Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1961, p. 4

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Ellie farm Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Hayfield street Barrie Ontario THURSDAY MAY ll lul PAGE FOUR iTOBlAI Eottage Fires Avoidable With Little Bit Of Care This is the time of year when cottage owners are cleaning up around their summer resort properties preparatory to the time when they can start spending weekends and later the holiday season by the lakeshore Through the past fall and winter season there have been ac cumulations of dried up grasp broken branches or other material which can create fire hazard At the same time it is quite possible that heating equipV ment in the cottage has suffered from the long period of idleness Each year fire takes $120 million toll of property Much of this loss could be averted with little care The All Can ada Insurance Federation in one of their regular helpful suggestion releas es offers the following precautions for cottage safety Olear long grass brush and debris away from the cottage area outfit the cottage with adequate fire extinguishers and know how to use them Have stoves and heaters regularly cleaned and repaired Be sure they are mountd on metal sheet concrete or brickwork if you use electricity have wiring checked as often as possible it is sub ject to more wear and tear than at home stovepipes passing through ceilings or partitions should be fitted with met al or asbestos collars Keep stoves and heaters away from cottage walls never leave them homing and unattended Spark screens on chimneys and stove pipe outlets will protect your roof and the nearby woods ii kerosene and similar lamps should never be left burning when cottage is empty When in use they should be placed where there is no danger of them falling over store outboard motor fuel and other inflammable liquids away from the cot tage Take care with cigarettes particularly in the area around the cottage yClosedV TownsNo Sales Eachyearg9ueinhleptandsbusiness ii Manitoba combinr and act indivi dually to convince more tourists to visit the province And each year the promot ion is on broader base urging the vi sitors to see more of the province to break from the established routes and meet more Manitobans This policy is going to face difficul ties however if visitors find them selves faced with many closed towns caused by blanket business holidays says The Winnipeg Tribune There are few who will argue with the intentions behind the closings to give employers and employees day away from their labors but the picture of closed town is going to be difficult to present to tourists And commercial travellers will find schedules difficult to lay out if there is mixture of ailday Monday halfrday Wédnesday allday Wednesday halfaday Saturday closings in force The kindest gesture appears to he sign on the outskirts of each town de claring go elsewhere today were on holiday come back tomorrow Paragraphically Speaking There is limit to the minuteness of particles that limit is zero icin stein Hoorayl At last weve run across an Einsetin postulation we can under stand At Mawsynram India the average yearly rainfall is about 600 inches Newspaper filler It would seem that people who live their would get tired of being mlldewed and move Theres often lengthy hiatus 1wixt planning and building up status Atheistic Russian doesnt believe in miracles but some people are beginning to believe that with reference to roc kets and satellites she goes right ahead and performs miracles anyway President Kennedy will never closely approach theultlmate in enjoying is rocking chair unless he has added to the White House wide veranda on which to use it Note to further confuse youthful readers verandaiis piazza chemist predicts cows will soon be fed irradiated sawdust If so in drink ing milk then wouldnt person run the risk of breaking out with shingles Looking at the wide expanco of the stars should make us feel insignificant says philosopher Why What have thestars got that we dont have One out of four workers has some kind of personality disorder or emot ional disturbance says psychiatrist Work is hard on people They should avoid it whenever possible Scientist who are drilling Bier deep er into the earth had better suspend op erations they should strike the tines of pitohfork Views Of Other Editors MONEY FROM THE 35 Guelph Mercury is Canadian municipalities are depriv ed of the right to borrow money for capital purposes from the American money markets it will mean that many such programs will have to be suspend ed This is now the feeling in many par of the Dominion Frederick Gardiner Metro Toronto chairman is certain that if anybody does anything to interfere with our bor rowing money in the United States mar kets that they will not be contributors to our development and it they stop us they will instead make contribution to unemployment We fully agree withrriVlr Gardiner when he says that the United states Go vernment and the 115 corporations have no desire to control Canada They come here to develop Canadas potentials and make themselves some money Canad ians have done the same thing in other countries Duringathcrpastpsevcneyearerctio Toronto has spent $600000000 in its growing spree and this couldnt have beenpossible if it had not been that united States money was available Mr Gardner says we went to Wall St we The Barrie Examiner Authorized second aim mail rm Office Department otuw my Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted gunners watts Publisher salsa saucer Gorilsll Museu aspnr cosu mouse mun Editor CHARLES waned amines Manager Rosana aliases Advertising Maon onn nebula circulation Mungr urn only byoirrlor tbsp sltiz€iaticra Dntarlo £900 year minis lieving it were welcomed there and we borrowed money for less than we could inCan ada If it hadnt been for the facilities of the money market in the United Stat es we couldnt have done what we have done and we would have been in high class pickle It seems that the fears of some over what our borrowing from the United states will do is unjustified and so the flow of money from across the border continues EMPTY WORDS Sudbury star Donald MacDonald Ontario COT leader told ameetihg at Port Arthur the Progressive Cbfiséfirative govern ment is not interested in the plight of the joblessIn Toronto Judy LaMarsh MP for Niagara Falls said the Progres sive Conservatives have prepared elec tion literaturethat is tissue of lies To what level has political oratory MPto tell meeting of Liberals that Conservatives are liars What awaste of time for GOP MP to tell CGF sup GEORGES Burner NECESSAlilLY snurs Lack Of Privacy In Housing Complaint Repeated Mos ByROD CURRIE Canadian Press staff Writer TORONTO CPDOno of the things most Canadians look for in home says architect John Perkin is privacy But few find it despite the fact that it can be acquired even on camparitively small piece of Property Lack of privacy in modern housing was one of the must repeated complaintsho and his two colleagues heard as they toured Canada compiling re port on the design of residential environment for the Royal Aacblteelural Institute of Can interviewed in his slick black and white and glass office in suburban Don Mills Mr Par kin 39 recalled some other features of Canadian housing encountered by himself and IPeter of Montreal committee chairman and Pratt of Vancouver Privacy said Mr Perkin could be acquired with the use of shrubs trees and walls and in some areas wellplanned use of the natural contours of the land He recalled that in com paring sample photographs of new housing taken In Winni peg Edmonton and Darimouth NS it was impossible to dis lingulsh the hilly east coast town because bulldozers had been usedwith heavy hand TREES AN ASSET The committee in its first report said there should be emphasis on the inherent natural individuality of the given site and only in special soil conditions is wholesale re moval of trees warranted Mr Perkin winner of more design awards than any other Canadian architect said he was appalled by fhapcor plan ning of the lower mainland of British Columbia Vancouver needed some broad approach to metropolitan government on phased basis to guide plan hing Montreal and Toronto he porters the conservatives are not inter ested in the plight of the iohlessl are they trying to talk themselves into ba How clearlyit reveaisvithe fraiitiln be fromwhlch the Iiiberaiaand cor are trying to construct election plat forms They have nothing to offer No program no plans and no solutions to ism that contains hardly ashredofroon structlve suggestion faultany wonder their criticsrseethe empty rds as 11 found were cities of conirast with Montreal making good pro grass in urban redevelopment while Torontos malor strides were in suburban areas Montreal with three sky scrapers un or cousinictlon was assuming the most truly urban quality of any centre in Canada while the fringe areas were becoming scramble of commercial indusirial and my ldeniisl buildings One of the best designed areas was the Anderson Avenue development in St Johns Nfld Another was the Silver Heights development in St James Mamalthough it probably is located too close to the air port FAVORS ROW HOUSING Row housing had been used to good advantage in St John and we ought to investigate this type of homing more fully Sucli housing in the Tar onto suburb of Don Mills had proved popular and economical Probably the unwitting pio neers in this field were the bydrostoue houses built hastily fsioae to provide housing following the Halifax explosion of 1917 They have survived have not become slums and are quite attractive Mr Parltlu cemented Mr Perkin was particularly critical of the dull drab rubber stamp similarity of much of Canadas pcst war housing Besides being uriaiiractive this was not healthy approach from sociological point of view Ono difficulty with most modern subdivisions was that they attracted only families of similar size background age income and social position who were almost as similar as the homes in which they lived This was bad for children who were deprived of the opportun ity of associating with children of different social economic and ethnic backgrounds An other problem develops Mr Parking said when childrenr leave homo and the elderly paA rents want to give up the home With its lawns stairs and empty rooms but hesitate to break life long ties with lrlends neigh bars and church The well designed develop ment be says should include high and lowpriced homes of variety of designs apartment buildings and row houses skil fully iutermlngled to provide or chitectural punctuation marks Such an area would attract greater variety of people break the monotony and provide no commodation for th not wishing to own home but wanting to remain in the height borhood The committee blamed not only fellow architects but also the various levels of govern ment community planners and the general puoiic Thirtytwo recommendations were made and Fox public housing officer with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation was appointed to the institute as special assistant in charge of the implementation program Some of the recommendations were turned over to the provin cial architectural associations for study and others are being handled by the institute in cm operation with the Town Plan ners institute the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Mu nicipalities and CMHC BIBLE THOUGHT carers mum So Whos Meddling In Whose Affairs or DON otresruv Nllohio Premier Jiml has readymadebarpooo for Premier Douglas of Saskatch Wm Mr Douglas nude speedi in Hamilton in it he laid Nations must be told they have no right to interfere in the internal effsln olsgllber nations The night before Mr Douglas had been the star act at pro lvliurlsi CCF nomination meet So what are you doing boy meddling in Onlarios internal affairs Mr host can ask this with clean bands in is almost impossible to get him to make any kind of speech outside the province let alone political address Why bother about gambling We all at times can think it is pretty silly Why shouldnt man be able to put for bucksron arborso if he wants to Or why shouldnt be ploy high stakes poker if ha is that may the stale cant protect everyone against everything The New York Sisle crime commission tells wby It found the enormous profits from gambling were used to fi nance other underworld enter prises particularly the bare cohcs traffic prostitution boob legging and whining Its the possibility that the big daddies of crime are moving into our province which has caused the excitement recently The City of Windsor has sp pciofed revenue conunitice if is to study possibilities new sources of taxation to take the burden off real estate Good The committee well might come up with something There Irofieids oiber than real esiaie tusuou open to municipalities it was Mayor Patrick of the border city himself for instance whosume time ago suggested mumclpsliiim mlgbt impose their own sales tax Nobody can say what this commiltee or any other can produce But if it eomcsup with any proposals air all whicbmlean the local governments are rais ing more of their own money for more of their needs it will be valuable Anything leading to more re sponslhla government is partic ularly worthwhile today REPORT FROM 0x Chelsea Hospital Ceremony Enacts Capture Of Detroit liy MelNiYilE HOOD Medan England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner DONDONA ceremony which recalled ilisisfory the capture of Fort Detroit by rilisilsold iers in the course of the war of lawlaii between Canada and the United States was enacted at the Royal Hospllal in Chel sea involved in it were the colors of the American Regi ment which defended Fort De troit and surrendered to the redcoated soldiers of the Brit lsb list Regiment of Foot On that fateful day of August is 1012 the soldiers of the 4th United State Regiment saw their fort shattered and captur ed by the British lnfantrymen Ina room of the fort lay our dead American officers Next door hung the two colors of the defeated regiment The British officer command ing lusisted on sLIlCt protocol being observed He could have carried away the colors But the formalities of War demanded that they should be handed over officially by the commanding officer of the defeated Ameri cans ln strange sad cere mony on that day the two Am erican flags passed into British hands and military bunor was satisfied In the ceremony at the Royal Hospital Chelsea the colors were handed back to the des cendants of the regiment that captured them This is new the Welch Regiment which is affil lated with the Ontario Regiment of Oshawa Canada The colors now so frail and worn that they cannot be flown and had to be carried on cushion again be came the property of the Welsh Regiment Many captured colors and trophies of war were deposited in the Royal Hospital at Chelsea between the years 1019 and 1055 For over 100 years the colors of the on United states Regiment captured at Fort Detroit hung lilhe Great Chapel and Guest NOW GOING TO CARDIFF In 1947 King George VI gave authority for certain colors and war trophies to be returned to regiments that could properly claim them He also authorized that they should be lodged in regimental chapel or other ap propriate buildlg accessible to the public These historic colors marking glorious episode in Canadian history were formally handed over to color party of the Welcli Regiment by General Sir Cameron Nicholson governor of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea Please yourself with Molsonsl Export Ale Then laid the Lord unto Moses behold will ruin bread 30141 heaven for youExodus God is anxious that His child ren enjoy limitless abundance But He likes appreciation for real bountiea too SPECIAL SKILLS BURY Que CPlCeell GW Coates 03 not only works on his farm but also serves as the tpwns ocullst and casketvmaker REE SELllllliI ALET MoLsows anrweavlouriaionro INDEPENDENT answers SINCE 1786 or protocols or efifonfiid n=tin ocs aswspuhiuasounmui All rights of npublics main of tehsl blrIln Also nun lora rear viewof the ment in st Johns Nod or Anderson Avenue develop raw

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