in ooh Threesomes For Enniiner Want Ads Talo pliooo PA ma ttievteuphou number In call for the 5mm or Editorial Deal to PA 9631 97 YearNo 10 SERIES OF CRIMES Tshombe Fades Trig For TreasonIn Congo COQUILHATV AP President Josenh Kasavubus Loopoldvilie government says it wtll prosecute hatanga Presi dent Noise Tshombe for trea son and will try to bring his breakaway province back un der central government control Foreign Ministur Justin Bom boko told press conference the imprisoned Tshornbe would liei tried for series at crimes in eluding the assassination of for mer premier Patniee Lu munlbii Kuinnga authorities re ported Lumumba was killed by native following his escape from their custody but Ka savuuu blamed it on Tshombe Tshombe was arrested April 25 after he walked out of meeting of Congolese lenders called to try to work out new form of government for the strilctorn nation The Katanga president accused Knsavubu of selling out to the United Na tions WILL USE FORCE Bomboko said the Leopold ville government would use force if necessary to restore its control over Kntanga the Cons gos rich mining province which seceded from the republic soon after Independence last sum mer Bomboko declined to specify just how President Joseph Ka snvubus government would go about taking over Katnnga But he announced that all Belgian advisers would be expelled from the province Katanga has the best disci plined and most effective army in The Congo it is believed loyal to Tshombo and is com manded by hired white officers many of them Belgian Tho Katanga cabinet ap peared solidly behind Tshom HERES ONE Tho eaimibal father was ex piaining good manners Son he said to his young offspring how many times must tell you to stop talking with some one in your mouth Girls Dazed iindDishevelled ilmdng 12 Hurt In Twister Path KANSAS CITY ADWhere are we What happened Wheres our car Theres sup posed to be another girl with Dazed and dishevelled two girls from Leavenworth Kan anxiously queried two men who found them stumbling along railroad tracks Sunday after noon in the wake of tornado At least 12 persons were in jured by the twister and com panion tunnels in 05mile path from Basehor Kan to Carrol fon Mo Daniele Giistead 17 Pat Wil kins lb and Mary Ann Day 16 had started driving back to Leavenworth Kan from Wy nndottc County Lake when storm approached All of sudden it got bad and put on the brakes but the car didnt stopI Miss Gilstead said it just kept on going The girls couldnt remember what happened alter that but state trooper Robert Cooper fig ured it this way The tornado hurled the car over railroad over grove of trees 50 feet high and dumped it upside down in drainage ditch 300 feet from the highway The girls couldnt recall whether they had jumped from the car or had been thrown from it said Robert Geb hart one of the rescuers The men took the girls to house Then they found Miss VDay 150feet fromvfhe The girlwas rolled hall face down and moaning Gebhart said She had severe facial lacerations The three girls were taken to in Leavenworth hospital NATO Sacrifices PrCe Of OSLO NorwayDirk Stik ker new secretarygeneral of NATO warned the 15country Western alliance today that the Communist threat to Berlin may assume new proportions and new immediacy this year Addressing the opening ses sion of threeday meeting of NATO foreign ministers Sï¬kker declared the Soviet threat even reaches into outer space What it may at times have lost in brutality it has gained in subtlety and resourceful ness he said The threat was not solely milA itary It was just as much po litical economic scientific psy chological and nropagandist Sukker warned of possible new threat to Berlin this year and aid NATO also was deeply concerned at the situa tion in The Congo Laos and Cuba CALLS FOR SACRIFICES lle saidNATO could meet the Communist challenge it its members imsde those sacri ficcs individual and collective which in the past have been the price of greatness and which to day ara the price of peace am happy to say that our most powerful ally the United States underthe gorous lead orsbip of President Kennedy has again and again affirmed its determination to give rein vigorated leadership to our ai liance he said The chairman of the opening Lsessioanortuguese Fo reig MinisterDr Albert Franco N01 guelra also stressed the need Peace for Western vigilaace against Russia State Secretary Dean Rusk of the United States promised his country would insist on main taining the present legal status of Berlin and would guarantee the Wests access and position there vionarion SEEN lle declared dint if Rinsia signed separate peace treaty withEast Germany as it has threatened several times it would constitute violation of existing agrecmnts The secretary of state said he had little hope of any agree mentbeing reached at the threev power eonfereneeln Genva on banning nuclear tests because of Soviet obstruction and new demandslloweyer the United States would continue its efforts to reach agreement Rusk also asked the NATO members to bolster the alliance through increased cooperation and dup nonnuclear forces NATO allies have talked for 10 years of more cooperation and have done little The for eign ministry of any country finds it difficult to share its worries and doubts even wi its closest associates But President Kennedys ad ministration is proposing to talk over all US problems in South east Asia Europe and even Latin America on condition the other members agree to be equally frank The conventional tr on bulldup Ahas logic ailNAT0l members accept IN NUTSHELL Ice Hampers fishing strain Nfld or Arctic ice is hampering the lobster and cod fisheries around this south coast port Fishermen say it is the first time in 50 years that northern ice has pellElt trated Placentla Bay dufficientiy to at this late date School Teachers Strikes GLASGOW AP Morethan 5000 Glasgow interfere with fisheries school teach ers began oneweek strike today seeking an 18 percent pay increase and protesting the lowering of standards required of new teachersa ManVIIitlBy Train TORONTO GP JoSeph Douglas 70 of Toronto was kiil ed this morning when he was hit byga train at level cross llng on Bhadian Avenue PoisonKills lashimself or patient in gtBobeayrs hes earlier defiance of re peated UN demands that he get rid of all foreign military and political personnel But follow ing his arrest the provincial cabinet last week took more conciliatory tone ow the Leopoldvillo government promised to discus the UN de mands for expulsion of for elgnersi Forgery Plans flippedIn Bud EDMONTON CF Edmon ton polica said Saturday they nipped in the bud what up penis to have beena plan for largescale forgery opera tion Arrested Friday and charged WlIIl conspiracy to commit forr gery were Thomas George Mae Mullen 25 and Harry lilnki alias Clark 36 both from On tarlo The two appeared in court Saturday and were remanded to May 12 Police arrested the men after large order for letterheads envelopes identification cards and 600 cheques was placed with an Edmonton printing firm in the name of two nonexistent Ontario companies Also in connection with the case police said they located car and found quantity of cheques business cards blank unemployment cards rubber stamps false vehicle registra tion certificates and false identi fication cards Police said they believe nuirroer of the worthless cheques already have been passed in the area Farmers Killed In AngolaClash grdgï¬bhnsTLib gal Reuters Insurgents swooped nonfatin near Cannoua in Northern An gola Sunday killing severalprm Portuguese workers and steal ing cattle it was reported to day Another band set fire to hangar at the airport of San Salvador Northern Angola Duringthe night an attack on pulsed after an amateur radio operator picked up adistress call and passed it on to military authorities in nearby village the Portuguese news agency Lu sitania reported The attackers dispersed after village but later renewed the as sault Military patrols from the pulsed the insurgents the re port said Sundayit was claimed that the back of the threemonth up rising in this West African ter ritory had been broken The Lusitania news agency the village of Cangola was re air force planes flew over the village of Negage finally re he Earth Barrie Ontario Monday May 1961 Court Denies Appeal LONDON Reuters The Court of Criminal Apmltodfll rejected an application by five convicted spies to it al againstthclr sentences The five were convicted in Mord of passing information about the op secret British naval underwater weapons base at PortlandEnglaad to po tential enemy They are Gordon Arnold Lonsdale 37 sentenced to 25 year imprisonment Peter Kroger so and his wife Helen 47 both given 20 years and Harry Houghton 55 and his ï¬ancee Ethel Gen 46 both sen tenced to 15 years The Krogers identiï¬ed by po lice as Amcrican citizens whose real names were Maurice and Lorna Cohen were accused of providing clearing house for passing the secrets Their defence counsel argued today that there was no evi dence the couple transmitted any important information ol lhough they were prepared to do so Counsel for Lonsdale de scribed by police as the ring leader and member of the Russian intelligence servic said there was no element of treachery in his case He comes to this coun try as matter of obedience to the allegiance which he owes the lawyer said LIFE BEGINS AFTER 100 CORNER BROOK Nild CPt had me good time Peter Patricks voice boomed as he described how he drank six bottles of beer logged home box of groce ries and took hull hollt our drive Saturday to cele brate his 112th birthday Llived long beoause st an old Frenchman said without explaining what he meant Born on his fathers ï¬shing boat off the French islands of St Pierre ct Miouelon Mr Patrick has been fisherman all his life He cant read or write He spends his time listening to the radio and pencil drawing anything that comes to my mind About 25 friends and neigh bors attended his birth day party at his nearby Coxs Cove home After the party they visited friends and Mr Patrick stayed up until two in the morning bought whole case of beer but only drank six bot tlesj be said He drinks beer or liquor only on special occa sions One of Canadas oldest resi dents he eats hearty meals doesnt wear glasses or hearing aid and sleeps about eights hours day He and his wife 80 still make regular trips to town said terrorist activity had been confined to scattered areas CORNER BROOK Nfid CF permanent slow order onya twisting stretch of tract in west era Newfoundland and last work by an engine crew averted major train wreck Saturday The westbound Caribou TwoYéaFOid IJNDSAY cmA twoyear day after drinking from bottle found in garbage pilelnear hsrflmhsme sister and two brothers also drank from the bottle arein Peterbor ough Civic Hospital butrreported in no danger Ruth Ann Hart daughter of Mr and Mrs Leo Hart of RR Babeaygeon died halfan hour after admission to Bobcaygeon Hospital She was taken there by her parents after she com plained of being sick and de veloped convulsions When the parents returned to the form they found their other three childrenDouglas Don ald and Leona 5also sickr They were taken to Bobcay geon Hospital where Dr Thomas pumped out theirstom echo and then transferred them to hospital inleberhormlgh MrlHart 27 and unemployed on Hospital today He was ad mitted Sunday night with com plieations resulting from the rcr moval of his tonsils severaldays 30 old Bobcaygeoa girl died Sun Speedy Work By Train Crew liverts Major Train Wreck CNR crossNewfoundland pas sepger express was nearlyoé railed twice within two miles on the narrowgauge line near Pe tries five miles west of here Police said railway ties laid across the tracks were dels iberate attempt to wreck the nineear train on itsrun from St Johns to Port alix Basques CNR spokesman said it unust have been someone do mented or someonewitiran axe to grind against the railway The ties were so placed that westbon train could have plunged down steep embank ments if the train had been Orders in the arcakecprpas lslenger trains to 25 miles so our YELLS WARNING Engineer Marks noticed the first blockade and yelled timber onthe tracksll to Fire man Eiwood Pear who was in control of the two diesel loco motives Pear brakedthe train but the locomotive struck the ties Neither locomotive was de railed There is sloping Tufoot em bankment where the train struck the first group of ties Directly ahead of the second pile which the train did not strike there is fall of almost 100 feet The only evidence gathered by police was tangle of font prints in fresh fallen snow around bothblockadest Tho footprints led from the tracks through the woods to road There wasno damage to the rain which carried toppnssengr era said Examinmt LOCAL WEATHER Mainly douth with showers and cool tomorrow Low tonight to Highnesday 60 For full Immary turn to page three Not More Than fo per Copy14 Page MP R115 95 As Sons Bomb Townv In BC TRAIL ac CF RCMP reinforcements have been rushed to the west Knotennys strongholds of the radical Sons of Freeom Donkhobor sect following rash of bombing in cidents and demands by civil leaders for on end to the lengthy bombing terror in the soutlicasb ern British Columbia district Police say they believe the bombings were reprisnls over sentencing of three scetmem bets Fridayto prison terms for burning down Grand Forks BC home they occupied Specially trained RCMP in vestigators were directing oper ations which include spot checks on automobiles for ex plosives Latest bombing in the Grand Forks CPR marshnlling yards Sunday ripped up sections of rail and damaged cross ties Traffic was unaffected the railroad said bomb rocked Trail de partment store Saturday cans ing slight damage Three power poles were shattered in another bomb blast outside Nelson FIND DYNAMITE Sticks of dynamite tied togelt ther and cemented toss wrist watch and battery were dis covered by postal officials in lralllFriduy The device had been inserted in an onuide mall chute where it was found by clerk Meanwhile civil lenders have demanded an end to the terror which has plagued theregion 101 many 39 MilfMaynr lLeslia AIRead eat protest telegram to AD torneyAGeneral Robert Bonner saying The peopleof Trail and tha whole of the Kootenays are disgusted at the halfhearted manner in which the govern PosT OFFICE employees MickeyCapote left and Mar vin Glover ofvTrail 30 ex amine acrude that was ment is treating the acts of vio lence and terrorism in our area In an interview Mayor Read questioned recent statements by mayor dont imow where the solution to the problem lies but lm most disturbed Presient Coventry of Nelson Chamber of Commerce said there is something funny going on dont know what it is but believe the hands of the RCMP are tied in some way rendering apprehension of planted in Trail post office buildings parcel slot The bomb was setto go off early Saturday but was found Fri7v day nigh tha Attorney General that the Sons of Freedom situation is un der control The Sons of Freedom have not settled down said the Nazi Victim ciawéd Through DyingvTo Live JERUSALEM matronly Jewish woman told the Eich mann trial court today of being shot by men of the Nazi SS elite guard falling into mass grave fighting her way up through bodies for air and stir Viving Mrs Rifka Yosilevska na tive of Russia unable to testify last week because of mild heart attackwas restrained on the witness stand But her voice brakes when she told of seeing her little daughter shot In the Plush area in 1942 she said Jews were rounded up by the hundreds and taken to burial pit ller account of what happened then held the 700 spectators spellbound at the 30th session of the trial of Adolf Eichmann charged with being chiefae compiicein the Nazi extermina tion of 6000000 Jews lWe were taken some in triick and others foiced to run behind it Mrs Yosilevska cherries TORN orr Those in tho truckrarriving first were stripped and shotrby Soldiers Inf Lcios travelling at high speed lENTIANE Two govern ment soldiers wafe killedmand at least three wounded Sunday in new flareup offighting de spite the cease fire in this Sontheas Asian kingdoms vii war The clash occurred near Ban Napheng 26 miles north of Vientiane with both sides using grenades and in all arms ighting was reported continu late Sunday night The lighting came after the right wing government had made another unsuccessful ef fort Sunday to arrange formal general cease fire with the Communist backed leftist forces delegation went to Hill Heup villageabout50 miles north of Vientiane butfailed to Both sides have ordered troops to stop fighting but the American backodgovsrnment color has been unable toworig the time they got to the freshly dug pit Her father refused to undresshshe saidand his cloth ing was torn from him There were four devils 55 men they shot us The children wanted to run it was hard to hold on tothem We hurried we were sort of anxious to get it all over My mother my grandmother she was 80 years old and had baby in her arms my father my sister Then it came my turn The German asked me Who shall shoot first did not answer He aimed atme holding onto he ordered me to watch and there was another shot Then fell into the pit but felt noth ing BODIES FELL ON BER Mrs Hosilevska halted mo ment as though to get her breath then went ooz Ifeit sort of heaviness and thought was dead Then was ing on me must be alive thought VJKillled Unrest ceas threepower Laotian truce commission was scheduled to arrive in Vientianetoday and it was hopped the commission could spur the lagging negoti ations between the Western baekcd government and the proCommunist rebels total of ahnutm Indian Canadian and Polish diplomats and soldiers were headed for aos to supervise and verify the ceaseï¬re Theyrwlil sepiirata into two groups after arrival one based at Vientiane and thé other at KlengKhouang the rebel ca ital in northeastern Laosh The royal go ri ment has det of the cease in from delegation to attend the in rn phat conference on Laos ions in Geneva Friday Idown My child cried out and was shot my hair heard shot Then choking There were people fall prayed for another beenrdet been trying to divorce military bullet Then managed to climb toward the top but felt bodies pulling at me pulling me down crawled out of the pit There were bodies everywhere Some were not dead called for gay little girl could not find er Mrs Yosilevska saidlshe wan dered naked dazed wounded iii the head and wondering if she was half mad intonearby ï¬elds where she lay for three driys Finally farmer found her revived her and helped her hida until the area was captured by the Soviet Army YankeeCoiiege Inherits Estate PORTLAND Ont CWA Vermont collegE Presented with $500000 estate in Eastern Ontarios Rideau Lakes district is planning to use it as setting for seminars on Canadian American relatio The éstatE wli golf course and nth bulldlngs was left to Goddard College of Plainlield Vtr by Harry Houghton Ottawa born presi dent of Encyclopedia Britannica Incorporated of Chicago The propertynear this com munity 40 miles north of King ston in an areathat has an Dopularnmongwell families from Ottawa who have built hundreds big summer homes there be renamed Honghton Hall it will be used as Canadian centre for the colleges di vision ofadult education which iscloseiy connected with the CanadianAssociation for Adult Education and the Canadian Citizenship Cpunci The 21yearold liberal arts experimental college has an annual management seminar for businessmen from th two countries Mrs ly HoldenGoddards executiv ossobiato said that while no definite purpose has ined forthe estate the siteof emlnnrs was possi llty some of Goddards summer courses in music and art might froid Munongo be transferred to Hall checkup those responsible impossible WONTl ACCEPT FACT ltfr Coventry said he had the feeling if the RCMP had been given free hand someone would have been brought to jus tice long before this He said he couldnt accept the fact police have been unable to catch ter rorists during the years the bombings have been going on Nelson Mayor Shoit house suggested the army should be brought in and is our low imposed on those we know are responsible police statement warned persons possessing explnives to use utmost safety precautions as the bomber Will go to any length to obtain explosives AttorneyGeneral Bonner said Sunday six RCMP officers have been flown to Nelson to aid criminal investigation men al ready brought in In the next few days about l0 RCMP eon stables will add to police ranks Sternest measures posihls will be taken to stamp out the violence he said Die In crash Of Truck Train KAPUSKASING CP Four of five persons involved in trucktrain accident near here Friday night are dead and the fifth is in critical condition Four year old Ezelda Thi heault died Sunday of injuries suffered in the crash Her father Noel Tbibeault 42 of nearby Val Albert was killed with Mrs Marie Rose Poirier 29 and Nicole herdaughter Ezeldas twoyearde sister Carol was in critical condition with fractured skull Police saidthe halfton truck driven by Tbibeault either be came stalled or stuck on Cana dian National Railways tracks four miles east of here The five members of the family were all in the cab South iIiricans Seized In Congo HISABETHVILLE Renters Seven white South Africans serving with the Katangan forces in The Congo have been taken into eustodyby United Nations troops at Nyunzu north ern Katangaa UN spokesman said today He said theyprobably would be evacuated to Leopoldville There was no news of the other white soldiers encircled by Malayan and Ethiopian UN troops in Nyurizu It was reported Sunday that the UN had beenordered to de tain them but that no action was being taken pending the out come of talks between the Ka tangan interior minister Gode and the UN representative here Kntangan officials described the seven men as deserters Spinster Ruled Insane VIVIITllaI GLASGOW or 37year old spinster whohurled five chil dren out of fourthfloor dow was ruled insane and unfl to plead to murder charge to day AszyChIalriSI told the court that Jean Weddell lured the children into her apartment and flung them down to the street becnuse she would rather be hangedthan go back to mans tnl hospital was killed The others were injured but1 sur vived The court sentenced Mia Wadell to indefinite detention Hunter mental home last January She began co iemplating cido when doc7 tors asked her to go back for