SIMCOE COUNTY News CBAIGHURST number of india attended the tea in Dalston Saturday ait emoon Mr and Mrs Arne Handy oi Crown Hill visited Mr and Max Craig Sunday Congratulations to Allan Sin ton who has graduated from the school at Technology Toronto as metallurgist technician and leaves the middle of May to take position at Chalk River The girLs oi the 4H Club met at the home of Mrs Oades and demonstrated to the ladies of the WI how to make tangy sandlt whicbes and cookia and they also performed short skit Saturday night the club invitA ed their iriends to weiner roast at the Oades farm and all enjoyed themselves it is hoped the parents will come to Ach ievement Day at Guthrie May 13 COOKSTOWN EUCHRE PARTIES The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Login held their tin ai ouchre oi therseason Apri 25 at the Legion hall These on in hlo euchros were held every other week during the winter Prizes for the It tables that were played went to Mrs Jack Cutts for the ï¬rst prize and Miss Mny Sutherland or the low Phillip hichllan won the high mens prize and Joseph Day the low The door prize went to Miss Margaret Davis The grand prize oi the season went toMrs Harryrcuse and John Michaichuk During the serving of reireshrnents Dovid McMnster entertained the group with two recitations The ladies of the institute held their limit euchre at the Town Hall April 28 Eighteen tables were in play Lucky number prizes went to Mrs Bert Mur phy and Frank McKeown Mrs Gordon Patton was the lucky ticket holder and won hamper at groceries Card prizes went to Mrs Ramsey oi Alliston andMrs Roberts oi Cooks tnwnuBlll Draper and Cliiiord Webb Won the mens prizes Grand prize of theserles went to Mrs Thomas Mnyes and Fred Apperiey During the even ing Happy Birthday was sung to Jack Donnell who was ceie brating his birthday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Taylor on the birth at son Kelvin Carlyle April 25 at Stevenson Memorial Hospit al Alliston INSTITUTE NEWS About 30 ladies were in at tendance at theshnrt course Something to Wear at the Town Hall Wednesday alter noon April 26 The course was given by the Home Economics Branch of the Extension Servicr es of the Department of Agri culture with Miss Barbara Hill of Toronto the instruotress TecWeGwili institute ladies were also in attendance Miss Hillspoke on the proper style for eachtype of build suitable fabrics and colors at fabrics accessories and coordioates and outtitting wardrobe at the lowest possible expense The Institute will meet Thurs day evening May at the Town llali Agriculture is the theme Jon the lull extent at tor the meeting The roll call is to be answered by saiety rule that applies to the lam The motto fA love of mind is love that liu deep in the heart at Mn Patton Mrs Graham Miss Siilht Mrs Marliat and Mrs Cooperareindiargeoithepro groin Roy ilickilng oi Barrie will be the guest speaker Fred Elines was badly hurt last week when he was gored by hull it will be few days he his injun tes are known Mrs Ed Grahamis patient in the Toronto General Hospital or week The Cookstown League bowl ers are having their annual playoiis The banquet will be held to Aiirora on Thursday ev ening Mr and Mrs Bruce Pinkney Donna and Chuck spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs LyloPinkncy in Goderlch Mr and Mrs McKillican Creemore were Sunday guests at Mr and Mrs Harold McKiiv llcan and boys Mrand Mrs Robert Riley and Murray spent Sunday in Midland with Mrs Rileys par ents Mr and Mrs Nelson Jones Murray will be spending this week with his grandpar ents anan own most enjoyable program was held Wednesday evening April 26 at the Hi Fidelity Club Cookstown Mrs Stein gave wonderful talk on the hlgh lights of her travels through Germany and itnly good old fashioned sing song was enjoyed ioliowed by musi col numbers and an uptodatc setting of The Highway Man put on bythe committee de licious lunch was send at the end at the meeting vtsrrons Mr and Mrs SchultZ Mr and Mrsf RWhitcmah Miss Nancy Slack Miss Linda Jen nett and Doug Vivian oil of Kingston and Mr and Mrs Brown at Rochester were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Jennctt and family Suuday visitors with Mrs inckuud were andltnï¬w Ferguson ol imamMr and Mrs Ed Golden and daughter Barbara Mr and Mrs Harry Morton and son at Weedbridle and Leonard Eicklandot End gt lord STROUD St James Evening WA Aves held in the church bath at it down to most enjoyable suplt per in commemoration oi the groups sixth birthday Three or the Past Presldcats Mrs Vic Small Mrs Elmer sang song telling ol some oi their experiences while in DE free The minutes were read and approved it was decided to send delegate to the Koswick Conterenoe Committee reports wcre given Plans were discus sed to hold Vacation Bible School The call to worship was given by Mrs Parker Peacock The scripture was rend by Mrs Os car Bowman Mrs Earl Shan non read an Easter message The uttering was received with praycr by Mrs Oscar Bowman The remainder of the evening was spent in some lively relays contests and humorous story The president Mrs Clarence Ferguson closed the meeting Hollows Members of the Hollows WI and their husbands enjoyed delicious turkey supper on Fri day evening April 2s prepared by the Fishers Corners W1 mem bers in their usual lavish man nor in the basment of th Un ited Church in Newton llohin son Alter the suppr the com pany came back to the Hollows Community Hall where they had six tables of euchra in play Prize winners were Ladies ï¬rst Mrs Wright second MrsJ Smith tied with MIsJ Rumble cons Mrs Evan tied with Mrs Sid Wright Men first George Wright second Sid Wright cons llambly GARAGIis PRECISION BUILT Economy with quality to add eye appeal to your home and year round protection for the car ideal place to store the garden tools kiddies toys etc TH la ANNE ST BARBIE ON THE LOTNOKTH OF OUR SHOW ROOMS Billl pnnn Min CO LTD no 82496 To celebrate the production of the millionthMorris Minor 1000 Ensign Motors the Ontario distributor is giving away absolutely free one these ever popular um All you have to do intesi drive any or all of these ï¬ne min and ï¬ll in the entry blank available here Its Twentyseven mernbeis sot Pratt andhirssitiervin Ebolhv DEP MINISTER Torontobom Brt James Roberts lorrncr mm monding otliccr otthe nth Canadian iniontry Brigade was appointed deputy Erode minister in ApriiMr Roberts lelt business andinvestment career to enter government service as assistant deputy minister in loss on Photo DiiLSTON Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Allan Brown on the birth at son Lucille Harper Aurora spent the weekend with her grand mother Mrs Dora Hort The Womens Institute tea was well attended Saturday Thank you to Mrs Lorne Handy tor the use at her home Mrs Waley Harper Aurora and girls spentSunday with her mother Mrs Dora Hart Elmvele held nodal eyminl Mind EVENING rs at th MBA iron oi er look over her as The busiuux before the meet regardiog repairs to the Moore was taken care of and it wasreported that the hosts wagon or use in the kitchen was completed sale of baking willbeheldby the groups on Mr lralas lawn June 24 review or the constitution of the Ladies Aid took place and many items proved surprise to the majority At the close at the meeting Mrs Cooper and Mrs Schandien assisted the hostess in serving refreshments Stanley Turner who was em Pioyed or 15 years at theElrrv Lvalo Bakery has purchased the Quarri and Mrs Coopertor inï¬ll more Casino first and Charlie lthaddenseoood Mn Clarence Ritchie won thedoor price FATHER AND SON BANQUET father and son banquet was beidin theWyclitie parish hall Approximately 70 in the Scouts and Cons enjoyed del icious meal prepared by the mothers at the boys At the head table were Reeve Archie Train Al Martin and Harry snarling Scout and Cub Masters William Crawlord was MC for the oc casions Harvey Boyd district commissioner of Midland was guestspeaker and spoke to the talkersand sons oi Scout work Joe Rumble0riillo former loot rarin urqu Barrio Beverage company Division oi SEVENUP Ontario Ltd Barrie Ont might win brand new car Comein very soon Contest closes May 15th This is the smallest BIG in the world You get so miles to the gallon at so mph Theres loads of room for four adults You will ï¬nd it real fun MiniMinor Take the wheelofthis ghbredbeailty Wait until you feel the way it responds to your every wish The Safety Fast MGA puts tho fun back into an The Morris Youllrealiy beamazed at the roomy luxurious comforts this solid Morris 0xtord Heres really sound car that will stay aoundjor years ENTER rns MlLLiottTIl nanny courssnoonv ZVSIVMCOE 194TIFFiNST Theyrecornpleteiy ne roommates wi ngiitlmopheadailaruid Biatithankedthaladiuiorthe admonisqu Honduran retumedafleupending ter at Leaside Montreal and Chalk River Mr snows Lou Hockridge andslilian of Barrie Mr and Muslim Thomas and loo Ann of Midland were visitors the home ot Mr and Mrs Pinch at the weekend Mr andMrs Hodgson ot Tomato were Sunday guests of Mr and Mn Ross Hutchinson Mr and Mrs Albert While have returned alterrpecding 10 days in Toronto with relatives speedy recovery is wished or MrsNorrnan Crane Mrs Hugh Burnett and Leslie McKay EURNITURE fTHE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD on Zoom Juli nianlal 17 Muimtn at Vb VbehryatergnlAllvbbhtm um um axon1m 1mm our in whom patients arm General Hospital Fï¬mdsolflrLIhd Dry dale will be glad to hear she is horneafler being pitta in Toronto General Hospital or couple months If someone Iyouknnw is moving friendly all be WelcomaWagon in help them See It Join in carrying on but cangmunityattaditionai wintofhossitalityTell cinema is onfln name and ad of familiedyou know who are mama cOmpIetely diï¬erent Theyre crisp little bitesize biscuitsvoi ydur favorite cereal grainseach one new taste sensation that stays deliciously crisp right down to the bottbm of the bowl Look for all three sunny new cerealsfroin Checkerboard Square RICEGHEXjthelight bright cereal for modern folks WHEAT CHEX the grownpp cereal with thehearty wholewheat flavor CORN CHEX the greatest thing in cornsmoelï¬akes VichooselyoutCHEXto match your morning mood