ANNOUNCEMENTS Bmrns GOOD ans ml2When on enooooee the onto or your cell In The hem monomer eupplnee the non er evetleole or deny none FImDJ nee lleeerdr end to men Nor mend eod mum II thou teewry plem pleee eh THE BARRI EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 13 III REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE NORMAN III NED ll Ber WEZEE Cleaned hltum ml rue BROKER Dunlap Omit D11 PA 8996 IRWINAl DCI home ll W9 ley Street heme on rrldey my OR 68742 lul ï¬lth WIDE Delald Vlle OI Ihl lllI Whllllm 1m WINGS CALL deer mother or Benhl LII wu pp Mum Cochrlne Jlmn Cull Bert Ed mund Cleelue neltnn Ind trout loved eleter ol heolemlh Webb In her 0m year neruu el the Ieonett mnerel Home Berth runerel tervlee sundey Hey Inhermept st leme on Thun lnIII Well he Aylroer onehee end lemu ol deer mother or Thom Levltlowrl NJ end enter ol nupert won 01 Parry Sound null et the Stockley nthm Home so lVonlny Street herrte or serv on seturoey Mly It lo Interment ullluest Cemetery perry Sound upon er rlel or melon Ihout pm IIIEIIIORIAIII anTNBLhln lovlu memory of deer mother Florence Bril ieell who peered ewey SepL In my heert your memory Ilnllrl Itlweye tender end end true Theree not dhy deer mother We do not thlnh nl you Lovlhlly eememhered by her tone Ch Henry end llm Runnerlo lovlnl memory or dur IIther Hervey l2 nulhes llormerly strand who pen ewey Mey ll 1000 Ever remembered Dell Ind Roy Ind hmltlt lorlnl memory our dur mother end prendmnth er Annlo Stork who lulled Iwhy Ally I957 God sew yell loltlnz welrg And old whet He then ht on He ellno end etood heede you And whlepered come end rut You wlehed no one Ilst lerowell Nor evell sold Goodbye You ned one heron we new It And only God knows why bovlnuy remembered by lven end remtly IWKKNSY lo lovlhr memuw deer mother end rrodmotn er heetrtce Sweeney who peered llvly MI 56 Too delry loved Iver to bl lar KuIIen Ever remembered by ton Norm end deuphtonlmlew Irene end lrlndchlldrdn CARDS 0F THANKS WEBB My llncere thlnll to my Irlhmll and nlllllborl or the lovely flowers eerde end vlelu durlrlz my Itly III the Royll VII tom Noepllel Speolel thenlte to Dr Llltle nr crosslend the out In Iltd I1III ol RVH ror thelr klndneu end epleodld eere Allv red Webb COMING EVENTS YOUNG PEOPLES RALer STROUD COMMUNITY HALL MONDAY MAY 15 1951 1100 PM THEME TOC ALPHA EVERYONE Wmhlll MAYTIME TEA AND BAKE SALE sun or HANDWORK CENTRAL UNITED HURCH lien Shtllwdl Hound Nome REALTOR Thellro PA 66481 Rlll ht Bond MOVING INSURANCE Inï¬ll PAW REALTOR COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 84678 WINGS PERCY FORD Onllrll Roll C7 CO Owen Street lollhte Tornu urInKod tn tllul tollet room of ltltclten roomoll and hot weter new of hey TWO STOREY depth Immedllte Term Irrlnled ho esl WEST END room dlnlnl eree hull ln we centre we WEDNESDAY MAY 17 210 TO 500 PM llCKElS 85c AUSPICE WA SPRING TIME TEA ST GILES CHURCH COOK STREET Wednesday Mu 200 TILL 500 BAKE TABLE MUSIC HANDCllAn AUSPICPLS OF LADIE GUILD EVERYONE wxumldE BINGO STROUD COMMUNITY HALL EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 800 PM JACKPOT 75 noon PRIZE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL to be held It Thornton Uhlted chumh an Wednesdly June 13 1951 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE Reel mete Bond PHONES oï¬lee PA tell mentor PA um Bachnu hontruer Nluenll HOW balm nurtoen apportuoltlee Properw Meoeeement CGE AREA undo lull prlée Brlclt hunxelow blelmlnl recreltlun r00 elr all heltlnl open pmo orlvewey Term PA 82414 Condenseddndclhsslllod other tlsemehth are Inserted at the rate of do per word per lnsertloh or one and two times 36 per word for three four or Iva lees and 2m per word or or more InsertIons 10 addh tlonal charge if not pald within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT ls 96 FOR 24 gtWORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 94 WORDS IF CifARGInE PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that In phonanlertlan Orden Ire hole ed he convenlhnee to you the advertiser Thornton the Cllnflled Advertising Dormant require EndTQh PI ve enter me ete Illu flm lnlerflon In order In In errors or omlnlonl mu be reported before root rule they the rollowtor We Ivllh olnt out that The er respuoslnle rol only one lncdrretly rolled Inleruon on my hr onlth end then on to the ereht or poruon of the nvolvee the mllprlnt Error when do not loner II VII of the HID IMO or lamb lends Retee Ind UP lulu 61 llllpll elhulflldl ml ho Ob Illnefl manlh The mull Id vertlrlnl deportmenl BLIND Em Into luoltfronm Fedverllieu Bllnd Letter on NumberI or plies held ltrlfltl confld Rerllu lo Letter noxes 11th had only Ill due altar Int he bueeuu Shelswell Jerx wuleoh PA Hell elllnunlen PA um Nnflnln Sh Well PA mu LARSO 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmperIII Human bl BITr1 Ind Dhtrltl Dont order to manner you on need extre one od Ihy SEE STEVENSONS an owner ST SUITE to HENDERSON CALL RITA scAanlm PA Most PA Lmo Member at Blrrll Ind Dhtrlct Illd Ellto Baud CO UTTS Real Estate Broker Barrio $1700 MODERN DUPLEX huut to ml meeter llvlnx elm ter not to to nodroome uv tor dlnlnl Inll edeeuete kltenen Apertment Tuner Mn ed ft con eletln ol our room sell eon IIIne Complete leuntlry end ï¬lmch room Close to North Col EXECUTIVE THE HOME wnn hulltln perege centre hell leo llvloz room lo 11 wlth eee leree elolnr eree hee ltltehen wlth brelkll lerIe hedroonte ceremln ttle netn heath Sroorn dwellllll In excellent eon lfluvn centre IOCItlnn all hut Ins on 00 lot wlth eonelderehln Pflsxuelnn oholee or two hunllhlown uvlor olnblhltloh kllchen bedrooms Items Ind screens WIIDA dIsteneI oI Shopan Member of Blrrll DlILIlCL CONSULT US ON Low down purulent houslnx plem ROSE REAL ETATE BROKER ll TIFPIN 5mm BARRI rooms huement helllnl Good In vuunent Presently rented It $75 monthly Telnu cISh to owner SHANTY BAY ROAD room In forced drepleee were tully llndselperl lot wlth three Ind oll full full REAL ESTATE RI 50001 Member at Burl Ind Dlnflli CLIFF REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRI PHONES PA om PA HIM we hen ennuiCl ue Em om AFTER HOURS CALL lmlth cempneuPA em bullPA mu 1mm InnerPA Hen lumberell umeleuzetetehoerd BOAKE REALTOR rel ammo 5mm mm nedroom epertment Telphnne PA PA own OR PA 8588 SUI lelllnl hm or armorI Rel litIII Enlxd to PA HAVE LUISWOULD BUILD HAVE HOMES WILL SELL NEAR SCHOOLS AND STORES CALL BUILDER FOR MORE INFORMATION BUD ALLEN PHONE PA 8428 ANGUS GARDEN UBDIVISION HIGHWAY no gut5 lots at 10 eelllor roe Good ureter Ichool It to 100 down term to In Lou emu iron Mr Cecil Coal ID Avenue Telphone 01610 MOVING 32 u° COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD worm ALLED VAN um AGENT to thee Rd hereto Pnrlrwey H513 PA 68125 CALL on on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Elnle end Dietrlot Hell ante EDI STO UT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 5901 ICENIRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS HAPPINESS FOR SALE luv you mull chlldreor Ter neeutlhtl hedroom home to fully lendoelped hes lhrze temlly room llvln ldell tertelnlop Prlee sum polntment 10 see $15000 lull bedrooms do me nlp WASAGA BEACH rented Lat 47 prlcl 818000 lw homol Ll It too nnIll 311th lte too lern Monthly pennant Clll PA howl tor room and kltoheo end nthted on Illlet lollre Woooerrul ere or outdoor en Isklnl only NEW SUMMER COTTAGE we neth Exclu Potnt $7200 enth Ind oottesor Alweye Ahltllll an your lemlly pullrown your Help you and home thet MEMBERS OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT Rm ETAIE BOARD Merv GouldOm 2510 on Numeomhepn um EdithGOdOrqhh nm we now huyr eI he on 35500 out to Musl hydro vlter Looled gull Iglxeleelll carléhm El PA M1 I°st her rlte Box Eml lnl rewrkndlul complete hethe funny room 7dropllcepirdenirmlhntlnyï¬ï¬‚nlm HeltlnlTOTCEd alr EMORY MILL JOE PALMER HAROLD rollsrm PA ems KARL MARSHALL CORBY HAROLD ORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYEIELD ST PA 665 Member pl Blrrle Ind Dlnrld Rell Bull Band EVENINGS CALL PA HM PA 60983 00911 REAL ESTATE MAKE MARS BROKER PHONE PA 82419 Dunhhshï¬z connl PA um 15 WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS ORISIDENIIAL IARMS ICOIIAGE rims HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 35533 mam BARRI m1 STATS INDIVIDUALITY AND CHARM gt OWNER OFFERS THIS CUSTOM BUILT HOME DUE 10 TRANSFER lrIAIeVeI home llvlnl room din bedroom wlth one Lot 77 lu Prlte In In builtIn etove end oven mt prtoe $16900 term to be drlpu etc Irrlnud $35000 éAcn loclted near Ichool wlth In 90 Iran hydro evellehle Goodwent only at Ipnroxlmetely so reel See GENE MOORE PA 52360 ONTARID ml ETA BOARDS SIAMD0le htllll She tomole two etoroy frame houee excellent condltlon lend overlooktoz tho weterumll prlle only 0300 Cell lilulell plln OI lubdlvlllon In OK AlIer hotter phone Paddy MilesPA hSm Bob FIewolIIngPA 8508 TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS 530m 15 CLAPPERTON STREET BARBIE PA 61761 EVENINGS PHONE AL FOSTERPA 61555 MEMBER OF TORONTO AND Clrlon PA 66001 Tohhnnnlu noon $500 down L0 II no eripond uiume In and Lhrln lot Belltflnll tonal PROPERTY FOR Chm One lire OI Atllnlll grlvlh lIIt Pllllfll PA 715 Clrson Ivehlhnl Am HOUSES T0 BENT no human cottue orhpert Spring Is Horne Improvement Time SellOr Buy with Examiner Want Ads RENTALS RENTALS noonlhnonnn ARTICLES for SALE Om Damn ï¬nd Neg emu woman to Chl used GuildIll liloumul RIMn ARTICLES tor SALE new norm Chuterleï¬ 5H1 ll 094 Elm lunch LO Il am en null once Hell prleo Telephone lvy mul emr mu mu loom uprtelre unrun nlnhed Ipertmenl Kllrhln llvlnd ROWN It to REAL ATI HANDYMANI Inmh rrlvele mm homo Ind lulu Rludn Ihly rind lflnltl Palm nth oele lephone PA mu MonnN menu one you old load Iotlllen hill and Tim bedroom openmente end one ml noon nuhnlnw hovel no the need yeere old pronere WIIem Saul bllunlnL ï¬ve lnllle from com Hertha 0000 one PA uth 12 wen an modem three am novel IOR nutr our room 1nd heth wlth IrI Included enlly loeltdd In keeplnl rooms newly decanted Cenlnl Adults Phone PA um uter pm or seturdey ILL CONTAINED lhlrd floor acerlnollnl llke NO Bellman Sorry Telphone PA elm rvmlnnn Aplrtxnenl Centrel Three room eod heth dell con Illhl weter entl porno eupplled no monthly Telephone PA 02150 ummmlm Apeetment three rodme epd hothroom IelI cullth ed sultehle or noelth people men not epertment lehed prtvete both Itlro heohelor lrtmenl In new Sundial Telr ARIA ADP 8K mat the zen yur round Peru Loom cg°m 413 mien hr rumn Tel9M or phon 61m 5713 mm cmd mmg mm neuvu lth cooler held EL un ml ontlnulll eneloe no Chaim ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST mm Md elttlor room lln Noxmmu am an 34 grntglannmmlï¬ hangs5 ll eh Apply hum First In Bertie Horne SelleEmu to Quality at Service mrTeentoxslEleTeugaéew 35gf2°fuu lEcru531nm seerlnee relrpnoe 11 PA 85568 TRUNK LINES y°m We mm hum fluï¬thmnéa ï¬lmMinn anl 00 AND 30 MO only EVENINGS CALL not weter heeuoe pootown loee name tor yoonengehhotmoo mm WW Inch mm urine so no huts DOREPA hem lostMA flaw mum mm literem mm hostelseh we Lannan mes Mm PM 0491 ï¬liloe° PA ARTICLES WANTED lemma mun olsrnlcr Innater em rm mm Alum 3Drlnllus or 110 Onb not end bedroom rteIo neth om Apply 00 cum Erhnd St OI NICILY Pumlehed Home Irlmcnt epeoloue eureotlve no ehlldnp us per month loed prlvete eotrenee Hell auger month Telephone PA modern heeted lllrnlllted or unturn mu on mun Bedroom Ann mehl gr Bonn wehted er on School Iru Telephone PA we later an pm gouru wnu two 1151 dair elose lo puhlle school thul ol mmontnl Requlred Hey or Reply Box Blrrh he TWO nanOoM mrnlehed houu Telephone PA um oer numb ml DR FOUR Bedroom home rented Io rent on or helore Sept elnle couple wlth two ehoo eee children eoneldered or well mllnulned Elrlle ikhmlner == SUMMER RESORTS runmem carnal to renI eu convenlencel lake WANTED To RENT rum to our our el motel urtep Bolt amtn nutole or PLAY 111 It Ell more no Telephone PA 06150 breeze portel Olrle duh eher wood Terrlde velne lelwhonl El 55 BICYCLE AND Tllflycl 2pr ed Also he ban llrlt Bleyelee or WlLl tlkl tndb Ins Pflred re rooeoly Apply Owen SIX Ilyumk RADIO IXCOID PIA PM uh no Itereophonle hihmhélit Izrlooom ISL to mono TcllpbnnePA Loom NI FORGED All in rule rentler 3215 now to no mo tor fl lulu IDEOIII mount neIeuruoo utn Telephone PA urn or PA um ILIGETLY use stour Veouum Cleener or wlth eelel roe eleeolne roulpmenl It III teed nurt he teen to Inn cuted Telephone PA all TWIN BABY Curllie EIIIIAL melt nod condluoo no Nylon Nullno Set ll ll never worn lovely Mamlll Dl lilt 310 Telephone PA 035 DIWALI alryele hoy red Rllellh hlrdly red Thu blcy ele would eott am now now only mm New lhreu eed mll teeeh creel Ive onudreo to DOGJ It PEls mull conuz run ten weeks old Alwb Allen Itemh tel phone on em any lullnun puppy Ill10o With old utte nun Ill Tullphdne PA 55173 BA nunanl lo molt moo eeeh All color Aleo eome hree den 10 Slur ll $100 TIII phone PA M107 FDOWERS PLAN ROOTS AIPARAGUI 10011net proved vluhe bede home or eportmehl epertmrnl mated mandfhtuy ouoe execu ve on may he ychild Preler nerrle lulunn or In Nelr publlc school Ru on line etronl heellhy yeer an you old Per hired LI duentmee Ink for Heel Chelcl Dmnnlll lentr enolee Dllll ewer Illllm ele Come emortment lllllor Phelpnon Concesflon llo mue out ol 21 Bunny Inï¬ll 717R BOATS M01038 LIOAT lHoot only renunlhlo rent pro rty wot he poly Holt COTTAGES TO RENT minute Tllr lo Slmcoe 10 woeh Iohlnl reclhl on Inan too Ind poolop St nu BIEyCII hy RIlel $5150 or uetmeu end Io to not pflmbï¬hflfuéimua um met so monthly AVIIIIhII Robinson Knowre ml hull um pr pp pm how Telephone 31155 autumn COHAGI Ior rent Government dock rhm he 53 III honr ALUMINUM llloot Cu Inouo wly hullt twp hed m5 I100 unfurnished Ipm rooms Phone on or Iurther ED 1mm end Hth coo 38 sis xvlnrnd otor 1M mutt loproll entreoce eelt plrflclflln It min but Ilse Scott Aiwhter motor mm up Fly eooteloed 1111an xeellluee AvIllv arm Ten Ind Mm at C0 ms Apply Anne Slee meot Wm eomlder lete model ehle Immadlllely Telephone PA FOR RENT OR ror Sele lteot or Cm In 51va Gen rrle her pertlel down pIymenL Telephone RH strand FOR BALI by on three bed um lor mrther torormellon vs cxNTltAl mrnllhed IpIrtm rll sell contIn ed wtth Three room entnnce cleen end eeeeon cuttlxes neesohe thtle LIKE Blylleld Phone PA um na SAW 37 thnm cut me wood end plenler $50 Cemere Grenex Century Orulex GrIlLIr tourroamed lexelronl loceted el uttle lake on rule hle Apply Mn Urry old mullmed wlth WW IO In motor Illa Included on wIter Iur at mg Tell nun elowrner Nonh AIMEE Pu heeemenL ou rreen Sultehle or two oulu HOUBHKEEPlNO Coltllel lfll 15 11 ï¬nd animall phone PA um heeuohu 10 For rurther pen neeonenle rent AvIllIhlo how rent Retelllap run run mot In no derl up tleulue telephone PA um Telephone PA um um weter hydro reteheeeh Innudo the nut Sumer lens 93 IIII Anon Arm Service Stltlon ulna nouns tour hedroomr er pp ox eoe or ee one wlth three bedroom rtment our leree rooou dawnstlln not phone langldhll 01715 In In very load condition end uxhte horn IllIn hub ehto elteehed Excellent loco no or rrocery mm or Inn equipment mu Ilcehcoï¬ Tour rhlleI phone Mr Hendy PA um the Georplen Bey CIwIJI neech pm lrom hene on eved hl Three bedrooms wlth Mushhll wey Telephone PA ell or TullEn ROOM urolhhed heard Illmus ï¬re lice hnrhecu epertrnent reperete bltltruhln mlly equlpped elflnntpr per month Include heel uehle vy duty stove Jilly Ind Aulul new conumnl ISM NOW lllbllrllt In mllk flunk hulk Ix Ill or In nu Chlnllll llSllldlrll HIV Illeer lllflul llh held of Eomeln HI 15R lull It CC my her 40 negl er MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR BENT MODEI HOMI 51 Cenldlln Stu Int 10 leet for sale Priced rlunnlhly Count Mr Kelllh DIDIOY RR Elbert In re PROPERTY WANTED Irohn warm at hamlet In reply to our recent ed or houeee lur wnlllnl ellente two gnome Ierponded end then prop er or dowen street end no non rte were told to two dlys We rah hm cueote BUS OPPORTUNITIES ruan autumn to invert In DriveIn Thellrl JIIII Outfllll Clly llmltl For Irtlmllfl well Do do nerrle emlher EIROUD amino Hons Laue lot LIVInE marten and wet ell edulpment Loeluded In pa $15000 $5000 down Term rented Telephone PA used MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE No honor Plymentl Inlttred Inlnrt Icaldut Ilclneu depth CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP 31 mm 0020 MONEY AVAILABLE You In Iovlted to dhcuu your mortuï¬e arablenu wlth us wlth DlIt oh ll on pmvlfllnl the pro portion on nonred pleor to or out or clly Intereet et prllt veulo rem Cell cqu co Owen 5L Elm PA 51535 weler on clou to puhu tehnol Tolr end weler Tole hone PA Hm or urther dell Ll um noun or rent sheoty Iron Blnle Moduli lnIIdI coll ly Telephone PA um ONE nennoohl nlehed Apertmeot on ground floor Pr1vlte enlunce Cenlrll Ible llene let Telephone PA TWO nnnnnolll Cloxe to eehnol ten St eree as AVAILABLE nllhed lplrtmeht and unlumlsh ed Both eelr oontetned One chlld welcome Dry Phonn nlnn PA mod wrumnnsn three roorn IpIrl ROOM House for rent three bedrooms Ilvllll room end kllch en lortde teellltlet ecreened ver endeh 16 mlles tom name nee ldnlble rent Phone 75W Lnlroy Two LARGE hrlzht heeled lur nlshed rooms Bed mun room and kitchen Electric elove Ind relrlreretor Hydro end weter eup plled Apply 14 rerhlde Drlve uNlmunenxn two room ert meat wlth kllchenztte Ind room Prtvele entrenoe Hell hy dro end puklnl lphee Included Adults Drellmd street EAST END Lem two bedroom Ipertmeht on no route New end modern Sell conthlned love Ind Telephone PA 05351 Nelr Dllston on Runway eome ecrero ey Road mlles eolencee bedrooms month helled unlur AVIU heeled nonto hhed epertmeot Prlvlte entrance ml ehltrch peoe elephooe PA MAY let one ur IMMD Eve helled end etlt Apply lu NIpler rerrtzeretoe Laundry reeuluer Good pernnr Avolleble June BACHELOR Apartment eooelotlnz or bed slttlog room and hltehen rel eontethed Kllchen complete ly mrnlehed wlth retrluretor Stave table and chllrs Avlfllhll Mly Telephone PA H223 THREE noon Apertmeot wlth xrlvlte bathroom not weter oll ehted retrleeretor nod hery duty rteve tholuded Loclted on garter Avenue Apply Cent ee NEW AND modern one had two bedroom Ipertmenu overlooking Icnnle Kempeorelt hey peer wh lee uflnl Ind lhnltot mu ed hotometlo werhln dunes re 04901 IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS IF YOU NEED MONEY TO emulldltl dew 3333 Will ll co HometlmprovaIn 0A Vflnhwhlll Clue Ghll today for oppolohnent PA 60981 EVENINGS PA 81032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada I29 DUNLOP EAST FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE Leaving 10 10 Interest Maximum amounts let do not exceed 40 of property value PA 61032 EVENING 709 900 PM up no mm on out or eeo ood monme Allon one rt Em rl nemlner 11200 me MOINABE wented lmmedletely to eleer on ee tete AWII to Box nerrle lumber nonporousm Ind rod houeht eold Ind errenred cmmhnnl lnll hfldlnull In lyl lolnhd nl honing herrle um nee BrokerI mo RENTALS ms novella To nth FURNISHED Aliment one block run pm all Sell cont FURNISHED hm lltlt hrllht room epertmeot hm Izod mo locltlon on bus route overlap hey Telephone Leon MODERN one hemm IF Two mom furnished Ipert roent Kent hydro and etcr ln eluded ln rent Neat end clean and clone to downtown Benom lb rent Sultlble 0r couple PA Hold worm Ieomrorlehle heeted three room stave end remoentor ury mutate tn Allhnd one ehlld welcome Am Ind rpeeelelephooe PA furnlshul ertment llIInh goat meot note roolnh=nen end hnthxoom prtvete eoernoce eep onto leoo mllltlee Beet end weter supp 15 Telephone PA mu AvIIlIble new nun smaBT Modern three room norurolrned epartmoot wlth bhth overlooltlop the hay Phone PA bell wllh hreplece mey he eeen et No metlo heller brld between end mm nd mm vertlhle root needy or Stella M332 eon Illl llmlllrlrlll cottue to rent on BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or You Telephone PA 82414 COTTAGES FOR SALE ran SALE Smell cottexe on 100 loot treed leltetront lnt Sllultetl on Plan me ln hIKhIIndJ ol Hellhurton root out Included Telephone PA Moll human HOME on Severn Rler Ill dcluhtlul lochtlun Cloll to Wuntoo two bedroom rerpe llvllll roam lnll dlnlnl room completely mm lobed wlth well to will hold loam lll llvln flulnl room Ind bedrooms eco bflhmom Pow ed llr nIl lurnhee Ind wlter hert SIMCOE FLOOR CLEANERS STARTING SOON CerryInr lull line or equip ment to eleln your omce wore SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE er Landsolped lat no It dear to loo rttver more end Mimi l= vlte dock Home complhrely covanno or HOGS LIABILITY INSURANCE PHONE STAYNER 377 countr EXCAVATING Removed promptly tor disposal Telephone BanIa PA 751 Long delanc Zenith 32800 at our expense eoulpped wlth stove rerrlzeretor kltchen tumtturo end utenslle llnene Selling price $8050 erla EféSBax 157 Orlllllr Or lll FA weltln mm netrlzeretor hevlyou to out utthK etove ruppllod CentreIly lettoo GRAVEL mm SOIL ED PECONA RAINIEA SON LTD alluded or poo Ind oodm Clll medium POSWNDD Telwhom ARTICLES for SAL uee Cmon Cerepo heel PA 61 or PA M306 LIch No am Set Mill IVJBIull PA WORK BOOTS DIVILIIIR Ind Gnflln IDEAD ANIMAL Denver Crushed Hell Yerd neekhoo Or DENNIS MORAN 20 Annl StreePtA FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR on CLAPPERTON ST YOUR COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SHOP NEWSPAPER MATS sue rim loeu or lloloxheo 1le Inn Inl mll under Lh lbave Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkwoy H611 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE HCENSE mot GRADING AND EXCAIIAHNG run poodr eortrueted rene rowe removld leod elurlnl LEE HART PHONE PA M3026 EVENINGS PA $3139 BARBIE 3335 $333 wnu omemu LANDSCAPING 25cva 901E WELLS DRILLED 3mm LANDSCAPING ï¬filluï¬rmm PUMPS msrgum nmdnmsfllggï¬glpun Rnlaï¬s or none nu Byéoï¬ï¬ï¬lrom mm mm nhvfx off2 swam mm Cdupland Drilling Errï¬dllyï¬hfnii ol 33 It ONLY $4950 an 3m angleluau kahuna eoywhere SINGER PORTABLE SINGER SEWING CENTRE 28 DUNLOP ST WEST TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tents Ind TIYPI Gimp Cute and stove Coolers BARRI TENT Er AWNING co LTD al BAYFIELD 5mm TELEPHONE PA 55537 DIVE TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT FOR sen FREE lNSTRUmON PA 87646 nemrms SPRING PAINTING am your peln done now It reuonehle relu or exportneed pelotere phono LLOYD CONRAD 0R0 3723 FREE nslnhhms BOATS to Morons Re Ilrl To JOHNSO EVINRUDI GALE MERCURY ICOII ATWAIER MOTORS TELEPHONE PA oasoa FOR LANDSCAPING SoddLnl Sledln Id Lewo neloteolnco CALL ARNOLD DEES PAINSWICK PHONE STROUD MRI 15mm INSULATION AIrhte Insulahon II hIDPY In Innounce In lddlfldn in their TIMKWOOL Blowing Inellllllnn tho All New Alumlnlt um ole holed Ildlnle eomoletnly luter with swam lulullb In hlclter bond In nllht eolorl We no Illa lunllldlfll lllunlnmn EDRo EETUDIPMENT Wm Ross Iowan Presldent VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SE15 COLLECT BEFORE YOU BUYGm Ill TRY TRADE SCHOOLS UPHOLSTERY ATTENTION MEN SepInte enLrnnce no It door Neer shaman plI Nee heeelt netrlzeretor eod stove omlrmIl one per momh Telephone PA Held or PA 050 ROOMS TO LET marmo nnonoolll et 40 Meple Avenue Ltneoe lllpplled uweeltly Two tmlumdnzn Room or rent Centrll locltlon Halt Ind lllhu eupplled use or hethroom Telephone PA H593 IDRNIBRED BOOM for rent wlth noutte use or rerrtgeretor end Bendix Ground floor CenLrII 10 eetlon Telephone PA 55082 nnIGnT Sunny Bedroom with twln bode sultehle for couple $4900 REFRIGERATOBS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG 5T PA 89288 ASPHALT rAvma Tele hooe PA W74 DisherFI pd Lmlted CHILDS OUTSIDE Metal Swlnl Set wlth two ewtnge end roerow 312 Phone PA H104 nor Am Furnace end not weter tank In and onndluon Telephone PA mos or lurther lutormetton Usnn TBLBVISIONS $4450 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