Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1961, p. 13

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Dununmc No to end le hic Avg Belrte on nrrd mue 312133 lumber of out on ml ninth guilt to in load nodular rant Seiilnl for when PA ill let turlher lnloxnnflon new ones Tllwhnho Err ANDGIRLB hleyrler Ior Illa MEGA uuu III Ill loud taufltlnn phone II He Or turner momuon Pawn LAWN New repelrrd Hlmfllonl Indie end hwn novel service hedertelr Elfin Bird or Telephone PA Icvcm AND hlr rd Also have he and EIXLI maria or me Ill txe troll Inn Prieed ruonuhly Apply Ins Owen street nyuln NEW mxczn Air IramI now to rold Ior lulu rprclnl use amount mullet In Telephone PA Hall or PA em QUANTITY 01 En Nee or Riel nuo Ronny Electric Mutt Ae Slwl Tools Cmop lane rflu elr Apply Illple Ave 04932 in repIr nunten ls else my PauliI Inotor Ienr condition Rellonlbly Drleed Telephone PA no mm 510 to Pm Mom In dLlOmY USED Eleanor or with rclnl rug InnIn equipment luI ulna teed urt he men to Bicycle Tint Tlrpluiin All In road ron dlllon Telephone PA um 4ARIICLES forsALI 4A1tr1cus Lute srAIIMeIts MARKET AUTOMOTIVE Moron cm Ion an ID HELPWANTED Iz TENDERS la in continuum dunno like In will In blur in un be used In NHL 0315 new hest nIler Sumter Telephone PA bull 3mm Willi éilii med et Illlemon Nlunnli an anion Por pmleulur relan PA Lm RADIO IICOID Pill All rut rImopnonle mouth oi III Iul hill II lino mode Pill 00 lei tor moo TellphoucPA tom Ellhuman Pickrel end Hh non opens Ihll weekend Ilka rure oI your eupnly at 11w nun now return luvi ll opere Telephone EA HIE POIIAILI law Itth Ior uh Couutin o4 rerrlerr ed rr rut on new new Hunts uneh In serted Simunl lumber nu Au ply to Arthur Blahm no Shortly my mum ll eunle toot that type lw on flour Clue level eolneh lilt new 0100 conlhlnu tlon earl Ind rIeetrIe any use my wsher nod eondluon su Hobiluon Hl were PA GIL ox alto 40 Anon nernr Flt um en dolly II In to II pn Sun 12 noon to II pnl smoIrerr lulgt plies Neurone Ic erem nun pepers eno ohm edltlonn unn un end mud PM In It Ive word In my lntun Show her ball you love her In It noun or lutln olled pilot or eheeo leler llo Slnolrr shop II IIIpie hove Mother Oey spedh ll rnost mlsonlbln prices Shop riy Ior best rslrrllon ARTICLES WANTED DIED RANGES ReIlIflenlnfl Ind mmlture oI III lrIno wnnled to buy CIlrke Home htlnllhinfll II Elyleld Sirell 11er our Curl Enrueh Instr good condition no Blue Nylon Nerllree SDI 10 never won lovely Mothers my rm no Illlyilrlne PA 035 nrzwume Pomb us 153351 nnr Term down our weelr Stu dent renIlII repIre slur Ty writer cn It nrndlord st WANTED To nUY pulr or metal urtop Doll cerrtern IIIIllbIl Ior llnllan Wllon hon PA Muse DOGJ PETE roux coLur PUPS ten weeks old Apply Allen IIchIII tuto phune Oro 1311 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year TEIBphOne 32414 SIMCOE FLOOR CLEANERS STARTING SOON CI inK lull Une ol equip nlon to cinnll your mm mm wulhdusl etc COVERED BY LIABILITY INSURANCE PHONE STAYNER 377W4 COLLECT REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as Clappertnn St PHONE PA 34562 TY SALES AND SERVICE ORTTS TV AND RADIO SERVICE CALL 3200 Lleensed reehnlclrn HIGHWAY 27 MILE SOUTH OF BARRIE PHONE PA 60643 DAY OR NIGHT PA Hm EXCAVATING PILL GRAVEL 1th snII SEPTIC TANKSPUIIIPED kentin and ondlnl wotr Delivery Embed nane Ind Elm lor Inn DENNIS MORAN 39 Ann Street PA um DOZER WORK GRADING AND EXCAVATING Fish pond cnlflucted nu row removed lend olerind LEE HART PHONE PA 53028 EVENINGS PA 3413 BARRIE FOR SHOVEL WORK mCAVATING BACKEOE CLAM DRAG LINE CEMENT nusnNtI OR RAISING STEEL 55 BOOM SHUVEL FRONT LOADING LEV ELLDIG 0R BACKFILLING D02 WORK PHONE sm Home ART PA 05002 IF ND ANSWEII CALL PA Lm WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSlALLED BY LICENSED DmLElIS PIIEE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling 1m NO BARRIE PA 87646 WELLS BLASTING eDuG oDlrans oDEEPENED oSTIIMPs olIEPAInED oDDULDEns CALL KEN WINTER I2 MARIA ST BARRIE PA H7782 CARPENTRY MARTIN CABINET MAKER MODERN KITCHEN COMPLETELY FINISHED AND INSTALLED WITH STAINLESS STEEL SINK AIIDDIIIIE TOP IMAHUGANY DOORS FOOT mom FOOT 10500 FOOT 15000 POOT 18500 FOOT 1111100 RR No1 IARRIE HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH PA 60781 IRVINE WOOD SPECIALTIES HISTOM MADE OFFEE TABLES OIIIADLE BARS OAT DUCKS FLOATING HAPTS RECREATION ROOMS $35 3mm PA 87194 SANITARY DISPOS WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly or disposal Telephone Barrio PA M751 Long distancl Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We Dnvo been licensed to remove your Out And crippled Illln Ani null under the Above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BAEBE PArkwny 33517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95091 LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING SOD SUFFLY Prro orllmntes lundmaplnz Inwn mnlntenncn Soddlnr oeedlnl rol llnlz Imlllxlng sorulhl er lIedges nlld Evergreen rpeelnl My Kentucky 01 Marlon Mlle in aim Ilia led dduvered nnywhuc Itoroom rntu TELEPHONE PA 68568 GARDENS PLDWED Olrred end Cultlvutrd Telephone sld Wood wlrd PA $9154 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Arohways Patched FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QU KBRI LEFEOY 60M PHONE COLLECT MASONRY work BRICK Ind Bleak Telephone PA Lsalo INSULATION AIIIIIe Insulation II hip to Immune in Addition In their mIIOCKVIOOL Blowing Insulation the All New Alumin um cilpbolld IIdIn complete mulled with Styro Dem lumin Inl hacker hand In eilht colon We In Hist Incindinl Aluminum doors windOWI Ind Iwninll by WINTm SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES TERMS Writeorgtphfln SCOII mum211 MINESING COLLECT BEFORE You BUYlel Us TRY BOATS MOTORS INN ISFI OUTBOARD SERVICE PA 6652 PA 37014 REPAIRS To ALL MAKE DP OUTBOARD MOTORS LAWN MOWEILS AND CHAIN SAWS WILL PICK UP AND DELIVER ON HIGHWAY 50 Ir FERNDALE hatng INNISFIL PACKERS Rep TO JOHNSON vINRUDl GALE MERCURY SCOTT AIWATm MOTORE also LAWNBOY Itowens AQUA LUNG TAIR STATION EDGEE PETS weeks old null runen TInnhue PA W3 IAIY BUM In SOIL HM nehuAuflrelnr All Ion ere ur PA M1111u FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES THE IIIPL BARN Emil WINTIR YARNTm am your we wanna HERMAN Pm lullan 5mm ml FIDWERS PLANTS ROOTS MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS POTIED MU II 1x lGflANIUHS PKLAHGONIUI 15 FUSHIAS We TUBLROUS emONIAx and IPANS do IBOX FANS KEMPENFELDT GREENHOUSE PUGET STREET BARRIE BOATS 8e MOTORS lunar IIOAI new never been In wler Owner trnuerrd Ar my 00 Gun strut uler pm el BOAT ALUMINUM Izlnot err 38 the mom Manor 715 hp lull lcotl Atwoter motor II Cm Apply Ann Street Dorrie II FOOT DchIIAn or 15 hp Evlnrude Electric rtmlnl hilly nipped wlth Allen olllr rieDhone PA Mill pm Poor MUNRO Ilbrd llu run ehnul or me Sleerlnu whoeil i1 ole controls windshield as INHIde Will II leper phon 73 SEA rLIl hunt or uh your old Boutwrd wIIll ISIS Mercury In hp motor Included nne wlllr rim llIe Intel 75 Tole phone PA N460 cImII CDAH Ie toot hp outboard Illld hunks stove lhinnl Illa presetvan cum lights horn hulltln hnlu eulo mntil bailu flying bIId Jen vertlhle ronl Randy or him Islmud REL 5FARMERS MARKET wnmn Steel stnehlon nud xetpel Iwa ref 10 igadloifloeltin Irry or rr or tIephono 1143 LIVESTOCK HOLITIIN cow du Seeond em Appiy Allen Phone 0m am BAKED PIGS nine wenh Old three bushel No Red Cit ve Sced Halso Culuutor 500 coder Pom Neurloe heidwln nth Cantuion Vupn PA nosed PAIIM MACHINERY LIILL MESLEY McKEE HARVESIEES Gnu Siilze IZun Ground Hly Condltlonln lHIy Rnrvestlng IGrsln Threrhlnlr ostrew Elivuunl acorn situ Bum cooltsTOWN DELAVAL SALES SERVICE mums SEPARAth BULK TANKS STABLE omens HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE One New Boillnd ld Ernwrz nutty rum Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 52373 SEASONAL CLEANUP SEED llIIlLls CULTIVAmlls DISCS AND WAGONS CASH TRADE TERMS VlluNo CREAM Sen or end mums Sales Ind Orall hurrt Ontl Po Box or tel rhone PA 79 MANURE SPREADERS our wheel one Cockrnutt No end one Intemrtlonel Goad worklnl orderl ApvaArthur Dunn Gretz hurrt or telnphnue PA 84310 TnAcToR Mncomlck Dnerln dlerei model 215 new never med ml IIelICrl warranty Price sum Telml could bornnled iAnpnly to Logan num Exem er AcKSON PANNINO Mill cDm Sick WI InnIor 10 IIIO Allll he err Trictol with low ultlvnt 0x Potto Punt lnyllme McLeIII er Nillln cumow Potato Due ten Tworow ring Tooth Scum Ier Little Gent horse drum anlr Sinlin walking Plow etc Geem shemold IIRI Barrio Phone PA 59419 FEED SEED GRAIN BOOB CLEAN red clover iaefllnr IIII Telephone PA 35544 or fur tour lnlormstlon IlALEs or an Stuw or Apply Robert storey Elmvlil ME ILLLGKEMKMQWM EALEn HAY for n10 PA also Ior turther information ABOUT Io TONS or hurt quhllty ALIuIIn Hay und tone at struv for rule Telephone PA HEM POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB CHICKS Pile etu Ordei now for 4e1in ery en desired We mum Deltnlh or good Ilvnhlllty ex enuent en laIIIIILYl hllher re ALI ALID Re Rock And dd Sulsex crossbredr Prices end servic on mourn HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 HYLINE PULLETS FOR SALE 2000 STARTING TO LAY 5000 12 WEEKS OLD Real duullty htrdrrntred Ind DELANEAY BOATS HAYFIELD ST BARRIE PA 84451 UPHOLSIEE CLEANING nuns UFHOlsTERY VENETLAN BLINDS FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIR PA 6I612 bucked with airyLine Pnrhu Llln Itnd service For mrthrr inform ntlon Ind prlnes eontnnt SKYLINE FARMS LIMITED KEIFLEBY PHONE PA 74235 or SIMCOE DISTRICT 000 PA 66531 AVAILADLE Drnlnot IIII eut Bray dryold uud trrted lI Rmxls Perlrs IIPq Amer Serles duos End In RogueMemsulnmer price Ilse OnICI Iuneduly hrolleIs new Agent It copelend IIII heelon phone IIIIlIzl XOR new mu unu rum PASTOR POD mt lu AC or LAND tor m1 $3 IIEWIW Zl slur PA III ADI for VIII III In pastorr Plenty II Wale wwwtn hhyrhnnl PXqu BL Plum XIII hill STU ITEM NP DIIC for lull II DC 49 Mb KIM mun CHI NIIIIW AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE You Get Finer Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold AT MOTORS VIAU RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND hovEn 10 DOWN 1960 LAND ROVER 88 nunhed In Study Drown Camel equipped with our whui dflvl hlfh And low nun IYIIIII hlhh oi Illter ldul or Comm coll Conner nl mm 1959 RAMBLEH CLASSIC DOOR SEDAN mullled In huntqu Frost Whill And orllnlli Red Iweton wlth Elect end llrd Inlertur Inle ur iI equip rd wlth tho hmoul elrllner nc ninl rest one owner new ur trudun ISO RENAULT DAUPHINE DOOR SEDAN IIrlilhed ln Pompdour any Thu cur lur Ihe noor rout trensnlle lion la ngn yon the one Our reel Very economieel dnvo 1968 RAMBLER AMERICAN DOOR SEDAN Finiailzd In Invon Klnlherly Blue with metohtnr hlue lnterlor Thlr ur on llrnter on complcl rtop tnlr one IF YOU WANT GOOD USED CAR AT OUR LOW PRICES DONT MISS THIS CHANCE DROP IN AND SEE US TODAY 1855 HILLMAN Mle DOOR SEDAN Plnlulled In lhnheuy Illell with and Interior Equipped with wlndlhlold wuhell Ind Chinun wheel rinld Thu would he the ldul lecond an or the InmIIy 1953 CHEVROLET 2D00RNSEQAN FInIshed In Blue Ind White lane Thin cu very lurlcflvl Ind lilhlt 17 Ion STREET PA 66488 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH STANDARD hum Repel to All Mel 0M1 Ind NAL Towllu Service 15 BAYIIHJ AIL BARRIE PA 84166 6500 DOLLARS 1952 Studebaker door cloud running condition TELEPHONE PA 87591 LTD ookin In end°e 1953 FORD Bndtop excellent body And runnan candJIIDnl No rust $3M TtIlPth PA H731 1553 PONTIAC two dom cyiin drr gt11le Pnthllnder with re dlo Excellent condition thronzh out Good denl or Cllhl Tele Ph no PA Will spr Car In excellent conditlo low mIIElEO znnd tlrerl Can he fln ended ApPIy us Full street PA 120 1960 VAUXEALL two tone while shame 15 phone PA 35731 50 CONSUL 12000 miles dEqua trim And IuIerlorwhlle wens show room Shape armd to an Telephonl PA oim Ian MERCEDES Em and Sednn hlnclr Exceptionl vnlun ihdlo low millsKe 31000 or but offer Phone PA MN Alter pm 195 VOLKSWAGEN hrnnn grey Iizht lelther rents new style stroud Inn AOUAII anon nr hut ellr 1933 Ford Stl nn wllnn £000 1957E3A Gnld Star 500 dlnlin motor cycle Telephone PA Hm 1050 AUSTIN 350 audio Ind rent Gavelinn stlu under errmy Only ured neond Excali ent condltlo Teloph no PA 195 METEOR on nionutomntio tunnull rohullt enelne 11 down no elephone may Copeleun toiepiaone PA ocean lose Porto oleen helper two tone good body Ind prlnt In eury motor new ure cm In An nneed Sproute su run Illa wry one lntle route or nonl tnn Phone Ivy 111m 35 PONTIAC converting auto ower hearing on nwu I7 LPWIIIID well And nd In excellent candIIIon HIIUIIK muons lbiy Telephone PA 08974 use CHEVROLET nun Iutnrh ndln Ind build new tires one owner Jun Mondfllmfld Illi inl nllnnlbly to mgenll Street or leplnne PA 68919 In Palm ve eutom up lull liner convertible mill nllelre wlII CIIIIIIS condition PA M138 hawIII p1n ISM MONARCH Co rtlhll on down tlku all Whiteth Idiu lulaml 0210 or equiwefl mmneulete condilon Telephon OIIIIII Fnlrviow Hm lm VOLKSWAGEN VAN 0000 mile like new Udell About three InontIl No winter drlvtnz Appw Hollnne hllrsry lIanle Phone Eimvaie In In YOU DAVE hesn rteedlly em ployed tor ux months you Gen buy I056 Mercury two door hudtop IIMLIHWNLR nnsmlnlen 41nd radio 15 down ndul monthly Teinilhone Ilrn Dickeron PA 61135 or mrther Internsdoll hertlng system ndlo cut at May Sunshine SpeciaIs KrémeIMoIors Lid IDEALFOR SECOND CARSFISHING CARSTHAT EXTRA CAR ON THE FARMGO TO WORK CARS I953 DODGE Stock No use I953 MONARCH Stock No MM I953 CHEVROLET Stock No 1503 953 VANGUARD SiackNo Issa I953 PONTIAC Stock No 6433 I953 PLYMOUTH WAGON SIM N0 WIB I953 CHEVROLET Stock No 708A 1953 PONTIAC Stock No 1233 I953 FORD Stock No 76°C I953 METEOR Stock No use I953 CHEVROLET Stock No 708A I952 DODGE Slack No me $34900 $44900 $49500 $9900 $49500 $44900 $19900 $29900 $19900 $15900 $15200 $12400 SEE THESE AND OTHER SUNSHINE VALUES ON OUR LOT KRAMER MOTORS LTD BRADFORD STREET BARRIE cAal LOAN not It on nu month Telephnnn FA M10 Cru enl PInnco 2a Dunlap St CARS ITO TO BUY cAIrl Pon your cor LIunI paid on lrede up or dnwn Al lnndnlo unto Else nond BIP rte PA H32 TRUCKS TRAILERS SCHOOL BUS I956 VOLKSWAGEN IO PASSENGER SCHOOL BUS Good condition Recent trnnse mission and engine overhaul OPP certificate of Illness KRAMER MOTORS LTD BRADFORD ST BARRI TON FORD Pickup truck with run and bed Ind runn ina order new rrnrt es roulu Supsrtort Highwy 17 mile Snug Thornton Phone Ivy ll 1951 TRAILER or Glandlo two hadron cicnn con dition fully equipped mlny ex llal Priced to loll awnel lain Wilt Apgiy Gilmoren Moill Hiih VIII firth PERSONALS CHILD FOR ADOPTION ALLAN Ir elwnyr lelliuz elnt worker how much to he ndeptod In there ciunco thnt you might be the purenls this yur old wont much He II hrowdhulred nluer ed long durir Iuhn he lned uln corn plexion Ind level smlle AL LAN ll In excellent hulth end In no is he Dcilnviour prn hiein In youndrter with nu meroun interests In Ornde VII now ALLAN prohrhly will he hrpplett tehlnz vecrtlonel couo so It high lchonl In pnrnonrllty he in uletlnunncred Irlendly lllred erever helocs Decnure he tend to inclt cnnlldnnee end Initiative are looking for pnov Plo who would it hutlent yel run to live ALLAN III the encourne ment portlhle ALLAN would love to live on term We invite en rll Irma PKOIIIIIIII coupler IVA THE MINISTER or PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDING TORONTO WOMENS comm LEARN HAIEDRESSING Enrol now In thll lovemlnent enurtered Dchooi whore you an tharoulhlytrllned In ell bundle or Deeuty culture fiFfl Momuunzwxltc DERWIN BAIIIDIIISSING SCHOOL 19 COLLIER 5mm 0R PHONE PA 3300 BEAUTY anor Coldwlvu etc by emitted hetrdrersnr In our own name Phone PA was or PA um LOST FOUND CAT LOST fortune shell in ME Inlty n1 Weillnztnn Street East nbnln In any no Anynn deeinl but plan CIII PA 180 TRICYCLE LOST Thlnle Imlll red Haydn with wooden block on the penIr Owen street north nrnl Telephone PA 131103 demons REWARD altered or lnrnrnutlon loldin to recovery at smut Inmsle shntlu sheep Dog Miniturd Collie lost or picked one mile uouth o1 Burl1e Grou personal we to owner Teltphnrle PA In hi In wnntl Io HELP WANTED MALE DELI MAN TO TAKE complltu III16 OI small mnnullcturlnl oIEIIe er en pale experlenee Ind niery expected Dex 41 Elm runner SINGLE MANwnnted Inl dolry rurm nood itlhlthl leo Apply 40 wiiiilln Clerk Inn DonIn or telephone PA em Am Is ortpldr oDII AP iy IUDCIIIIGI on nestElm Riflhwl COOXIIOWD Teie Drown nnd white 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP WE PAY YOU TO TRAIN FOR RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT RILFICIKNIXPIDOIM Illdiln Rm to with no run cont to cum her than ntn nPeninll or younl or More uro op ortunltles ln Hum omen end Inlmotlvl Palltlonr One 20 lo 30 deslnhle out we huh low oraninll or men ll to no sin men pre Telrod estrun II expertnu depenfl on ad put work IIltule reinry dupendl upon the Ibiifly Ind pedalminc of tin IndIvIdIIII Seilllu It lhl menunlan llvli IIIIII up nrd Iran minimum 0on7 to over 1000 now eExIentIve expenlon Dmlnnn end luparviud trlnln pro vidn exulieht opportuny lor npld mmounh hr upon tndlvl Illl palOmen oEleoyee hrnedu include Pnn rlon Finn nrono Lilo Inlur nnce Ind llnlth Finn Prodt sh in summer end wtntnr Vneetlonn QUALIFICATIONS OLeldenhIP IbIIIly IA lent IIIrh School edugr tint Dr butlll Attractive rIert In rule Ior hoth mrh Sedan Dniverlity Endu It Wliiinlnul to Icept periodic expelII Plid Innen Hal kllnin REPLY Itltinl lull purllrulerl Nrnre eddrul Inlnpnonn nunn her he muitli mtue eduer Uon Ind proviotu worlr unen enre hox 50 mm leNm FOR YOUNG MEN AGED I6 TRADE YOU LEARN WHILE YOU EARN Throuli the Soldier Aliment Piln offered by the Clnldhn Army you not only Innn trell Ind tnke the tint stops to In llltun In Iddltioil WILDn OFURTHEH YOUR ACADE MIGEDUCATE OBENEFIT FROM MILITARY LEADERSHIP TRADIING OEARN GOOD PAY FROM THE DAY YOU JOIN Enrolmenia elm May Ind len unue until ouotu urn tilled or to September ADDII tlonr en helng acceptII now nnd win no gracesnd in the order roeInd nu must hnve undo reunion or hatter be 16 nu 17 on 1111 day you sure end In et my otnqlliremlnu PHONE OR VISIT YOUR LOCAL ARMY RECRUIT ING STATION DAY 03 MAIL TATE COUPON IDEDOW T0 CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE fist CIBII Ave mt floor Toronto Onteri TELEPHONE WA ems we knee MALE HELP cm OP DAIIIIIE Requires CITY ENGINEER Anpuuliflnl In Inviltd In the realm CITY ENGINE or the CH Bl InnIn DUTIE Includ lecithin on Vision 12 all nun Mum pol enlthunnl In commotion aeration o1 con nunIn Cl AIJTICAIIONS Dunn mull he Hound of III DII lor Mllnlion will the Anocillldn Proloulonni En lnem In on lulu Ind In Inn experience In Interim April outlon nhnunn nl nve lunlelDl In should Ive mil Inton Diary II Irvin will be until seinry eemmenluruu who on inctint you employ oenenu in mm ADpiIcoIlon wIllhe hlid In trlrl confidence end ehoule be limit GIGC City III City in nor too Ellfil Outerlo FEMALE HELP REGISTERED NURSES Slllry Illll $10690 10011 Rt guind by Meliupoiilln Toronto or Hum or the Mid In Now nnrlru antrid Pnrrn out Ind temponry Damien Fang hour week 0004 employ hill IA Ap Ply to SUPERINTENDENT GREENACIIES HOME FOR THE AGED NEWMQIIKET PERSONAL OFFICE 387 BLOOH EAST MW HOUIIKIIFBR re ulna In Pro tutDI mnlhelleu on III II boy II and home lnIiI tron Hithwlixii nul drrrtn Do to heme nnlner MALE 03 FEMALE IF YOU WOULD ILkI to lily morn yuur income by SIM 200 per monih during your Spin Hm Write for Interview PDII OUIEO nor Home TEACHERS WANTED PARTTIME mulll tueher wnted tor Eimvnie Dlntrlct Hiuil School dutlel to hcrlu September Int Apply lirllnz nunllnctlona end niuy expected to Air Kny Secret Trununri Elm vein District leh school Eenrd Elmvule Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK AFTER chlldrnn In my own home will nil Id Phone PA Hue WILL GIVE dny cue to pruchnol ere children while mothlr worn VlcinIIy oI Nelsull and strollhe Avenue Telephone PA Mm mxsnoirArIIm TE DE rewnIhIp nlSlnnidxil Sehonl Bum INN lrlmwfllilwyl° he provided In pmcnur our Ior Approrlmtely find pupal Iran Sunnidllo SS II In end to Oxbow Pun School enumenelor Sept ml Imuculen my be obtetned Nu IA HI I7 or my number Loreen or land out New old 0le Tin 11 II my 11 he received up to 1x1 to mnmushyw GRANT srAVNli nurnou STAYNDI mm I3 AUCTION SALES We AUCTION ROOMS $5 DUNLOP STREET WEST Auruonl held every FRIDAY EVENING AT 730 PM We wIll reolv lnodl Ior eueII delly Iran we ADI TO 50011 on TmflONl PA Iuxv Ior OIMIII FIND rr NECESSARY TIIA ALLCONSIGNED GOODS In EN rzlttn Pox SALE NOT LArnI THAN THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO SALE JERRY OOUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND mo CILWILL LTD HESBARRIE PA as VICTORIA HARBOUR 568 relIn Inter Flu Advnnhlu Prolculonnl eelVice Satisfied customers VERNON AYRES LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE STROUD ONT Graduate Reich School 01 Auctioneering WORLDS LARGEST AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 21 1961 Auction III 01 form lIOIk and im laments Inl llEIIEEIu BLACK Suulh hIIl til IAS Centurion IolthnhIlflI EIII Irl DJII Terlml Dr SPROULE AUCTIONKEII AUCTION SALE hlmlture rerun llermnr nd equ mint 1955 Man Ellis True GMC Ind lama Monk lend Mrl ity Binck Muck Pm TownIll Ionth hlltel Lnll I0 II Ind Can County Sim SATURDAY MAY 20 AT 130 dolez run well mile unv ND reldiVEIu II III Ternu ll whluon ree Elmvnic phone mall TRACE AUTIIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY Wild Auction sun at hluh elm Doult hold turnlture tor MRS SUSAN HARRISON ut In 3nd Street Midilhd Ohl SALE AT 100 PJIL IDST SHARP Tonnl Cuh No reserve home In role Jony Coulhlllt Auollpneer ol WOULD LIKE to mind child In my own home nuanmhle CID to mavenl Cooler Telephone PA GARDENS non TILLED and Ilwm cu Ctmk nndpriet SH nlhil ntel TnIIphonI BOOKKELPIR Accountht re uud on union nItur In ynrr unit 01 Lh IOcII hill or Artlimenmpluyin Llinl H1111 Strut Telephon PA ML 11 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OP JANNIE ROTHWELL BOYES deceased hevinl ol Annle Hoth well Eoyel DI bl Townlhip Innudl in tile caunty or Sim roe who dled on or About the my ex Novenher new ere hereby nodded to nd pertlcu ler or nine to the underIoned an or helon the In any 01 lune Ml In which due the en will he nlrtnhuted hevlne ohi In III cinlm Ill which Ill uh Inilnldlhlil then new not De DATED It hredtont toll uth HI of Apr 1001 armI EDWARD hams end hrtocx MACDONALD EVANS Executorn by thelr Shiieitofl EVANS EVANS Emu nIoeIr landlord NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 01 ROBERT BOYES deceased All pardon havint nilinu Illinli the amt or Robert Bayes into of the TDWIIIIIIP III Innilfll tn the County Simeon whodled on or nhnut the 0th joy Iunuoryuiul nitJenny handed te lend ylnlnllllfl or In In the undnrlilllld on or baton ha III dey nl June 196 utter which dun the alttn will be dutflbllled hlviul relrd on to the Dillin Illwhich the In enuned null then hove nut co DATED It Eradlord thin 26th any of April 1901 RODDIT EDWARD BOYES Ind BROOK MACDONALD EVANS kuentora by their Seiicilnfl EVANS EVANS mull Block nrrdlord I2 TENDERS TENDER Tendfl will he recetved by tin undonlned until noon my II 1961 on th ru ellIll or unto to he ullflrln odrtnuton hool CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver memento are inserted at the rate oi 41 per word per Insertion let one and two times 30 per word lor tillea lull 0r Ive timer and 21m per word lol or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 dnya Tim MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 964 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 7A WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE 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in Memorinrn No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra All WANT AD copy Ihould be In our ofliu by 1111 the day before publication On Saturday by noon FOI annIvAd Service end the ontlide Onkley Perk sellout Lowest or soy tender not neceuufly In ad Tender Inmu on he nbtuinrd from GEORGE LONGSTAPFE Baillie Admlnlltnlor nrrI bile School Bond Is Blyfleld stl Barrie IeIlpthI PA Label Ior the manner eollmlon ot Durh Inlorlu tlnn end rpecldoetlonl een de ll £KENNW TENDERS FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Tendeuytllh rocevldrtlhtu 12 oclock noén Friday May 10m PEI PA82414 In th VUIIia Weers such he optllme et Iile uunlclpnl linl DANCHARD CLERK TREASURER VIILAGEOE WASAGA BEACH minimtlinciinlge $150 BIrtII 73

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