Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1961, p. 2

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nthcreforeoot catered bv the TEE Hm EXAMINER WAY MAY 111 Innisrii norrs Ask Council Decide If Fish Pond Legal The recent case regarding the accident involving dog and car could not have been based on the Dog Bylaw which came into effect nearly month after the accident The contention that the dog was nannlng at large illegally was new bylaw parsed March 5th QUERY Flbi POND Council was asked to decide about the legality of fish pond which has been constructed on the 14th concession in the opin ion of the road supervisor it might if sufficient head devel oped cause dangerous wash out of the culvert crossing the road beyon the dam it was claimed by the water courses inspector that the stream on which the dam and pond is located might raise the water as high as 20 feet and in case of heavy rain the dam might break away and be dan ger todowostroam property in cluding the road it was decided that the engin eer in charge of the conserva lion authority which includes the area drained by the stream would be the best authority to rule on the matter PLAN MARINA marina is planned on the crack at the lake and of the fourth line About three acres have been purchased by Ken Baxter and Ben Morris ofBelle Ewart and Lefroy They will dredge out the creek and chan nels so that the marina will have docking facilities for over hundred craft There will also be park grounds picnic areas andotber pleasure facilities Plans for the project have been approved by council and sent on to the department of planning Dredging andhauled fill will make this an attractive addition to that part of the shore The Lefroy Marina which has been operating for some years is about half township lot south of this new project These local cltlzensara to be IllRM NEWS massacres aasnca 0N1 DEfl AGRICULTURE EARLYPASTURE moan Mnkeyour corn silo do extra duly this spring use it for hold ing the early flush of spring pasture until it is needed for feed in the summer Any grass left over can be covered with corn silage and used next winter says Dr Stan Young of the OAC field husbandry department Cows will like early grass silage just aboutas well as corn silage And most weeds will be small in this typeof silage wares Moisruaa Watcb the moisture content closely when putting up spring grass silage It should be be tween 65and 70 per cent Try the grab test Take field samples cut from Va to iiiInch lnlength Mash them into ball in your hand Squeeze tight ly for half minute then corn pare the condition of the ball to the following Over 75 per cent moisture if the ball holds its shape and juice dnps freely froth the same pie 70 to 75 per cent if the ball holds its shape but only fewvdrops of free juice 60 to 70 per cent when the ball fails apart slowly and there is on free juice less than 641 per cent if the bail falls apart quickly EXPECT SPOILAGE if the moisture content is above 75 per cent you can ex pect spoilage wilting and even uoonditioning may be necessary with young forages High le gume fields will bethe hardest towiit But dont dry the for age below65 perscenttryourmayi =I have trouble packing it and molds might occur ORANGE All thogoodnlu hurl flavor of big luley Califomla arcingi Worn wvmusmuomt hm ByKG5 congratulath in getting their venture under way before some speculators rallied the poaib ilities The estimated township cost of 512250 to cover the added toilet facilities the camping grounds of lnnlsfil Park will be subject to provincial grant of similar amount The suggestion was made that if the arrears of taxes could be collected the township would not need to Mr row to finance the project it is anticipated that the facilities will bring in considerable addi tional revenue if the work can be rushed so that they will be in working condition by the time the tourist season opens which is less man twomonihs Another suggestion was that by borrowing through the bank the township might carry half their mete over into nextycar giving the second years raven ue to be used for the repayment of the capital investment Discussing the borrowing of the municipality Treasurer lra ton was of the opinion that an additional mill rate might leave aurplus which would save the bank interest which mounts up when no revenue is being col lected Mr lretoh claims that reserve fund not to exceed 40 per cent of the current taxes would leave backlog that would earn interest instead of having to borrow When the township paved the eighth line they use up sur plus that was sufficient to pay for that project which had been an excellent investment and has led to hardsurfaced road plan which is gradually cover ing the key roads of the town ahl Later when the township off ce was brought surplus al lowed it to be paldfor without additional levy It has proven an easy way to pay for improvements and if at the same time it reduces int erest costs the plan has mar iis Tax arrears might be coax ed out of those in default if more penalties were added The se would then cover the borrow ing costs instead of charge back to those who pay on time One method of collecting ar rears wuld be to publish the names of those who carry their payments over into the next year loom AND GENERAL LEFROY SCOUTS MEET BELLE EWART The group committee of First Lefroy Scouts is inviting parents and friends of the Scouts to the an nual meeting tobe held Monday May 15 at 880 pm in the Belle Ewart Community Hall ten and bake sale is also be ing planned to be held in the Baptist Church looms Wednes day May 17 NAME LEFT OUT The name of Robert Bibby was inadvertently omitted from the list of judges in Wednesdays Examiner report of the Citizen of the Year meeting Mr Bib by represented Sl Marys Par ish on the committee of judges SEA CADETS T0 TAG Ships and the sea will be the feature of the annual Navy Lea gue of Canada tag days Friday and Saturday May moo to raise funds for the Sea Cadet Corps RCSCC of Barrie The tag days will be convened by Barrie brandi Navy League of Canada Hundreds of people enoyed themselves Sunday April 24 watching fish jumping up the thh ladder at the Nicholson Fish Sanctuny completed this Spring by the Ontario Denart ment of Public Works Only those people who are directly concerned with the prolcct are permitted into the con crete building where the fish are tagged and counted Con servation officers will at pres ent say no more than that the sanctuary is success Said oneroiilcer Wearenoi let Mahdi ii iii ause we interfere with the work Yes terday we let in twenty acouu and then nearly ihree hun dred others wanted to come This is the third in series of articles on SimcoeBarria Em ergency Measure Organization EMO and deals with health and welfare problems likely to arise and the proplanning nec essary to meet the situation These plans must be flexible enough to deal with any local disaster and also with nuclear disaster Each municipal plan must be coordinated on coun ty basis and must include rontlt ual aid between municipalities within the couan and withad joining counties through the Elil0 Coordinator EXISTING BODIES lathe previous articles we stressed that EMO is depart ment of government on signed to utilize all exl fac ilities and agencies govern ment their personnel and equip ment and to supplement these with trained volunteers This is particularly true in health and Welfare In addition plans should include existing organs izatlons such as Red Cross St John Ambulance church groups Home and School Assoc iations ParentTeacher Assoc iations etc We must be prepared to re ceive and assist thousands of displaced persons and to assist if necessary and pass through many more thousands going further north Many will be in lured some seriously all of whom will have personal problems NEED DISASTER PLANS Each hospital must formulate disaster plan and this plan should be exercised regularly to test for improvements and must be coordinalcd through County EMO The benefit to community froma well laid hospital disast FURNITURE SHOWROOMS arms sin awesome THIRD OF SERIES Need Every Trained Nurse Arid FirStaider To Assist solder and all those trained in or andeMO disaster plan was graphically illustrated last fall in the city of Windsor at the time of the disastrous explosion in one of the down town stores Windsor hospitals were able to put their disaster plans into oplt oration so quickly and efficient ly that their reserve personnel were all assembled and waiting for the arrival of the first cas unifies it was estimated that this speed and the rapid imple menting of the EMO disaster plan saved number of lives SERVE AS EMERGENCY In addition to existing hospit als it will be necessary to set aside buildings in municipalit ies to serve as emergency hos pitals It is felt that new school buildings particularly where there are kitchen facilities are ideal for this purpose To emergency hospital buildings federal government is stockpil ing emergency hospital packag ed uolts consisting of equip ment for 200 bed hospitals in cluding beds Xray and operat ing room equipment They are ready to move on very short notice Federal gov eminent is also stockpiling med icines and supplies which may be distributed in advance to has pitals with an accepted and test ed disaster plan STAFFS ADEQUATE It is very apparent that exist ing hospital staffs will be inad equate to cope with an emer gency of nuclear proportions Every trained nurse and first home nursing will be needed as volunteers First aid home our sing and advanced volunteer nursing training together with othertypes of training is avail able without cost to EMO vol unteers plan to evacuate hospitals from possible target areas to places outside target areas has been in existence for several years and is constantly under revision Arrangements are made through EMO between the hospitals involved Personnel of evacuating hospitals have been assigned to teams and they have plan of evacuation and pro cedures to he followed on or rival at reception areas Welfare is major EMO ser vice and have five discussions clothing feeding housing reg istration and inquiry and per sonal services EMQ welfare is under the direction of Mr Jackson of Simone Childrens Aid Society and will require very many trained volunteers VDLUNTARYDECISION Although evacuation of pos sible target areas is now vol untary decision of each family it is felt that if time permits it could become mass evacua tion The initial evacuation will probably consist of people who have made advanced plans and know their destination ey may not present too great problem EMO welfare is chief ly concerned with the many thousands who have no place where they may go and who may not even have transporta tion who may not own ade quate clothing for our northern climate and who always have multiple problems It will be necessary to make surveys of existing billeting clothing food and trained per sonnel in each municipality as well as available heating cook ing and ding equipment These surveys must be coord inated through county EMO to obtain the overall county pict ure SCHOOLS IDEAL Each municipality must have its own welfare plan with build ings designated as welfare oen tres Schools are ideal for this They have adequate parking wake of Tuesday nights crip in There nothing much to see in rthcro anyway in photos above piggyback mak es comeback to keep at least two feet dry and couple of weekend strollers scaia some planking high over the river lust because its there plumbing and large numbers of rooms These are essentials in welfare centres as many tasks will be performed here survey of feeding establish ments must be made and this should include church halls and kitchens They can be staffed very quickly by some of the best cooks and organizers in the municipality the women of the church clothing depot for collect ing sorting and packing must be designated Children will present major problem in evacuation partic ularly those orphaned or lost as will elderly people not in family groups Suitable accommodation for this purpose will have to be set aside Every person coming into the county to stay must be register ed as soon as practicable to as sist in reuniting families to give an accurate picture for the distribution of food and supplies and to assist the publicutilities in assessing their problem SHOULD BE IN PLANS Volunteer welfare work is not new There are organization and individuals in every municipal ity engagedlo volunteer welfare work and should be included in municipal EMO welfare plans SimoneBarrie EMO is plan ning to conduct welfare and oth er traiolng shortly The next article in this scrim will deal more specifically with the organization of wardens and rescue services their function and tr for emergency measures SEEK STORM All LIBERTY NY APlSul livan County officials Wedneslt day night asked Governor Nel son Rockefeller to declare the county disaster area in the pling wind storm Authorities estimate property damage of $1000000 in destroyed homes NEWS 01 pi Russ mm amenity Director In hard to credit but this the in week of concentrated pronam for this season on as rem bu pace ev will become senor and more set tied The emphasis ill be more forcefully directed evaluation planning and organizing and as hard as we work at it new set of program starting dates will be looming oi the borixon before we know it Now though everyone is swamped by the race against time to get everything in order for the less structured lus com cormnitlcd summer season stu dents have set of exams to prepare for toachars are pre paring thajtaats and thinking of summer travel work or stud ies camping organisations have hired their ataffa and are bus ily planning training programs and management details busi nesses are struggling with hol iday schedulu as well as pro duction ants personnel prob ems apor groups are organ Nuiflnsoflrschb difla the is getting set for its gym display and all of us are looking forward to ines sure of the special fun and re creation that aununer makm possible DIFFICULT MONTE lo worksuch as in the one becomes perhaps more aware of the effects of the sea son on personality For molt people the most difficult months of the year have just now com pleted their demanding round Somewhere between January andAprilmaoyofusbita period of marked depression and inertia which is punctuated with futility and dissatisfaction Our woeful lot convinces us we are in an unkind unfeeling world As the snow comes and goes we catch fleetins glimpses of thedreaiy deadness of plant and bush set in background of mud and garbage There is apparently nothing in the world to stir up the effort necessary to prepare for summer During these some months many young people display their loss of purpose by quit ting school They lack the in centiva and the courage to stay on and face the results of their years work or lack of work Rather than determining what can be salvaged from the eight months already gone in the six weeks remaining they fooigh ly and recklessly mdoubt with strong though misplaced feel ings of vaiour and self sufflo lency throw themselves into the huge sea of unemployed unskilled wouldbe workers Lest we adults get the idea that we in our wisdom avoid BHBBIEY such pitfalls we should be re minded that ordu of ns get so with our immediate jobs that we are sure anything also any here also would be an improvement We lose out ience with the akiila and discip ling which are necessary for us to press on when the sum gets rough and we rush offto seemingly greener fields To our sorrow we discover there In oeffen much worse than what we Now obvious many of no find the co cyr to last through these months it is not because wa lack in imagination or inltiativy but because we see beyond the mud and gun age of this season to the goon the foliage and the flower long range goals We know that progressive changes come through doing so well with Lb task at hand that we get in vited on to blgg ones rather than beating duly re treat from one field of mud to 13qu PERSPECTIVE By knowing and understanding the p1urosixhrantmoor low morale periods we learn to divide by four when we start weighing our grievancu and use bit of multiplication when we count our blessings This gets things in truer Pete spective If we are hanllns flm cillfby our finger halls in high wind we cant wait for eabner moment tomaka delt dslons but it is good rule never to moire big or lasting decisions in moments of heavy deprusion hurt anger or fail ura or for that matter in times of greathapplncss excitement or success We should wait till the scales of decision canigivo more honest readings These thoughts have been said after the victory has been won for another year for many of us The grass is turningnto deep green flowers are beg ning to bloom and trees and shrubs to leaf Students especially though are even now being confronted with the worrisome prospect of final exams it may appear easier to quit our and say could have but if they just who their sights to look at lifelong goals they will know that succesq and self respect never comes to quilters With them as with tha flowers theres life and beauty under their dLsmuiagement if they turn on tha sunshine of applic ation and effort PROGRAM SPOTS Theres just one but man is it big This coming Saturday morning maria the final Gym Centre programs of the Spring It is also the time of final pro parations for our second an nual gym display and farm buildings Ladies or Genta 17 JEWEL MOVEMENT WATCH ES Waterproof USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN mwnnnnas info 15 DUNLO 91 PA $87 DON1 Bu unless you are sure See the homes at our Individual oasis Styled ToSuir Real ValueI sham inful deditnaof our P3 exurhan Now is the time to careftu select plaifo your home to suit your individual taste our aysiem pennitathe prefabrication of mW economical designs thatwiil enable to cut costs and do the work yourself Financing is vailahle to cover the materials andlab our You owe it to yoursalf to talk with In about guaranteed price rbcne now for an appointment with Mr Carruthers mu Min co arm PA 81496

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