Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1961, p. 4

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Big Lawsuit In 8th Month 112 oarm Examiner Published by Canadlln Newspapers Limited is Baytlela street Barrie Ontario saron mom on Young Socialists Opposing nor FOUR Water water everywhere lots of room to sink Thats an apt observation for the residents of Barrie and district who are being asked by the local branch of The Canadian Red Cross to join inthe national observance of National Water safety Week May 1420 The approaching Victoria Dayholiday weekend is an eagerlyawaitedeventv throughout Canada Now after long hard Winter of cold and short days were ready to start season of fun in outdoor Simcoe County We realize that brilliant sunshine and glistening waters beckon but we also realize we must perform an im portant task before we embark on this season of fun in the sun and water And that task is to learn water safety rules We must learn them and follow them And we must teach them to our children and make certain they follow them Sunday National Water Safety Week Its great pity that more people couldnt travel the straight and narrow path without becoming straitlaced and narrowminded For better health stand on your head five minutes when you arise in the morning advises physician No can do When we get up in the morning its all we can do to stand on our feetspraddie legged ram MAY leer begins throughout Canada the earl iest it has ever been held to cut down the tragic drowning toll over the Victoria Day holiday weekend and the start of the water season THERE Against Union No Solution QUEBEC CPLOno oi the nominal biggest lawsuit over launched Lat Water Water Everywhere Lots Of Room To Sink seven months of fist fights rock company union in Canada uninsi onion is its eighth month of hearings sod shows no sign of cooling to end pd Copper Mines Limited Gas of Murdochville QM ll clllm lug $5273691 damages from the United Steelworkers of America for losses the complny says it suffered during strike by its employees in Ifil The trial started Sept 26 lost your bellode to be Canadas longest in the number oi days of sitting More than 1000 words of testimony has been takenenough is fill 15 goodsized novels The strike um started the whole thing was something of modem landmHK in bitter lobarmanagement feuding At the limo the USW was seeking the right to bargain for Gupe Copper employees More than 1000 men uere involved in the walkout whida lasted seven months Throe major bombingsone of which ed union member and in jured two others punctuntod the struggle CRITICIZED POLICE Quebec Provincial Police sent about 175 man into the small Gosps Peninsula town shortly after the walkout sinned and kept them there unlil it ended The police said their men were needed to try to keep pace The union charged they were used for sirlkebresking The present Liberal government recently was asked to have royal commission look into the activities oi the police during the walkout Touching off the strike March 10 1057 was the firing of Theo Gogoc ii pidmbebhnd pfisldenf of the ilfurdochvills local of the USW Gaspe Copper says he was laid off because of lurk of work the union buys he was fired because oi his organizing activities One thing is clear after throwing and other abuse the company won the fierce struggle The USW never did get the right to represent the Mur dochville workers who now have an independent organisa tionthreaded by the USW as Specifically the accuses the steelworkers inter national headquarters in Pitts burgh of responsibility for cell lng the strike and for the vio lence and damage that followed Each year your Canadian Red Cross moran DAMAGED urges you to contact the Barrie branch or Water Safety Chairman Eer sey and obtain water safety rules and information before you start your vac ation or holiday weekend Learning these rules are not timeconsuming Theyre just plain good common sense Gaspe Copper bases its lent claim on its estimates of am age causedto its property and the value of production lost during the walkout lhe olairn for lost production is $4300000 The union has adopted two prnnged defence First the And they work They can save you or USWhead ofliee denies 3590 loved one from horrible drowning 55W 101 calling the strike It death Learn these rules yourself Teach them to your children Make sure they are followed Putting it off until afterwards could mean life lost Last year there were nearly 800 such lives lost in Canada Have happy season of water fun says the company goadedihe men into walking out by firing llir Gagne and spreading rumors that mass layoffs would follow Union witnesses also Elected the allegation that the union was to blame for the violence and said union officials actually prevented several serious inci but make it safe Learn safety rules and dents by counselling the work be water wise ParagraphiCdlly Speaking ors to be patient Secondly the union suys Gaspe Coppers total claim is unrealistic swollen and un founded in fact Most of the evidence so far has involved company efforts to with so many scientific brains in the justify its damage claim and world its strange nobody can explain electricity says columnist Is it Is there any force or form of existence that man can explain Another reason ignorance is bliss is that the more person learns the more he becomes painfully aware of the in finitely large number of things he does nt know Down Memory Lane union attempts to kndock it down The company called 117 witV nesses during the presentation of is case and the union has already called more than lot for its side iilaccmpahy com pleted its case several Weeks ago and the union has been countering since Company witnesses included chartered accountants icono QUEENS PARK GASTON POULIOT Company Lawyer mists and mine officials to ex plain why the damage claim exceeded witnessesincluding other chartered accountants and economists but no mine sxecuV liveshave us as carefully explained they think the claim should be rejected DISPUTES DAMAGE CLAIM Montreal chartered accounts ant Davis Small testifying for the union sold the companys lost production claim should be reduced to $61000 from $4800 000 because the company he improperly included certain items in its estimate Then he returned to the wit ness box the next day and said the claim should be wiped out because the company had saved $338000 in wages it would have had to pay its employees had there not been walkout Under Quebecs civil code parent body is responsible for the actions of its employees and if the USW officials at Murdoch vlile at the time of the strike are found responsible as chur ged by the company the unions head office would be beldre sponsihle too Whether or not finding basedroneaucbocs ci lcodc could beheld valid us other parts of Canada where such findings are based on British common law is not known Under Quebecs law the sirlkeiiseif was illegal Provin cial law provides that strike cannot take place until 14 days GUY DESAULNIEIE Union Lawyer after labor arbitration board has handed down recommen dationsln the dispute The Murdochvillec of never got to arbitration The walkout occurred during nego tiations for certification of USW local as the bargaining agent for Gaspe Copper em ployeesnogotiaiions that were delayed by legal proceedings Gospe Copper imported two lawyers from MontrealGaston Pouliot and Jean Martinenuto handle its case Another Mout real lawyerGuy Merrill Des aulnlers has with LouisPhilippe Pigeon of Our bec to act for the union The presiding judge in the small dingy court room is Mr Justice Antoine Lacouroiere tell severelooking man who jois down copious notes as the witnesses are examined Labor Partys By Hem HOOD land Cornmi For he Burk bomber LONDON Em Glitcheli and his colleagues in the leader ship oi the Parliamentary Lab or Psrfy recein some nids shocks from various Socialist sod indc union conferences held at the Enter Holiday our son The net result is to indicate quite clearly ihlf Mr Gllllkell and the Labor partys new of iicisl defence policy are destin ed for another summer oi strong opposition snd ultimate defeat when the annual party wafer ence is held in October The strongest Ella and from new group arty leadership brought into being only year ago it ietbo party organization the Young Socialists we organ ized after the lsmenlsble fliiurs oi the psrty in the 1359 election in the Euler holiday lesson it held its first annual conference in London its decisions formed fine example of the dog biting the hand that fed osmium MUST Go To the chanting of Geiukell Must Go this confounco clr ried resolution declaring that it had no confidence in lead erofspsrtywbopeninsionn undemocratic fight against do clslons oi the party conference This resolution mentioned Mr Geitskell by name Two other resolutions while they did not name Mr Gaiiskell denounced the party leadership in similarly hostile terms They also received majorities of about two to one The delegates also adopted resolution calling for party campaign calling for unilateral nuclear disarmament in direct opposition to the of ficial policy Although youth traditionally Is on the left side of the Labor party these decisions are bound to be blow to the leadership which sponsored the youth org anization year ago ll plan to revitalize the Labor move ment other blows to the party lend srship came at Easier holiday conferences The Association of Shipbuilding and Engineering Draughlsmcn at its model can fcrece in Eastbound rcsf firmed its support for unilateral disarmament in card vale rc presentlng 55000 members there was majority of 2205 This conference also declared that it did not support the par tys official policy on defence musno DECISION The Cooperslive Party at its conference at Wes tonsuperMare set the keynote for theropposition to theofficial defence policy and gave fore taste oi what is likely to happen at the Labor Partys annual conference Its resolutions were drastic in their impact on party policy It rejected any policy which favored strategy has ed on the cold war nuclear delt torrents and the balance of pow er it went even further it called on Britain to abandon any and every form of sectional military fact oi which it is at present member unless determined effort transformed them into nonnuclearsnd truly defensive organizations Leadership Both these resolutions and also soother plotstins It the establishment of Polaris base on the do wen carried by large ties on show of hands Doe significant future of the debates wls that neither side showed the slightest incllnciton towards compromise There was only and grain of comfort for the party lsodorshlp in tho vlrloul conferences iho Innull conference of tho Clori cll Ind Admlnhlrllivl Work on Union gsvo into major ity for resolution sglinlt uni lateral nuclear disarmmoot and also gave its support to the partys officisl defence policy But the comfort in this is null This union will carry only 30000 votes It the partys snousl conference compared with the millions of the unions opposing Mr Gsitskolls policy Ind leadership New Sub For Navy First Since 1945 UIIAWA Tho Royal Canadian Nsvy lakes delivery iodsy of its seventh submarine since 1014 it takes over 111105 Grilss from the US Navy in cors rnony sf Groiou Conn The Grilse formerly the USS Bum fish Is the first submlrinc since the German U490 was csptured in 1015 to become port of the RCN fleet That was in lots The navy is hoping that the government will soon decide to have submarines built in Can ada it says it could use at least 12 to exercise the destroyer fleet The Sixth Submarine Squad ron of the Royal Navy has been based in Halifax slnoe is with two or three boats to exercise the fleet Those submarines portly manned by Canadians are to remain at Halifax bo csuse the Grlbe will be based on the west coast Churchill Honored By Royal Society wNDON tReuiersiSir Win ston Churchill was among rm British writers honored Wednes day for their conirilmfrons to English letters The newly instituted compen ions of Literature honors awarded by the Royal Society of literature went to Britains wartime lender for his work as an historian novelists Trevelyan Forester and Somerset Maugham and British Poet Laureate John Masefield The honors bestowed for ex ceptional services for English literature will not be given to more than in living persons If any one time BIBLE THOUGHT The battle II not Mrs loomii Chronicles 2015 We are junior partners heirs of Gods kingdom When Gods kingdom comes His children should rejoice FAR FROM Home Requiem Mass in St Marys Church First to be buried in the newplot is here was celebratedbythe RCAF Roman St Marys Cemetery here in 1941 was Catholic Chaplain at Borden Flight young Australian airman thousands Lieut Costello Also present were of miles from his native island Henry two chaplains from Borden Slow march Belme Douglas 20 was the son of MI was from the church to the Royal vic and Mrs Henry Douglas of Brisbane torla Hospital where they got in bus and member of the Royal Australian and thence to the cemetery escorting Qpposition Parties Study DaysNeeds been known for sometime that this move was underway and By DON OEEARN Air Training Plan The funeral was in Barrie when more than 100 of his pain from downunder marched sadeyed but in perfect lines with firing party of ROAF members and six churns as pallbearers The firing the casket to the graveside In charge of the firingparty was Foster ARCHITECT PLANS HOME TORONTONearly years ago the Progressive Conserva tives held an as ordinary meeting at Port Hope George Drew and number of other then young rebels called the meeting which was esen that at least some very good people were willing to serve on the committee This is no guarantee of suclt cess The study could be failure Time will tell one brand Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskics each with itsowndistincfzive characteristicsrandthen fj aged them inspecial oak cocks Now Adams has married these 19 rare whiskies folcreate the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock This custom blend is presented in its Party was from the RDAIF News in 1936 Eustacecr Bird archi tinny revolt tect Toronto has broken ground for the was sum of caustic erection Of 1101139911 PFOPBIW PUI Half dozen years later the chased from the Little estate The party was back in power it has house to be one storey to 50 of the been there ever smea plimitive log type wmtommand work That meeting saw the last me derful View across toward Angus with Wu But there is no question that we need fresh look at our pu sition in government today And the study could performn very valuable service The CCF of course iabuoy in this same field of policy The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second elm null Post cure Department Ottawa fully Sundays Ind statutory Holidays excepted province it is busy drawing up the belt mam wuss Publisher the Blue Mountainsin the background om it emerged the 32 tiers and ro am for the New WAN swam mew InKer On tueproperty which is of comes points Party gr crystal dmwat WWI Price IAEEY CONN HUGHES MinIll Editor CHARLES WADGE Business Muller 303 Human Advertising Manner JOHN HOLDER Circulhflon Muller Subscription rats daily by curiu sso weekly there is fine stand of red pinexsome of the trees cut for the house yielded logs over 00 feet long This program not only won an election It also fathered the municipal existence program and other hallmarks of our gov TOne observer expressesfho hope that in doing so it gels specific The CCF has brought out Adams 1520 year Single cop 7c ny mall in Ontario 51301033th5 fillhe police have been ernment since then partyplatforms the past but oo géiidmihafifliq gird tint instructed to enforcepatrlotly the law $25033ch Yhm we giggsuany we We 35 £3 as egmng Wm mm The Liberals brewWm or all My 52ml Montreal nu Wen Georgll sirec Vsncou licences for 51me machines Walkmks ing to do something along the not quite sure just what the er dis by Pinb mgmmfs auvfifmlreswrs and Brain sumeiine PW crushcrs Pro ciai Constable Jack They have set up planning AirbedBfigibhgimélrfijmgbgfifi Franz uf LewiatoldThev Examiner He also stat ggwfiee Wlalcgflfheirgggass Tl clnldm Pm 0n to It ed thatthe law had been amended to 99 in in i$£°lliiii°il°ie°o Thnoawlllssoc tedaPress include these machines 1whichrwere for ngriggnggmnzfiggrugfimé merly classed as instruments of bus enters and Also tho locsi ller Fuhillhld therein All rights or repubu can of lylclll dispetchss nary mg tfiMfglm ha party stood for what it intended to do and particularly how it intended to do it In fact it is most likely that this vagueness has meant the party has not attracted support Most of the public really does like to know what it is buying BLENDE Themheel Dictillor Ltdlnronb CUSTOM NCANADIAN RYE WHISKY netcu on also mum

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