rmesnamxxsmxmrnnnsnarlissruun SPORTS TYPE By STEVE JONBSCU Sports Editor THINGS WE SEE AND REAR To reach the summit of mountain is the climax of the expedition The way down is boring Reacth the bottom is relief That was the way we looked at one member of the Bradford BradsFords Ontario BockeyAssoclation Intermediate champions His limits were not so extreme as illustrated above but they came pretty close When the final whistle blew meaning the Fords had copped the title Inert of the players went into long series of screems and yelps Fellows like Stan Thorington made noises that made you feel you were at barn dance put Bobby amen about whom the onestlon is asked How much was he paid to play appeared neither excited or even concerned We could be wrong but he didnt showtoo much emotion Hedidntjoine the noisemaking on the ice Hassard as most of you know has played senior minor pro and in the National Hockey League He was always an adequate player He was standout inthis league However having been around for many years in better company winning this title seemed of lit tle consequence to him Dont get us wrong He wanted to win who doesnt but you couldnt have guessed it from the afterthegame huliabaloo PLUG FOE BARRIE One of the games two officials that final night in Bradford Al Promalne said that Barrie Lakeviews were only three players away from senior calibre Al admitted during freeiorall conversation be tween periods that this wasnt all praise for Lake vlews The senior loop that which embraces such clubs as Gait Windsor and Chatham Just wasnt that good he said Since weve got Barrie in column that started in Bradford what about the rumors that Lakevlew goalie Gary Shaman is to tend the cage for Fords next Win ter In the vegetable centre they feel Gary is better than their own Bob Kearns GOOD NEIGHBOR gt Parking was problem at the playoff games in Bradford but one man at least Greg Semenuk did his bit to solve some although he didnt even attend the last few games Mr Semenuk owns property storm the street from the Community Arena He allowed many cars includ ing ours to use his land saying only in his own in imitable style You sport enough to come you de serve parking space All the way home we thought of just how grand things would be if more people could adopt Mr Sem enuks attitude Thank you sir ONCE IS ENOUGH Someone suggested to Bradford Arena manager Bob Lynn that be shut off the ice plant atend of the second period when the Fords had whopping 193i Bob nixed the idea remember recent happening there One team was leading the other 81 with 10 minutes remaining in the game The machinery was stopped With just minute to go the score was Hi Bob was sweating Once bitten isenough for anyone IL Pennant Run Getting Crowded By THE ASSOCIATED REESE The scramble for the interna There was one other develop ment in the XL Baseballfans scorer in tho EPHL lasisenson with is He is given the best since leftwing was one of the ORee started last season there proved crowd pleaser though light scorer swab tional Baseball League lead was tighter than ever today with only half game separating Columbus San Juan Jersey City and Richmond Columbus clung to the top spot by the skin ofits teeth being six percentage points out front in the column that counts but trailing San Juan in the games behind column The traffic jam at the top of thele developed Monday night when Jersey Citys Jer eLColurnbus ancL San Juans game at Richmond was postponed because of wet grounds Second divisionaction saw Syracuse edge Rochester 32 and Buffan thump Toronto Orlando Pena was the fellow who handcuffed the Jets for the Jerseys Although he yielded ninehlmfonly twoValetreaclTedZ third base against the Cuban righthander who recorded his first triumph against one loss Doubles by Jim Pendleton and Danny Kraviiz produced Jer seys first run ofleob Veale in the fourth For Pena this would have been sufficient Soulbpaw Collum tossed sevenhitter than beat the Red Wings and ended three game Syracuse losing streak Willie Mirandas Mm doubla in the third and Angel Scullfs sacrificeily in the sixth produced ilie Syracrise tallies Collum is now 21 and Roches terloser Herb Moford 23 Huffan collected 14 hits of five Toronto pitchers The Bi sons Tony Curry wholiust joined the club from the parent Philadelphia Phillies contrib uted home runpdoublo bad single and scorethrea times Lefty Bill Smith was the we iorsnd now is 11 although he need seventhinning helprfrom urko nt kin only third of an inning and suffered at Charleston Va began drive to try to bring base ball to their city Headed by Mayor John shanklin Charles ton residents have their eye on either San Juan or Jersey City San Juan has been thinking about shift of its franchise Jersey City is reported having financial difficulties Ball Registrations lltBradiord Erida Bradford Recreation Commie sloa announced the dates of reg istrations for Bradford and Dian trict Minor Baseball Association leagues Boys wlshingto play must reg ister on one of the following dat iAgelimiiHrejeishtnozls registration is from 630 to Him at the Corn rmlniiy Centre On thefollowiag dates time of registration is four to six oclock May 15 16 17 la 19 Registration fee is $1 his second loss in three deci clans WATCH FOR Boyscoyursr Willard xiuie Spakin mar of the club as well as mayor of Barrie praised the Lakaview Hockey Club for its flneeiiortoverlhspsuseuon At the banquet or the ayers and executive at the Dill Bar Mayor Klarle told the fellow you are credit to the ciU not cairnur sportsmen but Eachan diredly connect ed with tirelessn was presented home mirror ls token of thanks from LakeviewDairy Reports from the gathering in dieled that everyone had great time Lakeviews were the infant club in the Central Ontario in termediaie Hockey League Though they finished second to Bradford BradkFords in the overall standing they were first among the learns After defeating Milton Mer chants and Georgetown Raiders to claim the championship Barrie put up terrific show against Napanee Comets com ing within so see of winning the MONTREAL CP Montreal Canadiens who premixed some lineup changes after the club was eliminated in the Stanley Cup semifinals last season an nounced trades involving Chl cago Black Hawks and Boston Bruins Wednesday The Canadiens sent defence mnn Bob Turner to the Hawks the learn that knocked Montreal out of the semifinals in six games andweat an to win the Stanley Cup in return for left wiager Fred Hills afSault Ste Marie Thunderblrds of the East arn Professional Hockey League They also sent Cliff Panning lon and rlghiwinger Terry Gray from HullOttawa Canadians of the EPHL to Boston for left winger Willie ORes forward Stan Maxwell and an undis closed amount of cash Hilts 21 was tbs top goal chance of the newcomers of cracking the Monireal lineup spots picked by club officials for strengthening after the Ca nadiens upset ORee and Maxwell are ex pected to go to HullOttawa but was called up to Boston and PLAYED FOR KINGSTON Maxwell was with Kingston of the EPHI last season getting 18 goals in 49 games Pennington who captured the EPHL scoring title with as goals and 69 assists in 65 games also was pickedon the leagues all siar team got the rookieofvthe year and the mostgentlemanly player awards and tied with Skippy Burchell of Montreal Royals as the leagues most val uable player For Gray the trade gives him his second shot at the National Hockey League He was sold to Chicagoa couple of seasons ago but was returned to the minors Huil0tlawa bought his contract at the start of last seasonsHe scored 40 goals and 37 assists spokesman for Montreal Canadiens said was traded to make room for young prospects He expressed regret at losing Pennington and Gray but poled that since only in players can be prolected in the NHLs an nualplayerdraft it was thought best to trade thern KINGSTON CPlCliif Pen nlngion Hullflttawa Canadians centreman acquired Wednesday by Boston Bruins of the New iional Hockey League may be the answer to Bruin problem seasons General Manager Lynn Pat rick of theBruinssaid ina tele phone interview Wednesday that Pennington possessed one of the hardest shots in hockey and will he used on the poWer play next season with Doug Mobns Pennington sheets as hard as any of them in the NHL said Patrick and that includes Ber club on the point with Mohns and havent been able to find player wltb the proper shot Pennington the Bruins gene ral manager added reminds him of Sweeney Schrlner When theres opening he can host through it The In Little which has existed for several Lakevievvs Feted By Dairy bestofflven series and going on the Ontario finals Now theres talk if the entering senior ague Whitby Toronto Macedonians Olkville and modes Barrie Lakevlm used lot of players this year all living leg and quite popular around the Fellows suds Hugh Bren nan Jimmy Johnson and Arnold Neal were not srorlnd at the fin al However they did their Others who helped the club to its successes were Ken Robert son manager Lloyd Parnell Dave Sanderson RsyGariepy Bill Prlng Bob Garner Chuck Edvvard Red Favero Howard Forbes law Stoddart Dan Mac Donald captain Earl Mcv Crone Gerry licllride Bryon Kelsi Jake Smith John Melan ey Gary Shaman John Reid and coach Al Showchuk Other than players therclub has to thank Bill Bennett cram Forsylhe Hank Partridge and Bob Watson em WILLIE OREE Sponsor Boosrs races srarus Bells Arm Is Fine Throws gt114 Innings By ED WILKS Associated Press Staff Writer Gary Bell finally licked his problem sore arm that some observers felt was more than physical and has the Cleveland indium back in third place in tho American Loam race The big 24 year old right hander was real home early season with sell record be cause of the and trouble This spring he was given physical okay but seemed timid about giving the arm real test At least so thought Frank Lane former Cleveland general manager after scouting visit to the indians lprlng cam this year Lonernow with urea City figured its just lam thing the youngster will have to workaul for himself HubsHawlrsl Bruins Guy Trade CLIFF EENNINOTON Southpavris Shine Early NL action by no wrurs Associated Prels stair Writer if Mike McCormick Johnny Padres and Bill Henry not to mention guy named Warren Spnhn keep it up this could be the year of the southpaw in the National League pennant race McCormick pitched his sec and threehit shutout of the sea son Wednesday night as ï¬rst place San Francisco Giants beat Pittsburgh Pirates The Giants also managed just three singles but bunched them for all their runs with two out in the fifih inningthe only frame in which they put man on base Padres became the first pitcher to win five this season in the majors extending his shutout streak to 15 innings with fivehitter as secondplace Los Angeles remained within game ofthe lead by defeating Philadelphia Phillies And Henry what hasnt al lowed ls run in ii 28 innings of superb relief this season gained his third consecutive save by striking out the side in the ninth as Cincinnati Redlegs beat St Louis Cardinals 32 it was the Reds ninth straight victory and put them in third place Carier Capliires Master Bowling DETROIT CPlDon Carier nf SLInnincapturedethaeAmere ican Bowling Congress masters championship Wednesday night by defeating Dick Hoover of St Louis more in four games Thisos the one wanted the Myearold ace said Carterbas won the United ï¬es th wolldimvitiï¬dï¬l three times and took the first Professional Bowlers Associa The Braves beat Chicago Cubs 84 behind the fourhit pitching of Law iBlndetter ERROR AIDS GIANTS An error by Pirates third baseman Don Husk gave the Giants the big break after Mc Camicklal and laser Bob Friend 44 had duelled through four innings of perfect pitching Felipe Alou beat out roller lo third and went to second when Hoaks throw to first was wild That left first open and Friend walked Ed Baileyintentionally Jose Pa gmfllowed with runscoring single and when centre fielder Bill Virdon hobbled the hit Bailey went to third and Pagan took second McCormick brought lhemin with asingle McCormick who struck out in and walked three didnt allow bare runner until Heal singled with one out in the fifth it was the Giants fifth victory in six game and the third shutout of the season for the world cham pion Pirateswho were blanked only four times all last year The Dodgers winning four in row for the first time thisvsea son made it on four RB by Ron Fairly whose second home run in two nightsa threerun shot in the recordbeat Frank Sullivan lls Padres till un beatengave up nothing but gooï¬ng it em Weds wentll innings ushut Chicago While Sax as the iodine made off with an 32 victory The win was Bells iiist liter losing rennin raw dour this season since last July It was his first com ieie game in i1 start since at July acumen Lean Detroit retained mg me bulge overlecon place ew York by hammering Washing ton 71 The Yankees defeated Knolls City Mlnauoia whipped Baltimore in esad Boston defeated the 105 An gelu Angels 32 Bell mum winner for the Tribe in 1959th over the AL sirlkeoul lead will by fan nine eight He walked four and save up seven hits blenklneiihe White Sox alier Roy Siavers solo seventh homer tied it 24 in the fourth inning The Indians who scored on Vic Powers home run in the second and added an unearned marker in the fourth against starter Bob Shaw broke loose for the six runs in the nth against reliever Frank Bau mean Tito Franconas third double of the game and Jimmy Pier salls single broke the tie That was all Cleveland needed to send the Sox to their eighth da ieat in nine games but Woody Held tripled in run and Chuck Esseglan and Bubba Phillips each crashed tworua homerr BEATS WASHINGTON Detroit made it seven out of right behind the fivehit pitch ing of Jim Banning iheallm righlhander beat Washington second time blankln the Seas tors on three hits ter an un earned run in the second Bum ping who struck out seven also singled home the clincher when the Tigers broke out for four runs in the second against Ed Hobaugh Tex Clavenger winning in his first appearance with the Yan kees since Mondays trade with the Angels blanked the As with four innings of onebit relief after they tied it in the sev ecth against starter Ralpb Terry The Yankees broke it up with five runs in the eighth Bee Unhappy With The Trade FREDERICTON CHWillie ORee who became the prop erly of the National Hockey Leagues Montreal Canadiens Wednesday after deal with Boston Bruins said Wednesday night he was surprised and dis appointed ORee who played with Bruins most of last season after starting with HullOttawe Cana diens of thc Eastern Profes sional League said his chief disappointment was he probably will be lea ing the beating and Daley Norm sie born homered for the As Minnesota shelled Baltimore sinner Dick Hall in ninerua second inning Harmon Kille brew and Billy Gardner each hit threerun homers la the rally and Zoilo Vendiethit solo homer PROVE IN FOUR Je Adair drove in four runs or Baltimore three on pair of homers Jim Gentile the lefty slugger who set rec ord with two oomecutlve grand slam Tuesday was benched in the Orioles platoon system when southpaw Jack Krallck Ahmad for the Twins Gentile came on as pinch with some Howards double hliler against righihander Ray Moore in the ninth and struck an Sox were held hliless for five innings of Los Angeles then crashed through for three runs in the sixth against Ron Moeller Singles by Pumpsle Green winning pitcher Tom Brewer and Chuck Schilling tied it llahdrookie Carl Yaslrz emsld won it with tworun homer Mueller Tom Morgan and Ryns Dinen the latter picked up in the Cievenger detai combined for 17 strike ou PREVENT STAPH BROWN CO no ouncor ans rs 35m MASTlTlS wan CYANAMIDS NEW TUXIJIIJ The development of Cyanamids new Slanetz No7 SIaphToxoid is great step forward in the bottlesth Mastilis Vaccination with Siaph Toxoid immunizes your herd against Staph mastitis one of theme prevalentand dreaded form of the disease Vaccination costs you no more than treatment but saves you mdk and worry Ask your Velcrinarlan to vac cinateyourherdwiib Cyanamids Siaph Toxoid Have him set up regular tmting program and depend on him for guidance Hewil recommendoiberprovcn Cyannmid products such as Polyotic Target and Aurwmy cin Mastins products Stsph mastitis can pre vented Ask your Veterinarian forCyanamidsnewSianelzNofl Siaph Toxoidg CYANAMID CYANAMID OF CANADA LTD llERBSll0Wl0l1MllYWlN NEW Moe 1000 singles while sending the Phlls to their ninth straight defeat twovrun homer by Veda Pinson inthe first inning and an RBI single by Chico Car denas in the third Timmos mnr lhéï¬llï¬s Henry saved it for Joey Jay in the ninth against four pinchhitters GOLF DRIVlNG RANGE Lina Parking lion Open last fall Guthrie one LOOKl ms DU lOI Masha cumin sun ssvmcs roox =ll RES Baritone Tllll scarier annnsr REPAIRS vuwsmzmc Roan salmon rumours coonsTOCK or uses This 191$ caveman sr cannon nxrns NvmN Black sidewall Tubeless lulu Trifle PA 15549 beat Curt To celebrate the production of the millionch Morris Minofllloo Ensign Motors the Ontario distributor is giving away absolutely free one of these ever popular are Allyoubaveiodoiateet drive any or all of these ï¬ne cars and ï¬ll in the entry blank available here Its simple its funand you taint knitwear Corns in very soon Contwl closes May 15th This is the mailat BIG car in the world You gel so miles to the gallon at so mp Jlherasloadaof nominees adults You Emilia drive The Morris Taketbewheelofthishigbbred beauty Wait until you feel the way it responds to your every wish The Safety Fast MGA puts the for you fun back into driving Youll really be amazed at the roomy luxurious bomfort of this solid Morris Oxford Heres really sound car that will atoll sound for yearal ENTER THE ilVllLLlOtllll MORRIS caurrsr TODAY AT attenuators 94 TIFFle sr LTD PA 32317