SoiAkMERS MARKET SFARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE numerous no sin FARM MACHINERY MESLEY liens mvrsrsns SI5 nlillr ro Cruinl Commons nrmrunr rnln romolu Innruns font 511m cooxsrowN cum CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New Holllnd Dnvtd Brown Bully rmn Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA on SEASONAL CLEANUP sup DRIus CULTIVAmRs Discs AND WAOoNs TERMS 7wHY DUEOME OTHER FARMERS TROUBLES Thai used IncIor or ranchin could cost you hundreds or doll In In npnln And lost time You dn not need Io uh rhonezr Buy or trade with BELLAMY EQUIPMENT LIMITED OI= STAYN ER PHONE so When you no sure eve ml chine hos been Inorougo ro mndikloned or robqu uo curln our wmnry It reIly can no more Ind we one All the porn no service utilities in new you lulrm III xenon Iron man coo ardoWfl PlymlnlI Terms an oily omnreo Free nouvm bro In And In our huge rorlos nine or new mu urea Tnflon Ind Mochlnery BELLAMY EQUIPMENT LIMITED altFERGUSON AND NEW AslfwrzA FARM mUWMENT DEALDI PHONE 33 STAYNER VIKING CREAM Seplrltorl Milken sole Ind pom Cr hunt OnI P0 Rm or tnlr phone PA on TRACTOR McCormick neertnl order Iolhnlznnsilil llro Fieu re no snow goodryrcpalr 50 Telephone Coon iown 4564518 mcmu rllesel model I15 new never hill deolcrr wlrnnty 323w Terms could he erroz Apply Io Box Burl arom ï¬ner FEED SEED GRAIN GOOD CLEAN redclovrr read or role Talaphuna FA sell or lur thnr tnlomlllnn No RODNEY reed nuts or on Telephone so stroud tor tells SEED POTATOES cobble Che rohee Ind Sehlln Apply to Funk mphlck RR Uioplu GARRY OATS cluncd Ind mut ed Also Hydraulll oneway nine or new Com bell Brothers iele hhnno PA as 07 00 Rules or Out Strlw to Apply Robert Storey mm ror Iuriher totemIron McCarka During IlmM Linn PASTOR FOB Aclu or LAN or rent Section II lunhfll Apply NH Salem at the Inna or poem ml in PA L7 In new of parer tor reul or will ink rum to posture Plenty uter reupnooo May SUnshiné Specials 1lean flammfï¬m Lamer ors IDEAL FOR SECOND CARSFISHING CARSTHAT EXTRA CAR ON THE FARMGO TO WORK CARS um In By bud run well Ienccd nornu lulu lo and Cnnrurtnn Vupn Mn Inn PA was In PASTOR or Ionruxln only In bend or some at per nun Ior euon Salt supp ed Apply Lewis xellnnn miles can at Brentnod AcRu rum Lnnd on Highway Never lulu Inter IIlDDly Plenty at lhlde Good Ience Also to ncru lnrnl lend Telephone Duncn Moore PA use POULTRY 6r CHICKS DEKALB CHICKS Pile our order no to dub ry dullad ruuw nehnib or roou Ovolllty leeuent us nutty nine ro nu Also Re Rock oo some crouorrnn Prlou mo urvICI On roouen HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 HYLINE PULLETS FOR SALE 2000 STARTING To LAY 5000 12 WEEKS OLD Rul ourllty birds ruled Ind necked who skyLlnu Ferme um Ited rerviee For Iurther Mame Itlnn end prim conuct SKYLINE FARMS LIMITED WBY PHONE PA 7435 Ol smear Dlsrnlcr coon PA 66581 AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCARS FOR SALE MOTORS VIAU RAMBLER HELPAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66438 hm WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now With mean woelnmnd 500m IllAN DOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SOUHA mo Dons or me But on Apply Ilo nercxy Street Iltlr poo IF YOU Isz hee rteoily cm played or six months you can bny ercury two door hnrdluP withvlulolnltlc trlnmlulnn and rndlo 15 down onII monthly lclo hone llm Bic erson PA MI gt IBUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY AskAbout Low Rates By Month 01 Year Telephone PA 82414 SIMCOE FLOOR CLEANERS STARTING SOON corrylnn Iullline oI equip ment to olen your oliice Itvro warehniue etc COVERED BY LIABILITY INSURANCE PHONE STAYNER 377W4 COLLECT BOATS SI MOTORS Re AIM To EVINRUDL GALE MERCURY SCOTS ATWATKR MOTORS lilo LAWNBOY MOWERS AQUA LUNGAAIR STATION DELANET BOATS BAYFIELD ST BARle PA 5345 nxcnvnrmq FILL GHAVEL UP Sflll SEPTIC TANKS PUMPEDV mnvnunl no analog WAtor Delivery Crushed none EAL Yard Bockhoe or turn DENNIS MORAN 11 Anne strur FA our Blrrll DOZDR WORK Fun ponds crustructed rnwl removed Innd clearlnn LEE HART PHONE PA ems nvnwmcs PA earso oAann mslThATION Air te Insulatlon hlytty instantmines lJl lddltlon to their RUCKWOOL Blowing Man the All NEW Alumin unr llphburd siding completely Inst ed with Styrolnnm lnruluo Ine bnoker board In elem colon vWe In lllfl Including Aluminum doors windows and uwnlnll by WINTER SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED 5mm TERMS erte or phnne SCOTT MUIRle MlNESING reno COLLECT mean you BUYGIVE us miï¬aï¬ni MARTIN CABINET MAKER MODERN KITCHEN COMPLETELY FINISHED AND INSTALLED WITH OSIAINLESS STEEL SINK ARBORITE TOP MAHOGANY DOORS F001 1111100 FOOT sumo FOOT sloono FOOT 111500 F001 111000 RE No BARRIE HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH 150751 mltutnnnnce Soddlnl LLGRADINGANDEXCA31ATINGD SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly or disposal Telephone Barrie PA 7151 Long distanct Zenith ezaoo at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD DRILL1A License No 9061 I953 DODGE stock No me 1953 MONARCH stock No 640A 1953 CHEVROLET Stock No 7603 1933 VANGUARD Stock No 15IB 1953 PONTIAC Stock No use I953 PLYMOUTH WAGON Stock ND 9013 I953 CHEVROLET Stock No 700A 1953 PONTIAC Stock No 1233 1953 FORD Stock No 780C I953 METEOR Stock No less 1953 CHEVROLET Stalk No 700A I952 DODGE Stock No MC $34900 $44900 $49500 $9900 $49500 $44900 $19900 $29900 $19900 $15900 $15200 $12400 SEE THESE AND OTHER SUNSHINE VALUES ON OUR LOT KRAMER MOTORS LTD BRADFORD STREET BARRIE 6500 DOLLARS 1962 Studebaker door Good running condition TELEPHONE PA $7591 151 woelr phone uao cuvnolthl Aw gown an over Dunnn tv yea Clemvnl tolunhunIP$A mas CAI DOAND 3500 or per month Tolsphonl PA was Cm cont lrlnmeo as Dunlap At 11150 VAUxxALL two tone while wsil trier end now now tiru Milolo 8300 Price HAVS Tull Phone PA 99131 ism coNsuL 120011 mtlel delux trim and interlor whit wnlll show room shape rum to roll Tollphonu PA oIlzo us mcsnzs BENZ 00 sodn block lxcoptlanli vlue Rodin low Hillels 01000 or hut ouch Phono PANDA liter pm less VOLKIWAOBN oronn my llrnt luther re new style helllnl lyrtem radio cell 54 strand leu JAGUAR $15000 or beet otter loss Foru sullon wuon use 51 33A 6qu sm 500 single motor cycle Telephone PA mu 1ND AusnN non Rodin uni rest coverings still under wornnutv Only used In ucnnd cur Three ant condition Telephnnl PA 8402 VOLKIWAGEN per Afply to Bill Storey4910 60 ms METEOR tor ulo autumn trlnlmlsslurl now rebuilt enxl 5000 miles on enolne $11 down 310 month Telephone Toby Cnpnlmrl telephone PA 66590 193 PLYMOUTH Sedon Must sell Immedlntoly truslerted overen Good condition East offer cele 1123116 PA 60990 for luflhu nu roan Olep door two tonh Bflod body and point Mob cury motor new tires Cln he ï¬n Inced Sproulr Supertert High why 21 one mile south or Thorn ton Phnnb Ivy mm DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT hove hen ueensed to remove your dud end crippled term unl molr under the above An FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkway M617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE itsGil LANDSCAPING oARRm LANDSCAPINC SOD SUPPLY Frel uumllel Imdleapinll ilwn Idlnl rul Hodges nod Evergreen lplclll lty Kentucky or Morlon him run mo ileld sod delivered mywhero Rauooenle rctel TELEPHONE PA mo FOR LANDSCAPING Soddlnl Seeding Ind ann Mointennne CALL ARNOLD DEEs FAINSWICK PHONE STROUD 831 FREE ESTIMATES PLASTEEING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archway Perches FREE ESTIMATES NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M 1110an QLLECi PAINTERS SPRING PAINTING Hove your piloting done now it reasonable rites For experienced Dlllltdll Phflnb n57 PONTIAC converllble Auto rustic power otcerlnn end owe hrokcr while wens and nd in excellent condition Seulnr reason Ibly Telophunl PA 88923 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE new Hermann salondin roe Elihu App Zellcrl IrdeherDIflnnnBl Iuylrvh omcl can with upnrlencu tn hookkuplnl Ind lenull nriico mccdurel or Inell bullneu llelophone PA we durlnxwfllcc nun 10um re ulfld In Pro tutult motherlus one ml 15 tall This ms Elmo Elwinr eAusLAmz noted or Slum Suwlnl Centre Piellr uler ex portenco with oyphmeee 5dy week Ind oomomy hauntI sun In no ullry and commlnlun Apply dialer sewinz cntre MALE HELP MAN Raqumen to Poultry Fltm Preler cu Rrdinl $rlencor Telephone nerroy tor runner detlllJ MAN 10 non complete ohm or men mnnulncturln olllne rite Ind stlto experience and ry expected par 41 hurl mlner MALE 0R FEMALE OPPORTUNITY For rollhie couple to mom Iutlunnt State experience And complete resume Apply to BOX 26 BARRIE EXAMINER work on Ir YOU WOULD like to nipple mcnt youur Jam by $100 5sz Mr than your spare write or interview Fort ome Box Burllo TEACHERS WANTED PARTTm music teleher muted Ior Eimvle District High School duties to hem September 1961 ply lutlnz Quintintions and In Expected to Mr MO Kny Secretlry Trumrer Elem vole District Huh School Board ï¬lmy1e Ontario EllflLOYMENT WANTED DDTca GIRL requires home work Avnlllhle It Any timouTllophone PA +1075 ms cannon mun nustoln rldlo Ind build new URI One owner lust reconditioned Sell 111 relmnlbly Apply to 78 Eunoni Street or ie ephonc PA HWB 1933 STUDEBAKER excellent Oman and custom radio Sin down plymcnt Ind uh over monthly hymeneron to sxflel Shell Apt from to 1950 FORD V4 outnuntl Sun liner convertibll one owner milere Will lecupt tr de in Ex cellent condition rndio Telephonu PA 00786 between end Ln TRUCKS TRAILERS SCHOOLBUS I956 VOLKSWAGEN PASSENGER SCHOOLBUS Good condition Recent trance mission and engine overhaul OPP certificate of ï¬tness KRAMER MOTORS LTD BRADFORD 51 BARRIE 51 TON FORD pickup inch with rocks mo body end run In order new rell tires Sprou Supenelt mlhwu 27 IInilc ï¬nuï¬hnol Thornton PIIIHIIv IV 1351 TRAILER for lo Glendl two hedrno Eleln ea rlltinn fully equipped mlny ex tru Priced to sell owner golnl West Apï¬ly Gilmore Motel Hilb way 17 anh PERSONALS WANT YOUR FORTUNEtnId LLOYD CONRAD 0R0 3723 FREE ESTIMATES Try An Examiner Want Ad FHONEJA mu an Callm Ippolntnierlt WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY SHOP Coldwnvu lit by canines Ruralerror In our own ham Ph my own home Wills Phone PA 0153 WILL lez any age children whue mother Works Vicinity or Nelson Ind Stu Avenue Telephone PA 601130 WOULD LIX to mind child in my own home Rouonnhle Close to angleroi Cooler lephono PAI Leeannth after 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON rLoquN AND comm um PRONESBARRIE PA Moos VICTORIA HARBOUR 505KB WILL LOOK Am Childngdln News or On Slay 15 at 530 pm te Che 49 Club will hold their in thly meeting at the home at rs Henry Boer Connili Rood Pnlnswidr The roll call willbe singorpaylbo members are reminded to bring or send their Sunshine gilt iorcnncer patienls Mr and Mrs William Barton were in Richmond Hill on May attending the wedding OI Mls Mary Smith oi Thornhili Fred Lilloy has said his house on Yonge Street and his mov ed to Toronto The new owner Luke Shokeil moved in on Monday Mr Shaken Is not stranger to our village as or many years he tanned on the Barclay homestead Mr and Mrs John Gilbert have gone Iolive in Ancestor where Mr Gilbert be accepted position with the local Mun lcipltl Council JIll and Mrs Glen Smith havemoved into the vacach home Fortyour people turned out on Mondayto the Community Hall Inr en evenings delecta Iiun at the euohro party Thoso receiving es or the six highest scores were Mrs lllulhollnnd Mls Willnughhy Mrs WebbBuMulhnllandr Martin and ii Thomp son The door prize donated by George Elliott of Big Bay Point was won by Mrs Lennon Block Due to the VoteNo meetinz in the Community Hall there will not be any euchre party there On May is The next euch re will he held onMey 22 On Mar Mel Martin met with painful Accident while working in his blacksmith shop piece of wood from revolv ing saw hit his head resulting In seven stitches in his Iorehend end concussion Mr Martin re turned home on Saturday alter Ive days in the hospital On June in Memorial Day will he observed in the 6th Line Cemetery limlalll at pm On Friday evening many of our curlers and their wives at tended banquet in Churchill Community Hall whlch marked the closing of the winters pleas ure for those wno participated in this most popular game Those from bringing home prizes for victories won were Mr and Mrs Small Cmber Nelson and McNobh BuBlnck Mesdnmes Marlinv Webb and Robertson Several In our district have ï¬nished seeding VOTENO CAMPAIGN Increased enthusiasm is being shown or the Vote campaign as the cause gathers momentum in Inuislil Township at Lelray May full house greeted the venerable and highly respected Dr Ives of Stnyner who was the speaker at the evening and rwho has zealously fought against the liquor interests for half century sextet of male voices generously rendered rnnrly vocal numbers to an ap preciative audience On May 15 VoleNo meeting will be held in Stroud Community Hell it will be Young Peoples night Ross Glimy Barrie will be the speaker An interesting ilm STROIID Many Irom here attended the Hi Homemaking Cluh Achieve ment Day Ior South Simone In Baxter on Saturday Eleven at our girls were there modelling cotton dress whichlhey made themselva The iashlnn show was very latlroctire and well worth seeing The project that the girls will commence In Sap tcmber will be orking With Wool The sacrament ol the lords Supper was dispensed by Rev Bell on Sunday at the Presbyt erian Church On May 14an iiy Sunday and Mothers Day will be observed This will also be haplismsl service Sunday School will be withdrawn as the children are asked to worship with their parents at the alter noon servlce On May 2i anniversary sore vices will be held ilr the Pres byterian Church at 11 am and 730 pm Res Ross Adams of St Presbyterian Church Barrie will be the speaker at both services Visitors during the past week wuehlr and Mrs Thompson hunting and Edward Allisbnn with their daughter slsler Mrs Jackson Mr and Mrs Morley Blflk VElinivaleh with THE BARlllE EXAMINER mummy HAY ii 161 11 Mr audhlrs Block Mrs Ella Prentice Toronto and son Joseph Oi Fort William with their cumin Mrs Dwight Nel son Mr and tin Frank Ayerst oi hiooreiield with their son Melville The May meeting of the WO mens Institute ihulsday ulter noon May lswlll have as roll call resolution sent In by Womens Institute tint has had results Members are re minded Oi the sale OI plants and bulbs to be held at this meeting Visitors are always welcome number of members from here attended the Simcoe Pres bytean of the United VhlSheld ln Oriilio May at which 310 delegates were present Kindly remember the Buy Scnub paper collection on Sat urday May l3 Have papers ready when they call good attendance enpoycd the concert in the hall on Fri day evening May when the Unich Howkestone pre sented plny in Doubt About Daisy and the Stroud YP their play The Dear De purtcd Herb Shannon acted as chulrInan and the program also included piano instrumentals by Susan Block accordion music by Marie Goodyear dancing by Cllllllllill MISS Yllll 11 your carrier has nan arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Homo THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS IN ADVERTISEMENT 0F OMITTED FROM THE FRESH CHICKEN CUTS will also be shown lEGSmBREAS corAco DRAND rune PORK SAUSAGE IDEAL FOR HANIBURGS OR MEAT LOAF LEAN IvIINcED BEEF STORES LTD WED MAY 10 196 THE OLLOWING ITEMS Anne Booth and sing rung led by Kathy For The young peope ie in each play are to be con gratulated on their prmla tions 01 two lnughler provoking comedies April 26 the United Evening WA met in the church with sev eral neighboring church groups as guests Mrs Clarence Fergu son Pflslded and alter short busio$s period the worship ser vice was conducted by llrs Elmer Pratt Mrs Victor Small and Mrs Mervyn Booth on the Togethcrncs in Christ Rev John Morris Aurora the guest speaker gave very challenging mesnge on our need Christian Fellowship and prayer together In nur stri toward church union Tho Ch tlnn Womens Trio from Barrie song several lovely num bers during the service Mrs Pratt extended the thanks of all to Rev Morris and the Trio for their messages and Mrs Jack son pronbunced the benediction when anI male than new Italy arrives III when you brute vary special un ity occasion Your Welcome We Hostess will all wi basket or gifts end 11 pulng from our gloul amp and business leaders when tin OCDlllBfl Int phone PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON CORRECTION of DOMINION WORD POUND WAS rsgt49= Epsom lTruIy The Latest In Styling And Finest In Easeof Functional Operation Its Another MocLARYEASY wAsHER value With the ExclusiveMocIaryEasy AllMetal Cast SpiralatOr PLUS Automatic Pump And Easyikoll Castor Timer With Boll rum in 27 Plus Advertising ptesslnnnl AUCTION SALE TUESDAY MAY 16 Auction nlo ot trnntors front Ind lnlder buildoze hlndo Chev potlto mnchlnery In It binder Vermeer buy co ltlonu rubber tired form cm Inchrd lpnyer mochlnery impleme too hly Ind lulu qua lum nlture etc Al Lorre LCONCESSION MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Property of cm Resor SII nt1 pun uhrp Terms Cllh No reserve form Farm to leuud Ind proprietor quitting KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS VERNON AYRES LICENSED AUCIIONEER PHONE 11 smouo ONT Graduate of Reichsmpol of Auctioneering WORLDS LARGEST Its wohderfUI the Way Classified Ads gel clrpenter KMCCLAR Heavy Guards 5Year Transmission Warranty QREVOU YOU LAR PRICE RAY ONLY DuryWringor With Chrome Ploted5plldsh