um BARRE marinen DAY MAY 1561 For Dynamited Clues Blow Up SUDBURY lCPi Police said Sunday any possible clues es to who dyiuniltod our early Saturday mayhave been destroyed when the vehicle blew up Several persons have been questioned police said but no arrests have been made The car belonged to Jack OConnor steward in Local 596 of the international Union Min Mill and Smelter Workers 1nd Asked Sunday whether he thought the dynamiting had anything to do with union nl iaits he replied What olhcr reason would there be The car was parked outside his home Filteen sticks oi dy namite sentits root soaring over house it landed 75 feet away The explosion blow windows out oi the OConnors halt ol duplex Quick action byancighbor was credited with avoiding tur ther damage The neighbor wrenchod the asoline tanlt item the burning car and dragged it oil to the side it he hadnt thereprobably would have been another explos sion and it might have taken the house with it said OCon nors wile Audrey The couple had relurncd home only short time before the incident Hot piston test reveals the ashfree secret of Shell XIoo Premium Heres how Sllcll scicmiits can leaves deposit This dcposit is additive ask when the tcst is repeated as at rig Cuban Mocks prove that Shrll Xioo Prcmiiini leaves no additive ash simulated aluminum piston is heated and Premium all the oil vaporizcs it leaves no additive ash This is important hccï¬ic additive ash can gt few drops ofconvcntional multigradc motor oil dropped on it At the picture on lch shows this oil contribute to engine knock and uneven performance Space Shot ByUS KEY WEST Fla APlCu ban radio and television com mentators Saturday mocked the bounded Statcs space shut and described Cmdr Alan Shepard as victim of torture Broadcasts train Havana said the United States was descr lng Shcpnrd as an astronaut in an effort to compare his pu rabolie flight itn Soviet monaut Yuri Gagarins orbitol trip Belittling Shepards 15minute flight the Cubans said he spent only one minute in space and should be described as cloud onaut dd Sh ll th had been kct in mg Mos 52535 on ma es every 61 mo 01 01V S0 and that he had been made to watch previous rocket failures tartanhints with arrevoliitioiiaiy new formula which ï¬ghts anese police at ts best could the the internal troubles that can Shorten enginelijg Charge Seaman In Tug Mishap PORT COLEORNE CFM Shell research on engine beliaViour discloses all cngmcsutfaceswtthathmchcnucal Cleanliness ratings were tops 23 year old Montreal scaman common internal troubles can shorten ï¬lm The metal literally adsorbs some Pistons removed from car lubri was charged with murder Satur of Shell Xioo Premiums protective catcd with Shell Xroo Premium dRikcezlflg giggling the hfe 0f your car qualities Chemists call this phenome scored rating of95 out of pos th mis ti bl IO Ascore of is considered Eff Pg mow £5532 These troubles are additive ash crankcase dirt deï¬cgï¬mfgfioil offers Iongcï¬ Zx £11m fly mg DPoiiceJlaid he chaï¬ge against temperature changes engine acid and 3001ng lasting protection against acid attack Sludge was reduced to almost M1 hfea2 Rm 51 system leaks They all not Silently and unseen than any and Vcnted the amount that lubrication expert or was pushed into the water during fight with another Read how new XIQOl Premium Motor Oil TroubleScoolingsystemlenks mmdcrwbgamwble man Oil consumption records caused begptléimï¬gtxgrgaxgngrriégi prolongs engine life by ï¬ghting all ï¬ve troubles Tiny antifreeze leaks can Play nasty cheer Cm lubricated with shah tied up here or boiler repairs andwhy Shell scientists can make this unique id Will my m°t°r°flsi XwWmiWWEEddemcE ucEmgn is be arraigned These oils can react chemically With track speeds for 1001000 miles yet in Port Colborne court Tuesday pronuse Pennant dfrcczc imd formahor used only one quart every 800 rible sludge which can actually bring Try gflblï¬gméxrxgfl ODAY every Slicll dcaleriii Cunada contain single metallic additive an otherwise healthy engine to stand mfles has new Shell XIoo Premium No metal additives No additive ash stillThenyoure on the waytoamajor Motor Oil ready for your Spring oil from motor oil Its as simple as that repair bill 53 Sézlglfigegfgï¬ 13101 change New Shell Xm° Premium is Trouble 2crankcase dirt New SlieIIXxoo Piemiumsels allsuch pmmium humanly is mid 5x fciirs arrest It resists reaction with any emivdnnralahorato oddi ml SCIUIUï¬C breakthrough became gt All engines accumulate crankcase dirt This is new Shell XIWPremium Look son olaiiliï¬zeze Its1mg itofli Better itistlic i1 lrhc ii in with i1 was 0112 63253 2215 Cain man h°w we maxi Pwecmfi 511 Sixuieufg now $2me gt get that leak ï¬xed anyhow to keep How much does Val by filters The problem is to stop this your cooling system working Shell X100 Premium cost these five internal troubles that can dirtï¬omgetdngtogedwmndformmg When the oil is mid Alkadincs shorten engine life sticky sludgewhich can clog your like molecules and up iffor compo ï¬rifls gifting If you drive an average of 10000 miles DO you knqwiwhat these troubles nginc are they take P1555 sPace in some oils additives can belostto waiter Pcr yea the swmh to Shell X490 area If not you owe it to your engine Mo Premium oil so flange Di1and ch oil flows freely through leaks In Sth xmu Prrcï¬ï¬um die Premium with regular oil changes toreadthisadvcrtisemcntTcnminutes additive to do hFjoh And they Per thetighwscbeadn ï¬venonwldnights the oil to mt ct out may will cost you only 572omore than fittmcuolurcanrsavcryourhoursoï¬troublcinvfamwvcuiï¬urï¬quofllenddidvegn fcbnvefsclyfw Enimciglk 4Â¥wf giveoriakcrnickohi in ihe unmi rnost detergents are metallic and cause ncw Shell XIOO Premium is hot its Astoï¬nding results from Add probably Iinlliiiig extra ï¬lo17 Irmin On some tests Shell XIoo Premium that old dcviléash molecules uncurl They take up more mï¬‚ï¬ We PemWlgmie Trouue adding 35h Shellssolutionisto replace detergent room And the oil resists thinning 52 on mile mad teï¬ Drive Y0 Shell send sumo UP 0W thc but Premium with remarkable new ingredient Thus new ShellvXIoo Premium memiolfl drive Pt 511 X400 hind ask the dealer to change your oilr motor Oils WC Imwcrlcss guard known as dispersant Shell scientists eliminatestroublefromsuddcntemper Pemium mum They t°°k While the engine issiu Imi Be against additive ash because they can it Alkadjnegr 3mm chimps lubricates just as Ef $270000 wdtth of automobiles and to ask for Shell XIOO lrcmium inthe urinaly treated it while endeavouring Alkadme in new 511 X1 Premium ï¬dde in June as itdocs in January drove them relentlessly for million white can It protects your engine from tokccpyourcrankcascsliipshapc some micsOver l1W3 moiintain £1 ma bl lis db MI Id vc inte trou 65 to eve of the ingredients in these oils con difziï¬ Trouble 4engiue acid grades around mt Hacks over mm tributed to the hard crustof ash inside icky Silage some Punk be All automobile engines manufacture pikcsand through stop and go city your combustion chamber mde by he ailï¬lm mm are rimmed dcid This acid can ddfar more damage traflic the toughest testpf all haï¬ltï¬Ã©ltsznircmmm motor oils still am when ya Change your on than ffictjonlt caneat away at engine When Shell technicians tore the snag parts in much the way stomach acid engines apart for inspection here Oddly enough nobody yet knows The trouble Stems from the WWII Ican cause ulcers Then ourc reall in what they found SI additives used to prevent scufling dirt manly how Annde works But the trouble YL of the uddin is in there do Wear was incredibly low One car dep051ts oxrdatton and so forth These Pmo Onc we to combat en ine acid is nziszniirizzniuzti nan win arena an AR 1°de 11 mm She to make the oil alkaline Man oils us cal Eh a1 25 ML elacttlc oi minull but with each stroke ofthc engines oftcstcarslubricatcdunth Shell Premium rev origin pistont ey thismethod But here what ha ens get it leave cum of me XrooPrenuumshowedsolittlesludge PP tool markings On its rings even salts in the combustion chémb thatitceuld hairdlybe measured The indium1ng ejfect of alkaline ail rifle 717N700 795 at Speeds 0f 5° to he bummdfomddidwagw inevitably gels weakerand weaker as 100 mph wagsw we Trouble 3temperature changes engine acid eats up in alkalinitytill The low wear with Shell xroo 1360 Tlhdlll Ild greater mkneucrinml in or In yin 14w ten owe to Mmy motor 015 and become mo it eventually stops working foiiipletely premiumwas veriï¬ed over and over sm Im WW Wm thick when cold and too thin when hot When tins happens you ml no longer In fact when nine cars were driven at Sflu page Ask Ptglirllldlltdlgllï¬iyltm moire it knurle New Shell x400 pmmiumisanaip gives you antiacid protection use mick speeds for 70000 to 100000 BULLEN FRoM worm CANADA WWW yeir oil Heres how it works Alkadinc Shell tackles this troublesome acid miles itwasfound that from thestand GAtEsgligatahtï¬glï¬ï¬ Ncw ShclIsXrooPremiumdeem hasmolecularstructurcthatrcsemblcs problcminanewand bcttcrway pointofcylindcrwcarthccngincswore SHELL RESEARCH mm ommflnmmm add torhis problembecause itdocsn basket of reds Shell XIOD Premium actually plates good for another 100000 miles onluximutt or ciuaua no Indemtit