emu laun uoa or honor Mmeuv mn lu Illnu or both EJII school and Helmmy om llll cwuumu lo Ilecept mime munrpm IrIaum emu IIIallu vrvloul work nym IOJI BARRII DRIVER WANTED CIKY Willi AP puma ovu al yun Nut Ip pllllnfl Ylu nun Influx rmm Apply Want Clunerl TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Phone Il mm MALE 03 Im nrnm mums Good pcmnl uu Telovlm PA Mm You wanna mm In up your 1m hv mo 59 Gin IWrrzlll be lune SALES HELP AGENTS menu Your IIXII mm In one will vernal on to cm on MM In Him yurlv cu nounrt No npr uqu um VIII IS to IS llll old man nu um out ll IInl DWI thrg menu TEACHERS WANTED PARTTIKI mule IBM Illud of umvtll ohm Elli uhnoL dutlu Io III Millmlnr IIII A791 III IIIIIIIEIIIOIII Ind Irv expected Mr Kw NIg Tfllfllfltl lun RIltflfl ll Sch llmvlll Ontario om EMPLOYMENT WANTED mm Amncauamln my own an ms nu Mn leno PA WILL ON AIzzm1 an Nlllon Ind SIrIInII Avenue TIIIPIIVII PA mo In ï¬g nlulIonI PA aoonnnn Anmnm and on Planet um so III mm no looll Ira mun flu am $313 IIII PA ï¬nal 12 TENDERs TRANSPORTATION TENDER aimlhlp alumnaI School Am boï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚uï¬rltï¬awonmoni Ie llIlfllII agmasmy IIn Emu rum Bunnldall es In no to Oxbow Iul School amcnelnr em nu run luv may be nouno El 17 In MINI under not men rn are eonI man when ml by Imus smmm no sum of Ouniy TENDERS FOR ammo or CONCESSION BOOTH IN UEEIIS PARK ï¬nders DC ticIVES by the undefllnld um on on ID In he will gumcu knénuflnglmf9¢dl ul no owl hldfler will he MINI or hoopla CIIII II If In IN Mn 26 Roll Strut an the neflh Pu III Dd on th WuI Ind blnfllnud on SoulII Ind 1h Pullman on IBI mmIL 53 ml mo JOHNS BOARD TENDER Tendon win or name by an unenlne IIqu now my Mr or on plyuu mum to be one In on on school Ind to euuld cl mu Puk School LoweI or any ten or no no unuy Ioeopud Tendr emu on be obitum Iron clonal LoNasrAlrI annual Aomnmmor th lfl T3154 uy nun EA qu 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON pwquN AND VICTORIA HARE LIIIA warm Fun Run Proteulonal slmfled cuelomul AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MAY 10 Auction Ill 10 0M ClIlloll Ihl CO0KSTOWN COWUNIIY STOCK YARDS Ihl lIJI lnolud 31 mm uh Berelom Cowl The Ibove but one mlnl herd tested 10 Into lily munlclpllfly Telnu Bull No nerve SALE AT 130 PM DST JERRY OOUGHLIN Auctloneer TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IIARY PARK MANAGE Tl BARBIE EXAMINER11 SATURDAY MAY II III 13 AUCTION SALES VERNON AYREs LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE STROUD ONT Gradqu or 1mm School Aucuoneerlnz WORLDS LARGEST AUCTION SALE mmAv IA Auulan In LIDYD Ind RAWN 21 runny nil south cl nu VI 511 It no au conelm on Union Iun machine lulu on 5cm vow no uneder In no IXUEIII loo mama to other Human TRACK AUCflONm ILA Immigration Drops British Rank Third UllAWA CF lmmlgn Mon to Canada In the Int fllree months of MI dropped sharply from the correlpondlnl period last year with British arrivab droppan to third place the lm mllrntlon department reported Thundly An immigration department official Ield thin the lnt Ilme In any period In Web ste llatlcl have been Issued since me that Brlfllh lmrnlgratlon be ranked third Total lmmlzrnllon In Canada In he January March period all to 11339 glam 4760 from lame per at when 16599 errlved as British arrivals injhe three months wen exceeded by bill Italians and lmmlgrenu Iron Ihe Unlzed Slates Imrnlgrenbo IIAIIIIIAGIIIIIIE Ni orlglntotalled 2392 in the pe rlod down from4350 year ago Arrivals from the US were 2023 about the some the 2118 or mo whlleBrlllxh mall dipped to 160 mm Mou or menu ImmImnu gave Ontario Quebec and Br lah Columbia lhelr province oI dadnatlon INSURE EVERYTHING UNDERVYOUR ROOF UNDER OUR ROOF Fire Auto Personal LIablllty Your House The Contour and the Occuylnu 10 RATE REDUCTION ON HOUSE mom CONSTRUCTION SLESSOR INSURANCE AGENCY ID Collllr It IA My eIenor ROI PA M150 Leon Perlrd Ru PA 81 TERMS To SUIT YOUR POCKET BOOK May DownUp to yeara to payNo outslde Financing lit Adams Alumlnlurn OAWNINGS DOORS WINDOWS RAILINGS SIDING BATACO Aluminum Products Bayfleld SI PA 66437 FREE Eszflnruzr YOUNGS DRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES VINYL FIDORINQ THE LINOLEUM handgun In mmm Io be Mounted Drop In or am perlen Mildly mun nu YOUR PROPERTY THE OOOPERATIVE WAY CALL ONE OF MEMBERS OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD TOPS IN BUILDING SUPPLIES onwbon Dummy Immwm BUY AT ADAMS PAY AT ADAMS SITme WALL mumqu BERTRAM BROTHERS LIMITED 429 BLAKE err BARRIE PA eooee am PA WET Call PA 51485 Henry Ilrlek Mlchll PA H555 11 Canon cut mnwn PA eMer PA oom II He duma PA on 93 DUNLOPLST WEST IN BARRIE PA 60251 Hlmld Fomer PA Dam Hodï¬ll PA was Run 70 Kelloulh PA Hm War Cannon PA Mm magic angle on FRIGIDAIRE RANGE 30 RANGE THRIFTIEST THIRTY Super Model 9836 lnflnlte heat surface unlt controls oven 111m tyne radiantube broil unit ASPECIAL $15995 REFRIGERATION CO 118 Dunlap SI MONARCH PA 82055 EXELL c7 SON CONCRETE CONTRACTORS EVERYTHING IN CONCRETE Foundatlona Floors FOUR SEASON OUTSIDE WHITE BALL PLANING MILL 48 ANNE ST BARBIE 5FARMERS4MARK WANTED Stool summon and wiler bowl for 20 hand of clllll Apply lery Flour ha Suynur or telephone 21 LIVESTOCK 20 FIGS WEEKS OLD OT Apply Howard Campbell phone TA IIom nousnm cow dua Second calf Apply Allen MCIem yhune ON 232 NUMBER 017 Your Yarluhlre ana for elle bred Ion weeks Ell lbl or Illnllon ly MOImall ClmpIIell phone IRS Slrnud FARM MACHINER HILL MESLEY Sextons HeaTing and Sheet Meral Limited FOX Alt candltlonlng Eavestroughlng verltlletlon Heating and Sheet Metal Work PA 84040 PA 82406 Om mmmcu AND mm no You HOME mmovmmu non Beauth wm colmu Idlnllnd wnum Aluminum Jumblnltlon doon Ind window 1qu covuu ind emm PHONE PA 85312 so comma sr OPP LIBRARY BARBIE FOR ALL GARDEN swarms sauna SHRUBS FERTILIZERS SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION PATIO FURNITURE LAWN MOWERS GARDEN SUPPLIES If Fl RESTONE swam 88 Dunlop St PA HMS COQKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD BARRIEONT 515 TEQEEURECSLIEQAEEIR 39393 SHIPPING PACKING GRATING Your Friendly ALLIED VAN LINES Agent gt DENIS SHEARD LIMITED COMPLETE STOCK OF LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES BUILDING LOANS ARRANGED FOR CIVsz at SERVICE MEN OOWLETE FACILITIES T0 HANDLE DETAIL MIILWORK PROMPT OOURIEIOUS SERVICE LEFROY BARBIE AND ANGUS CUSTOMERS OALL LONG DISTANCE ASK FOR ZENITH 56800 THERE Is NO TOLL CHAR3E PAINSWICK CALL STROUD 68 SMITHS FURNITURE 137 DUNLOP ST PA 6025 QUALITY NEW FURNITURE Chesterfield Suite5 9500 HEATINGHoTWATERIIEATERS sTOVEsREERIGERATORs PA muom lurlher Inromnuan v7 WASHERS gt DRYERS COntaCr ConsunIers Gas FA 66558 BARRIE IRON WORKS Manufacturers of WRDUGHT IRON FURNITURE VERANDA RAILINGS WELDING SEE 11 High St gtPA Ill5016 118 Dunlop SI 102 PENETANG ST Barrle PA 85075 Aasmfigagxmwu CHARLES CKUROH FARMESUEPLIES SERVICE Clll New Holllnfl Dnvlfl Brown BIIII Fern Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA Man SEASONAL CLEANUP SEED DRILIECULTIVATORS lt DISCS AND WAGONS CASH TRADE TERMS VIKING CREAM Seymour and Mukm sale no pun Gull hmse 0m Po Box 41 or ole phflnu PA eerie cocxeaun Manure Eyreoer In and common Ill ltuol blIII¢ Inv cludluï¬ Wheels Apply Hlug mend Ivy IXRU IIIANURE SPREADERS our when one Cocklhun NO and Juan Inkernamxlrlth agar mama OI BI UP an hum or PA no JRADTDII dlelel model 275 new IIIVMJIIB Full duller1 warranty 42mm Term could he arrange apply In Box 38 Bin Exem er JACKSON 1m wlIh mnlor humer CA Tr and Iglunlvutor or are our Ier Twnrow ring raoeh Scull Iu LlIIlu GIIIII IIDHO drawn Mower single Wnlklnl Plow etc for the Finest In Cum 3qu no Built to your spedï¬catiouelor to one haveral approved DoeRvTe if COMPLETE OUR WORK GUARANTEED 599 COMFORT BLOXOM CONSTRUCTION CO wmr BRAND NAMES LTD YOU KNOW AND CAN PA 53021 musr WINTER10R MAHOGANY DuuKS 28 Qundles Rd East COTTAGE OWNERS wEHAVE iO EXCELLENT REFRIGERATOR TRADES Various Makes Will Be Sold lh WOTking Condition or Money Book Some Worth £19000 COOP 39 Innisfll St PA was man MAN LENNOX GM when ANY SIZE For Free EeIImuIes Cell PA 83770 ITS Bristow Of Barrie 34 Dunlop St Home BEAVER LUMBER FANNING Mm new 127 BRADFORD ST Ella Am YOUR PA 85541 OISE 17560 ii 25 ENTER an Dnl or IIII ï¬lephnne PA LN QUANTITY or sweehclnvu Seed or gale Tulephnnu sum yum IVenInKl