nvranoaaamnamvmraumaruarmuu STOCK MARKET Gelds dil Gain Industridlsv Drop TORONTO CWThe stock markettwas mixed in heavy morning trading today On the exchange index indu5lt trial tell 25 to 58249 and base metals 9l to l91i5l Golds gained 09 at 3257 and western oils 53 to 932 The 11 am volume was 10mm shares compared with 011000 at the same time Wed nesday MrLoeb was up Is at 16 Canada Cement added =1 at 28 Gatineau Power Steel Company Canadian Breweries and BA Oil gained Vt 0n the minus side imperial Oil and Loblaw is each tell at 45111 and 41 Moore Corpora tion also tell is Mining trading Wes brisk Fai mnbrldge and Noranda dropped it each at 535 and 47h inter national Nickel was oil at 71 and Ventures down st iiud sen liay Mining and25melting rose Va in golds Giant Yellowknifel NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPiTlte US dollar was at discount of per cent in terms oi Canadian funds the Bank oi Montreal re ported near noon today Wednesday the noon rate was 98 1346 Round sterling $276 up NEW You or Canadian dollar 364 lower at $101 1565 in terms of US iunds Pound sterling 164 lower at $179 8964 nerenanmcs THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian International invest met irurt Ltd year ended Feb 1961 $168132 Sun share 1960 $163619 97 cents International Nickel Company oi Canada Ltd mos ended March 31 1961$1a660ooo as centsi960 $24932000 65 cents Quebec Lithium Corporation year ended Dec 31 1960 net loss moans 1959 net proiit $337933 neitmana Canada Md year ended Jan 31 1961 $828 716 39 cents ashare i960 3758027 83 cenu Sullivan Consolidated Mince and McIntyre Porcupine each rose li The market slid downwards in moderately heavy trading Wed nudmï¬ 0n the exchange indu indns trials fell 25 to 58244 and golds 02 at 8248 Base metals were all L49 to 19542 The ï¬nal volume was 369le shares compared with 5968000 traded iuesday Foods had had day Oshawa wholesale lost St at eon Steels were oil Atlas downy to 31 and Steel Company at 15 while motors were mixed US Ford oil to 04V and General Motoraup V4 to 455 Mining trading was heavy and prices generally dropped Falconbrtdge and Human Bay Mining and Smelling oil it and at to 5335 and 50 while both Noranda and international Nickel were all V4 to 48 and 1am Consolidated Mining and Smelling fell 54 at son 15 cents $980 mont 10 cents to $910 Ventures was up Stat 43 McIntyre Porcupine gained is at 32 while Kerr Addison dropped Ya to 10 Que Dw TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled ivy maimed Database Barrio nmurnua Cal Paper my Vere II Amuat Paper mt Commer Gu ma Nonnu cm Alenma Steel and Ilia 33 Km OnL N1 uh Aluminium mu Dom use loan cm was Noam on says Dan Stone Patina Pate 11 All Steel Don Tu In Pam no an at Itontrul 55 Famous Play this Qua NIL Gan Bmlol NE at was Asia Boo so eon Co no GIL Pow salt awn eons 7t Boil Tel Bk leflll 5mm ll SL LII Co menua up Home on revs eat BA on 33 Button Bulltn 54 Sun at roux as lino Toham 14 Sue at can con at can in on 4m Etatnbua as can ammu at in Acca to To Dom as in CPR an inter Ni Ii 71 ï¬lm can Fly 21 Canada Interprov no It irana ML Pipe lsta can ca 11 luau Cleo am than Can Can 12 tool Pie 311 Tune Canadian on 1955 Lahatt 39 Union can can In Sm 23 Mac rowu luv lays Walker saw imam Camp can no auaau It can Quemont us can Del Rio can Holllnur am She Garden 41 can neutron no KenAddison 1w Steep noel ans Con Rail oar Lunaaua 530 Unitld otl LII Sullivan 151 Ilar1timqu Lill Waite Amulet us Fliconbfltlll cw Nometal 305 wunu one mo line ovarian 315 influltrhll an 111 induurlAlI dnl VALLEE 10 SING NEW YORK AP Rudy Valiee Vagabond Lovercrooner of network radio 25 years ago will appear next iailin Broad way stage Ioie Amnuncomen was made Wednesday that the seyearold Vailee has signed to costar in How to Succeed in iBnusiness Without Really iry FARMERS You CAN STILL GET THE JUMP ON SPRING gEEDING USING COOP Sprint seeding iater than ERTILIZER sual but you put compensate Iar Hill by ullnl nxtra nitrolen or luler nm and the wltlr lulubio Phosphate and Potan contained in corn mTrLl zm will keep your crop loi 11 ahead all IGIIDIL The main inltcr maturiill crop or heavier min BIGGER YIELDS AT LOWER COSTS wITn coor FhRTlLiZER NOW 259 INNISEII ST TIPDFTBEWEEKDont Pit um forget to inoculate all clover and alfalfa seed with Coop Anoculant economical and easy on use year ended Dec 91 1960 $128 908 1559 $2854 Iva tlusracnvs SIICKS Bell Telephone lntL Nickel le fleece Wuroyvlradul Flnlnn DDWJUNB YURI AVERAGE all up 11 Utilities up as NHDNTO not It stuunnue Annex up 00 mm dn 31 011 up 53 Tans Examiner Want Ad éészoofxz leolsvrxeo ma Munro He son you The name com meanest wpnm haulMend value in dinmondx Chance diamond feature rhodiumplotad selling and shouldu lo avnlualln brilliance JEWELLERS Dunlap St ra 84201 Packed with Features To Make the Preparation AUTOMATIC TIMER GLASS OVEN noon REMOVABLE OVEN SIDES SUREAGE ELEMENT PILOT LIGHT EULI WIDTHELuonESCENTLIGIIT ofMeaIs an Absolute Pleasure are but few or the bonus features that ma this range an outstanding buy at Robinsons suggested Retail 29995 nonlnsons serum PlilliE OTHER RoaleoNISSPECIALs 30E25W 30 RANGE storage drawer auunriatlc clock and oven light and 95 Suggested Retail Price 27995 noamspNs SPECIALPRICE 80E65W 30 RANGE oven rack deluxe modpi with illuminated switch knohs fluorescent light hielormatic Rated Today as in the past 50 years as having Canadas Finest Baking Oven the Genuine MOFFAT 24 RANGE Suggested retailpriee 37095 ROBINSQNS SPECIAL PRICE UnionCGi Settle Diapute Westinghouse Legs Behind NEON CPIThe Uniti Electrical Radio and Enchine Workers of Amelea reached agrement with Cana dian General Eiectrle Wedas day night bntfurther talk be tween the union and Canadian Westinghouse company Limited have been postponed until next week Lolita Fine Ontarios one conciliation settlement at the dlsp 1nd oiiieer announced ute be QMQTHERST giH shell love to carry now andthrough Summer Summer Handbags Just two or many are illustrated 500 each tween the union and OGE lie was called in 23 days ago alter conciliation board was unable to settle the dispute Terms of theagreernent will be praented to OGEs 5000 cm ployees in planls at Toronto Peterborough and Guelph for ratiï¬cation Sunday The EW currently negotiat ing on bebait olle 8000 mernlt hers employed at Westing houses threeliamilinn plants could find Wednesdays CGE mentahetplnuttiinx gingham Ivth Tails at both companies we Previously conlidered dead locked The union demanded that CGE lead in Inga while Westinghoue matched present 063 levels liveyear agree ment containing motelliving escalator clause which expired last year ieit Wtsflnghonu an pioyea 15 to 38 cents behind CGE Westinghouse after more than 12 hours at discusion with ua ion and co ciliation oiiiciais Wednesday and Tuesday re erred to the unions demands lohdetkoyhg and unrealis The union is seeking wag £er SuGGEsnons FOR DAY Slinky 45 Walkers seamias Youll want hexto have the best WalkersNylons nu Fashitined Sheers Loo Innings pair 285 SEAMLESS SHEERS Micro mesh or plain knit 400 néedie 15 denier pair l29 pair mil 250 Theres just about every sheer wanted in ioned with line slimming seams and is in Walking Dress or Better wear iaggsheers light or medium beige sizesii to 11 short average or toll lengths Full iasltioned pllir 100 11er 2852 Seamless pair 129 pair 250 parity with 062 propeli which ma result in 10 cent acrossthemed mama tor Wuiinghouse employees and also demands increased job security job remaining for sea ior employees and more med ice and weiiare henetits The company utimales the demands wouldcost so cents an hour It otters instead moder ate increase and pension im provements provided the urn loo recognizes the need for con structive contract amendments required by the company Waungbouse employees cla rcntly earn minimum rates at $149 lemalol and 317 male with top rate of $244 or toolmaker an 51 15 on 15 Sheer and clear tulifash nylons mesh or plain Handbags or soitasFbutter plastic Choode hers from white or ludiow bone or white plastic with flowers under vinylalso fashion colors for summer llliade in canada or Im ports fromvNew York each 500 cushioned with dam 15 amsao p29 Ln am Noon with it Two KE so Dump ST mnsa Alqu strand neekiet and earrings Round head necneu 100 trash water pearl in fashions latéisl colours let 150 lets graduated heads dreadwater pearl with shiny mat ï¬nishor simulated pearl only each 100 Bothiterns are this seasons and tint qual ity not clearing hutspen or young shoppers set each Fancy shaped graduated head neck ietsdn three tour or five strands matching earrings white three four or five strand neck white wane lally priced of BARRIE EA 60221 mom 31 zzt passagewaan enema lt an evenness Maze ti rulearms