Dinsdale Hearsl Parties Hash Over Topics ByDON EANRlCm Canadian Prue Stall Writer OTTAWA CP Resources Minister Dinsdaie sat through series of lectures Wednesday the importance of remembering Nellie McClung the noon goal at Halifax the ticklease full bird and the Arrow jet inter cerium He was enireated by MPs from all sides of the Commons to build cairn and erect mar lrers to commemorate thesepeo plc and things and to change the wildlife laws so Newfound landers can shoot the ticklease 4or killlwak builbird and sea ducks Eh iï¬arro Examine CITY ANDC UNTYNEws WEDNESDA MAY 10 1091 New single family commer cial and industrial building per mits issued hero in April nc copnt for per cent of all such permits in the month Total per mits In the first third are valued at 35360 losvper cent in crease compared to the period its St Monicas school com year in brackets rhow resi tract valued at 856000 dential 71 3805000 iSlWr perm numbers huakdown 000i commercial 30 20 $279 nu AW ms year and In 000 MLOOOl industrial brackets is listed new dwell 395 WW0 WE5 ings in is residential 35 me mrm 21 commercial iodus 00° BUSY GIRL busy girl these days is Miss Maureen Camplisson helping with the preparations for the second annual YM T0 ESCAPE iha droves 0i women shoppers oneyearoid Michael Taylor assisted by his sister Cathy sought the salvation of the great out doors They left their moth cr Mrs Robert Taylor of Phclpston inside shopping Michael appears quite bored with the whole situation and Fschoor Board Stops Canvass ln commentingon the Bar rie Public School Boards de cision iodeny Red Shield Ap peal representatives access to the schools in their canvassing campaign last night Les Cooke the Appeal gcneralchairman said that he is disappointed by the decision Mr Cooke said that as far as he understands the United Appeal does not allow for ca pital drives For this reason the Salvation Army would not hc able to solicit funds for its new building if it were includ ed in the United Appeal he in dicated NEED FUNDS have no quarrel with the Boards decision and respect their reasoning he said How on the publics previous in vestment in the Salvation Ar my is evident throughout this area he continued Mr Cooke said that the find Shield Appeal would have op preciated the opportunity to present its case to the schools MERRUPTIONS Barrie United Appeal was formed last ygar to reduce in terruptions by canvassers to industries and schools said Trustee Edward Norman Vice cttalnnan of the board Noel Stephenson said the Salvation Army and any of the other or ganizations which previously canvassed are eligible for mem bership in the United Appeal School board oiiicials reins cd further comment on the de Cothy accepts her respttnsibii ity with nonchaiant air The scene was outside the new childrens wear shop which officially opened this morning Examiner Photo Dont Panic Morn You CanMake It Young mother are you stay ing homo avoiding crowded Dunlap Strcct shopping because youre points behind in the neighborhood babysitting ex change Fear not If the little darling responds to the call of nature while nestled costly in one arm whilst the other arm is burden ed with next weeks grub dont panic It shopping service offered by new childrens department store at an Duniop Street East the Pied Piper has pinand powder room of all things There the hardpressed mother can drop in for change for little Sir Wetsaiot Included in the complimentary diaper change kit are dispos able diaper and baby bottom both cleansing pad Soiled dia pers can be totcd away in the debate plaques Mr Board work think wax Among them consideration Mpoundcrs us Every resources minister goes through the same thing every session when the departments spending estimates come up for For those seeking cairns and Dinsdnle noted that this is up to the National Historic Sites and Monuments One MP Drummond Clancy tPGYorktonl addedthis cri tical note on the boardsvhaodl that our historic sites and monuments are na tional disgrace You flash by on the highway and you see rs thcr rustic sign two posts and two garbage cans and when you pull in from the highway you cannot read the sign any Mr Clancys views did not deter other MP5 from offering wide range of tions George Muir PC Lisgar wanted to make historic site from the Manitou Man home ofNellie McCiung where the poet did most of her writing Mr Dinsdale said it is under Robert McClcave PC Holi iax suggested that one of the ed in the War of 1012 could be used to fire thé noon gun from the Halifax Cl tadei instead of the relatively modern now being used Mr Dlnsdaic replied that YWCAgym display thisSat urday 630 pm at Central Collegiate The organizing committee reports that the pmgram should provide an entertaining evening for the public and chance for the young people to demonstrate their ability and physical fit ness Bridge To Open Up New Cottage Area One of tho few remaining oot mllcs from Tomato will be open cd by tho huildingof hndge across the Black River 10 miles north of Coldwatcr Access will be given to Glou cesier Pool district of the Sov ern River which may be reach ed by road for the first time when the bridge is built during 1961 Most river frontage is prl vnicly owncd The bridge site is four miles north of the Sev ern Falls road Two miles from the bridge is the crownowned Burrows Lake which it isre ported the lands and forests de partment has considered sub dividing Moir Construction Co of St Catharines obtained the tender for the bridge building at cost of 549405 The project will be tagebuilding areas less than 100 in 1960 for the month value of permits increased by 92 per cent trom 13313 MOST VALUAth Five most valuable permit groups show new commercial valued at $20000 new single family 5117000 nonassessahle anti miscellaneous $156000 new industrial $130000 and new duplex triplex and apartment permits $93000 The groups account for per cent at the total value of April permits issued by building in spector Spanis NEW lGA STORE Breakdown shows the largest new commercial contract is 3150000 held by City Redevel opmean Ltd Toronto for 55 Mulcaster St Ereoted will be an IGA store Imperial Eastman Corporation Canada Ltd buil ding perrnit was for 3130000 an addition to Esso Road Prcs byterian Church is valued at $60000 to St Marys Separate School Board for an additionto trial it nontassessabic and miscellaneous 27 anyone mit ntnnbers decreased in some cases in all cases their values increased on the month COMPARISDNS Firstthird comparisons of per mit numbers and values flast local Ladies Win Top Choirflonors Barries King Edward La dies choir won top honors lth night at the music festival sponsored by tho Kiwanis club and registered music teachers at Orlllla Under the leadership of Mrs John Dobsoo the group wan the shield for open competition for chairs of female voices They tallied 182 points out of 200 the igheet marks for any adult singing group The group will sing in the Festival of StarsI concert in Orillia Mon day night Quiz Homing 0n Census Fix OTTAWA iCPt Arnold Pet ers iCCFTimiskaming asked Finance Minister llemlna in the Commons Wednesdc whether live officers of the Progressive Conservative Asso fiction in Mr Flemings Tor onto Egiinton riding have been appointed census commission ers Mr Fleming said if this is so they must all be very ea timablo citizens Douglas FisheriCCi Port Arthur asked whether there are any census districts where census jobs are an aspect of theimembership drive of the Progressive Conservative Asso ciation No replied Edmund Mor ris parliamentary secretary to Trade Minister Hoes RememberhermMOTHTJRSD cision Gerge Longstafic the boards business administrator said We dont have to give any reason James Gallagher is Cadet Oi Year Several trophies were pres ented at the annual inspection of the 102 Barrie Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets Monday night at the Armonry The cadets were inspected by ever this does not alter our situation We need funds for the new building and feel cer tain that the people will rise to meet the need The high return paid for when completed through threeyear financing plan said Matchedash Township Reeve Deconltey vintage cannon has been ob tained Now the problem is how to fire it in the proper authentic wayand with safety he said Reports Show Steady Grthh lit Copaco Credit Union Meet The iourthannual meeting of Copaco Employees Credit Uni ion was held May at Central United Church hall in Barrie The meeting was attended by 130 members and guests and in cluded in this number were Nor man Alexander of the Ontario Credit Union league and Simpson general manager of Copaco Barrie The reports given indicated steady growth in the Credit Un ion Assets had rcached 553500 as at the fiscal year ending March 31 1961 andduring the year the credit committee re ported approving 219 loans for $52600 Mr Alexander in his remarks congratulated the members on MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY ister Wardrope said Wednesday Nn decision has been made to MAY 14 apply it in the province he said Under the plan prisoners are released in the morning to go to their jobs and returned to their cells immediately after work They remain confined during weekends ATTENTION TPARENTS ENROLMENT OF Iplastic bag that comes with the Then just to complete the cycle the young mother can nip back up to the Five Points and try to cross on the right sig nal before the youngster has his next little call of nature Choose from wide range of beautiful gift boxes $100 to $500 the accomplishments and urged them to continue regular sav ings program The board of directors again recommended five per cent dividend on shares and 20 per cent refund of in terest paid by borrowers RoubosD Vancise and Mathleson were elected to the board of directors for three years Tcrstege was elected to the credit committee for similar term in the supervisory committee elections 11 Schrag was elected for three years Wilson for two years and Garrity for one year round GIRL 32 1s MAY Barns ORILLlA CF Mar garet Ann Vincent ill of Forest was married here Wednesday to Charles Aff lock Wright 78 of Hanover She was given in mar riage by Ronald Huffman husband of her grand niece Mrs Huffman was matron of honor Mr Wright is retired store owner Friends said the couple have known each other for several years camp and was accepted by Brian WestgaruhtTaylor Cpl Peter Murdock received the general proficiency award rhe recruit award yarns given to ayne Raycralt an Cpl Leon Group Captain Hucknw ard Pawlitza received the Com 01Edg3 Squadmfl Nader manding Officers award The George Moyer Trenton V135 Squadron award was acccpted the Leagues observer lb The Cadet of the Year troi yrs ward Harm Frank Hate won the engine it aw proficiency trophy and the na mes Gailegner Sgt Robert Currie won me lumen Award vrgattoo and radio award went to Sergeant Dennis Laughlin and the Ctzen tr went up Last years winner of the W0 to Cpl George Holownia men Auxrhary award for sell Folt ACHIEVEMENTS ing the largest number or tags The Donald Felt memorial Cpl Kenneth Bridges won the trophy was presented to the award again this year squadron for achievements at sgdm Lat Robert Dam of ficer commanding the 102 Squadron was awarded the Gov nadian Forces Decoration in honor of 12 years meritorious servrce Thesecretarymanager of the ontarin provincial committEe Areradet League James Smith attended the inspection and Air Vrce Marchai Brooks retired represented the Air Cadet League CHOCOLATES Ontario Studying New Iail Scheme TORONTO CP Ontario is studying jail scheme curren tly in the experimental stage in the United States under which prisoners are put to work dur ing daytime hours in nearby factories or farms The study has been going on for about year Reforms Min WEATHE Synopsis Clear skies brought chilly temperatures to all ot 0o tario Wednesday night in the 30s at many places in Southern Ontario and few 205 in North ern and Central Ontar Sunny and warmer weather pros pect for today and Friday in Southern Ontario There will be ciudy weather with sme rain across Northern Ontario Lake Erie Lake Huron Ni agsra Lake Ontario Haiihur button southern Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Ham ilton Toronot Sunny and lit tie warmer today Mainly sunny KIN DERGARTEN CLASSES southerly 15 in 20 Friday Northern Georgian Bay re gion North Bay Sudbury Mainly sunny and ï¬lthy warm mm mm rottentermites rest TO JUNE r951 tonightan Friday with chance WILL TAKE PLACE nonnnnor carrnrsnr srm cnwr lorruoooi of low showers Winds south erly 15 today southerly 15 to 75 Friday Forecast temperatures thw tonightand high Friday gt in sor 145 75 Barrie Public Schools Boudoir 770 mm Kitchener 70 wnnam 65 MAY 15th Hamrlton 10 St Catharrnes 65 Toronto 65 Peterborouflr 65 donor ourr FLOWERS VFOR MOMMY for Mothers DaysIf At MAY tan gt CODRINGTON STEEL sr arm nowann HOURs 9301 1130 am zoo330 pm To be eligiblefortlie above you pupil must be five years old eBy nee 31 196 Proof of age of each child must befurnisehd the school in the form lof birth or baptismal certificate before the child will he admitted to the class in September gt OAKLEY PARK BlIiLClï¬EST PRINCE OF WALES JOHNSON sr FURNITURE THEBEST lN pches SELECTION AND SERVICE AT BARRIE iruaNITUREx LTD Astronomer at in use Vlflt Jilr Colonlll Dott Poiiadildnth Corsages 10 ch Flowers Floral Arrangements moments none from the BARRIEPUBLIC armcoe County Harmonic scnooLaoArto