Renters Cast AroundIIgain To Find Rooms To Get Info By BRUCE LEVEII Canadian Prua Siaii Writer The muess tide of ranten quiet during the long Canadian winter begins running again in earnest iiiuy With surge like the ice go ing out in the spring the cliff dwellers and occupants of other vmens houses begin the migra tion that swells to peak in the summer and dies away Blaian the fall What will the nomads find this year The situationvaries from province to province but it there is an overail picture it must be little change from last year in croseCanada survey The Canadian Press found that for those wishing to out down roots mortgage money appears easier to come by However house costs remain high in many areas and apartment rents held firm despite an increase in the number of apartments avall able Only in parts of Quebcc and New Brunswick is there an ini mediate problem Only there and tire lesser extent in Re gina is May traditionally moving day By ALICE BROOKS OutoithisWorld its fun to enterta ompany in the kitchen with these clever anemiakind horse designs Addn gay original accent with SHOW horseslarge en ough to cover towel front Em broider on cloth curtains too Pattern 7135 four 10 inch motifs Send Thirtycilve cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrio Ex aminer Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAT TERN NUMBER JUST OUTH Our die craft Book Over 125 designs for home furnishings for fashions lrnit crochet embroider weave sew qulit toys gifts bazaar items FREE six designs for popular veil caps Quick send 25 cents TODAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS And Regine re rts the prac tice is toning oi Rents are 10 to 15 per cent lower there than in 1960 That popular yardstick the twcrbedroom apartment briugs $85 month this year last ye it was about 595 City also reports waning in the practice of mov ing on the ï¬rst day oi Maythe Quebec Power Company has about 4500 orders for transfer of power compared with 0000 last year and 7000 in 1969 in the Quebec City area Its not hard to find place says Valmore Deeiar dias city statistician Lost year 455 artment units were added and rents for twobedroom apartment held firm at 380 to 95 this year Rents are higher in Montreal than they were five years ago but slightly down from last yearihe twobcdroom modern unit goes for $110 to 8125 Saint John NB reports mov tag spread fairly evenly through the year but with April 25 to May the busiest period Av erage monthly rent is $80 to $90 slight increase over last year SHORT OF HOUSING For one reason or another people are desperate in their ur gency to find accommodations says Mrs David lloyt execu tive secretary of the Saint John Family Welfare Association We are almost as hard pressed to find accommodation as we were in the days when the agency appealed to the city fathers to purchase wartime hutmentsto be used as emer gency shelters Fires have destroyed houses properties have been purchased for business expansion and non payment of rent has brought evictions Newfoundland points report gradual leveliingoff of rents during the last four years and housing shortage that remains despite the exodus of United States service families with the vacating of Pepperrcll air base Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation says that people are moving out of basements into the apartments left by the Americans two bedroom apartment goes for about 5125 not muCh changed from 10 years ago Halifax apartment dwellers pay $115 for the same thing and those in Dartmouth bring $05 in the Toronto area June is the big month for moving and $120 is the average price brotught by the two bedroom un Ottawa Buildings To Be Demolished OifAWA CPIHow lem porary are the federal govern ments temporary buildings in Ottawa Works Minister Walker re ported Salurday there are 17 temporary buildings in the cap ital more than 10 years old About 12000 civil servants work in them he said in Commons reply The plan was to demolish all the buildings progressively as soon as per manent buildings became available Most of them are wooden buildings built during the Sec ond World War to house the sudden increase of wartime civil servants CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY MAY Poplyl and Fall In Junior Roundup 53 llama of the Eli News Headline Provtneini Affairs Bert Churchill Farm Market itaport Dan Jamlenn News Weather Sparta Love Lucy Don Messnr Danny Thoma Music Matter The Flintslensa Festival 01 En uiry CB TV Newa The Weatherman Today in sports Community Nawa married Juaniei ruasnav MAY tone Test Patient 1045 Christian scienu iioo noniusr Room 1200 Popeye and eat 1225 Noondly Report Markets Coming Events Ag Rep Report Movie Street at San Pnnciico Womena show Taik of this Town Music Break Verdict Is Your Popeye anthPais Junior Roundup Buccaneers News Headlines Three Stooges Farm Marital Report non Jamlosori News Weather Sparta Wanted Dead or Alive ea $F9P9PPPP SSESSSESEESSS chO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY may 400 Professorii Hideaway ain Tin ru ortl Coiiell ewl Weather Sports wagon Train Theatre At Eight He Cockeyed Wonderi The Ililieman WantedDead nrAltva Newi Weather soon Better Late Glencannon News Weather spnm Epilogue meson my iioo Free and In zoo Channel II rnum Another nor of norm ass awe 400 Profalaorl more so sea Science Fiction eatre Conversation with an Ape Barria at flJONcw ostrich Sport pg gluestwnrd ioi 750 000 Manhunt Chevy show 30 Front Page Challenge 30 Red Slteltait 1000 Close Up iiiin For Quart CBCTV News The Weatherman Today In Spurti communtiy News Sheriff of Cochise wnonesnav man in min Test Pattern 1045 The chmtonn Rompar Ronni oo Popeye Ind Noonday Report News and Weather Farm Report Coming Event lHDJnuessnnmberIMoan 200 woman She am Open House aoo Our bites or like no Verdict is an 400 Popeye and Jain 1in Junior Roiindno ssnauckieasrry sound can News Headttnes not Radar rauoiwr Spy 510 Farm Market RGFDIII on Don Jamleron us News Weather SportI 10 The liei away no Bachelor either a00 Jan Show aso My Three Sana moo Knit MuiioHall man The Valiant Years mo Explorations 1100 cac Nawa this The Weatherman Today in sham Communlty News iias Not For Hire 930 Route 66 1030 Nawa Weather Sport 51 ii on Better Lats 1145 Doug Fairbanks Present 1215 News Weather Sport taro Epilogue WEDNESDAY MAY 10 mm Fran and may no Channel Theatre The Web News Professors Hideaway Fignawton Frog Ind Dora Professors Hideaway Part 11 nhlti and Jim Backus News Weathen Sport Jana Wynnn Andy artifith Show 17 sunrt strip stale Nine Nn Sad song Fur Ml ews Weather din Better Late Fla hlluln IDr va nrsori Road News than some Epilonfl An official of the Toronto Real Estate Board lays the high cost of rentalthe same apartment brought $75 to sea 15 years agorman from land value which he said is double that of Montreal Winnipeg and Vancouver The traditional moving day in Winnipeg if there is one would be Oct Rents there have gone up five to 10 per cent dur ing the last five years That twcrbedroomer costs 90 to $95 in Winnipeg today Edmonton reports rents vary ing from about $50 for shank to $25 for 12room mansion The twobedroom unit goes for $95 to 3100 Calgary and Ed monton ioport about 1000 units under construction in each place Rents have more than doubled in Vancouver since 1915 when two bedrooms if you could find such thingwent for $60 By 1955 the asking price was $100 andtiill Year itl $125 to $150 Home building is oil as much as to per cent on the west coast and sales are down also Said one real estate execu tive There are plenty of homes for sale They can be bought but the price makes them not for sale Defeat OiNazis Russian Victory IigSCOW APimdA published arti claiming Soviet Un ion deserved most of the credit for the defeat of Nazi Germany and belittling Western efforts touched off the Soviet Unions observance of VE Day Sunday Army Gen Vladimir Kurasov writing in the newspaper Soviet Patriot said the Russian amiy smashed Killers main forces while the United States Britain and France tried to turn Fay ciat Germany against the Sov lrt Union immediately afterthe capture of Poland CriticiPraises Canadian Girl IDNDON CHCritic Stan Icy Jackson of The Evening News describes as brilliant the first novel of MarieClaire Blais 19yearold Quebec girl Her book Mad Sadows was published in Britain in late April it has already appeared in hands and France it seems pity that she is being labelled on Canadas oo swer to Sagan says Jackson Seems mixed compliment for serious writer HAMILTON WILL ATTEND OIIAWA CHPostmaster General William Hamilton will attend the Ontario Postmast ers Association meeting in Pa tcrborough May as CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dcaier Bothsides vulnerable NOW K52 78 +954 0Q JIOIUA IEEOSZ scrim KJ108 out some The bidding South Welt North Eu Pal BNI Dido Opening leadseven of spades This hand was played under dramatic circumstances in the final round of the 1959 masters team of four championship it was the that deal of iflboard match between the team led by On Jacoby wellknown Dollnsrexpert and the one led by Dick Freeman Washington DC star The Frceman team group of relatively unknown young players had paraded through the tournament knocking off one giant team after another to reach the finals Going into the inrtieth board they were leadi ing the Jacoby aggregation by international match points equivalent to about 400 rubber bridge points Then calamity struck Head Iey and Gabriloviich held the EastWest cards tor the Free man tcam and doubled Mitch ells three notrump bid They could have defeated the con tract three trlcka i800 pointsi but allowed docinrer to make ten tricks for score of 950 points West led spade and Mitchell won with the king and returned diamond West played the king and was allowed to win it lie returned heart South took the ace led diamond and tin cscd the lack and then ran the diamonds East discarded spade two hearts and two clubs Wcst dis carded tliree spades South dis carded spade and two clubs Dummy led the queen of clubs East covered with the king and West played the ace on it with sickening thud Declarer now made the contract with an over trick Then the hand was played with Jacoby West and Rubia East Thebiddlng went 1hza ma They oinrnoflknow at the time how the match stood or what had happened at the other table on the deal LARRY BRAHNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES Jacoby went down three 300 poian with annual play As result his team galhed 650 points on the deal worth iMls and won the match by IMPs ii Freeman South had noun led four spades and defeated the contract three tricks his team would have won the match by MR Tomorro dummy reveiual VNBSILI msmizi HURT WITHTHE BULLY WHO GAVE CENTURY AlJTO NEW NEW NEW BRAKE LINING AXLE SET wheels SHOCK AESORBERS herculea double action BUMPER IACKS TDPPER PORT WALLS black and white 695 set of EEG NARROW PORT WALLS White 350 set DI 10 FENDER MIRRORS 295 and up BRAKE DRUMS 5158 Chev 780 each BRAKE DRUMS Ford 350 each UNIVERSAL JOINTS RADIO AERIALS section 3m EXAMINER MONDAY MAY mi HAVEOFFICIALBUSINEQS THERE ANYWAY AND IOWESI PRICES USED PillITS GUARANTEED REAR AXLES FUEL PUMPS DIFFERENTIALS 055 TIRES TRANSMISSIONS MOTORS RADIAIOIIS BATTERIES GENERATORS gnom END STARTERS ASSEMBLIES WHEELS BODY PARTS IEllliliillll llflllli BillllllE sonny CHOPPY THE CLASS verso To CHECK oven THE cuss CASH Remains HEYNOU GuYsL GETYOUENOSES our or MY BOOKS ll on rï¬ $5114 TOLD You war In awnus can RIGHT Amen THEY ELECTED You CLASS TREAeuoen NO sAnIiIe CREAMERY HAMMOND75 than LETMECARIWM ADMISSION MONEY IN MY umncaan WE lSSD NALFOTII FIRST FEATURE PUPSE BEFORSVDLI COULD LOCATE Ttl 11W MDNEV INYDUR DONALD DUCK MUGES AND SKEETEK BUZ ISAWYER WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE BUTTE 49° 23 COLLIER ST BARRE cmmremuammuutmnmwmncrmrW iFN YEARS A00 NAVAL AVIATION MSIDMIPMMM THE BAWNOFA nrw ERA Moccasin vou HEAIAEODT auasAS NEW AMBITION NAVAiIVIKMNIIAM wmi AND mm thwarts TO MAKE ODOR WI THE Imam THROW AND Till SACRIFICE or its MIMIils NAVAL AVIATION 1mm STAND oNrIIE thrilli mo DFAllalilEK ifEW ERAWIN smug Ana tuittiitsiilti Toni usauunr macawnon SKAIIIANDI we errata Minerva inn swam wru DoNIY inmwrsoiskmnumnnemmMWnaiumummwmmflnvnmrmnmwm lummt ammmwmuuwnw He SAID sum Is one national