Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1961, p. 12

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Spring IS Home ImprovementTime Sell Or Buy With xclminer WantAds ROGERS CONNEL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Bruno SolesForemost In Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL in ii MOOREPA um ROGERSPA Miss uzudms HARRIS Ir DlsrRlLi CLIFF BROWN REALNE 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 We have otherscall us alumna EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE AFTER HOURS CALL South Cam DullPA um Prank Ne uPA moo loan LintPA um rergur tinnyPA was REAL ESTATE mucus FOE THE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 IT WILL PAY you To our ALL ms Fliers AND THEN SEE SEABOARD WHERE you mail LOW COST RATE CLEARLY STATED FLEXIBLE TERMS UP TO so MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPr Special Plant or Romeonon Dam May Be Lu iorored Seaboard Discount CANADIAN uuirm in DUNLOP ST um FLOOR PHONE PA 56477 MORTGAGES MMEDI ATE MORTGAGE LOANS PROPERTY FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS BT35 cociiRANrAt Regal vtetoria hmmmw STCDUTT lit to air and Mn Brit cochraue RR artrte daugh ter tareoda AGENCIES umiED COLLIER SlREEl PA $5901 Monday child in tell at lac CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS nlesda calln Lt lull or means child is run or LARGE FAMILY PROBLEMS SOLVED Thursdays Cbud has lar to go Yndaya Child is loving slid glv have In exrrplionhlly well built older home to the area lnl Saturdays child worn hard or north or Grove Serct Lovely livlnf And cold that is born on tha garden and large lot so with this elegant home Call PA basal or Sabbath Day Ls tau and wise and good and polotment to ace Priced right oi about $20000 THE EARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY lhl REAL ssrArs PROPERTY FOB SALE Am HOUSES 130 km nun anon Apartment with grlvltl bathroom not user oil used rdrlgcratnr Ind heavy duty stove lnelnded lacuna on gum Avaonc Apply Centr wa ANtzpuodemunna ago two bedroom artmrn ore bolting scenic Kcmpehielt Bu filuieéms umfimfimf bins mucL PA 32902 run Roast lurhirhed heated apartments Privato bathroom mentor stove private laundry lactilt and plenty cupboard nuce Central Sult bluiflrs girls or couple Telephone PA Hm 1WD RZDKDOM cell Hydro water end rangetis my ad space bested Lauod iaclltt ti REIIBW able sent Duh West our new tau Avllilhln une Telephon MIN AmAcmll iuur room apart ment redecorated heated law rent loo monthly pkv chlt Steals and Son an or street Telephone PA bms dayr PA nus evenings ilLAxit men ant and Plaza RENTALS BELIEVE IT Oil NGT BY FOSTERPA H20 CONNZUrdA M1 32A ETA BOARD PUBLIC AUCTION AWISHDNRWH caliirea hearing mu vefld by FMMOOAIDRESOIDITTD counter Cullen always want to Inn Whiih HI DI the Itek WI their all due Keep ihu rho CHIPl Unlni lnlolmatlon lot your call tonne harm or Imlher Birth AnnounceuiLul will include tba mm at your child the da ol the it month and year birth the we hr and our er vital inlandlion printed message till become permperil record in Babys pool or ramlly Album the role or norria New Builders heroes with low down payments Call us today at PA b5901 ANGUS Exceptionally well built older home in the main rediou Au iha Modern Darmlner hirtb Notice is only um To place notice phone PA Mile DEATHS LUNDsrzD suddenly It the Royal Victoria Hospital Ilbnlc on Friday May Alex ileory Lundrted at in Little Lake Road Dame beloved busbsnd oi Anna Lundsted pd dear rather of Mrs Ichn Margaret oi horrid lli Elizabeth stuhbings oi lor onto Eric John and Robert Ed ward of liarrtc Resting at the demon Funeral liome Barrie Ior nlnerai service Monday May at prn interment Darrin Union Cemetery ltiALcoMsoNLOn Friday May ii at Danie Ontario Andrew liaicomaon beloved buv band oi ldb iliay skinner dear iathcr or ltlprglircl Mrs Sicilng years Mrs Errklrlc brown and William drandiauier oI llnetnnd Andrew Maienmson brother oi Frankie Mn Sutherland Resting at the stecklcy htncibl iinmc so Wore ley Street uarrle or service on Monday May at 230 pm in terment Barrio Union Cemetery lfilESTéuddenly at the Roy Victoria iiospltai Dorrie on Sat urdry May 1951 William Paul Priest ni Mincsing in his 79th year Hushsnd or Arvllia chap Dci and lather or Harry ei Min exlnx Margaret Mn Jim Pain oi Toronto and Fred ot Anten Mills brother at iack Priest or Minciing Alto survived by three randscns healing at the sleek ey hmeroi items In Woralcy Street Barrie or iuuonl service on nleaday May at 230 pln Interment Minesing Cemetery unenlth the uuyri Victorla hospital Barrie on Sunday May tool Henrietta Iane yeah Ritchie or 90 wullam street harrlc dear mother 01 Alemch Ritchie oi Toronto and Harry ot Barrio grandmother ul Chris heating at the steekley Funeral Home on Worsley street name until Wednesday noon Funeral urvicd at st anrgar Anglican Church on Wednesday May to at p1n interment St Jamu Com etery Toronto on arrival oi mot orr about still pm In lien or flnwofl donations to st Georges Church Bulldlnll Penn would pa appreciated ENGAGEMENTS woDD llOCKEN Mr and Mn Lloyd wood or Einlvale wish to announce the engagement at fielr daughter vRuby Evelyn to Eimvale The marriage ii to take lace on May la last at Eimvaio rerbytertan Church IN MEMORIM REMEMBER MOTHER Silo Never Forgot or Iamllles who wish to pay trio hute to their departed Mothers The Barrie Examiner has no ills many behumul verses us which many petlecin Parlray your teel ihgs If you wish tn place an IN MEMORIAM FOR iliDriiEDS DAY please call PA azili and ask tor an ad writer or you mayrome into our countel you preier to mail ltlh address your letter to The DorrieExaminer CIpssl tied anl is aaytleld street copy must he in by Friday May l2thI COMING EVENTS ANNUAL MEETING iE SKATING CLUB Community House TUESDAY MAY is ii PMl Member and interested parties are Invited to attend BARR EASTERNJTAL TEA AND BAKE SALE EASTEIIN STAR ROOMS l7 OWEN STREET WEDNESDAY MAY 10 230 To 500 PM ULrs Elliopean Capital 15 Welcome Frost LONDON Ont lCl Pre mier Leslie Frost Saturday urged special Welcome for in vestment capital from the United Kingdom and other Eu ropean countries In speech tothoWesttarn Ontario Progressive Conserva tiveAssuciation Mr Frost said vioreign investment has served toexpand our productive stand ords raise our living standards and therefore our abi to re payJ We could not be stronger in burdesirevfor truly independ ent Canada and theeprotectiorl of our right to hamaster of oils own country Nevertheless countries our industrial capac lty has been expauded Try All Examiner WilntAd booms PA slots Donald Edward Hoeken of CHILDREN 15e wo must be realistic and recognize that through investment from other gua Large lot and garage The inn two rtorey home has rum roar kitchen as wen modern large kitchen laundry room and pc bath down also irrgehvlng ream Upsllin you Add lull bhlhroom and Illrre large bed rnoms New oil tumors and love ly high dry basement pics laid out inr recreation mom 12000 will buy this property Call us to dry or oppolntmtn to inspect liumer rarms hurlnesres coilget and indurtrial Propertler Members ol the horrle and District Real mate hoard Merv couldOrb 2m Doris NuttycombePA ossol adlth GouldOra 2m llarry SlrsldxPA coals NORMAN Shelswellg REAL ESTATE tsiioitcll Duplop street East PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL loa Loogtto PA belie Everett Shchwoll Oro 2m Iloward Norris PA 35453 Jack wulron PA atoll Ilm Lemon PA eelIll Norm Shelswcil pA Meal HAVE LOTSWOULD BUILD HAVE HOMES Wth SELL NEAR SCHOOLS AND STORES CALL BUILDER FOR MORE INFORMATION BUD ALLEN PHONE PA 8428 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Impcrial Theatre PA 66481 lllcmbnr ol Barrie and District Real Estate Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR gt 93 BA YFIELD ST PA 65453 Member at Dorrie and District Eleni Estate Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA snm JOE PALMER PA boast HAROLD FORSTER PA adios KARL MARSHALL PA 89917 EORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MAgELJIIARsHALL PA Misni COREY PA aMaa WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FARMS REALTOR zsl dRADFoRD STREET BARRlE PA 8387 ORPA 85833 Still selling aims to iarmera tor iarmlog Clare WillamettePA Mill Ralph Fl hoakePA callus Members or barrio dud District Real Estate Board TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINES BROKER 15 CLAPPERTON STREET BARBIE PA c1751 EVENINGS PHONE AL FOSTERPA 64555 GENE MOORE PA wen MEMBER JPTORONTO AND ONTARIO REAL ESTATE BOARDS HENDERSON REALTOR lbpouddlt srtiddr PHONE PA 82678 EVENINGS CALL RiiA SCANDllm PA Mass PERCY FORD PA b7930 Mcmbor ol Barrio and District and Ontario Roll Estate Board IDEAL 101 ror sale on Trent VCALL DAY Member CUSTOM BUILT STO bi Eookitown by 150 tcet deep iurther detail BOX MOV and it at Any SEE PA SUBDIV 3595 Good water school Apply too as Mrpa PA 64579 Low PRICED ul ends Small haserncn Comp Derdco Lowell school Telephone SHANTY DA PA 58371 ALLANDALE bungalow ovu pnayntent required ciudcs lntcrcs taxes PA Mora mortgage Telepho large ving room Sign all property on CONSTRUCIION For runner lnlormull PHONE PA 34204 BUILDING LOT Building lot tor sale in village ind loot lrnntagc For price and EVENlNG PA 82379 or the Barrie sod District ltcrl Estate Board HOMES and APARTMENTS DY LLAR rD APPLY DAIIRIE EXAMle lib NG Dont target to trowel your INSURANCE on need our tavcruo STEVENSONS 5201 iii DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 ANGUS GARDEN ISION illGilWAY 90 Largo lots on at 20 selling or 5100 down terms to suit Lots dcrdii bit accil Coul Avenue Telephone der style ROOM DUNGALotv bevel side ing years old Pressure system Irons Phone lions New miles EXCELLENT Large Building Lot on 150 leet Located north side at Mountbatten Rood Quiet resi denlal area close to Codrington PA 53671 Pahnusna Large woterlropt cott and boat house with thrce roams above Cement block roundaiions idr cary winter iring $1800 Terms Johnston Cuserh built brick years Anne street south eid THREE BEDROOM Bricklluhgae low with attached curage kitchen combined living dlnlpg orca Near North collegiate Rea sonable down payment by no PA Saloz LIHLE LAKE Dorrie bedroom house block basement nil tum ace icee bath modern kitchen with droplace May be seen Saturday or Sunday LEWIS LARGE Fuux Modern prick Bungalow three bedrooms stap cd living room and dining room roll brrement Lot 75 tall fret Landscaped with portion and patio Two yems Did China an mort Vgoge Low down payment No sec orlgnHE owner trustedrest apply to 23 George street Allia ton or phone NE 54010 irom inur bedroom brick house on Pepetung street Extra large lot Tolephnnn PA 52009 turthsrvdetails MAKE AN OFFER or this tour Year old nil heated three bed room brick bungalow near North Collegiate Possession July LVTclc phnna PA Mum alter or week in Large down 73 monthly principal rod Large NllA Member 01 his Bum Boat hula Board ROSE REAL mrAli DROKER 7a iiPFiN 5mm DAillul ii Gemo street Riiicrrlt divlslrm who in M131 ub OR REN MODERN limit piece bath bedrooms living room dining room and utility room all tun nace Reasonable Oskvldw heath rhona Wasaga iicach lwl MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT its is it GLENDALE two bed room irrlier or sale Clean conlt dltloll tuily eouipped many are tras Priced to sell Owner going west Apply Glimurel Motel Iilgh wry11 north BUS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS lm looking tor capable lnteui rent man with nlgh standards or Integrity and abllty There are locations Ivollnhlo In lhls area and in the remain am both now and lo the tuture oiler you tho most thorough training lacllltles in the business and during our progrrm you will be plld $55 per week you quality you can proceed to build pros crour business tor yourself as lnd dealer with minimum capital outlay WRITE to Inc how and be in lime or the program beginning June WYLIE 19 CODRINGTON STREET BARRIE elem PA 68527 CANADIAN PbrROFiNA LrD Finesr In Noth America ART DEALERS OPPORTUNITY Alirlsls SUPPLIES OIL PAINT NGS PICTURE FRAMING 1960 GROSS$56000 iNiERanNG PROFITADLE WELL FsTAaLlsHED CUSTOM BUSINESS TOP LOCATION 1N TORONTO Full details Box at DAlullE EXAMINER ORANGE ro mlikis money tart Vnsaga Beach main street stores or rent suitable any type oi business Merchantsa secondary store makes extra profit Apply Want Ad Section acoepled until mohair Day before publication ACROSS Proposes 10 South or mace 11 Copper alloy 12 Explosion 14 Reverllnn ate 15 New Airlm nation 16 Music Date Alberta city 18 Round 21 Chief Teutonic gods 22 Approaches 26 Ornamental SLHobrew letter mgonom any term 38Postivn VasiBulld lidAshy pale 3739am BDa tho BALI 891rual tilIna dream drink LalreLady Silvtg Lane Lowna bury near NorthBay Wonderfulr hshlag hestJllghivliy5 Selling at great oerllloe Write Mrs Lia hermhh5iil Harper Avenue Chicago illlhcls 23rlgbu gt coloreldyflfla Mama dollar Compm pointcAi ubbr Mobile hospital Omar mental opadwork Turkish city 813811 stair 11Belglan monetary unit 135eotcl river 15le slang DAILY CBOSSWORD pIm at user pnn con colt ltL nmfl pm ammrm zz VAIIIIVA dillz ulllydilll II flfll IR RRIH HI PROPERTY FOR SALE wrm ww MONTHLY PAYMENIS TAiwlum TO YOUR ilUDGirr IF YOU NEED MONEY clo consolidate debts any on existing mortgages tor mortgagor coming due oflome lm rovemont Any up while cause Call today for appointment PA 80981 EVENDIGS PA 31032 Mortgage Fundirig Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST MONEY AVAILABLE You an invited to discuss you mongafu out Db lga or out or city yalling rates Co Owen st Barrie Duos 5ooo WANTED immedirlely to second mortgagcApply to Dex 30 Barrie Examiner Wino To LOAN no first or sec ond mortgage Apply Box 24 liar rlo Examiner 51200 PHIST MORTGAGE wanted immediately to clear up an cs 35 Barrie tate Apply to liox Examiner MORTGAGESlit and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial rnd residential money turned on Darrin lien cxiiting mortgages gage Broken FA 655M RENTALS APTS HOUSES To BENT FURNISHED Apartment rod one room tor rent Apply at an Sgt lord street Hus or telephone TWO lisnrlootll iiouso Idr re Dorrie Terrace oil turnace nits Apply pox zsfihorrio Bro er UNFUriNhsilED apartment auortovc supplied Centrslly loea ted lmmedls phone PA 5687 or PA Hails three AVAILABLE MAY ist epe lua ulshed apartment one unlurolsb ed Both loll contuincd One child welcome Days Phann H270 Eva bingl PA Mona THREE nooMED room Parking space now Telephone PA tlsola FURNISHED thrcn ment is artmept heated and pri vate en rimcc Adults Laundry ia PA eiilties included Telephone mm or turiher illiormntioll VERY MODERN one bedroom uplt furnished apartment cast nlld near Dominion Store bamboo drapes PA 32519 TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room and kitchen Heated centrally located Rental 559 per month Telephone PA won or further ihiormatlon MODERN three room apartment rivata bath and ent Ceotrrily Avail able June Telephone PA 54475 FIVE ROOM House two bedrooms hot and cold water three piece hath Reasonable rent Located on Highway 92 near Wessga Beach turrilsbed 11 rance park ng taclutles located Reasonable rent Telephone mil Elinvsic THREE ROOM uniurnlshed Rpm iif PEER fuufifii ax ya mud ly telephone PA H710 immediate or timber Intorlnatlun ONE AND TWO Bedroom ADM meats stove retrigeratnr janitor laundry racultles trum sun monthly rele eLeeebrPA b261k THREE allDROim op rage large kitchen auadry washing machine Hydro and heat supplied cated swoon per month phone PA oases LARGE room helileld lplflincntiaragg tire ace amps jasgpultt Available luiy Adults prelerred 83824 GitoUND floor or house large rooms share hydra Fran and back entrance hayrleid atrae routb or Welungton rtreet stalnerr 60 per month phone PA coals the TWO RDDMSD iumished spar Nearmi elem and close to downtown Itusolh Suitable for couple B1an Heat hydro and water eluded in rent able rent PA 83013 WARM heated comfortable three room ury tnciiitlcr In Allandalo our child welcome log space Telephone CENTRAL Location mrhlsbed apartment with bulb heated hardwood nanrs self contain Available APrll 15 strolisl Hardware MODERN one went living room bathroom private entrance crate iaupd water supp ed sis ralcpbop PA Mm Available now PA basal bedroom LARGE leing Room kitchnll also bedr am and private bath Furn lahe and heated Parking Private Available now Telephon home to harm Street one PA B4560 Pm FURNISHED room npertment on ground rlnor seismicgain ea ghts and water Immedlotu pus 70 par month the udcs tour rooms hndbatll on Highway inn and Dunlap street west $65 monthly Available now Also threa rnom Sui monthly MOUSE Fail RENT house renting at Telephone PA aIiee roblrlm with in with ion providing the pro pertics are on registered plans in interest at pre Cali Coutta PA room heated Relrlgeratur possession lcle unrumished apartment on ground tloor Sun Available Apply Penetapg street room base Automatll laundry facilities Venetian blinds artmaut ga tubs water Centrally vlo fieic zrounfl floor Uuiurolshed separate ist jlelephopn PA Tele turnilhdd apartment stoveand refrigerator and laun area Alhplc park Three main piece ha dut stave GUNS Apply Arni apart ltltchan and rep taeilitles Heat and uverJOoklpg Day three ream upturniahcd apart spent with both sepsrata cot raiser Ilus at door pear beach vacant sail per month Telephone PA 57475 or PA bsdsn THREE lAIlEl R00 is uncou ulued per duplex nawly den orated at eupbouds ail heated Na bloelu trom new shop yin centre garment llciiiliu and lawn Apply on iianry Street or Poona PA Mlle MODERN unturolsbed spartmeou Duo three our room with Lpleee bl flu and $55 per month includes laundry and parking Ilcllltlrl Lo cated on Ponatang Street Tel phnpa PA on THOMAS SEAMAN of Des Ram LLNM NEVERONCE IEFITIIEIDUSE IOWHICH SHE WASBROUGITASABRIDETM mil ENYIRE 28 YEAH 0F IIER WED LIE iARTICLES for SALE ASPHALT PAVING Dlshcr Pr nlld Limited telephone PA mi EAST on bus route New rod modern Largo one bedroom sprrtrncot stay and reirlgerator lied laundry iaeillties good for ble lmmed alcly Ahn apartments allablo Iune one and two bdrncm tame iacllitiss as above Adults Telephone PA 35357 ROOMS TO LET minimum on tied sitting noun or rent Central location Plim irhcd Telephone PA 81421 FURNISHED dream ior rent ln Aliahdaia bus rte so par week Telephone PA 9152 lol turther details FURNISHED bedslttipg room lin en dishes rangette supplied Ute oi relrlgeraior One block from Five Points Telephone PA used thNisliBD ROOM or rent with rangette use or relrlgerutor and Bondlx Ground iioor Centxzi lo cation Telnpllonp FA 35081 FURNISHED large room and kitch cn slave and relrigcntor Sager ate entrance Also one smauer iumlshcd room Parking space assign location Telephone PA alum suitny bedroom with twin beds Suitable or couple Also nicely lurnished bedroom tor One Plrlililz spree Garage or rent or lune ist Apply 69 Maple Avenue or telephone PA 51619 ROOM BOARD Roolii AND BOARD home Very prlvnte Bright at tractlve room with iivato bath room East end App to 29 Wcl don street or telephone sow WANTED TO RENT 0R ROOM unmrnished rpart ment required by July West end or central prcterrcd or house wanted to rent with option to buy Apply no 33 Barrie Examiner Low c051 HOME or building Lot reterabiy rural within commut ng distance to Camp aorden Puu details and price first letter sgt Pcigi RCAF Camp Borden TWO BEDROOM tarnished house or apartment wanted immediately by young executive and tamlly one child Preter Barrie location Telephone PA 56479 ask for Mr Murphy COUPLE wrrri two girls deslrd bedroom house or spartmont close to public school Rental or $70 monthly Required May 15 or do Reply Fox 22 Barrie Dat miner in new ARTICLES for SALE WORK BOOTS FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR 11A CLAPPERTON ST YOUR calrpm SHOE REPAIR SHOP NEWSPAPER MATS sizes uxla idear rnr lining hen houses attics garages etc puiect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply ihu hsrrlo Examiner Barrie Durand JONES healers to options and good used in we always have good selection AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 6675 USED REFRIGERATOR $95100 rv sms $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 USED FURNISH INGS TWO DUNLOP rubelerr rim rod rim l5 turd two munihr Apply to 72 Iohn street or tclrpllono PA was GRDY ours lrdys do in good condition lace evening dress alre cellent condition len in to Ila blue in are Telephone PA RECORD PLAYER or in hreese oriabir lpccdl like new 15 mice desk it do in ches wood 30 Tettitle value Telephone in HS TYPEWRITBRS Portables low $5995l year zulrprltco Tornu down per week stu dent rentals repairs star clt writer Co 24 hrsdlord 5L chch lvspeed Rrielgh lzgauon uarlum with reflector Apply 145 le Avenue or tele phone PA on alter pm ROFoIiLLER hp or tile inches wide like new Selling reasonably Phond Hemlock 5101 any time RADIO record player Philips AM and Fill riereophopic Six months old like new Pull lengthlonr model reicphona PA Mud NEW FORCED Air Gu Furnaces regular $215 now to be sold or 355 using rpccial also dlschuht Installation extn Telephone M91 or PA 39228 srRiNnnu used in good con dition Also used pipe lumber bricks and timber Ap ly old Dru Planing Mlu Site or Ecrlrnm Sons Mldhurrt TWO sums to be moved oil premises liest nltcr owner on premises every Sunday Charles Wilson cnncssiop Anten Mills or telephone Toronto at H031 GILB man SHOP Io Mrpio Aveuuc Dorrie PA Mills open daily mm in il prn suodnys 12 noon to il pro smokers sup piles Nelianns ice Cream newe papers and night editions man wlne Ind sundries ARTXCLES WANTED AurOMAxic rrrnrmlrslon want crl ior 1952 Cadillac Must be in reasonable condition rel phone PA cull days or eveoln FAMILY leaving tor mirupa re uulre one or two rtesmer trunks Must be in good condition with locks Telephone PA Mm flter pln SIEMGED BY Noses H45 WINS M77 52 5FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cue New Rolland David Brown heitiy Farm Equipment 17S BURTON AVE PA 8378 an ertata ulpment international Cub ractor with mower cultivator and plough comms me Also other smaller garden equip merit CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES SERVICE MI SPNEPLMSL HANk DROWN RR BARR HOLLY PA 60338 USED RniovAraR wanted light model in any condition Telephone New Lowell vim atler Ii pni vnmvo ORhAbi separ on and Milken sales rlld parta craig bumt Dnt v0 Box nor role phunu PA Lam mam TIDNAI Famhll Super ilIclor Tobacco special with cultivatols mower and leader ngdllilou Il ow Prchcd 1yuan or uc sr or Barrio Iminer pp FEED SEED GRAIN BALES OF cat straw for nlo Apply Robert storey Eimvlll mm or lurther iniormatlon POULTRY dc CHICK DEKALB CHICKS Place your order now tor deliv ery when desired We suggest Deknlb or good uvahillw er eaiientegg usury higher ro ots Alrn it Rock and ed Sussex Crussbreds Pricei and servlce on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FRUIT 5e VEGETABLES APPLES THE APPLE BARN MeiNrush wlNlizlt VANlDrns Bring your own contrincr HERMAN FETCH monwav ii sourt PA with FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS GLADlou BULBS large clear disuse ilu bulbs Grewo irons prize winning stock Come tee compare Priced right ielo one evening Walter Ekveb grit PA 33529 SIGNve Street ASPARAGIJS Rom now im proved Viking strong healthy roots year mason year old is per hundred Larger quantities aslt ior prices Choice perennial plrtlts Papsics Daisies sweet William ate Come and see our assortment Elllcrest Gsrdeos Phelpston Concession Plus one mile cast or Highway Phone Eimvaln 7am BOATS MOTORS CANOFWAMEDrPMerathI loot length in good condition Telephone PA were sun use boat yearrold Equipped with 1955Mereury in motor also lnfluded water sltis lira sachet sllsm Telc phone PA 56469 is FOOT SAILING Dinghy 140 square leet or sails complete Telephone PA $703511 rurtbcr information CRUISER 114m Karmsth pow ered pump blower lully equip ped inspection by appointment Priced at $2509 Write Box 249 Midland Telephone LA 710 5FARMERS MARKET BICYch MOTORS ALL FOR SALE AT DOMINION TIRE STORE zt MARY STREET BARRIE PnEgAST Parking Lot Dividers suitale tor edging drivdwayr Five Ht lengths $3 each rnd seven Ort lengths $7 each Epsply Barrio Excmlder phone PA 27 sale Al condition used one year stored or years too or best utter Telephone PA 51510 Apply 196 Burton Avenue To THOSE SUFFERING tram mul cuiar aches and pains read what Dr Travel MD to President Kennedy has to day how massngll and lint mnistvhcat hydraJiicl spy can help you in Readers Digest May issue Dailies Datbi telephone PA Mill session Apply ED Owen street site 510 pm WASHING MACHINE Tour tor LIVESTOCK CALVES WANTED to buy idr veallngalse stacker Calves He éoadssor shorthurp Telephone PA Goars FDR SALD2 rash Nan bies with three ternaie kids yearling Nannies Billy Edward Lawson RR stayncr phone FARM MACHINERY HILL MESLEY MeKEE HABVESTERS CGrass silage euro Grazing liay Conditioning Harvesu Icoro Slings 45pm COOKSTDWN IScSPOlJT international Furl Drill Grain and Fertilizer in and condition Apply Georg Lttlei Lot Concession inniaAl WvIAu RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN l1 GOWAN STREET PA 6483 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH dc STANDARD DEALERS Banalr1 to All Makes 01951 and NAL Towing Servlna 15 BAYFIEU 517er FA 34165 ilsnp cans Wide selection at l953 to 1957 models s15 down Telephone PA 8791 ssss ISEHA rod In good mech anical condition Asking prch ms Telephone PA H459 lintmodal 52299 Telephone PA Mill 1951 Form two dear radio In outstanding condition 24 $15 down Telephann FA Him 1553 rLYMOtlln door Sedan in lovely condition silo525 down Telephone PA dual use PLYMOUM Sedan original tone anish with mrichtnll in terlnr Price ices$25 down The pbooa pa Mail 1256 STUDEBAKER custom built radio opal owner Must sell Price 33749537325 down Telephone PA 1551 METEOR or sale automatic tropsmirsion new rebuilt euglnc 5000 miles on enline$ll down 20 month Telephone Toby Copeland telephone PA 56586 issi llioNARcu Convertible 510 down take payments Whitewalir radio automatic bwer ctulppcd immaculate condilon Te cpbono Orillil Frlrvlew ima 1951 OLDSIIIOBILE Sedan black pnwcr brakes steering and wlu dows mileage 100w Must be ml to close estate Apply Alvin lnson Robinson Hardware 1955 MERCURY automatlc power steering and power bra Cd ln Al condition throughout tell dreamund white Phone Kern lock 102 any time 1555 DODGE Sedan automatic transmission VB motor custom rrpdlo ow all ooverr lmw paint lob as new rouehbut uaHu down oiephnrla PA 3795 sr YOU HAVE been rteadiiy em ployed tor six months you can buy 1956 Mercury two door hardtop with automatic transmission and radio its down and 41 monthly Telephone Iim Dickerson PA also 1951 FALCON Demonstrator din

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