SPEAKING 0F PEO Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdays comlngofnge pun tles visitors and travellers are all items of interest to the women readers of this page Your help In supplying this news will be Ereafly HP minted Plensephone The Barrie Examiner PA H537 and ask for the Womens Page SUDBURY VISITORS Mrs Roy McKee daughter Joanne and son Jeffery of Sudoury are guests of Mrs Mc Kees parents Mr and Mrs Henry Vanderbeek Toronto Street SILVER JUBILEE banquet commemorating the Silver Jubilee of St Pauls Evening Auxiliary St Pauls United church Oriliia was heid in the Church hall Tuesday evening Guests from Barrie attending the reunion were Mrs Harold Hart Mrs Elwood Beavis Mrs Ralph Green Miss Glenna Downey SOCIAL EVENING Members and guests of Barrie Lodge 63 IOOF were entertain ed at card and dance party at the Odd Fellows Temple Collier Street Tuesday evening Nnhle Grand of the Subordinate Lodge Russell Robinson wel zlvor7vO Years Reeves Jewelle corned the guests and Mrs E1 don Ball Noble Grand of the Beaver Rebekah Lodge 190 spoke on behalf of members Entertainment was under the chairmanship of Glenn Gilchrist assisted by David Trew and El don Ball Guests included many residents of the GOP Home William Street Dalston fiscal tered the event Lucky spot dance prizes were won by Mr and Mrs Coulsoo and Mr and Mrs Green SPRING FEVER The Barrie Skating Club an nual meeting will be held May 16 at Community House and not My as appeared erron eously in this column We must have spring fever WEDDING GUESTS Mr and Mrs Jack Butler Owen Street have returned from trip to the Maritime Pro vinces Their first stop was at Halifax Nova ScotiA where they attended the wedding of their only son Ronald Jack Butler and Miss Cynthia Lor raine Draper Reg of Hali fax The wedding took place at St Peters Anglican Church Before returning to the city Mr and Mrs Butler wereguests of Captain and Mrs Ted Selwyn and family of Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Mrs Selwyn is the former Helen Net tleton of Barrie Name on The Box On GREETING guests at the merOESamual tea and bake sale held yestcrv ddv afternoon was Mrs Maxwell Worthy Matron who is shown welcoming Mrs Cranston of Slayner Mrs Edwin Wilson right assisted Mrs Maxwell Left Mrs Bnrco Thompson presided at the tea table and Mrs Bert Cross was one of the hos tcsae FEARS EPIDEMIC LEOPOLDVILLE Reuters About 60000 refugees have poured into the lower Congo from the Portuguese territory of Angola in recent weeks bringing fears of fnmine and epidemics it was revealed here Wednesday Gaston Dio vice president of the State oi Leo ooldviile said that in the Con gos own grave financial situa tion the influx of refugees has created terrible problems of health feeding and housing PLE AND PLACES other Barrie residean in Halifax for the wedding were Mr and Mrs Charles Newton and daughters Carol and Mar garet Davidson Street Tho Newtons also travelled to Sack ville New Brunswick where their son Michael is attending Mount Allison University and wereguests of Mr Newtons sister at Dartmouth Nova Soo tia Mrs Hamid Forster Shanty Bay Road visited with her mother at Keutville Nova Sco tia before travelling to Halifax to attend the wedding Mrs George Spearn Bradford Street grandmother of the bridegroom and his aunt Mrs Baker of Toronto were among the outofcity guests SPRING TEA Among those assisting at the annual spring tea and bake sale sponsored by the Bayview Chap tor 0E5 held at the Eastern Star Rooms yesterday were Mrs Jackson Mrs Charles Mills conveoers of the tea Mrs Lower Mrs Spearn Mrs Thompson Mrs Thompson Mrs Wilson Mrs EiServico poured tea Mrs Grose Mrs RfBishop Mrs Galloway were in charge of the bake table Mrs Hay Mrs McDon ald were in charge of the kitch an assisted by Mrs Lover BARBIE Barrie and District Good News Bible Club members have end ed another season of working with the boys and girls of local schools dinner party held at River Garden Restaurant mars ked the dosing Dr Lindsay wile of Rev Jack Lindsay of New Inwell was the speaker Rev and Mrs Lindsay havereceotly returned from working as missionaris at leper colony in Nigeria Special music was provided by Mrs Marie Mansbrldse and Mrs Mary Fligg Mrs Donna Watson was pianist WEEKLY GROUPS Weekly clubs haveboon held in each of Barries seven public schools as well as 58 12 and 12A Vespra The average voluntary ottcndance is 275 children These young students eagerly anticipate the coming of the teachers and assistants to give them the good news of the TWO PLUS ONE EQUALS THREE NEW YORK AWJack Demarcowas dellghled when he got word from the hospitnl Tuesday that he was the father of dough ter Demorco dashed for the hospitalto learn that he was instead the father of twin girls lie was rejoicing over this extra good fortune when the doctor came around few Minutes later offered con grutulatlons and started to relate what had happened Yes interrupted Delt marco know lwins Yes twins said the doctor Pits ooe third girl had been born few minutes after the sec ond Demarco and his wife Frances also have is soon Michael Delegates Report At May Meeting BEETON The May meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Womens Missionary Society of Trinity United Church was held at the home of Mrs Williams Nine members and two visitors werevpresent Mrs Dobbs presided and opened the meeting After the business session the worship service was conducted by Mrs Mason and Mrs Hutchison Reports of the WMS Presbyter iol were given by Mrs Wiggins and Mrs Dobbs Two members of the WMS M5 Dobbs and Mrs Kearns Were appointed to the provisional committee for the new church organization of the United Church women Tire hostess Mrs Williams was assisted by Mrs Bulman and Mrs Feheley ing and Mrs Wice Ticket oonvener was Mrs Gigg as sisted by Mrs Garrett Con vener of the draw was Mrs Flawelling and won by Frank Levering Receiving guests were Mrs Maxwell and Miss Mar gnret Caldwell associate mat ron Mrs Spearn was pianist Try An Examiner Want Ad Phone Po 82414 rs Been The monomer The 366d News Marks Years At Banquet Bible The lessons are present ed by flannelaraph pictures flash card stories and dramati xallon accompanied with sing songs Periodically mtuiooary stor ies are toldto broaden the childs cultural and religious knowledge and to show them in true light the access they have to churches worship and the Holy Scripture in this wrist in land in contrast to theneed in other countriu Throughout the year school children have given $1710 to be sent to Japan to Rev and Mrs Francis Muir of Barrie who have written to thank the childrenpand to keep them post ed os to how their money lsbé ling used in work with boys and girls at Japan FINALE Parents of children who at tend the clubs through the year are given an opportunity to visit WIMembersAppointDeléQetés 1151a Club the schools for the special CM ins exercises at which time the d1ildren naive awards for of ii mom ere an the childrens participation the parents can see the type of work being done with their children An interdeoomiostionel work sponsored by the Christian Bus iness Mens Committee of Bar rle the clubs have just eompleb ed their sixth year in the schools but have been active in Barrie for more than it years At recent business meeting for the following executive and advisory committee was instal led Past Director Mrs Klozle Dhedor Mrs Ellen Assistant Director Mrs Broiley Secretary Mrs Parker Treasurer Mrs Gil more Advisory Committee Mrs Morrow Mrs ii Heath Mrs Smilthrs Prld Miss Kirby To Convention At Cookstown The May meeting of the ivy Womans tummy held in the Anglican Church hall with 12 mambo rs and 18 visitors pres en Brahms and correspondence was read and discussed Mrs Esteo Davis and Mrs Jonuett were appointed dele ï¬aies to the convention being old at Cookstown May it was decided to take bus trip to Collingwood June 14 Those interested in taking this trip please contact Mrs Henry Davis Mrs Lorne Carruthers or Mrs Jack Godirane Mrs Applegate home eoon eomlcsrconvener took charge of the program and introduced the speaker Mr Knox guidance teacher at Central Collegiate whose topic was Whats Going Go Here lie gavenn interest ing talk on how different tests liningh school are being worked MrsTMeDemlott thanked the speaker Hostesses were Mrs Mc Delmolt Mrs Davh Mn Cochrane and Mrs Appla late Mr or Mrs Sheppard Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Sheppard Joan and Bobs Variety Store wellknown residents of Barrie celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at an at home for friends andrelntives Floral decorations of roses and mums were arranged throughout the rooms at their Sanford Streetresidenee The bride andng received the guests Mrs Sheppud worn silver and mauve brocaded gown with corsage of mauve orchiik for the special occasion Miss Joanna Sheppard and Miss Marlyn Sheppard daugh ters of the celebranu attended the door the former wearing white brocaded gown with corsageof pinkroses and latter green nylon gown and corsaga of yellow roses Clare Sheppardson of Mr and Mrs Sheppard was in diarge of the guest book The ten table was covered with lace cloth and centred with tbreetiered wedding cake flan ked by tall silver candles and bouquets of mauve mums and yellow roses Mrs John Hall Smiths Falls Mrs McDougall Winikor Mrs Harry Key Toronto and Mrs EarlMorris Windsor pre sided atthe tea table dunng the afternoon In the evening Mrs Evans and Mrs Clark Sheppard both of Smith Falls Mrs Stan ley Shannon Carleton Place and Mrs James Bowman Bar rie poured ten TEE am EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY 11 ml INSIDE YOU AND YOURS VNephrosis Strikes Younger Children By BURTON FERN MD IT nu happened so gradual ly that Mom and Dad didnt rcdlize Tommy was swelling like watersoaked sponge Tommy has oephrosis kidney ailment that strikes mainly young children His kidneys were pouring protein albumin down the drain Albumins special attrnelt tinn keel fluid in the blood stream Without albumin water seeps out to swell all tissues Tommys tissues soaked up one knew he was sick His wat erlogged skin warmed him like winter clothing When less food has to be burn ed into heat extra fatty choles terol crowds into the circula tion Laboratory tests can show these albumin and ebolestero changes MIMIC THE PICTURE Several kidney conditions in cluding clogged veins and mor cury poisoning mimic this oephrotic picture But nothing could explain Tommys trouble He had true nephrosisl Some experts believe that ne phrosls is merely stage of no pbritis But no matter what you eallit the victim can recover completely as long as blood doesnt filter through the lddv neys the blood pressure stays normal and the kidneys can drain ordinary waste products with no appetite and poor di gestion the nephrosisrsufferer wastes away while water douln les his weight tummy tense ed to help blmbreathe HAZARDOUS INFECTION Swelling comes and goes Whilo nephrorls incleasel Assisting in the tearnon were Miss om Sheppard Smiths Falls Miss Connie Brown Hol ly Mia Doris lhlnlow Miss Judy Orr and Miss Rita Smith all of Barrio The bride is the former Miss Jean Hart Reg daughter of the late Mr and Mn Boyd Hart of Carleton Place The bridegroom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs Frank Step PM of Smiths Falls Mrs Stanley Shannon of Car leton Place and Mrs Robert Evans of Smiths Falls era nia ters of Mrs Sheppard Evangeiines Lovely lingerie Jmatched for Mother matched look by LuxiteKnyser The set made in ï¬ne nylon triout with Jopcnnds ct water beicremnya with fluid may have to be draln chances for infection infection makes nephrosis worse And so Tommy gulps down antibiotic Semikillers daily lle am in bed when hes sick and swollen Between times he still needs plenty of rest ilo eats well too because Mom serves his favorite foods in uppetlzlog arrangement to start bk gastric iulccs flowing TEMJORARY HELP Cortiscoeliks medicines can dryup mostaierlorged pe tlents temporarily While no medicine cures nep hrosis modern treatment keep most nephrosis sufferers alive until the ailment cures itself you the PrecisionBuilt Soner Display It BALI ammo MILL Anne Barrio ra hedalnn aunt qme can la Inland with rne mm FINISH 3mm reverses comm Division of Sevenlip Ontario Phone Barrie PA om orlllll Midland and Pension Zenith 141700 DAY beauiithl embroidered nylonsheermirns MAY i4th is specially treated to feel and look like silk Mother will love its petal lightness complete opaqueness and crease rcsrs too What better we is these to thank hcrlhrhir specuiilnnd nesscs than with the special of lingerie for which LuxiteKayser is so famous Better still come in at your ï¬xer opportunity and just ask to see tins suggestion Moyi4th is your op porrunityto express in tangible wa your up preciotion mother We have store full of trinkets qnd treasures that will delight mother on her day An especiv ally nice gift would be Gwen Clear view wrist watch with which Mother will be able to tell the time easily and quickly REï¬vEVLESnJEWELALE rumor snn runners Store Hours am to span Closed Wednesday afterooou Open Friday to 9p SizesSML Inkwhloo winter sléen olnk biacia 176 blinroasr PA 83745