Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1961, p. 1

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oua TELEPHONlIS For hammer Want Ad tele phone tA can the elepnonc number to can for an Business LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudinm and cool tomorrow Wind in 23 Low to night High Wednesday 50 or Editorial DepL ls PA 51 97th YearNo 108 sonarzines HONORED While his wife watches proudly Astronaut Alan Shepard Jr is presented the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Medal EICHMANN TRIAL by President Kennedy at the PR RISKYFLIGHT White House yesterday See story page 12 Pathetic Ragged Children Herdea Off To Auschwitz By LIONEL WALSH JERUSALEM Rattlers French professor told the court trying Adolf Eichmann today of the German roundup of French Jews during the war and the deportation to Auschwitz of 4000 children some of them too young to know their own names Professor Georges Wailers lecturer at the Sorbonnc in Paris recalled the pathetic sight offlhe ragged children being assembled at Drancy camp in Erancc to await trans portation to the Auschwitz gas chambers Many were two three and four years old he said and didnt even know their own names They were brought to the camp in torn clothes rags shoes missing bodies covered with sores Wellers testified He recalled the case of little him when he would be reunited with his father and mother NUTLONG T0 WAIT To console him Wellers said he told Hie boy Do not worry in two or three days you will find your mother Then the boy pulled lrom the pocket of his tattered jacket halleaten army ration biscuit This hall of the biscuit shall keep for mother the boy said shortltime later the boy was among 4000 children deportedF to Auschwitzi Wellers testified alter the prosecution state that Pierre Laval head of the collaboration ist Vichy government proposed to the Germans in 1942 that chil dren should be included in the German roundup of French Jews The prosecution turned to the gate of French Jewry as it built boy of seven or eight who asked Press Blisters Government For Blocking Benn lit Chamber LONDON Reuters The government today comes under fire in the press for blocking an attempt by Anthony Wedgwood Benn to renounce his peerage and regain hisseat in the House of Commons Benn 35yearold Labor mem ber was refused admission to the Commons Monday despite landslide byeleetion victory last week in the port city of Bristol Bennwas actually running in an election to pick his own sue cessor His seat became vacant when it was ruled that he had to succeed to his fathers place in the House of Lords The Daily Telegraph Conserv ative says the governments action in blocking Benn at the entrance to the Commons cham iberiwasiaelassic example off bad public relations HANDS or COURT The paper notes that court soon will rule on the validity of the Bristol byelection and Beans claim to seat in the Commons on the strength of it The independent Times saysI the government is in jam over the Benn case The government had been planning an unhurried study of ways to reform the House of Lords Yet it says the issue Bristol has projected is urgent as the Opposition are not likely to let anybody forget The rightwingDaily Expras in an editorial headed The Pen ples Will is Excluded accuses the government of firstciass political blunder The Liberal Guardian of Man chester says the government re sisted proposed measures to al low peer to renounce his title and thereby sit in the Commons It luotes the Liberal party leader In Grimmond as saying that the government in so doing sisiinthepublicssviewiightings against common sense REBUFFED FOUR TIMES Benn last four battlesrinflMonv days moves to regain the seat he lost as result of the death of his father Viscount Stans gate last October DeGaulle SpeedsillgeriaPlans France Braces Far More Terror By DAVID REID Paris ReutersFrance to day braced for possible new wave of rightwing terrorism in the wake of firm statement by President de Gaullc that new Algeria will be built in spite of everything Terrorist leaflets were circu lated in Paris as de Gaulle went on television Mondaynighl to make his first major speech since rightwing military relt volt collapsed in Algeria last month The president spoke of com ing early meetings with Mos lem Algerian insurgents at the French alpine resort town of Evian but set no date He said it no agreement proved possible with the Tunis basedinsurgents then France would go ahead alone in the North African territory We must speed up and de velop on the spot the accession of AAlgerians to all responsibili lies including thosegtof their government so that in spite of everything new Algeria is built he said REVOLT WAS STUPID De Gaulle said he was sure the stupid revolt of the right wingjnnta of tumor generals against his government would in no way delay Frenchprogress Meanwhile there were new outbreaks of terrorism in Al gicrs and Grad Two bombs exploded in Al giers one in thednwntown of ficedoor of European lawyer and the other close to the church of proGaullist priest in the working classuburhrof BabelOucd ln Oran bomb exploded out sidd Mslemrowned grocery store Terrorist pamphlets similar to those distributed in Paris also warecirculated They pair up its file of evidence on the German program to extermi note the Jewish race which Eidhmann is accused of head ing The assistant prosecutor Ga briei Bach submitted docu ments describing preparations for roundup of 40000 French Jews in the summer of 1942 un der pressure from Elehmanns representative in Paris SS Lieut Theodor Dannecker In one of them Danneckcr re portedtoEichmannaiaebiishiat fairs department of thir Gestapo in Berlin that Laval hadpro posed the inclusion of children under Isin future transports of Jews from unoccupied France NOT INTERESTED He said Laval had added that Jewish il in Nazioc cupied France did not interest him According to earlier evidence the Jews were being sent Auschwitz concentration cam in Poland The healthy pris sent to the gas chambers One of the three Germanborn judges at the trial Benjamin Halevi asked You mean that Laval proposed that Bach It was Lavalspro posal that children under 16 should be taken as well We shall later see certain change in his attitude At any rate this was his attitude at that date JuncJuly 1942 Barrie Ontario Tuesday May 1961 All Parents Flee Fire TINY TUBMOil Somebody Paired Panic Button Al twoyearoid Barrie child named Ksthern Hare fiddled Johnson Rushes To Asia WASHINGTON AP Vice Prcsidcnt Lyndon Johnson took off for Southeast Asia today after expressing concern over the threat of armed aggression there Johnson carried letters from President pledging United States support to allies in the critical area On his twoweek roundthe world trip Johnson will visit South Viet Nam the Philip pines Formosa Thailand India and Pakistan believe that by timing and by itinerary this trip speaks for itself Johnson said in state ment The United States is vitally concerned with the peace se curity and independence of the free peoples in Asia We are disturbed by the threat of armed aggression there STUDY JAIL IDEA TORONTO CHReform In stitutions Minister Wardropes advisory committee of treat ment of offenders is studying proposal to nmalgnmnte county jails The John Howard Society of Ontario has recommended the province take over the 35 county jails and replace them with area jails serving wider regions 36115 Mua9s DIES AT POST LONDON Ont iCP Bones selfappointed mas cot oi the 2nd battalion of the Royal Canadian Regi ment died at his post Mon day night The mongrel who at tached himself to the batta lion about Iayenrs ago was run over by taxi outside the Wolseiay Barracks gate ers were then put to work frail Jews and children were house where he spent most ofhlslimd Bones became favorite ofthousands as he marched with the men on parades accompanied them on mhh oeuvres and greeted them from his post at the gate house He was the only dog al lowed the freedom oftbe barracks Former Envoy Says Barmann Fled Io TEL AVIV APArgentinas former ambassador to Israel said today Martin Bormadn Hitlers deputy whose fate has beena mystery since the war was in Argentina when Adolf Eichmann was captured last year Dr Gregorio Topolcvsky now retiredfrom the Argentine for eign service said at press con ference that Bormann had been living under an alias and dis Brazil appeared into Brazil when he heard of Eichmannsrcapture by Israeli agents in May 1960 Topolevsky said Argentine po lice knew of Bormanns pres ence He did not elaborate Topolevsky also said that if Israel had requested Eich manns extradition through offi cial channels he would have vanished two hours later Elehmann was spirited out of the country by Israeli agents The former ambassador said Dr Joseph Mengele Nazi physi cianat Auschwitz who selected vast numbers of victims for the gas chamber was also known byArgentine security services to be in that country Eormann wAs sentenced to death in abscntiaby the Nuern berg war crimes tribunal lOct lm Later Nazi youth leader Ar thur Axmann and Hitlers per sonal driver Erich Kempka testilied in German court at Berchtesgaden that he had been claimed death to all Gauiiist killed tryingito break out of be MARTIN BORMANN Still Alive staged Berlin and the German court declared him dead However rumors have per sisted that Bormann was alive and hiding in Argentina with the family telephone Inst ildrenDie night By some fluke of her tiny finger twiddiing she hit the top secret completely unlisted number which touched off the red alert Civil Defence telephone in the city police station This automatically heralded imminent attack And startled policemen on duty How the youngster managed to hit the closelygimrd secret number baffles the Bell parents lllr and Mrs Thoma and the police Telephone company the childs Here 295 Duniop Street The red telephone which has distinctive ring is connecte directly toCivit Defence head quarters at Oentrol Command oakvllle and also to the Simcoe and Barrie Emergency Meas ures Organization in the county buildings ElllO hereoalls irlto the Police Stall Sergeant Me Getrlch once day for testing During an actual nttack from Central Comde and Little Kathern didnt have said Hello hello hello hello purposes only warning the call would come coded word would be spoken the coded message Sho merely hello Ella llama Ex emitter For summary see page three Not More Than 7o per Copy12 Paul Halifax Injured HALIFAX CP Five chil dren oil under to years of age died early today when liregswcpt their secondstorey tenement boron in rundown district of northcnd Halifax Their parents John Wager man 32 in Halifax native and his wife Isobel 29 are in hos pitnl Mr Wogerman petty officer on the destroyer Iro quols suffered third degree burns and his wife suffered mul tiple burns and cuts Hospital authorities said neither was in critical condition Dead are Terry lilaxlnel Kirk Lynn and Charlene They arovbelieved to have died within minutes after the Too Many Now Gas Operators Petition Council Barries gasoline service stn tion operators feeling the pinch of saturated competition have petitioned city council for bylaw to limit the number of stations in the community fixecntin asceretary nt 011 terioRetall Gasoline Associa tion Ken Lnngdon spoke for 38 of Earries to gasoline retali ers in tho petition The petition was referred to the finance committee REFERS T0 ACI He referred to the municipal act which states that bylaws may be passed by councils of local authorities for limiting of public garages and auto service stations where gas is stored or kept for sale The section mtwifiwc The petition reads We gasoline station operators of Barrie protest the deplorable saturated cenditlnns concerning the excessive retail gasoline service stations in the city We petition council to pass bylaw under authority Fear Delay In Geneva Parley Rebels Snub Laos Truce Body By Donna aura VIENTIANE APlRebei of ficials refused to deal with members of the International Control Commission for Laos at an initial meeting at Hin Heup today Laotian military autho rity said This further confused the outlook for the 14 power conference on Laos due to open in Geneva Friday The other side said they could not recognize the ICC said litCol Udon Sananikone spokesman of the royal govern ments military delegation to the ceasetire talks They said they had no instructions IndianCanadisn and Polish military officers of the three power commission which is seeking to certify the ceasefire proclaimed last Wednesday dc clined comment on thei return by helicopter from Hin Heup the negotiating site north of here They said they would re port to the commisshznhjndisn chairman Samar Sen MAY PQSTPONEMEETING The possibility that the Gen eva conference might be post poned was raised by rebcl ob jections to the arrhIal of the United States Britain and France have said they will not take part in the conference un til the commission guarantees the armisticeis in effect Sannnikone said representa lives of the Communist Pathct Lao and neutrallst Prince Sou VannaPhoumn oven refused letter from the ICC group in Vientianeto its ICC counterpart in rebelheld Xieng Khouang The colonel said the govern ment requested another meeting for Wednesday and expected an answer later The initial refusal of the Pot het Laoneutralist group to deal with ICC was not seen as crisis But it did add further de lay and confusion to the situa tion Although no major battles have been reported to indicate any allout rebel offensive there have been serious incidents FIRE 0N TRAINING POST The most seri Wt LaoEtficlt wth artillery on Padang key centre for train ingand supply of fierce Men mountain trihcsmen who are the best fighters the government has Padong is major guer riila base located just miles truce commission Monday The southwest of xi Khouang Synod Discusses Clergy Shortage KINGSTON CF The seri ous shortageot clergy training of women and training of older men forwork in the church were dealt with by Ht Rev Evans bishOp of Ontario in his charge today at the open ing of the 95th session of the Anglican Synod of the diocese of Ontario Rapid growth of civilization together with the move from rural to urban living has cre ated an increased need for clergy in cities without substan tially reducing tha need of clergy in country churches the bishop said The countryclergyswork has been increased by the fact that many doctors would not treat patients at home but required Pastoral ministry had been depleted by numbers of clergy who had to be specially trained to meet the needs brought abopt by what BishopgtEvanFfirfied the new cult of psychiatry and all the various institutions that must be provided for the mentally disturbed Thus developments have ais required those remaining parish work to take speciai courses to serve as auxiliaries in the healing minis the them to go to hospitaILAs result clergy wereerequired give much more timeto pro toms of domestlccra para psychiatric nature of the municipal not to limit the number of retail gas service stations to those now licenced No more units should be built the petition stated until the population here exceeds 1000 persons per station the number calculated by the as soclstion to keep station in the black Also used was the figure of 200 motor vehicles per station In 1957 editorial dated April 18 the St Cstharinos Standard said It is mans right to choose any type of occupa tion he wants even if its obvi ous from the start that hell lose his shirt in the first year The St Catharines area now has controlled number of out lets The motorist is not going to buy any more gas from 96 stations thanfrom 48 Mr Lang don asserted but each station will sell onehalf the volume of gas necessary for economic sur vival MUST HIKE PROFIT The operator is forced to increase his unit profit by 200 per cent to pay the same ex penses and stay in business Turn to page three please Mather In Leap fire broke out in their from home The family had no other chil dren LEAFED TO GROUND The parents were injured whcn they jumped from the secondstorey windows The building one of several in long tenement row was blazing inferno when firemen arrived after an alarm had been turned in by passing police man about I145 am Several police and firemen and neighbors attempted to en ter but were turned back by the flames neighbor Mrs JohnPnr sons said the first thing she heard was scream rushed outside and could see Mrs Wogcrman hanging out the secondstorey window over the front door She seemed to have broken the window with her hands nnd knees told her to jump but she didnt seem to hear me She went back and then returned to the window FALL BROKEN Mrs Parsons sold the woman then jumped Her fall was pan tially broken by some electric wires running into the front of the house took her to my house and tried to tell her maybe the chil dren were all right but all she would say was No theyre all gone Detective Ed Wilson who turned in the alarm said he at tempted to enter the home from the roar but was turned back In the alley he found Wager man draped over car where he had apparently stumbled after jumping mm the window Police who described the fire as holocaust said they have been unable to determine where in the building or how the fire startcd They said the building went up like matchbox Children Missing Police Comb Metro TORONTO OP Police are searching for two children who have been missing ever since they left home for school Mon day moming Richard and Wanda Barclay aged 13 and 10 years did not appear at school but were seen at It um and children answer ing their description were seen during the afternoon NUTSHELL Police Drivejlnt MOslems ALGIERS AP Trodps and riot police today drove hun dreds of hatchetWielding Moslems out of the European section of the town of Marengo where they rioted in support of the nationalist rebellion JhaudaChargéstIS LONDON Reuters The Soviet Communist partynews paper Pravda said today that the United States had admitted tovher NATO allies that she had been pursuing dangerous policy which had led to failure Plane lands Safely BALTIMOREAP Ani Eastern Airlines plane its in strument panel indicatingthefront landing gear had not locked in place made outstanding onva losmcoated runway early today after circling the field for about 80 minutes IOr Mil mewsv

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