THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 1001 CANADIAN 960273 T0 CUBA IIIII moms REMAIN moir TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compuea by Flynn muusimr Aromas we Aaiubi Pap sale Anoin steel Mammaln Leo am Aiaem an 301 Alias Steel in or Montrsai Benz Ns use Eel iel Co Boil TIL Ru Bruina EA oil as rower can an or can Con Brawerlel CPR Canada Cement Can Chemical Curt Canadian on Cell Min 5111 Dom Storu Dom nr 61 Lulu on Pol hit use we um mi 35 Home on Iain Oil ind Aces Inter Nic el Ilntarpmv Jockey Club Labu Mac Powell aunmo Gunnu as tinmnlar KarrAddlaan 51 unique us Marltimeali mi Nometal use Upcmlakl Camp Chib Cen Del Rio Con Demon Con flail Sullivan nicenanoge Gun Mine 91 no riva Mosr acnvn emails Beii reie Campbell Chin Dist Sasgrana New Homo Kirkland nowuunns New runs avsuauus industrial down 115 nail up Utuitiu up 09 TORONTO srorn kxiuauus mum Industrllil noon in Gold up 12 Meme down 53 one down 21 civilian nectaunuus Falraihrldgo Nickel 50 plus 15 extra Payable June is ex dividand May is foreign Embassy Is Coiiee House TORONTO CF The Bell Telephone Company circulated its yellow pages in separate book Monday and under the he din of consulates and other foreign government reprelt sentatlvcsf listed the Bohemian Embassy The embassy is beatnik coffee house located on the third floor end of dimlylit set oi stairs leading from down town street Ila diplomatic corps con sists of bearded writers poets and oilbeat musicians Finance Minister Has Bad Memory UiiAWA CPlFinance Min isthr Fleming said Monday that for the momentI he had for gotten the date of our federal byelections later this month He made the statement in giving noncommital reply to Opposition Leader Pearson on the date he will presentlhls bud get to the Commons Could the minister say that the budget will be presented be fore the coming byelections Mrl Pearson asked forget for the moment the date of the byeleclions Mr Fleming replied Mr Pearson provided the dateMay 29 in EsquimaltSaa nichrbeï¬ds Ont Kings PEl Ising Restigoucbe Madawaskr Mr Fleming said the date the byelections has no relevam to the date of the budget added that when he presents the budget it will be soon enough for the official Opposition ruinou Flu Hard iarnu Hudson Bay Min unn romeo Pips Loaiew Pro new healing substanni with the abilityto shrink hemorrhoids and ceased to be problem amoua sdenhï¬cinatituoe soheredinsugpositomorointnwnt 93 Dunlop 5t 13 Barrie 1m ills can 58 15V ii is so ll ioia sits NM so is 14 350 am 11A Nor car an Moon cum Pacino Pete Fern Pipe Que Nat it heyi Bank 51 Law co Saiada sair Simpson Steal of can stunner re Dom inns Can irlns Mt Pipe llldurr Fin Tarco Union in walker GAW ass Riv 113 510 Quemoni Sher Gordon Steep Rock United Oil Waite Amulet Wilt 52533 NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada Safeway Ltd year ended Dec 31 1960 $425345 1959 35340532 Royalite Oil Company mos ended March 31 1961 $560 000 1950 3370900 Woodward Stores 1047 Ltd year ended Jan81 1901 $3 200223 3106 per class and share 1960 332 $116 SETS EXAM DATE TORONTO GP Grade 13 departmental examinations will start Monday June 12 in On tario schools the department at education announced Monday They will end June Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain or Discomfort rm Substance That no so And has Shrink mehda Toronro Ont Special For the ï¬rst time scienm has ound to relieve sin and itching Thousands eve been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the pnvacyof their own home without any discomfort or billionvenleéllotz is case case gen relieving sin actual reduction shrinkage took place Most arnazin of allrasulm were so thorong that maress made statements like Film have The secret is new healing sub vtsnoe BioD ediscoveryoia Nowthianewheaiingsubatnnw iorrn called reparation Ask for it at all stores back We aim STOCK MARKET Loses Ground Volume TORONTO CP The Stock market lost ground during mod eralely active morning trading today On the exchange Index indus trials dropped 13 at $8481 base metals at 10677 and western oils 21 at 9770 Golds were up 12 at 8213 The 11 am volume was 965 000 shares compared with 1103 009 at the same time Monday Budding Products Dominion foundries and Steel Huron and Erie and Price Brothers each dropped Vs Canadian Breweries slipped at 48 industrial Acceptance added point at 59 Bell Telephone ad vanced to blur at 53 irpoint loss by Falcon bridge at 54 led base metals down international Nickel lint ii Dme led golds up Ye at 21 sudden late drop by indus NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPlTha US dollar was at discount of 782 per cent in terms of Cana dian iunds the Bank of Moat renl reported near noon today Monday the noon rate was 98 Pound sterling $276 116 down 110 BANK WINS APPEAL OTTAWA CWA bank here has won the right to be assessed as separate school supporter to the extent of 63 per cent La Banque Provinciale du Canadas successful appeal ended the year assessment controversy between the Ottawa public and separate school boards Appeals by the bank had failed tour times in four years Dawn trials almost put the market on the minus side during heavy trading Mondsyi On index industrial gained 06 at 58494 compared with pm gain at 211 at 487 Base metals gained 60 at 19780 and Western oils 20 at 9799 Golds declined 14 at sees Volume was 4600000 shares compared with 3847000 Friday Of 731 issues traded 246 ad vanced 135 declined and 246 were unchanged Federal Grain provided the best advance of the day among industrials ahead at we Alberta Natural Gas Atlas Steel and Stedrnan Brothers all gained Sterling Turst was ahead at 70 Canada Vinegera absorbed the biggest industrial loss down no at 41 Duponl of Canada dropped at 29 Hudson Bay Mining led sen iors base metals climbing at 57 Gases Copper advanced at 29 Coppers were best among the speculative mines with Kirk land Lalre lending the way turning over 658973 shares and gaining so cents at 80 cents Golds were quiet and changes fractional losses slightly out numbering Salas Western oils with the excep tlon at one or two lower priced issues traded quietly and price changes were confined to frac tions Haircuts 75c Saturdays $100 Barbers CLIFFS BARBER SHOP mi and Aaron rmm Allandalo lids NEW MINISTER Rena St Pierre 52 Liberal member oltho Quebec legis lature ior St Hyacinlhe was named minister at public wartsin ill 1961 sue ceeding Rene Levesque Mr St Pierre tormer president of the St Hyacinthe ol board was first elected to the MARK DAY OTTAWA CWPope Johns doth birthday next Nov 25 wlll be marked in Canada by spee clal ceremonies the Canadian Catholic Coniereuce announced Monday It did not decide in detail what form the liturgical and non liturgical ceremonies would take George iluvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA llSIB6 legislature in 1956 CP Photo canals Firms Slow 0n Trade TORONTO CP Some Ca nadian business men are not following up the prospects pre sented to them at last falls trade conference irada Minis ter lieu said Monday Opening the National indus trial production show here Mr Bees reiterated an earlier state ment saying Those who have made sell ing trips and have taken good sampiu and quoted competitive prices have made sales and good sales and their plants have been kept busy and they bavs taken on extra staff to handle the extra business To our surprise however too many have not been seized with the necessity of doing the simple things we asked of them to make initial contacts The great massoi the Cans disu people Mr Bees said have responsibility in seeing that Canadian products are able sell against foreign competi on The show he opened covers WOOL Any Government Deï¬ciency Fl meat wiu apply only on proper lrldla events Secure the utmost by patronising the organization thatmade tnir Follihio SHIP COLLECT 10 out Rumored Warehonll No Walton ostano Obtain lack and twin Without charge from srchsmraornten moms nowmaa ltrofld sinicon pissitch coornnli TN sizitvicsl name or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL BROWN unnm 211 my Itreétlornnlo Cmada 250000 feet of floor epaoe with industrial exhibits 1mm Canada the United States the United Kingdom Fran Gemany Czechoslovakia and other coun tris YELLOWISH VITAMIN Carotene yelloworange vita min responsible for the color of carrots squash and most yellow or orange vegetables is also present in green vegetables SENDA CARD To TELL use you LOVEHER And choose yours from our selection oi cards ideally suited to convey your everlasting love to your mother WEAYMOUTHS DUNLOP ST BOOK STORE PA 84055 Superb odability Takes grades without stress or strainmakes Envoy driving up hill ordown conomy is yours Low in operating expense thapeppy EconoFowar tour cyilndar angina glvas you the power you need without exces sive demands on your gasfankl Envoy also provides rugged all weided Unlssal construction for real rgbllity mazing deal 101 dalei ya Envoys panoramlcwindshield big big rear and side windows give you aasler viewing Outstanding features you dont flndln manymomexpenalvacars all at real economy price sea lcryaursall tssttoryoim self at your Envoy dealersi of roam in Envoys 103 cu invtrunk where you can pack all the tarnliys luggage are week end hip or long axsursioni for such an outstanding array ct issturssand rememberEnvoy sittianaral Motors V9199 Cosmu Stem Wenlllhuopihulollnsofl ether youspell it out or add it up Envoy means you get more out of motoring Economy in operation economy in price along with prestige styling and driving convenience all yours in one beautiful package See your Envoy dealer todaylet him give you the amazing facts on how easy it is to be an Envoy owneri Minuluiimd for General Molar Products at Clnldl limited by Vauxhnll Motors Limited lliinli Eligimd Pam and service loin cent to rant GUARANTEED ittiiusr CERTIFICATES Oissnedinamountsfrom 00o wards torperiodaofatrWyemE1 earn 5interat payable half4 yearlybycheque Government authorized investments iorCanadian Ina nee Companies V0 Executors True as Individuals convenience with Envoys tour big doors relaxing room forflva big nduitsi FlexaPolsa suspension give youa smooth trip laxad driving with bailrace steering looksgood Vlinsideandoiut Envoys tour sodas unequalled in Envoys ï¬eld paid creature sr YOUR MONEY siEBU ooustss mm iii 14 vrnssi iHS mo cum 5T5 Innate Morons no Chevrolet Gorvoir Oids Cad Envoy Chev Truck Denier BAltRiE PHONEV PA 8487 scioiminaumniwiwummwwflmhnmmmw