Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1961, p. 1

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ooh TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads lclc phone PA $2414 lho telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept to PA 66537 97th YearNo 109 THREE CHEERS AND TIGER Bradford BradsFords capv taio Gary Vascy holds high the cup his club won Tuesday Fords defeated Port Dover Sailors 112 at Bradford Com munity Arena to capture the Ontario Hockey Association Intermediate champion ship Fords finished in first place iaying claim to the Tim ONeil Trophy See also story and pliner on page 11 Examiner Photo Hold Tshombe Withbtit Trial For Months LEOPOLDVILLE Reuters The central government lnes day published an Act of Intern ment under which it claimed lcgal powers to detain Premier Moise Tshombe of Katanga for six months without trial for al iegedly threatening the security of the state The act signed by Interior Minister Cyrilie Adoula came 13 days after Tshombe was seized by Congolese soldiers us be prepared to quit the confer ence of political leaders at C0 qullhntville The act charged the secession lst leader with treachery and causing civil war which brought about the deaths of Congolese citizens Similar charges were laid against his foreign minister Evoriste Kimha who is held with him in Coquilhatville The act of internment said Tshombc was interned under id 31 The Conga law of Feb 25 which gives the government power to detain without trial 10 STUDY EVIDENCE Tshombes fate will be de cided by legal review com mission which will study the evidence against him and report May Be Curlaws After BC Blasts TRAIL ac or City council met with the RCMP lowing only property owners to Tuesday in an effort to find solution to recent bom bin gs blamed on Doukhobors and de eided to ask Attorney General Robert Bonner to consider is suing certificates to persons of Doukhobor origin identifying them as propertytaxpayers It will also ask curfews on per sons not possessing certificates The certificates would be pre sented by Doukhobors when ap plying for welfare benefits and motor vehicl lccnces lrrVictori hifiEVnnErd scribed the proposals as al to the concepts of teaching zens civil liberties in Canada Floodedllreas Fear Typhoid Front Polluted Water Supply CHICAGO AP Damaging spring floods spread across the lowlands of the United States midseciion today bringing more miscryanddiscomfort to thous ands The worsttlooding appeared in southern lllinols Missouri Indiana Kansas and Kentucky Thousands were Some communitlES were iso lated There was fear in some areas of typhoid fever from contaminated water Some ma jor and many secondary roads were closed Business slowed in many of the floodsstricken towns and halted in some But fair weather was the im mediate outlook for most areas and the worst appeared over in some sections Thousands of persons in river towns in the floodstricken sec tions joined in thefight against the surging waters Soldiers sailors civil defence workers is boys and women worked to hold back the muddy waters fromlapplng into the lowland homes or spread inf into business districts The to central government premier Joseph Ilco Within eight days of receiving the commissions report the premier will decide either to continue the internment for six months or have Tshnmbc brought to trial The statement did not say whowould form the commis sloo The act charged Tshombe with usurping the powers of head of state although he only had those of provincial gov ernor in Katango Other charges against Tshombe included That he set himself upagainst the funda mental institutions of the repub lic by proclaiming Katangas in dependence That he abused his absolute power by committing or having committed crimes which seri ously threatened peace and or That he created secession ist army in rebellion against the national army was guilty of causing civil war which caused the deaths of Congolese and used mercenaries and foreign arms paid for by money which should have been used for the common good Council also plans bylaw al sell produce in the city market This would be an economic blow to many members of the sect who do not own property and payno property taxes Municipalities will discuss Doukhobor bombings at Koot enay municipalities convention next weekend Stefan Sorokin leader of the Doukhobors was reported Tuest day as saying he hasa plan to solve the Doukhobor problem PAMPERED PUP HAS SCHEDULE BLANDFOM Eng land APA dog named Rebel trotted over to the railroad track Tuesday pre cisely at 1020 am As he arrived the Pines Express sped past win dow of the kitchen car opened and out flow par cel of bones which Rebel dcftly fielded on the fly Rebcls owner Rev Pendrick says this happens every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday The dogs benefactor is unknown The strange thing about it all said Mr Pcndrick is that Rebel knows not only the right time but the right days Laos TruceGroup FliesTo BedPoSt VIENTIANE AP Officials of th International Control Commission flew to the rebelr held Plain of Jars today in an effort to put the Laotian truce on firm looting before the open ing of the Geneva conference on Laos Friday Before leaving chairman Sa mar Sen of India said he has found the situation in Laos con fused but there are encourag ing signs Sen deElined to say however when he felt the commission could verify trustworthy cease fire condition the Western powers haveaid down for attending the ldnation Gen eva meeting We are going up to make contact and find outhow the situation is he said Accompanying Sen aboard plane to Xieng Khouang were two other commissioners Can adas Leon Mayrand and Po lands Albert Morski as well as Polish major to act as inter preter They were expected to return to Vientiane Thursday Africa Picks Apartheid Man New President CAPE TOWN Raiders Barrie Ontario Wednesday May 10 1961 West Chiefs Aim To Trip Image By Joanna hlocSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer NATO foreign ministers are trying to knock down the self creoted image of Soviet Pre micr Khnishchov as the cham pion of dependent peoples against imperialists Khrushchev has developed to high degree the art of taking credit for historic changes that actually had their birth in West crn political experience The NATO ministers meeting in 0le have remarked with concern on the progress made in this campaign by Khrushchev since last September when at the United Nations General Aslt sembly he issued his call for total independence everywhere It was typical that no coun try opposed debate on coloniv olism in the UN but Khrushchev promptly went on the rampage on procedural issuethe fam ous shoewaving incidentand succeeded in seizing the irrita lonial star from the outset Khrushchcv didnt have to fig ure all the moves for himself He had help from some of the colonial powers and the United States lent handthrough the Cuban fiasco 0f the NATO countries Brit ain France the Netherlands and Portugal are colonial pow ers and Belgium is not alto in The Congo All Portugal had evolved plans for liquidating their empires long before Khrushchevs tion reproach among many of the smaller countries for its ten dency in the past to support re gimes which no the mere basis all social change tire and becoming an antico gether free of lies and interests these countries except lnterven The Us has incurred bittcrl of anti communism resisted Che Norrie i535 miner Into TOP CITIZEN Hersey last night was awarded the Barrie Commun ity Award for outstanding service to City of Barrie out side of his normal occupation and without monetary remunlt oration See page three for story PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE NATO VoWs To Push aWorld Disarmament OSLO The Inapower North Atlantic Treaty Organization pledgedtoday to continue itsK effort for world disarmament determination to maintain the under control eommtuiique issued at the end of threedny conference by the Alliances foreign min istershere said world disarm ament by stages remained one of the principal objectivcsof NATOs member governments The communique also declar ed the foreign ministers belief that settlement of the prob lem of divided Germany in cluding Berlin can be found effective intornational onlyon the basis of selldee termination The Ministers reaffirmed their freedom of West Berlin against Vanyigcominunlstyfhrepmg The communique said mat if Russia decidedto renounce its agreements with the Western Allies on Berlin by signing peace treaty with Communist East Germany this would in no way deprive the other parj tics of their rights or relieve the Soviet Union or its obliga tions The communique expressed the hope that proposed talks Reveal IFKs Dad UK Officials Discussed Peace Peeler To Nazis LONDON ReutersiAn ar ticle published here ciaimsvthat Joseph Kennedy father of President Kennedy and British government ministers engaged in talks aimed at making peace with Nazi Germany in mid1940 The elder Kennedy then was US ambassador to Britain The article is published by In telligence Digest and is said to be by British political er sonality who is not identified The article says the aim of peace feelers sent to neutral Sweden was to force Hitler to evacuate France or face an American declaration of war The Germans then would be come bogged down in fight ing Russia while Britain and the US would become masters of themrldsituatianibychuildings hfih may mean relocation of the sect in the southern British Columbia interior or in another country Red Cross and the Salvation Army were at the flood scenes to give aid and comfort and shelter Already thousands of acres of farm land are inundated In 11 linois the as River which is fed by many streams in the central part of the state burst through weakened levees near Vandalia The water spilled over more than 40000 acres of land Several families along the river were evacuated Several other rivers in southern sec tions were onthe loose In Indiana some 360 volun tears national guardsmen and navy personnel sandbagged the earthen levee in Elnora threat ened byfloodwaters of the west fork of the White River The river wasfour feet above the town level and civil defence of ficials saidthc entire population of about 900 Would be endan gered if the levee broke ln Centralla lll residerits were without drinking water Tuesday alter the citys water pumps wcrelsubmerged under 20 fectof water Charles Swart an architect of apartheid today was elected the first president of the Republic of South Africa The vote was no to 71 for Swart Parliament met in joint ses sion as an electoral college to choose Swart as the new head of state when South Africa be comes republic May 31 Asthe candidate of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd Swatt easily won over former Chief Justice Henry Allan Fa gao Fagan 72 whorsérved in parliament in the 1930s as suc cessively nationalist indepen dent anci opposition United Par ty member was supported by all opposition parties South Africas allwbite elec torate voted in favor of re public last October Todays parliamentary voting meant in effect the election of president by Vorwoerds rul ing Nationalist Party which dominates both houses Swnrt 66 who in his youth worked as Hollywood extra wasminister of justico from 1948 to 1959 deputy prime min ister from 1954 to 1959 and governorgeneral from January 1950319 last Mayrl SAFETY GEAR MONTREAL CP Mont reals motorcycle police are get ting ciashholmats tiiisyeorthe city executive committee de cided Up to now they have worn the regilar peaked cnos up vast sea and air power The writer of the Intelligence Digest article says Kennedy was in close touch during the pe riod with Butler then un dersecretaryof state for foreign affairs and now home secretary Kennedy the article continues was not defeatist about the pros pects of German invasion of Biitainasmany have claimed at on the contrary gave the writer the impression of being extremely astute and seeing way of both entirely defeating Hitler and averting World War II and the whole Communist af fair Thearticle asserts that most of the facts are contained in patches from the then Swedish minister in London to his gov ernment Intelligence Digest says in footnoteitoxpectsieyeryoneL Ito deny the story Jews DeScribej Day Of Dread JERUSALEM AP Adolf Elehmann advanced some pro postits for exterminating Jews that went even beyond Hitlers plansthe prosecution charged today at the former Gestapo of ficers trial Assistant Prosecutor Gabriel Bach toldtbe Israeli court that at one stage during the Second World War suggestions arose within the Nazi hierarchy that balfgtJews in The Netherlands should be considered full Jews and thus be marked for death Objections to this idea arose from the army and even Hitler himself Bach said The argu ment was that extension of this principle eventually would force oneAquarter Jews serving in the German army to quit military service Bach said Eichmann how ever advocated classifying half chs as fully Jews and this showed Eichmann in certain points was even more extreme in his approach to the Jewish qt hims Bnch made his accusation the Nazi extermination of Jews in The Netherlands and Bel gium schoolteacher testified that the Nazis wiped out the Jews of Holland and forever made Tuesday day of dread To this day even in the safety of Israe we retain sensitiv ity to Tuesday Dr Josef Melk mann testified on the zlst anni versary of the Qennonglnvasion of the Low Countries That was the day of the week in the Netherlands when the Jews were lined up in the con centration camps at am to hear the names of those chosen for deportation to the cast They all knew Melkmann said that was the end of the road LIKE DEATH SENTENCE The names would he readout like death sentence for all then strongest impression Melkmann survivoof Bar genBelsen was presented by the prosecution major acc mplice between the United Statcsvand Russia would enable the re sumption of EashWest disarm ament negotiations negative attitude atGeoeva toward new AngloAmerican plan for banning nuclear tests The communique said the for eign ministers hoped Russia would move promptly to join in an eff tive treaty as first and significant step toward dis armament The communique said the ministers were aware of the intensified efforts of the Com munist bloc to foment and to exploit conflicts and to extend its domination over an everin creasing area and raffir ed their resolve to meet their challenge They instructed the NATO permanent council in Paris to continue its studies of all as pects of the military strength of the alliance aimed at improv ing its deterrent and defensive power brief morning session wound up the talks and the ministers prepared for the international conference on Laos scheduled toaopen this Friday The ministers declared that they are ready thmake their contribution toward achieving an equitable and just settlement 21f outstanding political ques ons ACCEPT CHALLENGE The communique described work to raise the social and material statidards of the worlds lessdeveloped areas as vonenihthHmajorchallengesof our time andradded that it was challenge which the mem bers of the Atlantic Alliance gladly accept During their talks the com munique said the ministers had considered means of assisting efforts being made by two NATO members Greece and Turkeyto speed develo programs and improv standards of their people The communique political lc ion tific psychological as well Hit Thailand BANGKOK Renters terlnr Minister Prapas Char usathien anno cedtod government has any erod Communistplot in northeastern Thailon Ile toldjrcportcrsdoc and evidenceseized during day of testimony on cxtcrmination LOCAL WEATHER sunny and much warmer with lifltf winds Low tonight 10 High Thursday Possibly cloudan over by the credited premieLMa menace facing the allianeeiwas Not More Than 7o per Copy22 Page 69 Aboard Airliner In Dive No Sign Oi Life In Crash ALGIERS APiThe wreck age of missing fourengined airliner was found in the Sahara desert today and Air France said there were no survivors among the 69 people aboard Search craft found the wreck age smashed into lonely sand dunes of the Sahara about 75 miles north of the oilfield of Edjele Theplane had last reported its progress at 110 pm 810 pm EDT Tuesday night when it was directed over Edjeic The accident must have taken place within the hour The Air France curvengined Super Constellation was bound from the former lireochl Congo Republic to Paris An Air France spokesman said among the passengers were the mother wife and three children of Alan Lukens US Chdrge dAfIalrs in Bangui Central African Republic US Embassy officials said Lukens apparently stayed behind while the family took vacation Air France did not immedi ately announce complete list of passengers There were 61 passengers and crew of eight The plane went down in desolate area known as Erg Oriental where the hinisiah Algcran and Libyan frontiers converge its first stop in France was to have been Mar seille Ascent By Shah Oi Iran TEHRAN Reuters The Shah of Iran dissolved both houses of parliament by special decree Tuesday night calling for new general elections under revised electoral laws The Shahs dissolution order broadcast throughout Iran said parliament was dissolved for the protection of the nations rights and to safeguard the con stitutinn The government banned all demonstrations gatherings and D9533 SIR EDMUND HILLARY Hillary Descends After Mild Stroke KATMANDU Reuters Sir Edmund Hillary conqueror of Mount Everest today was re ported to be walking down from his 2100ofoothigh Himalayan expeditiona camp alter suffer ing mild stroke Sunday report received here from his expedition site on Nepals Mount Makalu said Hillary it suffered cerebral vascular accident but his condition was described as not serious cable sent by Hillary to his wife in Auckland NZ said he had blackout probably due to attempting to acclimatize himself to high altitudes too quickly his prevented him from ng the assault on Mount MakaluL saith cued mass meetings inside Tehran Anyone interrupting orderly life in Tehran was liable to be punished according to law by imprisonment ranging from two months to one year the communique said The Shahs decree coincided with government announce ment that police major has been arrested and accused of shooting demonstrating teacher last Tuesdaythe inci dent which set off week of unrest Premier Ali Amini hadear liet presented new govern ment to the Shah The old government of Jafar Sharif Amami who resigned as fellaftar criticism of the premiers ham dling of teacher pay strike Queen Con LONDON moi in On el reliable sourcessaid today Latin Anieri next year SHAH 0F IRAN Dissolvcs Parliament The shahs decree said new elections must be held to ablethe strong and reformist government of Amini to carry ananybadly cededrein in the country and end prevail ing diificulties IN NUTSHELL ics considering rat Pathet Lao rebels g7 wingL tangovernment accept ceasefire in the king

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