ARTICLES for SALE TEPRALT PALnus miner no man Limited leiephool PA ml EPAER mm ior rule Quaker elephone Ilemloell um co INATION Wooden BOOK ltloorro sin Brlnd new Trle non PA Hm lor runner do ill ELEVISION lor rle Noloroln model huutyl Serrioee iinrh screen In excellent condition For turther loionnlllon telephone PA Mm or PA olm GREY SUIT In site it to 20 in good eon llom ALo hluo lnoe evenlns dress ixe Is to ex eellenl condition Telephone PA 53297 RECORD PLAYER tor solo Seh hreexe Porthie lpredl Ilka new $15 Oiiice desk on In eher wood toil Terrill vuuel Telephone abuses Outm or twice Au lung ronsunl serve sure mullr wet lull neplh gouge r200 Telephone stroud luul Now PORCEO Alr Gu Pornoer reruir $235 new to be sold ior as using speolll so ournunt Inlllllltlon exln Telephone won or PA um PRECAST Perkin Lol Divldors luillblc tor edgiox drivowAys Five Ht lculths each end llVln Ml lensilll I7 encn Isl WASHING IIIACIIINII nor in unit Al condition used one yesr stored or years 50 or hell oiirr Telephone PA Mm Apply gum Aosnue Elmira lslmrl lirolo nur ulrrle PA limo open only to ii Sunday 12 noon to II pm Smukhrs Turn plies NeIIsOnl Irs Cmm newl plptn rno night edition moor zloel Arid runories To THOSE SUFFERIND Ironl inur euinr sehrx ulna nod wlmi Dr Trev to President Kennedy till how massage nna hot moill liet hydrthPr say an llqu you in Relderl nlrell my issuol mines llolhl telephone IIill ARTICLES WANTED lvAlllLl Iehvlnz ror Emmpa re qulro on or two stumcl lronllu Must be In good candltldn with lackI Telephone PA pom sftcr pm Vs FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS GARDEN SUPPLIES FERTILIZER GARDEN Tools GRASS SEED FEAT Moss PERENNIAL ROOTS ALL AVAILABLE AT FEN DLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE STREET PHONE PA 85975 AlliARAGUs ROMS new In proved vtiling strong bulthy roots year $150 your old to our hundred Llrper ounnllucs lsll or does cholco perennlsl lsnls lnsies Duislcs Sweet iilisln elc Come and ion our nlsortlnent Illllercsl Gardens Phelpsion Cunuesslun Fins one milo ealt oi 21 Highway Phono Elmvoie 73ml BOATS 8s MOTORS lLrOoT BOAT new never bum In water Owner trzosiorreu Ap on so Gulm Street alter run CANOE WANTED preterahly to root length in good eonditlon Telephone PA Mass 15 CHRIS cRAPs Sedan plrnls construction Toilet sink ice box on up Gray Sole iomily cruiser $25li Phone PA 041510 ls FOOT SAILING Dinghy III squaril Ieet or rolls oomplolo Telephone PA Moss ior Iurther Iniornlntlon CRUISER zuoot Kermnth pow ered pump hlowor tuliy equip ped inspuotion by oPpnIntmonr Priced At $2500 Write Bax 249 Midino Telephone LA 62770 Claus cRArr Iii loot 1113 outboard held hunks stove shinns llie preservors compass lights hom unlitin tanks auto mltit tuner flying bridge canw verflble rool nerdy tor the Iakci stroud 541m PigliRGLASS IIOAT cuvlrin nu te uls cover your hunt with ilherglllu no more lorlrl no more plintLIIg tough stron Snve money do lt yoursou Instructions Lelvons Eros sun Durielln Street Toronto 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK worm HORSE or role tray is vory quiet in yem old weighing About lsoo pounds Telephone lorr lln Vans New Lowell m7 DALVEE WANTED to buy or velllnl Also Slacker Cllvzi Hares gal shortnorn Telaphnua PA Burris Ellminer phnna PA cow Win ova week old Euler Call for rule also other stock For further Intelunion telephone PA most or apply Miller RR Shanty Bly GDATS FOR SALE trust Non rlies with three tempts kids yearling Nannies Billy Edward L1 on W1 slsyner phondv FARM MACHINEEY HILL MESLEY MCKEE HARVESTEBS IGrnll suse Zero Grnlng uoy Condlunninl Hsy Harvestinl Gull Threshing Stnw Horvestlno Corn surge allm cooxsTOWN CHARLES CHUROH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue Newï¬nillnd Duvid Brown heltty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 32373 smrll cstltc equipment locomotionnl Cub Tractor with mower oulllmor rnd plough COMPLETE ssoo Aiml other smaller garden equip man CASH TRADE TERMS usED RO VATDR wonted light model in any Condition Telephone Now Lowou so run pom VIKING CILEAIIIScpuntaH and illulters Soles Ind parts Crulz burst DEL PO Box 41 or tele phone PA W479 DAvm uRADLEY Su Three Gsrden Tractor Also twowhoeltraiier wul this yurl plltes Apply 50 Dnnlld St mAcron McCormick peering ordnr 20 In 375 also SE of Floury Bissel disc burrows In good re lr coo Teiopiiono Cool town to TRACTOR McCormick Doorlop diesel model 275 NEW never unfl nlll dullerl wornrity Price $1300 Toms could be annulled on ph PA ALL or 01 Sirv in solo APPIY Iain or Illrttlnr Inlorlnouon PASTURB FOR RENT Acnn or LAND tor rout sullen ii lonlsol Sllï¬m Al Ifler pol PA mods 5FARMERS MARKET FEED sEED GRAIN OARIY IArs cieuled end trut nlro aydnuuo onenu Din Cluck mourn tele Rohen storu Elmlo APDII IllI the Inn or phone PASTURElou m1 or win tax erule in try hard Lure run run leneed Iprlnl ruler Lou Is End Pull PA Ililhvuy IHPPIy telire gel hone Duncsn Moore PA Conreluon Velpn nu ACREs PASTUKZ mod on Never Allin ruler Plenty or some Good Also In sores Isml Ilnfl AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS IoR SAT MOTORS VIAU LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 11 GOIASTREET PA woof 1551 neck Apply to Bill storey tele phone PA 54mm VOLKSWAGEN 3150 per 1956 CHEVROLET sit down lnlln ovrr Clemons telephone PA ulna USED CARS Wide solution at plydents Apply to Ivnn IRS to 1951 model 11 down Telephone PA anl 1561 quo model Telephone PA 613 PAL Demonltrotor it 51199 ms down AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOB SALE cut mm in nonlh Tuilbhche PA an em mm Dunlap BL In pooch doc ennom mold IA outlinile condition OjlD NKDDDII PA PLYMOUTH with mu In terior Pare Insus devourlo Phone PA lmL nu STUDEBAKER cotton ham radio all on Null nu PH 571 data Tulipth PA 115 mm or shin nutonmle lrlnrollsllon on nhulil Inllnh 5000 miles on axial ul down $0 month Tullpham TOD CopInlet lqephuo PA um ARCH Convoiuhll llli down Inn FREQ Whiluvllll ndio sutolns our red Innmute coodiinn Tu one ortllin Psixviuv M190 I351 amnion scrim hind power bnlu lieerlns end will oows unins low Must ho sold to close extete Apply Alvin Robinson Robinson mun us Dallas Sean olomouo lrlnuniluon vs motor curtain mfln new mumm no point loo on our ups4 dawn Nopbouu 11 In cnzvrtDLIT noon custom ndid Ind brlnd Il tires OBI owner lust Mondltlunld Seu lnl rcnonhhly APPU la 71 sullenll Strut or IA spllono PA 6897 lssa hIUDIIIARBR cxrcllwl eon dltlon nnd custom rldto Snuli down psymoi end ml over monthly nymorits Apply to is Ehyflcid treat AM on to no pin Ir you RAVI heon rtudily rm ployrd ror six month you no huy I950 Mucury two door lmdloh with ololnltio llllumlnlim end ndlo sits down end at monthly Elle Mon Jun Die emon PA TRUCKS TRAILERS ts FORD two door ouutnolno onndluon 3m down Telephonn PA mm lovely condition Tlievhvrlo PkAWZI 1951 PLYIIIJITIIISCIIIEI Must lmlnodllt Good eon Phxiime PA moo tor rurther do to 1954 FORD clean door hm tone iIooo hnoy nnd print lllep cury motor new tires Con he no mood Sproulr Snportul my 21 one roll south or Thorn ton Pholu Ivy llltII lnelu lng sickle bur mower plow nrid cultivator Apply to poll no horrioExarn ings ndio in 1531 PLYMOUTH door Seoul In sillsMI down trenslerrod ovens Ition Best nllcr Tel High TRAILER twowhenl wooden mm in sood condition Om ox trn wheel conl lute Telephono PA on for tort or loiolnlluon IERSONALS WANT YOUR FORTUNE told to 331931 Call Inl Appointmanl WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY sIIOP Coldwsves etc by certliled hairdresser In your own horns Phone PA was or PA 35537 10 HELP WANTED 10 HELP WANTED 13 AUCTION SALES 11 LEGAL NOTICES mum sALuLADr Ihhtdd tor Unsu surtns centre Protei mu porlanes mh lppulneeu Mu Esï¬uï¬nwlnimeim All Apply Storer Sum Cut Two wom tor nus won In some And alum letter on IOlll Income No II Ocean Tllrphnril PA Or PA an sud all or Mr Joe illnott uAInY counselor hen opentnxl or women lull or out time Good Plum Ind plrlmllinyl Educnoun ulu worhcelnlllle sinus And bonus Apply no It Blah huntsin Phil CHEF Borden MALE HELP PRODUCE MANAGER RETAIL Opportunity ior on humans nun with lhiuty to buy nil poo oilply APPU to sex 23 BARRIE EXAMINER MAN REQUIRED to Work on Poultry Form Preler eu rldtru ex lance Telephon IAIrvy or Iurtzm flItAIII TWO AINN wanted Immedhuly look liter nles nod nervin in Blrrte sod district Beiur hull Iver listnlnn Tnluphnnu PA mil uk lor Hr Arnoll MAN WANTED lor lulled Route Wolllun Pruducu No sexless hourus No 23 Ear menl Pull or out time wn aruthler St Roch Slreel luontrul Quebec SALES HELP AGENTS Wautud FURNITURE SALESMAN runny mployee balleiits APP EATON CO LTD BARRIE BRANCH SALESMAN For till lru rcuulrefl lug Toronto mullillctunr Iil km or lollqu products to call on rcul Ind Indium Iccennu Unlimited possibilities on oomlnls Iioli bull or continuous hlrd workinl niellnln Poulbill ol ellowlns other non eon ctinl linen Send colnpielo bncuround experience no and other llnu he Ins curried II Any at to Box No Burris TfYAn Examiner Wlllt Ad Phono PA 32in WI Rosers Conneu PA 35565 Dink PA 35387 Coullo PA EMS Henry Email or lliiohls PA 55503 YOUR PROPERTY leURE EV ilALs on FEMALE OPPORTUNITY Per niilbln soupln to more mllllnnt Sm lxwfllnco Ind umplntl resume Apply to BOX BARRIE EXAMINER EMPLOYMENT WANTED rouse WOMAN LI nu PCP lrneeo in hotel no nlolel wort ouiru position In or out oi hurts Manon PA on my own home phone PA 61635 aoonmn wul all Id Aanuul Pr and DI cum In IIf uni In law ï¬rm nouns Ell rtruml miliwa Lohu FA 5Mnlilth at up one cow Ior Wont Ali Suction lmpled until tun DAy baton publication Tendon hlrehy aura io sup ply am or both North llill Centrll Collellllu or to room humll learn or rouowl Control collesirte Bituminoul Coll North Coliesllio eunller cc Purl on Speclflclllbnl my on ohtrineo by contcunr the undursilned Tenders will ho mum on to is Oclock uooli Monoy oily ls ml Lowht or In Irill recepte BARRIE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BOARD lender not neole BURTON Buslnu Aomlomnlor BOX 20 BARR ONTARIO PHONE PArItwAy um 12 oclock noon Iniormntinn nnd rpeolnontloos run or Box lIo Wu Bench mu LOOK AriEll Cbiidnn Ir 12 lt TENDERS TENDER AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOHMA AND 0qu LTD PHONEMIME PA uoss VICTOIIA mm was run Role Pill Advsruliels Protmionli mic satisï¬ed customers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 21 1961 Auction ulo or term elder sod In ICEall 01 HEREERT BLACK south but oi Lot to cohomoo Hnnhlii Sill At pm Turns SPRDULE AUCTION YOU WOULDNT ADISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYs WEEK becauso you Wow that toad prospects might be trying to gel in touch with you during those periods when your phone service is discontinued Its thesurnowilh your Advor tisiog Feopio Ale buying Every duy Dont let that business pass you by because your sdvertisiilz is discontinued TENDERS FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Tend will molved uliLII Friday May 19th or tile summercolllctlon 01 urban In tho VIIIII oi wens Belch he oblslned Lilo Munlclpll OHIO KENNETH BLANCHARD CLERK TREASURER VILLAGE OF WASAGA BEACH UNDER OUR ROOF ERYTHING UNDER YOUR ROOF Fire Auto Personal Liability Your House The Contents and the Occupants THE COOPERATIVE WAY CALL ONE or MEMBERS OF TIE EARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD csnon PA sMAI Humid Planter PA duos it Hodxel PA onto Rose PA 8J1 CIIII Drown PA mu It Henderson PA L261 la Kellousil PA moi stouit enclu PA 10 RATE REDUCTION 0N HOUSIS UNDDI CONSTRUCTION SLESSOR INSURANCE AGENCY l9 Collier st PA Molt It Glamor in EA will Leon Perird Rel PA was SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUI OPI Writ HIH Putl mun mil of TM County Court at Lb Co or sluoooflenio Slrlleoo Bl Compuu 11¢ In tho Plllnflll And Doullu Orr is the Dolom lnl no to In directed Klimt theI ood sud chotlolo And suds In mu In mutual III lb IllltL Kills intenst nod equity at redemption ol mu Dofllln Orr In Ind to th lolluwlsil limb and tunlmlnll Au ANu siNOULAll nut eoruin ï¬lm or met or lend situate end being to the Township ouorontlo to the coun oi simcoe nod Mill coupon at lrl oi Lat NO in In the Iï¬guussiok at in nid own ONE Dy IIDXI pmlculrrly described or iouewe CORMENCINO point in lhu Welt buundlry oi the nlo lol lily llnt suz ml North lroro the SouihWul losl lh THENCE South it me eel THING North aenm Inthlitu so neon out ma ml to to Point at common lnnt Tunic North sod plrluei to the wm ooooolry oi the mo Lot ml to the south houoo nry of th Drapery hmloloro wound to on Irenrllnu ry oi the rotolor eonuyed lo pher THENCE south nloor the int mlntlonoo hounolry lrlilol to ill vm bonnolry in aid lot in Int more or ten to Its Intemcunn with the North hourl dlry oi unholy No wid enrol THENCE Wall llonr the int monuoued houndlry 7o all more or in to the polo or common nlent ALL OP wulcu uid rilht title term nd lull oi redemption illIll SORleitl alter or oyn puhlio suction or my out in Court Ronl ii lyl ll lilo hour or 100 Oclock in the litrrnoon DATED It tho City or norm in the County oi slmooe thl lath dry or Jlnulry AD 1961 ROSS HUGHES SHERIFF COUNTY or silicon TOPS VIN BUILDING SUPPLIES SIDING WALL PANELLING PLYWOOD BUILDING HARDWARE TEE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY III Sunday Movie Bill Slowed In Council TORONTO CPIThird read IIIK hill beiore city council which would have allowed my vies next Sunday has been de Isyed two weeks by dispqu over the inclusion oi burlesque shows vote on on whether the third reading Should be Elven was It to short of twothirds mliorlty It will be two weeks before the bill cull come beioro city council agoin but it is expected then to bo como low Moy 23 is the likely date on which Toronto will see its first Sunday movies theatrical per formances concerts and Ice lures Opposition to the inclusion of burlesque shows on Sli hy x1131 led by Controller William so DEATHS THE CANADIAN PRESS Port Credit OohRev Gzr net Lyod 78 retired United Church minister Taipei Formosl Geri HO Changchun no senior adviser to Chino KAIshell Clitori NIGoorge Syll nott 58 longtime Los Aogeies Dodgers baseball scout OILPill Thnmus Duvey 61 general manager at Runge Press Limited Reoding PsSeolorlh Ont fboro Arthur McGavin 74 one tlms general manager of the Old Reading Tribune MontrealChester Wood 72 retired president of Cottln Threads Limited and Flash Fos tener Limited NOT REALLY ROBIN Canadas robin actually redrhreasicd thrush was named after Britains true robin by early British settlers YOUNGS DRAPERIES BROADDDOM DRAPERIES VINYL FLOORING TILE and LINOLEUM Redoorllins on rdditlon to be decorated Drop in or cell or person Ii rrtondly unin IIIl PAW BERTRAM BROTHERS LIMITED 429 BLAKE ST EARRIE PA 30254 i961 SPACE SAVER BUDGET BEAUTY Sextons Heating and Sheet Meial Limited Air conditioning Ea FOP vestroughing Ventilation Heating and Sheet Metal Work in Codringion St BARRIE IRON WORKS PA 84040 Manufacturers of lROUGlIT IRON FURNITURE VERANDA RAILINGS POUR SEASON OUTSIDE WHITE $395 BALL PLANING MILL 48 ANNE ST SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION or PATIO FURNITURE WELDING 11 High St INTERIOR MAHOGANY DOORS $540 ANYSIZE BEAVER LUMBER 127 BRADFORD sr PA 35541 jTHE FOUNDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT Barrie LAWN MOVVERS GARDEN SUPPLIES at RESTON STORES 58 Dunlap St PA 66585 EARN PA was FOR ALL GARDEN SUPPLIES SEEDS SHRUBS FERTILI ZERS SEE BROWN COLm lie Dunlap St PA 05000 COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD BARRI ONT TWPAB3 SAFE CLEAN MODERN WERE STORAGE WAREHOUSES slIIPPINO PACKING ORAmus Your Friendly ALLIED VAN LINES Agent OORRPLETE FACILITIES DENIS SHEARD LlMlTED COMPLETE STOCK OF LUMBER BUILDER SUPPLIES BUILDING LOANS ARRANGED FOE CIVILIANS dz SERch MEN T0 HANDLE DETAIL MILLWORK PROMPTCOURTEOUS SERVICE LEFROY BARBIE AND ANGUS CUSIOMERSDALL LONG DISTANCE ASK FOR ZENITH 56500 IHEEE IS NO T01LCHARE PAINSWICK CALL STROUD 68 137 DUNLOP ST SMITHS FURN iTURE PA 50245 QUALITY NEW FURNITURE Chesterfield Suiiés NATURALCI THE BEAUTIFUL FRIGIDAIRE 11 Cu Ft of bounty And heautyin this space silver Never hetero so many big refrig erator conveniences and all packed into thriin 28 of wall space and across the WP lreezer chest stores 61 lbs llB Dunlop St EXELL soN CONCRETE CONTRACTORS EVERYTHING IN CONCRETE Foundations Floors Walls Sidewalks 102 PENEPANG or oil ooolo OPEN THE DOOR TO COMPLETE COMFORT VIIIIil BRAND NAMES you KNOW AND CAN rausr IRON mullMN OLENNox GURNEY PEASE For Free Rï¬lrlotes coi PAC 83770 311s Bristowxof Barrie 84 Dunlini St Barrio GAS CHOICE ONLY 21995 MONARCH REGRIGERATION CO PA $2059 GET FREE PRICES AND P011 YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS PROM ALSCO Par Aluminum Product lehutily with colour Ildlnl Ind lWlIllIll Aluminum oomololuon door Ilid window Pruo Cour and Canon PIIONE PA 85812 OPP LIBRARY D0 COLLIER ST BARRIE For the Finest Io Custom Built Roma Bulittryaorspediithtionslznoonemisoveral approved us OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED see BLOXOM CONSTRUCTION co in Gundles Rd East CQTTAGE LT PA 83021 OWNERS VWEHAVEI IO EXCELLENT REERIGERATOR TRADES VdriouSZMakesr Will Be Sold Irl Working COnditiuo or Moliny BackSome Worth $10000 YOUR poor HEATING HOT WATER STOVES REFRIGERATORS ASHERsDRYPRs COOP 159 Innlslil St PA 60531 HEATERS PA 56558