cloudy with scanned tomorrow Low tonight 50335 Saturday 70 For full oummary turn to page three Partly 01m TELEPHONE For Examines Want Ads mu nsrtmnmm or Editorial cent roem1 97 YearNo 111 Little Monique Paquctte gets loving care from her fa ther Marcel Paquette after she was found in field by to DIED LIKE runs Starving In Comps Jews Kept JERUSALEM Reuters survivor of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz described today how elderly German Jews died like flies of starvation and dysentery in concentration camps But Mordecai Ansbachcr 34 year old German born lsraeli told the court trying Adolf Eichmann that the elderly Jews retained their dignity de spite the treatment they re ceived At one camp near Prague Jews were ill and starving but they were still polite to each other he said As they crowded ravenously around pile of scraps they would say Excuse me Herr Doktor allow me to get to the potato peelihgs However Ansbacher said it was difficult to pass this dignity as ARMS one of 300 volunteerscarch cos The tot wandered away from her parents home in Chambly Que is miles east Di to the ybungcr members of the camp He said Jewish authorities within the camp organized ilt legal classes for children The leaders tried to instii in us some ideasof mutual aid of generosity It was extremely difficult because the youths became self ish each trying to look for himself to get himself fed But many youths went to houses of the aged and gave them food and read to them It happened onmany oc casions that the old man or woman would drop dead as the youth read out aloud from book Tben we had to re move them from the room Eichmann today showed the strain of nearlyvtive weeks in his glassenclosed prisoners box lle shifted restlessly of Montreal and was lost in field for six hours She was found asleep her clothing caught in barbed wire fence CF Wirephoto gear blinked and grirnaced as Ans bachgr gave his evidence Ansbacher who now works at documentation centre of Nazi crimes in Jerusalem described his experience as boy in Mus nich and Wuerzburg in 1942 helping elderly Jews who were forced aboard trains bound for concentration camps They were taken to the rail road station in closed furniture trucks without air and light he said Later they included thesick from the Munich Jewish hospi tal saw how they took the sick people and their beds to the railroad station The unloading took place un der searcblights There were cries and screams and the sick people did not know what was happening to them while the Gestapo men shouted ouicker quicker Air Force Men Rap Claims By Navy Polaris SureShot WASHINGTON AP some air force officers are chipping at navy claims that the Polaris missilefiring submarine is an invulnerableusure shot deter rent weapon Andthey are getting aid from romejnfluentialsenators Airforce partisans at the ncerned over the rating with the eofthesea orespen saying in effect told you Kennedy ad inistration have contended systein was over sold that It is glamour wedgpon that yet must prove it string of failures in Polaris missile tests not long ago had om irf pie This isailpart of the never HbrdPressed Countries Get ilid ToCombat Communism saloon Reuters vice President Lyndon Johnson to day offered South Viet Nam sweeping programof increased American aid to assist the hard pressed country in its fight against communism wounn ADD so ARMY ï¬eld would holster South Viet substantial number Johnson outlined the four point program in speech to session of the National Assem Ibly followin talks with Presl dent Ngo hh Diem He told the assembly that Diem and he were very de termined to stop the advance of communism in the strategic Southeast Asian state The United States has growing faith in Viet Nam and the strength you can build here he said We shall back your efforts we shall stand with them be cause of our respect affection and trust for you Johnson mentioned no dollar figure but he said the increased Nams 150000mnn army by get re fuitr He said the new aid also would be directad toward trehr here ing and equipping the mom man civil guard and improving the rural sa1fdefence corps lo the sphere of nationaldc veloprnenty Johnson promised new assistance to education and aid for rural and industrial de velopment He told the assembly the US was making these proposals out of desire to workwith you in common cause at this critical time Johnson made no reference to reported proposal to send US troops into South Viet Nam to show the flag WANTS ONLY TDKEN Sources close to the govern ment said Diem was likely to prefer that thehulk of Amer ican aid be used to finance the Vietnamese army and that only token American troops babased Theyestimated that tbo tnew military old would amount to about $50000000 The United States has pumped more than $2000000000 into South Vietham since 1954 when Indochina was partitioned at ending struggle among the serv ices for bigger share of the defence budget The significance was not lost on the air force when President Kennedy in revising the Eisen hower administrations defence imamrecommended 11140 000000 to step up the Polaris building program At the same time Kennedy asked only $96000000 more for the air forces Minuteman tercontinental ballistic mi ile deferred plans to emplace it on railroad cars and scuttled the air forces pet projectdevelop ment of 2W0mflemhour 370 bomber MAY FIND COUNTER Navy Secretary John Conn naiiy said in testimony recently madepublic that there is every reason to believe the Russians are not nearly as far along as we are in antisubmarine war fare Eut critics say it is only matter of time before the Russians are able to search out and kill us missilefiring subs Under questioning by senators behind closed doors Gen Thomas White air force chief of staff called the Polaris most valuable current weapon system However he said it is one against which if history repeats itself we can be assured that the enemy will develop counter rAnd Senator Clair Eagle Dem Calif said thatif tha ismre Ontario many my 12 1961 sranrs GENEVA Reuters The opening of the licountry con ference on Laos today was past poned to allow time for more delegations to reach Geneva An authoritative source said it was hoped to gettha talks under way Saturday Postponement of todays scheduled opening came despite report by the threecouhtry truce supervisory commislon for Laos that it was satisfied ceasefire existed in the indo china kingdom Britain and the United States had insisted on confirmation by the commission of ceasefire before the talks could begin One of the main factors hold ing up the start of the confer once was the absence here of any representatives of the right wing Laotian government and dispute over who will represent the kingdom at the conference table Delegations have arrived from both the proCommunist Pathct Lao guerrilla organization and AMMAN Jordan ABKing Hussein of Jordan and Presi deot Nasser of the United Arab Republic appear to be ready to bury the hatchets they have been brandishing since 1958 The two Arab leaders agreed to an early meeting in the in vterests of Arab unity but no definite date was fixed The 25yearold king took the initiative in patching up the feudforgetting the past and turning over new leaf He made the first overture in February and got reserved reply from Nasser But the UAR presith gave direct yes tozanotherlettcr last month sugge ting the two getJogetharrt i5lvérwfm believethis meeting will contribute toward serving the Arab nation for whom we are working and in whose glorious fritura we believe Nasser re ed HA8 OWN RIGHTS The UAR leader took im plied cognizance of impover ished Jordans dependence on British support saying Every Arab country has the right to proceed in its policy to OTTAWA CPiA new ship ping policy of federal subsidies for shipbuilding in Canada and protection for Canadian ships in the Great Lakes was announced in the Commons today by Transport Minister Baicer Mr Balcer announced three major policy proposals for Can adas hardvpresSELl shipping and shipbuilding industries special capital subsidy of 35 per cent of approved costs of construction in Canada of Cana dianregistryycssels other than fishing boats whether for do mestic or deepsea work Any work done between now and March 31 1963 will qualify for subsidy of 40 per cent of capi tal construction costs capital subsidy of 50 per cent oLapprovedJostsmL con struction in Canada of steel fish ing trawlers where the new ship replaces an old vessel being withdrawn from service Help for building wooden fishing ships over 45 feet in length will be in creased to $250 gross too from $165 Steps will be launchedfo modify the Commonwealth mer chant shipping agreement with the aim of reserving domestic Canadian trade in the Great Lakes area for ships of Cana dian registry IN Elect President Rule 0n Rights summons Postpone Meet Await Delegates the leftwing supporters of ex iled Laotian Premier Prince Souvanna Phounra But the United States was reported to be up side the admission of thcPa et Lao representatives to the conference There was speculation that compromise would be worked out to allow the rightwing gov ernment and Souvannas repre sentatives rccognized as the official government by the Com munists to attend as observers In this way each of the two groups could bring in extra rep resentatives as adviscrs and the Pathct Lao members could be attached to Souvannas dclcga tion Conference sources said the ceasefire was no longer an is sue which would prevent the conference from opening The truce supervisory com mission reported that although there was no formal agreement yet ceaseï¬re had taken at fact and both sides had been ordered to observe it Hussein Nasser End Bale In Interests 0f Arab Unity the extent that it is consistent with its circumstances do no beliva it possible that all Arab governments could have simi lar polity due to the difference in their stages of development Hussein whose little kingdom was created by the British after the war had pledged his sup port of all Arab causes He told Nasser that he had never sought aid from frieudLv country but for the sole reason to stand solidly in face of inter national Zionism HITS COMMUNISM He also said he is seeking to strengthen Jordan to be able to share the responsibility of the Palestine case and warm munism which threatens our convictions and Arab national ism Jordan has maintained pro Western foreign policy Nasser calls himself hen tralist and frequently clashes with Western policy Hand on Arab Communists he is on friendly terms with Commu nists abroadboth the Moscow and Tito brandsand has ac cepted large Soviet arms and fi nancial aid Govt To Subsidize Shipbuilding To Protect Great Lakes Ships Mr Balcer said the policy will be of major benefit both to Canadian ship operators and Canadian shipyards This policy is intended to make it possible forthe Cana dian ship operators to obtain new vessels from Canadian shi yards at reasonable and compe titive prices instead of being forced to have them built abroad because of the lower construction costs that prevail in other countriesbe said it is also intended to make it possible for the Canadian fish ing industry to obtain the neces sary degree of assistance to en courage it to modernize its fleet by construction of new vessels in Canadian shipyards on basis whichrwiil still keepthe costs to the Canadian fishing in dustry at competitive level and halt the trend of construe tion of vessels for the Canadian fleet in other countries Finally the policy is in tended to deal with the situa tion which has emerged re cently in the Great Lakes trade as result of the arrangements which have made it possible for foreign of Common articipate in within this 7A NUTSHELL wmoson or an Drysdale of eurequ today was elected president ofthe Ontario Chamber ofComnierce suc ceeding Grant ofWlndsor SAULI STE MARIE Ont CF Supreme Court justice ruled Thursday that the Soo has the right to tax water used by Great Lakes Power Company for the production of electric power Russians ever geta breakL Prelaiesl iv through on being able tosee un iderwater the Polaris will be just like turtle is hot road have the feeling that you are oversold on the Polaris as weapons system Engle told Defence Secretary McNamara tho and of an eightyear war against Punch rill in questioni the accuracy of Polaritlaun odimlssilv going across anew em up Pope Johnde namedihrea Canadian pralates to serve on forthcoming Ecumenical Colmcil special commission for the Conference To LastFly weeks GENEVA CP Canadian authorities expect the Laos oonlt ferenco to continue for five or six weeks before it can be de Wschan Barrie will be the head ofï¬ce for new car sales company according to the official Ontario Gazette but the new com or surprise to the Chamber of Commerce established car dealers and the industrial com missioners office notice printed in the Gazette by Cudocy deputy provln cial secretary Sals the new firm will be called Owens Car Sales Limited with its head office at the city of Barrie DIVIDE CAPITAL An authorized capital will be diVidcd into 8600 nonvoting noncumulative redeemable pre ference shares with par value of $10 and 4000 common shares without parvalue Not More Than lo per Copy16 Page Report Firm Under the Corporations Act letters patent dated Feb 2a were issued constituting Angus Mc Millan barnster and Mona Speed and Olive Moitram sea retarics all of the town of Oakvilio and any others who become sharflrolders John French head of French Motors Ltd said he hadnt heard of new company com Ing tovtown Reg Wclham secretaryman ages of dis Chamber of Com morce is out of town but the of office and the office of industrial commissioner Ernest Birmann said they were not aware of an Owens Car Sales Ltd planning to start opera tions here Corning Here Still Puzzle City Clerk Ben Straughan told The Examiner he had noticed the Gazette announcement but knew nothing more about the We havent had any applica tions for licences from firm by that name he said OAKVILLE LINK An interesting fact about the announcement is that it is issued in Oakviiie Out the site of Ford of Canada operations In addition the patent is giv en To manufacture repair buy sell import export ex change and generally deal in all kinds of automobiles City officials and automotive men hero wonder just what is going on Mayor Is Optimistic Over Loss Of College Barrie Mayor Willard Kinzie told The Examiner the govern ment made the onlypossible move in locating the college in buildings and equipment al ready there He added well probably benefit more by the move of RCAF men to RCAF Camp Bor den We put forth terrific effort to secure the college he said Now that it is located it can be said that reliable sources indicate vernmcntal oice where the college would have had to be newly constructed his worship said He said department of high ways land scheduled for the college if Barrie got it is still first choice for the city for in dustrial uses The plot lies be tween concession 14 of Innisfil Township and the Universal Cooler Co Ltd plant on High way 400 We will further our effort on locating industry in that area The new police training coll ege believed to be tihe first of its kind in North America will be established at Aylmer20 miles southeast of London At torneyGeneral Roberts of Do ttsrionnnounced Thursday night The college to be used by provincial and municipaLpolice forces in Ontario for all aspects of training will be located in buildings soon to be vacated by the RCAFi The availability ofthcse buildings and equipment will permit the police college pro was the top gov homer act to go ahead at once he told meeting of the St Pauls Progressive Conservative Asso ciation He said he discussed the Ayl mer site with Defence Minister Hsrkness earlier this week and the federal minister was most cooperative The site was proposed by special committee of magis trates and police officials ap pointed eariy in 1950 by Mr Ro berts THEcoTnEIttee héaded Magistrate Johnston Roberts of Niagara Falls inspected number of potential sites in On tario among them Camp Bur dennear Barrie Besides giving rookle police men physical training judo foot drill and fire arms instruc tion anda basic education in law and police procedure the college will conduct courses for police officers The attorneygenerais depart ment hopes that in future years attendance at the college will be necessary condition of becom ing apolicemap CAN TRAIN own William Bowman director of public prosecutions said in an interview that thc OPP and Metropolitan Toronto Police de partment willsbe allowed to con tinue training of their own re omits at their own police schools if they wish The college will accommodate up to 130 policemen Mr Roberts said in an inter of Underlgines Need For Profits WINDSORWCP Need for greater public understanding of the nature and necessity of business profits and the con stant risk oliosseswastrrged Wednesday by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce in statement of its basic philoso phies It adds are essential for business pro grams economic expansion and government revenue rof its also provide margin of safety to protect the wage earner the consumer and the economy generally The statement was contained in list of policy declarations approved at the annual meet ing which opened Wednesday and ends today The basic philosophy state ment also expressed the chem bars belief tam based on and individual enterprise and said public ownershipjshouldr be restricted to fields that can not be served efflci equater by privatcenterprise and for hich there is dem onstrated and stated need it is opposed to coht is other than those whichare clearly and demonstrably necessary to proteg the public Fai rents are findinslhe hlg co ts ofschool textbooks distinct burden The minister ofieduc tion was asked to examinetit situation with the almofjreduc and removing th Business profits not only pr vidc return on investment but in order to desirability ofautomobile driver training but oppositionwas exA pressed to any extension of such training into regular school hbllfSTI motion from North Bay seconded by Sudbury asksthc government to or take study of government spending with the object of reducing ad ministration costs Chathalri resolution sec loaded by Sarnia urges municv ipalities not be given the right to levy salestaxes7 colorful and attractive mo tor vehicle licence plate incor porating slogan recognized as symbol of Ontario was sug gested in line withrecomrn dations from North Bay and NI agara Falls At Kitcheners suggestion the Ontario government will be asked to make representations to other pro ial governments achagreemen on This would ts financial responsi Ility wherever he might be Canada in case of accident and relieve the threat of impounding of ibis car The Kearney and District mberlosta effort to get endorsatiod for further meas area for the control of wol The rcsoiéition asked the Ddcgatbs agape news accepted hump nougir is he view the Aylmer site was cho sen because of its central loca¢ tion and the saving to the tax payer of large amount of money llis police training committee suggested the col lege would cost about $2000000 to build and equip At present police training fa cilities are confined to the OPP College in Toronto and the Met ropolitan Toronto Police Trai ing School Seminars for police officers are alsogiven at Mc ltMaatcr University and the On tario Fire College Gravenhurst Papalia Gives To Toronto Police HAMILTON CWJohn An gelo Papalia gave himself up to police here Thursday on charge of beating up Max Blue stein Toronto gambler Papalia 32 alias Johnny Pops had been sought on an assault warrant by Toronto po lice since Aprii at Police took him to Toronto afterhe surren dered at the office of his law yer icoldweil Says Common Iears force Kinship SASKATOON CP Coldweli former national leader of the CCF party suggested today that the common fears of nations will force mankind into closer relationships marshalling resources and knowledge for peaceful progress Speaking to the University of Saskatchewanfs annual convoca tion where he received an hon orary doctor of laws degree it Caldwell saidthe=barness ing of science and wealth the service of humanity is tbereaL challenge that confronts the world today He said he is optimistic enough to think that out of the last halfcentury oil destruction something more worthy is ing bnrn Everywhere in spite of con flicfing ideologies Anations re acutely aware that the con tinued existence of human life depends on tliaabolitionnf wad and he destruction of the nu clearrweapons threaten all us The un ver a1