Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1961, p. 12

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ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS Diem occasionThe etttn gylgmmToleMDfi an neighbors Darri miner Cisssliisd Susi an as our flu ni ellLn The nu Drill 3110 APPAt the hoyel Victoria Eblplnl Barrie on risy tier to his ghuutlhllkrlnyh liter Sm reseen can illdye sisterlee men And Killian mumAt the Itoyal VID lorlrllinpltll name on Wed nesdsy Hay in lost to Mr and sore Donald Meuartin in Sun nidsle nose Eerri Ion cone lea Andrew PADmDoDAt the lie si Vlth toris liepits Barrie on conr day May ill ID to Mr and Mrs Maurice Partridlt R11 Dorrie daughter ADOPTION LAPLANTIBlll Ind lulu cl Gracelleltl Avenutr Toronto ere Ia py to announce to srrieeI DI the chosen dlllhlfl Lynne Millie ILIter or Inn DEATHS nUDnchPssred away at the Stevenson llemorlsi Horpliai Al urton on Wednesdsy my in loot Clara Iene Denney beloved wile oi Welley iiudolck and dear mother or Leona Mrs Nukey oi almu Manitoba Oilvd Mrs It Meusryl oi Baxter Alvin and Doris sire it ckmsni both or narno In her or year nesting at her home Baxter until noon saturosy liey is then to Easter Prrshtyerian Church or sortice at 250 pm Interment An Union Cemetery Csikot wll remeln open in the church irom in until commencement oi rvl mwsNAt her home in Wurl ley street Daril on lday May loel Edith Webb beloved wlie oi the late willisrn Irwin deer mother oi nerths Mn Wes coenrenel James Cecil port Ede mund Clsetus Dalton and est loved er oi nenismln ehh In her olsi your Reruns at the sonnett mineral Nome palric mnenl service Sundry May It at no pm Interment st Jamell Cemetery stroud Royal Vlelt tons ilorpltsl min on Thun dsy my ll lWI lersie Viola wnlie heloved wiie oi OConnor oi oi Owen street Bu ric dcar niotnerol rhomas oi Aylmor quehee sod James Lavittown bu outer oi Iiupert White oi Parry sound liceling at the steolrley mneral Borne in iVomley street Barrie or service on ssturdsy llley st in em interment lllUcrest cemetery Pany Saulid upon er rival oi motors shout pm 1N IVEMOIHAM ManDln loving memory 61 my hurhend David lllIllu who passed away any it lost page in the Book ol Memories allenty turns today Ever remembered by wire L31 CARDS 0F THANKS MALONEI wish to conve my llncere thenks and appree atlon sol llowers other slits and cards received during my stay in the Royal Vlctcrts llorpltsl Barrie also to Dr ivlaoPherion and on see lssryLynn Melon CLEABYI wish to exoress my deep lPPreclntloD to Dr Little and the nurses til the Ruyll Vlclt toria Hospital or their wonderiui care lnIl Illndneu to ml Illa lo my triends and neighbors who oalled or sent cards flowers and ms during my recent illness Ulenry COMING EVENTS DANG NG EVERY SATURDAY cam era COUFLE ONLY PINECREST 5150 couple iror table reservntions PHONE ELMVALE 757R NearIyNew Sale PARISH HALL BASEMENT MAY 18 I9 20 REGULAR STORE nouns Good used Ulntblnl Ind mllcell neoue artlnles ponsored hy rnoity Cmener Maris Whiterden 51531 CarCflnvellen Ml Eeep PA um in PA 04539 LILAC SPRDIGIEA BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH WED MAY 24 I961 230 pm to 500 pm Isle isln candy Aprons Admission 35 Chllllren 15a Aumleel of Womlnl Auolllllnn YOUNG PEOPLES RALLY smouo COWUNITY HALL MONDAY MAY 15 1961 spoil27M pring Is FRIDAY any REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOBSALE NORMAN helsweII REAL IslAT altnkn Donlop street cast PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENING CALls lee Longtin PA ma Enron Shaiswsii Howard Norrte sack vviiison sin Lemon CRDZQN 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Kemblr Ill Barrie Ind Dblriot Rlll but ELIrd MOVING Dont orgt trarlaiar your INSURANCE and II In need artn coverage of any clue SEE STEVENSONS PA m1 89 DUNLOP ST SUITE we HENDERSON REALTOR lD COLLIER 8mm PHONE PA 82675 NAPIER STREET EUNGALOW Unfinished Well landscaped lot Pflcld to sell 32000 down Phone PPM Fnrd as ACRES Who modelll noted tlnn with garlo or Worklholi Dll lietlnkycolaierdol Ma le husuh on roe oo lenso uses lewd Plionn leercy Fold lemmas CALL RITA scANDlurn PA was PERCY FORE PA 07030 Mnmhorpt Elrrll Ind Dillrlel Ind Onllrlo Rlll Ella fiend CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $17000 MODERN DUPLEX aunt in 1951 master IIvlnl quas ter isoo so bedrooms llv ins dining sndsdeouate kitchen Apartment lccomofll glllrlerl 30 lq It coli slsung oi our rooms seli con tained Complete laundry and lumlcn room Close to North Col legiate Terms arrsnued EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME With builbln garage centre hell plan uvlng room 22 with iirc lace large dining ardl besu tliu kitchen with hrcskisst ares toilet room air kitchen three largo bedrooms ceramic tile bath room oil fired hot atec heatlns vlewo hayr TWO STOREY ellln in excelled con gimp extrulnoatinn oil heat ins on on lot with considerable depth Immediate possession rerms arranged 11D ill WEST END choice oi two bungalow lIlel room combination kitchen and dining Irel two bedrooms all heetlno storms and screws VIth lrl walking distance oi shopping Centre Member of Blrrln do Dlstrlct ricsl Estate Board PHONES Omen PA 2485 Evenlnl PA734592 CONSULT US ON Low downpsyrnent houslnepisnr Exohngepi Properties oNstIoosl Housing Loans Buslness opportunities Property Management FULLY SEEVICED LOT Well treed located amongst good houses all 55 it Total pile $100000 Terms If desired IMAGINE THIS lattily clean Total chlr ges including principal interest and tsxes $5432 or month In northern area ocks from pub lIL Ind hlflh Schools Four rooms Ind bllh Uplhln ll room brick hunglow immecu Home Improvement Tirnecr SelllQOIrj BUY Wilh Examiner Want REAL ESTAT ROGERS CONNELL PROPERTY FOR SALE REALTORS ounnumrmmwr First in Barrie WeliIIuFnrnmostlu Quality oi Service PA 85568 MOOREPA In RoamPA H53 mom KARE DISTRICT LIA CLIFF TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL FOREPA 510 0va WI ESTATE BOARD ROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARNES ENTICI FHONIE PA 60241 PA 60242 NG BRICK HOME ON MAPLE AVE TA only brick home II In bountiful condltlan in rooms on each leer lull basement new oil in In tulle III on lwlll landscaped lot 10 with like aha trees and shrubs BLAKE ST BRICK HOME Nice location weikins distance to 14le room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bathroom on second Price Torin can be haunted downtown Lot wall iandcca and line sunrooni on diet ioar flour Oil hul ildmo lull nun CHOICE LOTS large lot loo 275 with some Lavel on 550 heatlng On beautqu lot want real bargain ins Mu Ihis glee rertsurunt her scco leier minis ed and equippdd Di 100 ACRE CHI storey brick home with oil menace money maker CIII Fergus Garvey at or inspection EVERYTHING IN BOAKE REALTOR iel BRADNRD sum nAiuim PA 85381 OR PA 85838 still leulnl emu to emus or arming cl WakennnPA 81451 III II Ii HokePA N80 Members or Dariis end District Real mu Beard STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 55901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS HOME AND INCOME or bedroom brick bungalow with roomed basement spurtrnent as well Live or nearly nothing while renting your apartment Asking only 9mm FARM 1w scrap of fined nulls Ind PD tlto lunll wlt Greek New ham wllh Itenl dtahllnl rvnmptumo house with bath close to school Ind thunk Two hills of llllh way MEMBERS or rm nAnltLE AND DISTRICT ltEAL estATE BOARD Merv GouldOrb silo Doris NuttyeomhePA wool Edith Gould0m told iIeny SiessonPA 5087 HAVE LOTSWOULD BUILD HAVE HOMES WILL SELL NEAR SCHOOLS AND STORES CALL BUILDER FOR MORE INFORMATION BUD ALLEN PHONE PA 8428I EXCELLENT Lsrgs Dulldlng Lot do is tact Located north side or Mountbatten Road Quiet resle still are close to CadrIlllton school Telephnnt PA Men For ilALn by owner three hed room hriek hungslnw near North Collegiate Pull hseement all heating so or 120 For iurther per ilculere telephone PA 85106 scenie view looking towards the at all No ll Highway louth of Berlin beer Mudowbmk only BRICK BUNGALOW AT STROUD Just years old has nlca living robin large kitchen with breakfast nook bedroom piece bath lull basement with hot water oll IAtI of cupboard Ind plunge splice large double lng II in immaculate condition profl wonderful polnnlhl burlIll It 216000 Wllh toml nleo mu mainly Crest Drlvsi bay Priced to sail alsgs rt last you lold not RESTAURANT ON HWY CLOSE TO BARRIE mmodlllon or ID ellI Com cellcnt ellle qlllrlen Dr owner Tull bllllilen II Ihowinl 004 CKEN FARM Clou to BIrrIe commodltlon or 10000 hyefl 7000 hrollerl Good and hath excellent land real this oiilce or rurthsr tniomauon SUMMER COTTAGES We iiavn good selection oi summer eolules SHADE Contact lllll 0ch any time or mlllzl lnlonnstlnn lmpeeunn wa aVs otherscall lls AnytllnL Priced irom $1000 to REAL ESTATE AFTER HOURS CALL smllh CampbellPA D13 Joan LangPA Midi Fergus asrvsyPA mil Members or the Barrio lieu Eriete Doerd HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 EAYFIELD ST PA W5 $35000 DOWN Foul room stucco home on Sunni dalo read about notice to Blrrle OD exlrl IIIHe lrneil lot Plymen or only$3500 per month on bai anco For further details call Emory Mlller PA 60416 BRICK BUNGALOW Centrally located to llctorlee and ehoppln two bedrooms llvltil room inlug room kitchen with well or cupboards Pull basement with builtin bedroom Forced slr heating Lovely back ysrd with an extra long gerage Pun sumo with decent down ment To inspect ceu Emory IerPA oloilo $35000 DOWN Three room instill brick home on Duniop street West near Wohllh why with DIM119mg per month Cln you Iltord In pass this IIP For lilrther detllll call Enlary Miller PA mun Member 01 Blrrlnuid BlurCI Roll Estto Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA m1 lol PALMER PA boos HAROLD Pahsm PA M465 KARL MARSHALL 4PA 89917 llun iii $2500 Sm DOWN buys eight room hnbllE hydro water Located It Stnyner erle Box 48 Barrie lotminer FIVE ROOM Euulslow bevel sid lllx Seven year old prlssure system Small basement Five rillles lrom Clmp Burden 0003 New Lowell ALLANDALE Cusom huilt hrlelr bungalow live care old 115 Anne1istrestsout Largo down eymeut required till monthly eludes interest principal and taxes PA up $125 wlLL BUY modern three bedroom hrlck hungelowexcell ently located in re dcntlel IreV Must be seen to ho up reclhted Fai rurther intormation elephone PA ovanz snow Newly built two hed room hunpaiow Large living room and toned Low down pay ment will consider late model car as partial down payment Telephone will stroud olllLY CROSSWORD REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE COREY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE gtPA 82419 93 Dunlo COREY WimfiltEix 31 NEWS orli tom terns STROUD AREA Ihia comiortsble room home on paved reed Water under prey rm Lot no rest on con nar to mue in tandem sump PROPERTY Lacunaauinhm Goth Wood In lot umnlompleti an LARGE HOME bedroom brick Se ante diulna afihbutn Doll modularl cioaoto Nicely landscaped IllInnuu lN COOKSTOWN Store loch flock Ind all Do lglnouvllr 0000 ADD Ib Prlcld WE WELCOME ALL TYPES ROSE REA ESTATE BROKER milN STREET BAR SUNNIDALE ROADAREA Executive typo home located on lane treed lot or in restoring bedrooms shape uvlnr room and dining room open ilre piece or Gedrxlm marble thermo pans picture window aluminum storms end eeleons recreation room and piece washroom in huement attached range This is mu hunt and well kept home only about llé years old Make and appointment to see this home sy DOUBLE HOUSE Doublehousc Eech slde has room Ind hath Located In load Aldenull ml Idal Invcfl ment rentius present slsl monthly all pPICI Duly $10500 with assoc down payment CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Ernie and Dlstrlct heal mete norm HENRY fELRiCfifl AND MICHIE I5 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA was Maunzrt DANNII REAL ESTATE INDIVIDUALITY AND CHARM OWNER OFFERS THIS CUSTOM BUILT HOME DUE TOTRANSFER rellevel home living room din lnt room kltnllen bedrooms complete bathe remUy room with fireplace den mahogany flnlsh Heatinl fumed III II tired LOC 71 in law Price Includes huutln ova Ind oven drlpel etc hill Itch $6000 terms to be $85000 EACH rlscss lots located lflell school and Marina with to Im ironi age hydro evalluble Domi water supply at approximately as leet 83c plan oi subdivision in cs After hours mane Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bob FiewelliilgPA 85885 REM ESTATE Ens oPPonrUNlrms ART DEALERS OPPORTUNITY sum on N55 PICTUEZ WAG 1960 EROS556 Dims Plto tirgu nosAnusmsinéu II no LOCATION IN moanr0 you details no sAnnsz ml mums In DrIVDoID Tbutn lmfiolnntude limit to articulare lisrrie sminae MONEY ro LOAN AR write an MOUNTAIN 0P DEBIS7 Pry nlu on Now with Atticat meiorured SOOTIA PLANI LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SOUIIA FINANCIAL FOR THE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 IT WILL PAY You lo 631 ALL THE FALIS AND mu SEE SEABOARD Wm You seem LOW COST RATES canY STATED FLEXIBLE TERMS UP on Iion PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PImMPl eclsl Pisnslior Homeowners she may Eruieelnsurvd Seaboard Discount DUNLOP ST 2ND FLOOR CANADIAN LIMITED PHONE PA 86117 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE You Are Inviled to dhcuu your mortgage mount with us with out ob sion providing Lilo pro pertlel are on literati plIDl In or out of CI Intorut It pres vauing rates coutis in Co Owen snio PA 81455 IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS wrra LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS rAil om lo Youit nuncm IF YOU NEED MONEY Tn consoudate debts ey on existing mortrsges mortllles EDITIan dfll ome Improvement eAny worthwhile eeuse Call today lor appointment PA 60981 EVENINGs PA 61082 Mortgage Funding OfCanada 129 DUNLOP EAST FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE Leaving T0 10 interest Maximum amounts let do not exceed 40 of property value PA 61032 EvmlNG To 900 PM FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY TO LOAN ON Resident Properties Business Properties Improved well located farms VICTORIA Cr GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT REPRESENTATIVE FOR BAREIEAND DISTRICT HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REAL ixrAle AND Eusnis nltom 15 CLAPPERTON STREET BARRIE PA 61791 so hem halt mile of paved rosd Barrie miles tom with an loo acres Daniela ruilee step to $50m down too acres Barrio lo milee 010000 Intlllrlllll rtDCK Ind Im plements terms 100 Ions flood level arm 15 OWEN ST PA D5833 N0 ARRANGING FEE OIL BONUS 1an To LOAN on Asst or see Im IOU end mortgrse Apply Box ti But rlc meminer 1200 mm MORTGAGE wanted edlntely to clear up es tstei Apply to box or Barrie Essm ner MolthCEsist and and bought sold and arranged Commerclsl nod residential mane landed on existing mortgages artlo Mm sage Broken PA 65594 RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT THEME Tot ALPHA WYONE WEMJOMEI MAYTiNfiIE EA BAKE SALE SALE OF HANDWORK CENTRAL UNITED HURCH WEDNESDAY MAY 17 230 To 500 EM TICKETS 35¢ AUSPICE WA EGBERl UNITED CHURCH STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL WEDNESDAY JULY Sth Watch For Details Later NAVY LEAGUE AUXILIARY BAKE SALE EIRESTONE STORE SATURDAY MAY 13 11 AM Folk PICK UP CALL PA m1 GABIJDI i=er to he held by the st Eeorges Anglican Church Utopia on Wednesdsy June 29 COUNTRY HOME room brlck hollln south of Bar rle OIl Dentin hllh hardwood floors mil Ilreplene Llrle larden Par wooden youcsn move in at nnceTlxe only 5500 LARGE FRONTAGE 0N BAY Five room no storey brick home with garage Boat house included locstlon such as this is almost impossible to obtain Owner is leaving town Any reasonable ailer will he conductpd PRICED FOE QUICK SALE Modern room bun elow Full bnscmznt aoproxlmste 120 icet floor are Privately owned Bull iv years wool is moving out oi town end has suihorized us to lllsh Ch price Irolri 31000 to Vilma THIS IS IN COMMERCIAL AREA Modern brick house room bathroom Yhe ll Dill dweuins oriss son ate unites opposite Kempenieitnowung Al ley well landscaped excellent telins GRAYDON KOHL REAL mun nnbm PA 84252 ll DUNLOP so EAsr Pneticulsrs later Want Ilood wake ANGUS GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 3Eim1iaci€£ Ifilfnle toll PA Glm room bedroom Inlrtmenu and one ms mglm LCIotho and arousing oilidolch Jolt sand EDeolnm EAL we archaic oIrIéoZlem 110nm Elm 105135 IIIENIIIINV IIIIIN bedroom artment Tel PA phone KINIi HIDEIII VIIHN IN NIIIIRJIIIH IIHIIIIIIIINSIIEIIW IIIIISNIIIINREIII ion oed tor quick sale taboo cash 00 red with rlvnr through gropert Barrie mlles Slflr 001Terlrls lla porcupine hesutlrul house and good here extra good soil with crooks $15500 with ohont mm ds Inns narric contract may no ob 75 screl rained EVENINES PHONE AL AFmTERePA 61555 GENE MOORE PA 32360 mm OF TORONTO AND ONTARIO REAL ESTATEROARDS HANDYMANS 3P CIAL Private room home Ind Inna Reunit lbly fitted MLDntd Pu Estate sale lephone PA hll ARM consisting of 106 acres New fieldInt Hun milk quota hulk tenk Pauline or term me chinery including new diesel treetor with 45 herd or noletcln cattle Dulldlnss in Al one prlecd right Co lets 5000 1y Dex 09 as Exnmltier PROPERTY WANTED SOLD Wm ll HOURSI In reply to our rccept so ior houses or Walling clients two people respondedrid their prone at so new street and RR ur rle we sold In two II We still have cuents wetting Whut hlve you got In all Wllh down under Cull RuliL PA BUS OPPORTUNITIES lTlIOUD GENERAL STORE Largo lot Living ouertere good water all equipment Included inprlce limo down Term an reused wolcphoue PA 8958 FURNISHED two largo bright room apartment East End good location on bus route overlook boy Telephone PA pom PUENISHED bed sitting room line en dishes rsngetto supplied use or retrigerstor close to own town Telephone PA woo 515 Two BEDROOM Apartment hot water healing Downtown loca tlnsl Adultsonly Apply Rogers re conneli telephflne PA 8508 an rm llNcll Aluminum Plpe and sprinklers for sale only Used once Half prlce Telephone Ivy 27R Alter Epm PHRNIBEED Apartment Large living room bedroom and kitrrh enette In Alluldnle Law rent Telephone PA 240 mm 1100an upstairs unlup Illshltd apartment Kitchen living 1an and bedroom private bath room Apply 50 Cumberllnll St on Nicqu Furnished Houses keeping rooms newly decorated Control AdultsPhone PA Mm after pm or turdy mumsnm Apartment three rooms and bathroom gel Unnhln ed suitable for business people $56 month Telephone PA TWD RODMED turnlslled ap rt ment Also rn med unlurnlshed apartment oils elated and avail able immediately Telephone PAE lini for fllrthnrvlnfomltlnll THREE imam modern hsnted apartment urnlshnll or unturn Ialied Jrlvatohdtthlfirhachnlor aglrtment in new building ielr one PA Milo NEW MODERN sell canlllllld house for rent wlth three bntl rooms main living room ldicho wltli hullhln cuphoerde and mu hlicment wllll all lllmltla If In terested phone Itd Benton liter 11m RENTALS Am HOUSES TO BENT Hit unloollcothnuusut meat for mt ear ooad Danish ad Te yhnlo sun $3 an boson MIDI 3001 our bedroom air aalDsietg Elgo on no close to penile school Ill phone llr Dandy PA um mks looes mated hesd IWGBI PITll bathroom Em it er one too mm Allelic or rest She tyEId lit smmiler Dom Earlis Ioduem inside eon Vlnllml bedroom DWIhi iy relpom PA up onimloorl hsattd unisr thed lDIflmonl on Mild flour Print entrance Cantrell AVI1Ilt obln lulu In Itlwhfint PA no Dlnlooll hsatsd uninh nisbed apartment Prints IntPence close to school and chuteh Pene at area Telephone PA AVAILABLI MAY int one up lllshed IliumIsl one Drillulna ad Both ll Nnuhed0no child welcom In Plain H210 IVO lllnll PA 04 VIIY MODERN and bedroom lln enmished eminent nut end new sacrumufulgmauc nndry one Malp nemhoo dupes PA om UNPUIINIsDLn three room spart ment heated lleirlserstor and stove so pUed Centrally located Immedise postesslon Telephone PA some or PA mod Prvl ROOM Houss lor rent three bedroom lIlei room Ind Huh en Inllde III till Imeped were andsh in miles Unmoufle Rea lollbl nnt Phone 15W Lelruy Ho LAilnE hrlsht heated ruc niahed rooms lied sitting room and kitchen Electric stove and rolriserstor dro and water top piied Apoiy Perkilde Drive ONE AND no Bedroom Apartv moml Stove Multan Jlnltol service and laundry lollllltlr llentlng mm sail monthly Telr plumb Leech PA Help TWO Dannoolw self contained perinleut available May In Gen rally lacs ed lie 01 garden and garese Newly decanted role phone PA com 11ml lloohl Apartment with stove Ilid rahIterator recently decorated puking scuttch Cen 311g lotElli Telephone PA TWO NICE Brlxhtupstlln rooms with prlvltl bathroom Rlllxn re Mentor ll hlllllll In and telephone supplied Pa Illflh lulled Hlllmll distrlct Telephone PA time RENTALS WANTED TO BENT mu pontoon noose wanted to not All hastd Good sees us wt town presetred Required by Julia APPI Box is llama Examiner Soldloolnnfunlnrd spam meat required or July West end or central presence the len wanted to rent with lion to buy Apply nox as namtsar WW MT Boll er Partlth rural Imhswdgumm distance to camp Doreen roll demo and Ant utter set Pele aw hordes SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To BENT lUliNum AG to ml ull iiilvllxllileelv IIIInn to bk Simone $20 walk Till1 Phone strand It durum corrAGI ice rent mar foonlnl PK 8e JL on re or or particulsrs Port Burr OR ror Sale dent on season iounroomed lskslrool mgfleohlotxtadueturlifllls WU eons Little Lake gggrmpmti Chlllté or an or ml rune nins weter hydro me bench bitu MD on the Slum RIV ar App Box ins Penetsns rele pooee lured 97m cormenfiop SALE Pelt sALE Small cottage on lilo ioot lreed lskeiront lot situated on Pine Lake In highlands or haUhurton uioot host included reiepnone PA stall SUMMER HOME oil Severn River in delllhtllll location Clan ID Wuhan Two htdronllu ll llvlnx room and dlnlfll room with fireplace completely mm lshed wllh VIII to null hmlllo loom in tivln dintn room and bedrooms eoe bat in Pore ed sir oil mmace and water here or handlepea lot 150 door by 100 lL River frnrlflll Ind vale dock Home is console ely Nfllpved with 1W Mlflllntnlp kitchen lumlture and utensils ll Selllnl price aim Writ or 151 onuu or cell FA ARTICLES for SALE WORK BOOTS FROM $195 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR llA CLAPPERTON ST YoUIl comm suonmAin Anor gt UNIUmslmn two room no meat with kitchenette and mu room Prlvalo sullen Hell hi dro and parking space included gaunt prelerredilpply in Napier ee HillN1st Lhrsie room port merit mund iloor private en rsnceri rigs hug1y All services moss ll traily located ldesl uZIouple only relephone PA Hon EAST END Large two bedroom apartment on bus route Now and modern Sell cuntmod stove and relrllerstnr Laundry llclll Good pamng Avall blr Jun leiephone PA 57 DAcImLoIt Apartment consistln or bed sitting room and kitchen sell contained Kitchen complete ly iurnlshcrl with relrigerstor stove table and chairs Avsllshle May Telephone PA Home TWO DEDlloulli clean hestcd aperuneut located central Alien dlle PrIVItn bath and entrence rleasonshle AvaUahle June One all welcome Telephone PA milBB 300i Apartment with 12 grlvltd hathroom hot water oil ested reirigerstor and heavy lduty stove included Located on gum Avenue Apply Ia Centre rec NEW AND Modern one and two hedroom spsrnncntv overlooking scenic Kempenielt nay neat wa ter srking and mum servic inclu ed Automatic wsrhing is cultles PA ozooi TWO llnoilmD nimlshed spart multxfiul hydro and water In cluded In rent Nest and clean and close to downtown llesson shln rent Suitable for couple PA 013 WARM comfortable finished heated three roam lPIrImenl Stove and reirlgerstor and iron uryaiaoilitior in Allalidale arna One Chllldwelcdmn Ample perk ing space reiephone PA uses hioDEEN nna bedroom apart iivlng rnnDI Htchui and and enter EIIDP 315 Tllcpholll PA Hm Anilshlo new ROOMS TO LET pfl WNW lidpie Avenun linens suppUed so weekly Pwo UNPUDNISDED Rooms ior rent Central loolion Heat mil lights supplied Use or bathroom Telephone PA 59 mm 00M lohml with rsngette us or retrlgerstor and Bendix Ground floor Central lo cation Telephone PA $5052 FURNISHED Rooms for rent Also smell cottage Suitable fllr con struction workers Very centssh Lots of puklnl Reuonlble rent galephonl PA 121 or 73 Hill ee ROOM Doom noolvi and heard in private home Gentlemen preierred Near CensdienCenersI Electric Tele phone PA Mus NONDRINKING nuslness gentle men desires room and posed in modern home Apply Box 45 Bar rie Examiner Wilma aim would like room Ind hand with respectable Im lb In exchange 1111 Dirtme help Telephone PA midsitar WANTED TO RENT THREE on Pom Bedroom Apsrt merit or IInuna wanted leach er and two children in flincrcst thoal Irll Telephnpl PA 60354 alter 450 pm COUPLE WITH two filrLi desire bedroom house or lDIrtment close to public schnoLKontai or $70 monthly Required May III or Rainy Box 21 Bird 13 emlner er0 BEDROOM lurnlnhed house or Ipnrhnnnt wanted lmmedlltely by young execfluvo and Ian onn clitlltly Prater Darrin iocatlo Taleth 11700170 10 Mumhy melt on FOUR Ballroom home wanted to rent on orvlielnrerSitpt Ner public schnoLRnsan slhle couple with two echoohnge children only reasonable rent considered upitlxerty will be well maintained pplv Box is Bumllnmlner NEWSPAPER MATS Sires min lol lining hen houres gusgu ate porrect 250 PER DOM Applyne Esme Examiner name Ontario BRAND NEW SPECIAL PRICU ONLY$49SO SINGED PORTABLE SINGER SEWING CENTRE 28 DUNLor ST WEST JONES USED FURNISHINGS Denim tn anti ues and good used narnishlngs is always have good selection CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTILINGT0 BE SOLD AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 66261 USED REFRIGERATORS $95 00 TV SETS $490I NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS I28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 TENTS SlmlNG BAGS BARBECJES liAmos DOMINION TIRB STORE zi MARY sr BARBIE TYPEWRITEBS ADDING MACHINES CASH REGISTERS AND SUPPLIES SERVICED AND REPAIRED BY CERTIFIED MEanNl CALL REIDMcCRIMMoN PA 68350 CONTRACTS AVAILABLE TENT AND CAMPING FOR SALE Tents and TBYPI Camp Cots and stoves Cooler BARRIE TENT AWNING co LTD 34 BAYFlm STREET TELEPHONE PA m7 ASPHALT PAVING lele hone W74 Dishenlsrrand Lilnltrd CBS drum Television set in figgfl coalition 325 Telephano PA PORTABLEElectric Sewing Ms chine never heen used Will sell moonlhly Telephone Oro 00 POWER AWN mowu Ch YIBII old Good condition 51500 Apply 16 Owen street OT Amiumncn and hot er tank in good condition relephooe PA digits lor lurthcr informqu USED TELEVISIONS $4450 esc No money down easy credit terms Adams himlhlre CD 93 Dilniop street We telephone PA Emil CHICKEN HOUSE or sale 11 14 good candltlon Logs scotch Pine Apply to John Edlehlll Drlvs We SSD TWOEU suite in good condition Rustin able Apply to Al MAIlore Crescent or phone PA iii16 UDDD TENTS on sizes camp cots camp stovn and camp cool tents Slenpllil ball Barrie Tent Ind Awnlnl Co Nslv rll Cllll Supply Clnl lffierlleld Phonon noel

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