TrinityGuild Plans lrvvakrV$vif No NEED to go around all day with your hair dressed Lor party it you loilow few simple suuesions from the hair stylists At leit sleek and unadorned except tor Mflll is the simple coitmre perfect or daytime Nearly New Sale The May meeting of mm Church Guild opened with devo tional exercises taken by Mrs bong President Mrs Bryd ges presided tor the husinus session Plans or the Nearly New Sale to be held May is 19 and 20 wore outlined by convener Mrs Wolienden The sale to be held in Trinity Pnrish Hall will be open at regular store hours Members Were re minded to bring donations the day beiore the sale opens Com mittee members ale Mrs Ray Heap loConvener ers Magee neasurer Mr Simpson Mrs Walls Mrs Vair Mrs Seymour Sparnhsm and Mrs Brydges Correspondence was read on Welfare Work at homeland Henna raw MGREPFIER PIPER rnur Js oarssrs dainty nylon little ladies party dresses for those dress up occasions quality in blue pink and white and with detachable crinolihe neg ems pleas TRUE VALUE brand name 795 ahrsd Mrs Seal reported on the sum or the Spring Garden Tea Conveners in charge renalted on completed locial projects and numerous new undertakings were discussed 11 Closing Party will be PotLuck Sup to be held Jlme 12 At the close of business St Margarets Group hosted so cial card game DRUG ADDICTS KINGSTON Ont CPtMary loulse Lynch only woman member of Canadas Notional Parole Board says women are more susceptible to loneliness and mu are easy prey tor drug pushers But she adds that 70 cent oi women addicts ra essed on parole in this area have since had good records Launch System For Sizing Kids Clothing MONTREAL or As mothers are well aware child say five doesnt nemarlly into an on clothing Yet this size by agebstand erd tor chudmnbas long been in cited in Canada mainly be cause at the lack oidata on childrens measurements from which to base more accurate one This now has been obtained said Milired Staples oi Tomato chairroan at the Com mittee on Standardization ol Cement Sizes and new gt sizing system will be launched next spring Mr Staples who spoke at childrens loahlon show in Mont real said the new system is the irult oi the combined eliorts or the committee set up by the For gala evening match ing switdi is aided into highlighting crown and topped with rose Architect Designs Iranian Village VANCOUVER cma lead ing woman architect says dis crimination is one reason so few women take up architecture asa career Jana Drew member of London lirm said most schools set limit on the number 01 women they will enml Another reason was that law women aver thought of the pro iesslon as possible career But she never had any doubts In deciding to become an architect am one oi those lucky people who know what they want to be from the very beginning Miss Drew hns contributed her skill to number of im portanl jobs including Premier Nlrrumahs headquarters in Ghana the RollsRoyce hes quarters in Derbyshire Eng land schools in Nigeria part at the new Punjab capital Chanlt digorh and town in iran 0f the Iranian community she said It housed 3000 people Canadian government speciï¬ca tions board in 1957 and the independent Ontario Research Foundation Measurements at some 150000 children in the United States were obtained tram survey mdertahun by the us Depart ment oi Agriculture Checked on cross section otCanadlan they were lormd to correspond exactly Mr Staples said standard clothing sizes were developed from these measurements for children from infancy to age is The committee which is made up at representatives at manutncturing retailing and the Canadian Association of Consumers will check all speciï¬cations submitted volun tarlly to it by manï¬iacturers it they iii the new siting system the garment will be identiiled by Canada Stand ard Size label Voilme gammy any III III II god it They be and torn bed irduilendlhtieuduinl the When who and mu 13 the me new real lean andhachrheoiuntoliow udont minilarnighliiywlnl lathe daytimenu was Ki run 11 eel nanmt workbeltuJooundspendenDodds mum gt Yes Peter Piper has ï¬nally brought the Pied Piper Shop to Barrie and also thenew Peter Piper True Valueterm ligain We wish to explain and oiier iew more examples oi PETER PIPERTRUE VlililE Look for the yellow and red ticket with the notation maze PIPER PRUE VAMJE our buyers areconstantly shopping the childrens market and occasionally are able to make specialpurch ones at exceptionally reduced prices lthese items will be of sim ilar quality of the merchandise which is regularly sold at the Pied Piper Shops butbecause or the additional savings in buying can be offered at reduced prices Remember PEIER MR TRUE VAL tiliem from time to time Sizes 12 For The uttlshireman JUMBO FIRE TRUCKS Areal reliable winnerby Reliable toy made completely or unbreakable polyethylene redl plastic with ladderjind water hose Regular 398 PETER PIPER TRUE VALUE Girli 5m 814 itlLAYlEANS Thesejaans are of long weaneasy wash and drydurable denim nvailwble in good choice of gay plaids neg 193 TEA srrs and WASH is top quality at wellbelow average prices Watch for VALUES AT also PIPER SHOP a338 Adjustable waist ideal for the active youngsters fiEiElfPlPERVTItUmUE Here is variety or play sets all or unbreakable plastic by Reliable in assorted attractive colors Just the thing to on and Regular 93 Boys and Girls RAINCOATS set keep those little housekeepers busy for hours PETER PIPER TRUE VALUE These are of seasonal waterproof plastic in choieeor colors and sizes iron 614 Dome button glistening Keep them dry Ior months with these Regular 99 rif Mothers Have You Tried Our New PIN and POWDER noon completé manniacin ram PIPER TRUE vALus Your New ChildrensiDeportmenr Store Mo coon Asr BAR TEkEPHONE PKGteal 70m coriCsti WCTU Annugll Convention Held At Central United The 70th annual convention oi Simone Muskoka and Parry Sound Womans Christian Tem Pernnce Union was held in Cen lrli United Church Barrie Mn Farouhar Midland minty president presided Mrs Shaw Banla me dent opened the executive meet in with the responsibility to Christian work putting Christ ï¬rst being diligent in work or the Master having faith to do your best The morning devotionsvas tak en by Midland WCTU led by hire George Marshall The theme was Faith which is the la between Christians and Reports at departments in re view followed Evangelich and Christian Stewardship Mrs Shaw Barrie antinarcotics and medical temperance Mrs Orr Bracebridge publicity and sociaiVmeetings Mrs God dard Braccbridge temperance studywurse Mrs LilIsms Barrie ilowcr mission Mrs Rosborough Waubaushene ooontlde prayer Mus Shaw Barrie Alternoon devotions were led by Gollingwood VCIU in charge oi Mrs Linneli REVIEWS Departments in review were mntinued press Miss Broad Midland world missions Mrs Adams Barrie CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 swarm Ferquher nhiidland scientiï¬c tmlpemlee in day schools lira Suannnge Col liogwood outpost members Mrs Franky Coningwood moral education Mrs Rad iord Barrie Cansdlanizatioo and citizenship Mrs Tomes Coilingwood The memorial service was in charge at Mrs Goddard Bracebridge presentation was madevto Mrs Adana Bltrrle past president in appreciation of her many years oi leadership The gift was presented by Miss Fee Colllngwood and Mnl Ros borough Wauhaushene in the election at oliicers the changes were Mrs Goddard Bracebridge treasurer Mrs Rosborough assistant treasurer and Mrs George Marshall Mid land publicity and social The evening session was open ed by Rev Brena of Gen tral United Chords who con ducted the devotional service sang LWalired Today Where Jesus Walk accompanied by lrelnnd organist Mrs Langman Barrie pre sented county prizes for national temperance study course and silver 3mm EWWMï¬em George liovies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA H186 to Guthrie United Churdi am day School the silver trophy to SS 17 Ore for the second year Mrs Adams Barrie presented theprovinclal prises SPEAKER Rev Gordon Hunter As bury Westllnlied Church To mnto was speaker We are here because Jesus Christ is risen irmn the dead and all the evils oi this world was cast on His head on the cross be told the members The problem oi alcoholism is so prominent today it not the spirit of Quiet it isthe spirit alcohol lie spokefrom six words acts responsibility love hold ness endurance joy Reports were given at Echoes from icc Alpho by Ross Gil roy Bruce Reynolds and John Pelletier Barrie of convention by Temperance Federation in Toronto MraGoddardBrecebridzan poflcd iorcourtesycommitteef Rev Enron closed the meeting MINNIE TRANSMISSION REPAIR by Experts with Special Equipment DANGERFIELD MOTORS 65 Collier St PA 52457 mmmm room as our 111351 4H Club Members Will lie Guests At WI Meeting lihornlnn Womens institute will hold its meeting May 17 this pm at Mrs Dixons residence Program will be in charge at the home economit committee with 4H Clubs participating report at the pmidents conterence at Guelph will be given Roll call will be blendname and its slogan DONT WAIT until its T00 ATE Be protected before smear can run Into trouble wehioin yéu in hoping mil never need Auto ident insurance But its better to be safe than sorry Caitussooo MALCOMSONS Insurance Agency as nonlop at Darrin um muno IMPIiInEII cIIIIII nonIIN null DINNER PLATES Copyright ulth Insult Kim Manirid Im NAWAR STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE Ill WATCHING CHINA COFFEE SE so Vet3250 35656495 IMWE cuPsANn saucens il IlAiwARl NEVER Nrros POLISHIHGI IMPOarrn NEAVV STAINLESS STEEL plgcg TABLEWARE DESSERY RY 97i ISHES soup PLArEs WEEK be nor WINIE rm commas mm armory msxrrsmr eaartvsnwoas the Golden Glam nttzlnuvtv hurhgsnuni laourwmlrmu In name In sci9 an alt In pleree mama so MUCN auulv count was tow mm erex LARGE saLnn BOWL PON uiLG KERNs JEWELRY BARRXE SHOPPING PLAZA Bantam Please rend stainless st cottee set Enclos NTARID me your mentors dinnerware =1 tableware and matching china ed oleun one agree to pay1sloo per week until paid in in gigcgsed please and payment in roll PRINT NAME ADDRESS BARRIE irsHoPPINo IPLAZAl WELLINGTON An ANNE BARth PA 61312