NorthstudentsnfromGrades7 ersity education and were sav NORTH sruornrsvxrpr Harmonser HARD TIMES dance til Barrie District North Colic gnte Saturday saw this group of teeners gathered around rather out of step with each ther are these North lads sraaousr WHIRL Set Round Room Fer Grad Dance RV CDXALL Barrie North Saturday night was the scene of the Yearbanks Hard Times Hobo Hop cans around the room tin cans hang ing from theceiiing an assorted array of decorations around the hobo camp fire in the middle the floor They gave the look skiddrw to the caietaria Al Moifat was the disc jockey and conducted contests such as counting the number of paper dolls 475 around the walls The winner for the best girls costume was Pamela ineson and Dave Cook won for the best boys costume Refreshments were served Everyone enjoyed the atmosphere of hobo camp There are few seats left on the husfor boys attending the iiitime on CFTOTV on Satur day May litStudents from North can be on the air for an hour instead of the usual half hour The bus leaves at amend returns to Barrie 330 or pm The film taken of the show will be shown at 530 pm the same day gt The girls and boys chosen for Cadet officers have been select ed and now comes the pract ices for the big day which is May Weather perrnr ing to 11 and some from Grade 12 put on our bulletin boards on nnuncing the grand event election of officers for next singles championdsconnleotte the turntable lmmieft to right are Linda Marshall lim Carter Bill Carpenter and disk jocky Al Moiial The yearbook sponsored the hop preparing for the forthcom ing cadet inspection Wednes day May 24 Central has its can be seen practicing on the campus from to pm This is Norths first year as Army Cad ets and we are looking forward to different type of inspection on the 24th ROUND ROOM Norths Round Room will be the settingfor the graduation dance This year it is called Stardust Whirl andmany glamorous posters have been The HiY party Friday night started at pm from the Pine crest Dance Hall with hay ride through the country roads The group returned to enjoy square dancing games prizes for elimination and spot dances Everyone had wonderful time The emcee was Mr Miller and the group was entertained by the Rebel Teens from North Later refreshments were ser ved and Mr Watt the leader of theIHiY was presented with gift At this weeks meeting the Years ekecutive willbe held BADMINTON Last week the Badminton Clubs playoffs for the champ ionship produced fine group of our top players The girls which provedgtobe gasscr despite the raincutting at tendance somewhat John Hamilton DBNC Came ra Cluh mcra Club photo Photo is Leslie Jolliffe The girls dou bles champions are Fran Bum pbreys and ConnieOne and the boys dnubles was won by Les tle Jolliffe and Tony Baxter Mixed doubles champions are Marie and Neil Gavin Swimming classes which are held at Edgar on Tuesdays from to p111 are progressing quite well The classess are directed by Mr Mossop and are open to students from the three Barrie high smonls madam names Womanhoodr Teenage Driving Roade0 The annual Barrie Teenage Safe Drwivlng Rodeo sponsored by the Junior Climberof Com meme rev up this weekend The six qualified judgeshcad ed by honorary judge Barrie police chief Ed Tschlrhart hope for recordsetting 80 entries Skill is tested in two ways written test will be held Friday at Dthibisa on Wood Street Time pm This session starts with nlecture followed by the examination on safe driving rul es Second portion will be actual driving at the new Barrio Shop ipg Plaza Sunday at pm Entry forms are available at schoolsor they can be picked HP direc lly at the two events movlnirafflc eviolztions llxmonthl prlol to regis trntlon Must carry drivers li cence or permit Both boys and girls are wei come JUDGES rle traffic crunch Jack Mur phy winner of the National ancls Boadeo David Letour safety director at Lakeview Dairy taxlman Bill Valley Ralph Berry city police and BA driver Al Carson Chairman of the competition is Larry Carson Prizes for the local preliminar ies will be small $l5 $10 and $5 for first second and third as well as many merchandise priz cs contributed by stores man swarms The stakes are high in the finals however Winner of the Barrie roadeo will take part in the provincial ï¬nals sponsored by imperial Oil to be held at Ottawa July 10 Provincial finalth will be taken to Halifax for an expense free three days and the top three national winners will each receive trophy plus scholar ships of $1250 $750 and $500 Contest officials emphasize that contestants dont have to be experts All it takes they say is awareness of common some rules of die road Career Conclave lit Bradford High Next Wednesday By LEONA VAN DYKE Bradford High This coming Wednesday will Career Conference day Speakers from different occu pation will be here to lecture of To Grant Honorary Degrees TORONTO CF Economist John Kenneth Galbraith United States ambassador to India will receive an honorary degree JIrne during the University of Torontos Convocation Week Dr Galbraith native of Iona Station was graduated from the university in 1931185 professor of Economics at Bar vard University he wrote The Affluent Society astudy of the American economy He was an adviser to President Kennedy in the election campaign last year The of will also present honorary degrees to Gen McNaughton Metro politan Toronto Cbatrman Fred Gardiner Lieutenant Gover nor Keillor Mackay of 0n tario Rev Gilmour pres ident of McMaster Universi Sir Hugh Scott Taylor president of the Woodrow Wilson National FellowshipiFounda following week we will have our tender for the world soccer cup wallnping Mexico84 before 77 It was tha sixth straight vic tory for the team in interna tinnalcompeti on the many fields open to high school graduates and will be willing to answer any questions that we have to ask On May 20 the top girl athle tes from the high stflrools in the Georgian Bay District will meet at Pickering College in Newmarket to compete for the district championships The own field day For the past two weekswe have been busy getting ourselves into shape for the track and field events Run ning to the 8th Line is daily practise During the last few weeks class skating parties have been held by the Grades 10 11 and 12 students This will proba bly be the last skating of the season as the ice will soon be taken out is me CONTENDER LONDON AP England staked its claim as top con championship Wednesday by 000 fansat Wembley Stadium and the boys singles champion Survey OiJHigh SchoolStudents Shows Weekly Incarnes Diiierent TORONTOXCPtheMtï¬ufa= survey of high school students financial rob were re leased Wednesday by Univer sityof Toronto professor at meeting of the Canadian Asso ciation of Consumers Professor Edna Park of the household science department told the Ontario branch of the association the survey was con ducted at fiveschouls Jarvis and Northview Cpllegiatcs in Toronto andrschunls in Sudbury Whitby and Scarborough sample of 226 students showed weekly income from all sources summer work parents allowances gifts and parttime earnings at high of $1797 weekly in Toronto and alow of $759 in Sudbury he said We were amazed eir earnings Miss Park said but even moreamazed to learn that average over all saying was 5726 Weekly gt Miss Park said Stiper cent of the students were planning un 111E WWBlfIT tthinï¬m the students kept good budgets regarding all menses during the experiment she found The survey showed parental influence decreasing between Grades Inine and 12 with the student assumingmore respon sibility Only five per cent bought cigarettes and only 11 per cent were allowedrto use the family car typewriters Nsw ornraunr mom 4950 admin and sanvrcn auerEss Mommas 39 Dunlop St pa siau WEEKEND induce salon sarunnavl ujlcurs FRIDAY NEIL Huntsman and an Combo sarunoar prom cnown andHIS pneumonia From Orr Loire sputum Dance Saturday Refreshment aorta and Cheekroom no SLACKS on mans Penman ADMISSION 75o etch Amour mavens name 426 BEST FILM on THE ZticYEAR Eldon Greer memberrof Bar LARRY CARSON OF JUNIOR UMBER POINTS OUT ENTRY RULES TO nms JEAN JOHNSTO Kingston Lures Police College real estate agent offered tree loacre lot to the Ontario gov ernment Wednesday in move to have provincial authorities reconsiderKingston as the site of proposed provincial police trainmg college John Sampson offered to donate the portion of 300400 acre tract on the northern out sldrtdcfï¬ra citynear Highway 401 Last week Common deputy attorney general and chairman of the site committee hinted that Aylmer RCAF base near St Thomas headed the list of proposed sites The RCAF will move to Camp Bor den in the fall William Nickle minister of commerce and development and Progressive Conservative member for Kingston believes Kingston is the logical location because there is good cross section of personnel here to lecture the policemen and they would have access to the law college at Queens University REJECTS REQUEST TORONTO 0P Property committee of the Toronto board of education Wednesday re jected suggestion that con tracts for school supplies be awarded only to unionized man ufacturers The committee voted down request by Trus tee Ernest Jones that $55000 contract with MacKinuon Manufacturing Limited of Dun das pending an inquiry ito whether the company paid un ion wages mcsrou tomA Kingston Only 16 Days Left Grade 125 Sqluirming By ANDREA NEATEWAY Barrie Central Central especially Grade 13 students are beginning to feel serious enough to study At least think of studying The reason Extraordinary solemnity zest for learning Drive Saturday For Old Papers All that old waste paper coi lecting in the garage and base ment can be eliminated this Sat urday when the Barrie Boy Scouts hold their paper salvage drive Scouts and their helpers will begin loading the trucks in dif ferent sections of Barrie at noon They express preference for bundles tied up Scouts hope to collect nearly 50 tons of paper from this ef fort They collected only 29 tons in January drive but ex ped that the oilton record last spring should be exceeded this ye Haircuts 75c Saturdays $100 Barbers CLIFF8 amen saor re ma non new from mom now There are only 16 fateful days left However while Grade 13s are vs urrmin gfrom 11 to la am qthe remainder of the student body is marching doing muscle stretching exercises and play ing marches in preparation for Cadet Inspection This event is our yearly dem onstration of military exercises and physical training This year our first inspection will be held Thursday May is at the Barrie Arena at pm Tickets cost 25 cents Buy them from any member of the school This is the largest and the most popular event of the school year Students in Grades 11 12 and is who have maintained one or two years of perfect attendance that means no times late or eb sent received perfect attend ance certificates this week Cen tificates for three years will be given out at commencement next fall These awards are re HURONIA muvaIN THEATRE 83391 Harris so Dunlap at Dont Miaspout The Supply 15 Limited ijloWers mtIMEonEATESTmAnTuv AWABFWIttNET mum on Ill cm In um in mums Men Capt Kidd revs canton HELD OVER Admission Prices Children 156 Anytime St dents 900 Anytime ulta Matinee 100 Evenings Mom Thur $125 on Sat hflolidays also Evenings At 730 991W garded as important achieve ments and great deal of et fort is requiredto obtain them The graduation dance April at was almost perfect withits well planned music lunch and artis tic decorations The dance cul minated in the crowning of Key Hart as Graduation Queen Her princesses were PatGooderham and Sheila Forster TAL BOTVINNIK DRAW MOSCOW AP The ZOLh game in the world chess tourn ament was declared draw Wednesday at the lmd move The halfpoint each of the con testants gets in draw raised the total of Mikhail Bo ik former champion to 12Mikhail Ta defending champion has eight Four matches remain and Tal must win all to retain the title he won year ago IMPERIAL HELD OVER THURS FR SAT sar CONT mom random ave nows or 700 and 10a thSHUCK THESUSPENSE lHtlHiilltUF iitAiHflitYiNli DHAMAH minimum EASTMANCOLOR WRUDMMIN mututh WWW