Junior Tennis Clinics Go Poof Not iBc1ng by STEVE JONBSCU Examiner Sports Editor Unless more interest is shown by all concerned junior tennis clinics sponsored by the Barrie Recreationcam mlttee are going to fold and stay tolded Saturday was the day of the first clinic Instruct ors included tennis stars Don Fontana and John swann as well as Dennis Kirsten chairman of the ontnrlo Junior Tennis Development Committee Of Toronto LATE sranr First of all the instructors arrived late Classes were to begin at 1030 am Only the kids about as were there About 1045 the three Toron tnnians arrived by car The kids showed little excite ment llhis excitement chang ed to disappointment First thing that happened was Fontann going over to the radio mobile unit for an intcr view This ls good for rhdio but destroys the purpose of the morning clinic not inter view was scheduled While Fonmna was belngin terviewed the other pair stayed in the car and chatted with local tennis direclor of the BRC iack Garner We felt that since the fellows were late arriving briei ap pcarancc on the court would at least encourage the youngsters to stay on MORE DELAYS But this didnt happen After the interview the lnstructors were taken away to change They didnt reappear til after 11 oclock estimated by obser vers us about another halt hour Despite what the instructors could do upon their return we have to rate the first day as flop Some of the kids that were on hand at 1030 were not at the scene at 1130 when on exhibition between Fontnna and Swan was underway The clinic was advertised as for boys and girls between the ages of lo and 20 We didnt see more than one near20 on our second visit to Queens Park FEW of the children appeared too interested in the exhibition Three young girls who stood up to put on coat or sweaters were asked Youre not leav ing are you Apparently it looked that way to the local oiiiciol We feel that excuses for the late arrival of the Torontonians iftheyhaveanyare weak We feel the handling of them upon their arrival was also wrong It looked to us that the kids were playing second fiddle to the radio Thats definitely wrong We feel too that the poor at lendance of youngsters played part in making us feel that things just werent right All of these problems will have to be corrected in order lo make the BBC project suc cess At present we fear for the future of the classes This Wednesday and every Wednesday afternoon in May between 530 Garner will instruct at Strabaoo Park Wéast Or Famine Cincy Fat Today By JACK HAND Associated Press Staff Writer With Freddie Hutchinson it is either feast or famine His Cincinnati Reds jumped away fast won ï¬ve of their first seven games and led the Na tional League Then they lost eight straight and dropped to the cellar Now they have won eight in row andare running second only two games ofl the pace Cincinnati turned on the home run power when four out of five battersFrank Riblnson Wally Post Leo Cardenas andGordy Colemanhit Warren Spohn for homers in 54 first game vic tory over Milwaukee Jim OToole then shut out the Braves 40 with five hits in the second game Billy Loes the unpredictable one pitched leagueleading San Francisco Giants to 70 tri umph o1 din Philadelphia Phillies to seven hits Does relief man when he was traded to the Giants by Baltimore in November 1959 now has 31 record as starter and 350 earned run average CHAMPIONS BEATEN Los Angeles flexed its muscles at Pittsburgh where homers by Charlie Neal Norm Larker and Frank Howard gave the Dodg ers 42 decision over the de tending world champs Sandy Kouiax with fine relief help from Larry Sherry was the winner over George Witt mak ing his first start for the Pir ates not Louis Ernie Broglio re tired the last 14 men in row as the Cardinals climbed up to the 500 markby heating Ohi cago 42 in game called after five innings because of rain scheduled second game was washed out In Saturdays games Pitts burgh whipped Los Aageles 05 and SluLouis beat Chicago 64 FoanciscoPhiladelphia and Gincinnati Milwaukee games were postponed because froferain GIVEN SUPPORT Orlando Cepeda Fellp Alou and Ed Bailey backed up Loes pitching Sunday by hitting home runs at Philadelphia Cepedas fifth of the year came with two on in the fourrun sixth inning douming Robin Roberts to his fifth straight defeat Alou hit his seventh as addictive third in the second and Bailey hit his first of the year in the seventh The Reds re ally exploded against Spahn in the eighth and ninth just when the 40yearold lefty appeared headed for his fourth victory and 53rd shutout Lending +0 with one out Spahn gave up homers to Rob inson and Post before he re tired Gene Freese in the ninth the rust two up Cardenas and Colemarl applied the crusher OToole left 12 Braves on the bass and struck out seven while winning his third game It was the first time he had beaten the Braves after eight defeats SHERRY IN RELIEF Koufax ran into trouble in the seventh at Pittsburgh but Sherry hailed him out in fine style Witt retired the first 16 Dodgers before throwing up home run bell to Neal in the sixth Larker hit two run homer in the seventh and Frank Howard slammed his fifth of the year in the same inning both off Witt Broglio had rough first inn ing when the Cubs scored two runs but he settled down for the rest of the abbreviated contest Julian Javiers twonip double in the second was the winner The Cards had been belpedby rain Friday night too in the opener when the game rwos washed out with Chicago lead ing 51 inthe top of fifth TEST NEW DRUG WASHINGTON APFA new painkilling drug that greatly reduces the danger of addiction is being tested by the US gov ernment scientists it was dis closed Sunday It may be mar keted soon The drug syn thetic one with the code name IKl is reported to be as ef fectivozos codeine in relieving pain but to be less than ragtime TRANSMISSION rm your automatic 1rme iéï¬iflcï¬iiifl at $3 also ï¬nlnca all work and parts here MOTORS 1369 Bayileld Si PA 83330 amnion on plan or your home to run your did You own it to you see Mr Clrrutherl about guaranteed pace lor on individual dcllgn at real value Ball Planing Mill Co nor is Anna street South Phone PA £2498 Vone Portland Wins WHL Crown Rolfe Scores SEATHE GP Portland Buckaroasa club given not bet terthananevencbencetoilnv ish in the playoffs completed storybook return to profes sianal hockey Saturday night by shutting out Seattle Totem to capture the Western Hockey League playoff title The Bucks who finished the regular season in second place took the best oi seven series for the tester Patrick Trophy 44 Portland had not gone by the first playoff step of the lost years Gord Haworth Jock Blanda AriaGoodwin and dcienccrnen Dale Rolfe scored Snead Wins $10000 Prize LAS VEGAS Nev AP Golfs indestructible Sam Snead shook off jinx and the threat of Tommy Bolt in great finish Sunday to capture the $52000 Tournament of Champions and the$10000 win ners purse Thc famed West Virginia slommer at iherlpo old age of 48 shot threeunderpar 69 and 72hole score of which was 15 strokes under par for the distance Bolt 43 and also veteran of many years on the tourna ment circuit staggered in with 71 for 280 and second place with its $5000 reward Littlc1known Bill Collins in ished with 69 and 281 for the $3000 prize while Bob Roshurg whose 68 was the lowest of the day had 282 Tied at 284 were Vancouvers Stan Leonard Jay Hebert who held the lead through the first two rounds and saw it slip away to Snead Saturday and Gary Player lof South Africa who had 75 Hebert finished yvith 78 and Leonard hadn National Open champion Ar nold Palmer the pro tourna meat favorite had 43657 for 296 YamsBahama Licks Giambra NEW YORK AP Yams Bahama iobbed his way to 10 round decision over frustrated Joey Glambra at St Nicholas Arena Saturday night Giambra who had won his lost 11 bouts spent the entire fight waiting for big opening It never come Bahama from Bimini in the Bahamas weighed 15810 Glam bras 156 for the bout Referee Barney Felix and judge Jock Gordon each had Bahama the winner 681 Judge iooEppy had Bahama ahead 541 The Associated Press bad Bahama the winner 721 MAYOR STARTS soccer season Russians Await Chess Game Close MQSCOW AP It could come today that event which millions of Russians await with strange passion That is the end of the silent mental strug gle between Mikhail lal and Mikhail Botvinnik fortho world chess chdmpianshlp it has been going on for six weeks at the rate of three games week Botvlnnilr has won 11 games within one game of victory Tal has won During the weekend the fifty ish Botvlnnik was within one game of winning the title he lost last year toTal 25 Bal vinnlk lost after moves that ran through two days of play The players slt face to face across small table in the cen tre of the stage in theatre on the bonkpf the Moscow River opposite the Kremlin While they piw alone 100 gamesare going on in the packed theatre hall for half the audience has pocket chess sets on which every move is recorded At either side of the stage are huge boards where two boys re cord thc plays Outside in the foyer and lobby are other boards where hundreds follow the game loudspeaker an nounced the plays on the street where more fans cluster around pocket sets In the theatre there is buzz CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving andStorngc Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 of conversation despite big blinking sign pleading for quiet Through five hours each day neither says word to the other Tal who walks nervously across the stage botween moves normally is the faster more dashing player But he is trailing horny and in recent games has been extremely cau tious He uses all his time ol lownncn instead oI making the fast moves which last year up set Balvinnik badly In hurry for money Just phone Benoth Get the cash you want fast One phone call and one visit to the ofï¬ce does everything Cnll up or come in wdayl YOURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAVFIELD STREET Phone PArkway 35931 BARRIEI Is mu eonlnris on loznl over $1500 no la vsm mu lean em on llllinxuled BENEFICIAL NANCE CO OF CANADA great was Years ago Adams distilled 19 great whiskies each with its owndistinctive characteristics and then aged them in specialoak casks Now Adams has married these rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams PrivateStoclc This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at popular prices Private Stockti cusrow BLENDED CANADIAN RYE wmskv horno SDilfli are LtdYomm TEE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY HAY 131 Over Bradd 42 Barrie City figures Mayor Willard Klnziels lie Good Luck piece Lut spring Bis Worship of ficially opened Barrie and Dis trict Soccer League season at Queens Park and wished the local team the greatest success Barrio City won all awards open to It Saturday evening in pouring rain the Mayor was on hand again to boot the tlrat ball of the season SAME WISh Barrio City players asked him to bestow upon them the some wish lac the year before lie did Barrio won the opening game of the Newmarket and District Soccer League over Bradfoid 41 Because of the rain which made sideline conditions as greasy as the pitch fow spcct ators stayed around long enough to see how it was done The locals looked unlike last years champs in the first half as they found ballcontrol al most impossible At the same time the visitors pressed the Barrie goalkeeper and took 10 lead at the half as Keeley scored on penalty kick The wepther showed no signs of iiuprovemcnt in the second half so Barrie had to make the most olt And so they did Locals shifted their forward lines the big move being wing or Harry Morrison to centre it we only few minutes be fore the line drew free kick Tibor Sunlea the versatile athlete who does everything well on the pitch scared to tie the count Sunles goal lit fire under his mates and th went to town overpowering visitors in every respect Within few minutes Morrison and Harry Wickstead scored for Barrie City Steve Keeley put the visitors back in contention when his long shot took crazy hop only to have iiorrkon score again heading P3 from Wiekstend Referee Art King of Toronto called Mine game keeping the boys moving as much as possible incidentally all chief ofï¬cials in this league will come from he Big City an an morons MARKET SQ 01d Woodbine Opens Season TORONTO CP The 028d year oi organized horse racing in Toronto gets order way Old Woodbine today with the Star Shoot Stakes being run in two divisions each division competing for pursehi ap proximately $3000 The Jockey Club has new $500000 16000seal grandstand and club house at Old Wood bine The Star shoot Stokes or threeyearold fillies has drawn 19 entries 10 of which will race in the first division PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES You can save by buying your plumbing supplies at discount pricu from your COOP PLUMBING DEPT L59 mm PA 06531 BARK MECHANICAL REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OURSPECIALTY REBUILT ENGINES SEE THE Mllinlil SELLS nouns PENNY InnnnioYUUR um CAR Is quInI PAvjA Low Iow PRICE F0 THE NEW END fur WITH THE swuusi Imu EVER owntn CARE WARRANTED 12000 MILES UR OWE FULL YEAR WHlCHEVER OCCURS FIR GREAT LOOKS GREAT GO GREAT PRICE GO GETITi FRINon morons 1533APF93951 aunts 9m