ll US War Reject Mediation Offer WASHINGTON CWA White House source said Thursday any attempt by Canada to me diate differences between the United States and Cuba would be swiitly rejected by the U5 administration He was commenting on Ge neva dispatch quoting Canadas External Atlairs Minister How ard Green as saying Canada is prepared to mediate the dispute and that Brazil and Mexico are prepared to assist Greens statement given In an interview brought cxprcs sions of surprise and touch oi anger ram American ofï¬cials They feared the statementmay hurt us chances oi getting La tin American countries to agree to some form of collective ric Calgary Woman Loses Iob For Approving Castro Regime CALGARY CPl young Calgary voman iired Irom her job after making comments in favor oi Premier Fidel Castro and his Cuban government said Thursday she will stay in Cal gnry and is contidcnt she can ind new employment Valerie Smith 26 dralts mirrors dismissed by SlmpSon manager oi Midwest Surveys Limited The action loi lowed her speech and ques tion period Tuesday night be fore the Calgary chapter of the Knights of the Round Table Miss Smith said the Commu nist system vasbcst for Cuba but termed the islands form of communism democracy un der socialism recent twoweek stay In Cuba has shown her that Castro improved the cause of the av ernge man by curbing United States imports Iorcign cuter prises and giant companies she said She saw schools being erected throughout the island Miss Smith said she had been well paid and well treated in years with Midwest iiim which undertakes contract work for petroleum companies She named as the main rea son for her tiring Midwests re llance on United States con BLAST KILLS 16 MANILA theaters Sixteen persons were reported killed when dynamite used or blast iishing exploded in motorboat off lilnctnn island in the central Philippines Wednesday TEE IAN METER FRIDAY MAY 1061 too against Fidel Castros re me White House interment who asked not to be Identiï¬ed said he was surprised and shocked by Greens suggestion that this was dispute between the US and Cuba This is matter of commu nism and its menace to the Western Hemispherethe in formant said The Unlted states can take care or itsell We are not in dispute with the Cuban people He said President Kennedy does not intend to discuss the matter publicly in his speech to the joint session of the Cona dinn Parliament May 17 but that the matter will be brought up privately in the presidents tmiled oil companies lor 90 In 95 per centj of its business Mr Simpson continued that the dismissal was the result at her remarks to the Knights He had no other comment incident wouldnt make her eIt her position was fair and had drawn more support than adverse comments Irom her lis Miss Smith said Thursday the move from the city and said she toners talks to Ottawa with Prime Min lster Dielenhaker SAY CANADA ALOOF The state department declined to make any formal comment on Greens views but some American diplomats suggtsted privnldY that Canada seemed to be keeping itself alool from the Coth menace iiithe Western Hemisphere Senator itiilre Mansï¬eld Sen ate majority leader also ex pmsed surprise but declined to moire any direct comment on Greens statement it was matter or the US guvemmcnt to consider he said But we would be delighted Canada would occupy that cant chair in the Organization of American States the Men tana Democrat said Canada would be handy as middle man in the organization The 21country organization is the main consultativebody among as II Hemisphere states Latin American coun tries have repeatedly urged Canada to accept membership In this body This subject Is re ported tobc again under active consideration by the Canadian government WINS TROPHY The McKee hophy Canad Ian aviations highest annual award was won in 1960 by Meg Cmdr Leech at Toronto Wing ï¬nds Leach won the award for his work in gt high altitude physiology at the RCAF institute at Aviation Iifdicine In Toronto Pholt BAY CIIY MOTORS lrID MARKET Ell BARK MECHANICAL REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OUR SPECIALTY REBUILT ENGINES Sanctioned WIlIl BIENIIEIJ BIIIIIEY MIIIJSE Down got it the smoothnrid friendly taste in beer that alwaystreats you right Tags it Dow selects barley malts from Canadas meet golden grain specially grown for brevving SPEE AuraRACES PINECREST DWAY N0 HIGHWAY TOMORROW ll BIG EVENTS JALOPIES NEW PAVED TRACK CHILDREN FREE nouns $125 830 PM LADIES Cr UNDER 12 YRS This is to nortin that new or is brewed hy the exclusive Cool Control praaaar This process is continually tasted thereby ensuring unnoun high qunllt TH best in beer ï¬rflfs uniform flavour perfection 3153651 ery to bringoiat the £1 Dr It waumf Dirder Quality Control used for recreation wherever posible More than 32590003 is spent annually on recreation in Ontario The capital invested is very great and every sign indi catï¬ rapid lutIne growth it is therclore important that the remaining natural facilities should be wisely developed and at least part at them pre served tor public use nation regarded as totally unrealistic any conception at unity which entails the surresh der oi the sovereignty at any African state to anothe This was obviously aimed at Ghana which is not represented among the score at nations at the Monrovia talks but which has talked of acquiring territory in Togo andlvory Coast Ontario Farmers Criticized For Poor Soil Conservation OTTAWA CF Far too many Ontario farmers dont practise proper soil conserva tion the Senate committee on land use was told Thursday The governments commerce and development de partment in brie to the cova mitt59 said soil me and men ment should give greater inan cial support it said the federal government mmnmhute 37 per cent at the cost of floodcontrol projects which costover55000000 but Ottawa was under no legal ob llflllon to help Consequently taunts for an ron Execs African Leaders hgcmgrlrt is priglarily the con thorlg aver can only be ob REPAIR WmK com the lan owner thin gt truistl periuflsinn eco me and on mm romeo morons need or corserving their soil Conscrvation authoritlu hnd MONROVIA Liberia AF You resources and many carry on 90081000 worth 01 water can Leaders of Atric an nations hum NM their farming practices to this trol projects completed or teemr here Wednesday sum mmuu end Them are still however der construction Another $2 ndapted statement at prlnci ovumi tar too many who do not 228000 in projects were ready pies aimed at recognizing the nggum The bug which We tor construction and another sovereignty of all Hum WAS000 worth were being planned Conservation lands should be with the work oi the 30 district conservation author as in On tario hinted tho ioderal govern communique snid the lead ors all heads of government of proWestern or non committed DOMINION IRE STORES PHONE PA 55971 1k NI SEBIINIJSJKNII SIIBSTANIJARIJS NIJTHINli BUT BRAND NEW 61 IlllMINIIlNTRflYAIES ROAD HAZARD HEUARANrEEEREEv Now Every Dominion 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