Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1961, p. 8

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AROUND SIMCO news or COOKSTOWN ANNUAL MEETING OF BASEBALL CLUB The annual meeting of the Cookstown Juveniles Baseball Club was held May in Hughes Hall liiteen were present Aft er the minutes and financial statement were given the elec tinn oi olflcers resulted as fol lows managers Frank Smiley and Lloyd Hughes coaches Jack Wilson and Gordie Lern mun Ken Crawtord manager of the bantem team which includ es ooys from 13 to 15 invites all who are interested to prepare to come to practicewhen it is called Lenguo meetings willbe held at later date HOME AND SCHOOL MEETING The May meeting oi the Home and School Asociation will be held at the school May 15 at 815 This will be the annual meeting with reports given and election oi oiliceis held Rev Howey will be the guest speaker All who wish are we comc to attend STUDENT PASTOR GRADUAIES Kenneth Knight student past or or Cookstown Presbyterian Church graduated irom Knox College April 25 The gradua tion exercises were held in Can vocation Hall in the University at Toronto where there were 11 graduate who received the col Ieges diplomas The guest speaker was the Reverend Pro lcsot Wilson MSE DD principal at the Presbyterian College in Ireland UNITED CIIURCH NEWS The May meeting of the Unit ed Church VA was held in the Sunday School room Thede evening The ladies were asked to col lect labels from Canada Pack ers products to secure notice urn or the church Mrs Gilroy was asked to make enquiries about Consumers Gas Dem onstration Mrs Graham prEsld ed during the programme and opened with hymn The lesson thought and prayer were given by Mrs Murphy Scripture read ing by Mrs Miller Mrs Mc Dowell and Mrs Graham favor ed the meeting with duet Mrs Broiey gave The tu re Story The meeting closed with poem and an interesting veg etabia contest The next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs Draper The observance of Christian Family Day Mothers Day will be held in the United Church Ma yti at 1115 am with the Sunday School and the church joining in the service There will also be baptism of infants May 21 will be the church on niversary with visiting minist ers Rsv Ketl at the morning service at 1115 and Rev Fred Hewitt of Churchill at the 730 pm service it is reported that Fred Elin or who was hurt by bull last week is making reasonably good progres VISITORS Miss Valarie Bannerman of Toronto visited her grandfatb er Frank Mumberson on Mon day evening Mr and Mrs led Cotes from Twickenham Middlesex Eng land spent Thursday evening with Frank Mumbersou and Kathleen also Mr and Mrs Frank Mumberson Jr and fame Mrs Ted liulse of Toronto spent few days with her moth er Mrs lioughton Mr and Mrs Shetler and family were Sunday guests of Mrs Hougbton Miss Joan Wilson Vancouver spent Sunday and Monday with her parents Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson ANNUAL MEETING OF LIBRARY BOARD The annual meeting of the Library Board was held last week Mrs Pegg is the chair man and Mrs Harman the secretary treasurer for the com ing year Two new memh rs MrsTCfCopelandaridliirsT WT Trotter have been added to the Board Effective Saturday May 13 the library hours will be changed to pm to 480 pm BOWLING BANQUET The Cookstown League bowie ing banquet was held in Aurora at the Graystone Restaurant May with about 75 in attend ance After delicious chicken dinn er the president on mmowrr SAKS OUR iAipY momma BARRIE ELECTRIC morons AUTHOIIZED AlEIA MOIOR SAIESEG SERVKIED PAS2206 JOWEN Nicholson called the meeting to order and Ruth Pinkney read the treasurers report The Monkmsa Wilsoa Trophy was then presented by Ira Wilson to Doris Mexiillcnns tealn Mem bers were Mrs Hazel Murphy Barbara Dawne Paul Me Comb ErEd Gallaugher Doris Alderson pre sented the Ladies High Average Trophy to Lena Nicholson and Geoff Dawney presented mens high average trophy to In Wit son Doris McKiliican resented Doris Alderson with triple prize and Bill Cook presented Mei Braymen with high lripie prize The high lingles trophy was won by Betty Coburn and presented by Pauline Boiler and lra Wilson presented Paul Mc Comb with his trophy The Tops For Bottoms trophy was pmentcd to lrs Wilson by Fred Holler The guest speaker of tho ev enlog Kirby Brock gaveVa liv aly speech on how to get more out of life which was enjoyed by all Doug Jebbs Orchestra led the donning for the remainder of the evening during which prizes were given for elimina tion and spot dances The state of otIicen for the lollowing year which was pres ented by Roy Taylor chairman 1f the nominating committee and accepted are as follows President Bill Cook first vice president Ruth Pinkney see and vicepresident Mei Bray man secretary Arno Gallan gherp assistant Dan Danvers treasurer Pat Beech Committee lrn Wilson Murray McDowell and Fred Holler au ditors Mary Johnson and Joan Jebb Mrs Ed Hurling has returned to town alter spendin the win ter in Toronto She wil he stay ing with Mr and Mrs Ken Pegg Mr and Mrs Mayer spent the weekend in Coihurne with their soninlaw and daughter and boys Mr and Mrs Al Com mack Mrs Norman Broiey spent Wednesday in town andwas guestof Miss Marilyn Glass at the CGIT banquet Mrs Carter sister oi rs Arnold ls staying at th Arn oids for while Mr and Mrs Kerr of Belle viiie are spending this week at the home oi their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Fal EI Mr and Mrs 0an Douglas and Wayne of Belmore were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Murray McDowell ATTEND 35th Wm PREBEYTERIAI Ten ladies from Cookstown United Senior and Evening Aux ilaries were among the 32 wo men who attended the 35th Spring Presbyterlal held in Or iilla May The morning ses slon began with review of an nual reports followed by the GAR and Lorna weekend worship service the theme of which was Work The mesh er tor the morning was Miss Esra Thomas from indie Wills scholarship student pm entiy studying In Toronto Group conierenccs were arranged for olflcen and leaders in which the continuation and expansion of WMS work was emphasised This was followed by salad luncheon where the soil birth day of United Church WMS was honored with birthday cake and greetings from head tabla guests The afternoon session began with the election of offic ers alter which weheard Miss Dorothy Young oi the Dominion Board speaklng on New Pet terns of Work for Church Wo men Shelntcrpreted some of theopportunities that lie ahead as we join hands in 1962 and showed by charts bow loco may be worked out ROSS GROUP Ross Group met at the home or Mrs Campbell Tho presi dent opened the meeting with thelnids Prayer Sixteen mem bers and three guests answered the roll call Severaicards of thanks were received good report was given of the eucbra and dance and lucky draw One ouiit was completed for Mrs William Mililgan The meeting closed with luncheon served by Mrs Braden and her committee BEETON Mr and Mrs Imcke and daughters spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto Mrs Cole visited with friends at Cookatown during the Weliar spent the weekend with his parents at Clorkson Mr and Mrs Wright spent Saturday with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Brennan and family Baldwin visited with Mr and Mrs Wildash on Sunday Mr and Mrs Glasslord were in Toronto Monday at tending the funeral of the late Mr Anderson Mr and Mrs Edgar Ritchie spent the weekend with relativ es in Toronto Mrs Holt and family of Cooksville moved last week to their new home on Centre St in town Mr and Mrs Beverley Roov or moved last week to their new home on Centre St West in town WERE MOVING May 16th to us DUNLOP ST Next to crown and Co STEVENSON INSURANCE PINCOR ROTARY rowan Mowens The Pincor mowers feature politeriul llP cycle lightweight aluminum engine with extra large recoil starter or impulse starter for easier starting The cutting height chn easily be adjusted irom to Pincorsiatest design in remote control featur es simple easy oneknob control sets your mow crs engine instant run and stop No bending required to regulate or actlust er AT THESE COUNT noun 1mm Mr and am Welter Reynolds spent the weekend with Mr and Mn William Murray St Jeans Quebec Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alan Mcleon who were married Saturday Mrs Reynolds visited Mr and Mrs Clark Show Montreal II the weekend Sympathy Is extended to Mrs Frank fnrmerly Madel eneOrr in edeatbotherhus band who passed away in Tor onto on Saturday Burial took place in the cemetery here on Monday Mrs miner Bill and Doug oi Oshawa spent Sunday with the Bradisys and Sutherlands The leaders Mrs Smith and Mrs Stoddart with 19 girls of the 4H Club attended the Achievement Day at Baxter on Saturday number of local ladies attended the alternoon RUGBY Mr and Mn Iidhape spent the weekend with their daughter and family Mr and Mn Archie Minn Lions Head Mr and Mrs Wilfred John ston visited Mr and Mrs Jack Hardy Oro Station Charles Anderson has sold part of his farm Mr and Mrs Howard Horne attended the wedding of their cousin Miss Woodrow in South Porcupine on Saturday The Federation Group met on Friday evening at the home of Wilfred and Berna Johnston with good turnout Mr and Mrs Warnicn of Painswicit were present and gave wonderful talk and show ed slides of recent trip to the British isles and the Western States The hostesses served luncheon at the close Mrs Harry Langman and Margaret and Mrs Edward Lengman attended the gradua tion oI their student minister Ronald Scarle Toronto last Friday evening Congratulations to Rugby school basean team who have won both games they played this reason AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION naram arts id at bxmEouiplentM DANGERFIELD morons as Collier at as our 36 per 100 ft 42 per 100 It 48 Wt 100 ft 60 Mr 100 It 72 per 100 It HOG FENCE IO LINEx 36lNCH $I35 Rod LOW LOW PRICES we win acorn TRADEms Irv92020 $7838 P92222 35883s 20 17924244 $9833 22y $1d4so aaovn MODEISIMAY an my cassnn wrm IMPULSE srsornn gt FOR $500 EXTRA fiafi Not exact has bated SELF PROPELLED MODELS DE 10950 vsreErrENcireosrs FOOT pour NM 99 each $1 each roor POLE $125 each $i 45 each illus BARRIE 13 GAUGE Ix MESH FOOT POLE worsen vans mun ernoon atL Randys VOIkland Hill School pupils played ball at Iiiilview school Friday alternoon and were the winners The Womens Institute are collecting for the Cancer Fund Miss Jeanette Jermey collected at Wonder Valley Congratulations to Mu Doris Edgerton who won special award on Tuesday evening at the Originals bowling banquet Mrs McGee and her daught er at Richmond am attended the annual banquet closing hier dsy evening Mrs Jamey Sr of Oriliie visited at the home of her son sonarv BiiY MAYFAm mom Saturday May 20 in the Hall the Womans Auxiliary of St Thomas Church and the AYPA are having liiaytair NIght There will be entertainment treasure sale dancing and re freshmants Shanty Bay Womens institute met at the home oi Mrs Polk for their May meeting St Thomas Church WA met Tuesday alternoon May at the home of Mrs Rallies with several visitors present Don Terry of Hamilton visit ed his parents last weekend The annual Home and School meeting was held in the school May The program was divid ed into two parts Mr Cooper was the chairman Six eighth grade students asked questions of six high school students on ant to expect when we enter high school Some amusing answers were given The second part of the program was the in stalling of otilcers for 196182 by Mrs Darby the retiring president Elected were Kennedy president Mrs Dumas vicepresident Mrs Roy Patterson recording soc retary Mrs Mossop corres ponding secretary Mrs Mc Cracken treasure Executive committee Mrs Robins exrnn OLD STOCK ALE IS dsy unu tbs auspices oi the Ball Committee The WMS meeting of the Pre sbyterian Church was held mu day evening nttho bomooi Mrl Alvin Drennln with Mrs William Richardson presiding Devotions were given by Mrs Elbert Gothiud Roll call was answered by verse on Bon or Plans were completed or abomsbskingsnleMayztion Mn Rowats lawn Mission Study was given by Mrs Rich ardson assisted by Mrs Martin and Mrs Goddard The joint meeting of the WMS and WA oi the United Church was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Jack Rumble Devotions were read by Mrs Albert Smith in the business meeting plans were made to hold open house at the parson age May for all members of the United Church They are also holding bazaar in the church hall June 11 Mrs Martin introduced tho at speaker Mrs Roy Clark who allowed film on the work she and her husband did and saw in the mission field in Egypt She also displayed and expan ed number of articles which thay had brought home with than John Bunner thanked the speaker Lunch was served by the host ess assisted by Mrs Gnnton Mrs Nelson and Mrs MacGratb Mrs Nelson and daughter Bonnie attended the Music Fes tival at Coldwnter Tuesday alt ernoon Bonnie sang solo Mrs Bert Carton Mrs Alvin Brennan and Miss Doris Thump Li BAD Xiiii 0117 STUCK All OKEEFI Illlll usns $1795 $2095 $2595 $3095 86 per 100 ft 42 per 100 it 48 Mr 100 It 80 per 100 It 72 per 100 it BARBEDWIRE $9950 52 room ROLL 15 room ROLL 86 POUNDROLL 11 GAUGE MESH $2495 was 33295 $4195 $4995 no attended the Teschers Fed eration meeting It Vise Wed Gm no chen Federation meeting in North Bay It the weekend scumvnuam on ashnday May at with the teachers Mrs EO WII Mrl Robert Scott and nine girls Imus Hilisdnie attending Tbnu receiving certificates for completing four units were Rsrbsn Tbompscn Linda Iockhlrt Nancy Train and all the girls and teachers received silver spoon At the morning service at the United Chincb the Boy Scouts received two flags the Union Jack and the Boy Scoutl Flag These were presented by the Hillsdale Womens institute and the Silver Maple Institute Dur ing the service Bob Ronald read thnScripture fir and Mrs Frank hovering an daughter Josephine spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alvin Drennsn Mr and Mrs Ian Murray and boys at Scarborough spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Murray mammsmmz IRIDAYMAYIIM Reynolds and amin of Barrie Mr and Mrs Mike Italian and daughter of Dalston spent Sum day with Mr and Mrs Mar chiidon Jack Moran of Hslnilton cal led on Mr and Mrs Marctr Educ recently Mrs Percy Bouncy and Mrs Charla Simpson attended the diamond wedding anniversary May of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Sam Jermey in Orlttla Mr and Mrs Dore nee Theresa Marcbildon were man rled recently miscellaneous shower is to beheld May 19 at Edger Hall Mr and Mn Alvin Cairns at tended Bethel Baptist Radio Fund service at Oriiiia Sunday and later visited Mr and Mrs Prank Crawford Miss Violet Ganton at Mill spent few days with Mr and Mrs Fisher Canton Mrs Irene MacDonald has re turned to her home here after spending the winter in Toronto with her son CLOWES Mr and Mrs Partridge have announced the arrival at son in Royal Victoria Hospital May Mrl Gilchrist Mrl Wil liam Warren Mr and Mrs liam Stevens Toronto were re cent visitors oi Mrs Dicker Mr and Mrs Paul Shanohan and family Mr and Mn Cilll RICHARDSON svnmo SERVICE Pi68971160ESPR ii an ANNUAL iNSPECTION BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRAL COLDEGIATE CADET CORPS GIRL OADETS BAND PHYSICAL EDUCATION DISPLAY BARBIE ARENA Thursday May is 1961 gt 800 pm Admission 25 cents Tickets from PARADE FROM THE antral Students MUNICIPAL BUILD ING STARTING AT 700 pm moor ram FElillltiii LINE 427 $103 on rod Line 42 $145 peered Line 43 $153 per no svananLa IN to so 40 non pants Loss 5Jor 80 Rods or More LIGHT HEAVY LOO0P STOCKS POIILIIIY FENCING Tllifilflf is LINE is $142 Rod to LINE 60 $152 rod COMPLETE LINEOF ALL GARDEN sirens FROM FERTIUIZERSTO GARDEN Hos nozzus DEN FENCING SUPPLIE CHAIN LINK FENCING Compare the galvanizing on Front Fence BEFORE you buy LINE 4s $225 rod

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