SIMCOE COUN aroma Mr and Mrs Hector nlrnbull visited Mrs Garfield Coulmn and Billy Miller who are pa floats in theï¬oyal Victoria Bos pltal Barrie During the even ing they weregucsts of Mr and fills Vie Prldhnrn Mrs Turnbulls motherMrs James Davidson returned with them after lengthy visit with her granddaughter in Barrie Mr and Mrs Borden Jennett visited on Sunday in Barrie Mrs Joseph Jennett nt Sunday evening with her son Borden and family and called on Mr and Mrs Fred McCann Mrs Jack McCann spent couple of days last week with her parents in Barrie sad accident occurcd Satur day evening on the Fifth Linc when car struck soft spot going over tha little hill and struck an elm tree One man was killed and one badly hurt The third got off with some scratcltesihe men were from Creemore and had been on fishing trip Mrs Hannah Foster who live ed on the Seventh Line has moved few miles fu rth south Mrs Foster has been regular attendant at St Georges Church and faithful member of our WA We all hope she will still continue to come to Utopia WilliamvExell of Barrie visit ed Frank Exell Mr and Mrs William Wilson Ottawa and Mrs Bruce Wilson and Anne of Bells Corners srient the weekend with the Ex el Mr and Mrs Earl McMaster and family of Barrie visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Tom Excll and family Mr and Mrs Harvey Turnbull were in Barrie Sunday evening to see Mrs Garfield Coulson and Billy Miller who are in hos pital Miss Francis Richards had to Girl Guides at the golf course during the Weekend Mr Richards has purchased new Massey Ferguson tractor ST PAULS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Allan McMillan nee Joyce Pratt who were married in St Pauls Church Saturday Rev Peter Trant officiated Little Stephan Booth is home from hospital after having his tonsils and adenoids removed The St Pauls AYPA had very successful dance at Stroud Community Hall They plan to have another in the near future Watch Corning Events Mr and Mrs Everett McMil lan and family Newmarket Mr and Mrs Sandy McMillan and family Peterbornugh and Mr and Mrs John McMillan and family Campden and Mr and Mrs Fred Meadows Toron to were guests of Mr and Mrs Hugh McMillan and attended their brother Allans wedding in St Pauls Church Mr and Mrs John Kell at tended their cousins funeral Miss Myrtle Ney in Alliston on Thursday Mrs Laurie Gregory Mrs Stunden and Cathy spent Sunday with Mrs Ethel Reynolds at Moffatt Mr and Mrs Elvin Kell visi ed Mr and Mrs Grant Wallace in Toronto Saturday The Girl Guides and Brownies toured the district with their Cookies and sold many box res Many thanks to all who sup ported these groups and bought cookies Dont forget the Spring Teraw and bake sale auspices of St Pauls WA Afternoon and Even ing Branches May 13 35 nm Transportation will be provided from Stroud Read Coming Events for more particulars The tinal euchre at St Pauls School for this season proved to be very enjoyable event Six tables of euchre were enjoyed First prizes went to high Mrs Grei low Mrs Wallace Barbe high Wallace Barber low Dave Taylor Lefroy high ONy Shirriff instant Mashed Potatoes coma in ready cooke FLAKE form These flakes wakefthe smoothest fluifiost instant potatoes you over tasted As mall Salads hirriftHorsey food products youll find true flavour an extra value In every package Every Salads ShimflHorsoy product is quality guarantlad hythe Chessman mhol of English for the season Jack Taylor who received lovely toy dog donated by Thom Red and White Store was fol lowed by square dancing called by Wallace Barber assisted by Mrs Ewart Jennett on the pin no box social climaxed the ev ening with Wallace Barber act ing as auctioneer mail gift on behalfof all those present was given to Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor who organized the euch fed and did many other jobs to the winter The money raised will be used to provide the schoolchildren with playground equipment Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Lucas on the arrival of baby girl at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie April 30 also to Mr and Mrs Charles Shear dowu on the arrival of baby girl in Barrie Hospital May Ther meetinghaa been postponed until Wednesday May 21 The meeting will he held at the Community Hall for the annual bee The WA met at Mrs Mac Leods for the April meeting with on attendance of 13 The meeting opened with the theme song Devotional was taken by Mrs Lauder Mrs Norman gave brief report of the WA and WMS meeting she attended in Collier Street United Church In Barrie The WA will meet May 17 for their cleaning Bee at the United Church Everyone welcome Lunch pot luck BELLE EWART Quite number from Belle Ewart attended Miss Jessie Bry sona recital at Barrie Au enjoyed the singing of Jill Hig gina Colleen Curtis and Dennis Curtis Dennis sang The Holy City Gaye Trombley played the piano Mr and Mrs James Reid and Mr and Mrs McDowell visited Mrs Dan Jones in Lakeview Mrs Ada Quantz and Mrs Harry Ross of Cookstown were in Buffalo last week to visit Mrs Florence Parkhurst who is quite ill in hospital there Mrs Ada Quaan received word that her aunt Mrs Ed Whao of Vancouver died late in April Mrs Whan was ti oat ive of these parts though she has been resident of Vancouv er for about 40 years Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bill Chappel Barrie on the birth of daughter Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry Chappel of this village The first communion service held in the Belle Ewart Baptist Church since resumption of ser vices was well attended Pastor Frank Spain expressed his plea sure at seeing so many out and announced thaLfrom now on communion will be served the first Sunday of each month Mr and Mrs Alan Tromblcy were Sunday vi ors with Trombley Mr and Mrs Barry Trombley Allan and Janey were there Saturday Mrs Harvey Saunders was guest of George Baxter Knowledge of PHARMACY Is The Unseen Ingredient In Every Prescription Doug Bare Phnnh Geo Caldwell Pam Caldwells Drug Store Cor Owen nunlop su Phone PA 31903 give all good time throughout TY STEELE CORNERS Mrs Dales and Mrs Porritt are on twoweek vacn tlon to Boston and Montreal Mrs Archie Adams and Carol Ann Weston spent several days last Meals with the farmers fa ther Ernest Dales while Mrs Dales attended the presidents conferenu in Guelph Mrs Ernest Kneeshaw spent several days last week with her soniolaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Allan Brown Dalston Miss Margaret Kneeshaw of London and friend and Min Noreen Knoeshaw of Kitchener were weekend guests with their parents Mr and Mn Wilfred Kneeshaw Miss Aileen Gardener Mrs John Kneoshaw Mrs Douglas Knecshaw and Mrs Gordon Koeeshaw attended the Pru bytcrial in Oriliia last week Mrs William chon ha re turned home aiter sixweek holiday in Florida Sunday callers at st Dales and Earl Dales were Mrs Earl James Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ernie Heywood Pick ermg Saturday visitors at Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Har old Dales Ronnie and Heather Toronto Mrs Adams and Carol Ann returned to her home with them IVY The fifth Sunday after Easter is commonly called Bogation Sunday This year as in the past this Sunday was observed in Christ Church ivy May No agricultural representa tives of Simcoe South from the ofï¬ce in Alliston Miss Margar et Snedden BHSc and Keith McRiver BSA took part by each reading lesson Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs Claude Banting were Mr and Mrs Ralph Baker and family and Mr and Mrs Mor ley Baker and family Barrie Mrs James MeDermolt is teaching in the Junior Room of Essa No 7in the absence of tha teacherMissDoonn Lyons who is iii speedy recovery is wish ed her Mrs Frank Phair Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parcntsMr and Mrs H1L Jennett Mr and Mrs Gordon Coch BARRIE BEVERAGE COMPANY Division of SevenUp Ontario Phone Barrie FAB3273 0rlliia Midland and Penefnng Zenith 1mm ISIJ IIIS Bill iNli race were visitorsat the baton of Mr and Mm he Banting Thornton Sunday evening MLnnd Mrs DaltonBanting Mr and Mrs Lennon Paul and Earl were guests of Mr and Mrs Arnold Banting Sun day evening Mr and Mrs George Brown Bradford weresunday visitors of Mr on Mrs Arnold Bant inz On Friday evening about to friends of Pat Jamlesoo went to the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Bert Jamiesoo to of fer congratulationsHe receiv ed some gifu but one to be mentioned was travelling bag from his aunts and uncles The evening was spentln cards and games Pat graduated from Ry erson Institute of Technology In an Electrical Technology cour se On May 15 he will start work for Burroughs Defence System Co buffet luncheon brought the evening to close with cake artistically decorated for the occasion CANADAS FAVOURITE OUTBOARD MOTOR See Your JOHNSON DEALER DELANEY non was nun saavrca LTD FT BAYFIEED ST PA 33461 Barrio returoedfrvalbertnin HOLLY Ms Catherine Dyhtra has spend the summer months bore Conmtuiationa to Mr and Mn Pearson nee Joan Buimer on the birth of dau ghter Gwen Elaine at Royal Victoria Hospital BarrieMay Holly Home and School Assoc iatioo will meet in Holly school May 15 Mrs Feldmen and Your New CH LDRENS DEPARTM ENT STORE We cordially Invite All Mothers To Shop at the PIED PIPER SHOP Ilse Our New PIN POWDER ROOM Watch For Our PETER PIPER mun venous CHILDRENS wean mom 12 mayo oun sannvns mYSANDGAMEs CIHLDRENS FURNITURE Mn Anew from Barrio council for Home and Sdlooi willbepresenttoinstalltheot linen and take charge of the program it ran Exam mar sulfuric le received County Honors The girislrnnde drwes for the unit my Wm be ed and all looked very smart when at Holly United coma May 14 mums mmï¬ MOVING ms Stroudot wings May 16th Beach will be speaker CAMPBELL LTD to Achievement Du was Furniture Moving and Storage 113 DUNLOP 51 is held at Baxter on Satyrday Commercial Warehousing Next to Brown and Co Newly girls from Little Ell Agents for North American STEVENSON Tuived their Van my competing the Cotton MayBe sumnagmfl mm PA 6555 INSURANCE We Salute AII Mothers On MOTHERS Av MAY 14th To the First Mother In Barrie We Are Givinga lover New Baby ENSEMBLE CONTAINING DeIuXe Decorated Plastic BABY BATH gt DIAPER PAIL COMMODE Set of Baby CLOTHESHANGERS NonSpill DRINKING MUG BABY TEETHING RAIFLE THERMOMETER LIGHT SWITCH PLATE mm EASTBARRIE so ounLon TELEPHONE PAeiaél