Aliricusier SALE SFAIIMERS MAiikrr SFARMEIS MARKET sons morons Poo mum mum la lam ltet at nib napkin Tihphvnl PA cm or luriher mornlotion noun nlut limpto porr erud Filmy olo oily will uh 53th moino leirpnooe LA um moor omndim could end lube Md cnnflmwan with opium bottom sietpl Di remxtnler Pro and oton rid toilet With or vi out motion Una ono reoron Clix be run ll unn hoot servi ol mole Avenue Telephone PA 5m === SFARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK volitionIi Pius tor rolr warn old Telephone PA thsi In IlKRZFORD Hello lvlntint coo pounds With to rell In one lot Apply to Robert Iiiddri Al lirtop Uni Telephone HE 51w roux YBAIKLING wwo rudy to Arrow Lenarnro rroued wilh York meanthi mothers Tole phopr Elmvoio 7mm llzusrolul cum tor rrle month old Alto Calves wroIrd for vrrliogom crou would on pnlcmi SIIIYUIY Ina noou only Duoun Chillpo Guthrin FARM MACHINERY WHY BUY SOME OTHER FARMERS TROUBLES lhot uiod trnctor or unthlno could cost you hundred or doll In repin end lolt time You do not need to Ilka chance Buy or Indo with EQUIP LIMITED OF STAYNER PHONE 33 when you an In wary mp Ehluh has been morquflhly ID conditioncd or rebuilt and Dorrie our Vlriiilily It ruliy colto no more and itll lllho III the inn Ind Ieivlct Include In neov you lolnl III Aeosoo Mon trndu Bov or down purulento Terms sully uniind Irea doiivery Drop In Ind In our huge mflnl otock 01 new Ind mt melon no urclunery BELLAMY EQUIPMENT LIMITED MASSEleEflGUSON AND NEW IDEA PARbiLzngiPillhtlT PHONE 33 STAYNER oot comma CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Cr SERVICE Cubi New Donna Dlvt Brown 3m hm mint 116 BURTON AVE PA am Sinii erirto ulpmeot lunmlilwnlllucligr Indulgougih mower on 0qu Alto other lnnilrr grrdro equip rnenL CASII TRADE TERMS cuLTlvATon tor Ille John Deo re it tooth tor point hitch ltiio new Woier took on rubber Luann 200th mm FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY sum or sale poollo mo 0rd loo DALI 017 on sirw lor nll Apply Robert Storey Eimulo 733M for tunher halalmulch EARLY IiAiURINu serd Gerry nno lloot McCormick Illn der Airo hnno hllnes And call In Ap ly Howhrd Gill itidhurrt Phone Hui snail rmAroEs it bag on orgo certiï¬ed is six Also me in Huron Dutlria lmlll Itwa in Normm olrrehrnd RR No Peoeto Telephonl ring Lrlontr or Tele grllon POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB CHIC mmmflflr QB mi HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 71 AUTOMOTIVE moron CABS Pan sALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLIIAN AND LAND ROVER 10 down 17 GOWAN ST PA 6648 roll armn 0N own USED CARS Sec DON YOUNG KRAMER MOTORS LTD I65 BRADFORD FT BARRIE PA 0160 PA 6651 USED CARS Wldl lacuna I555 tn 57 IIIId down Tilephnnc PA nut use PDNTlAc 39 down Tun over glymlnll Apply Bill Sioroy Telep one PA 60268 1m loorrA red in land moch noieri uonditlon Ari onto mt Telephnno PA in PASTURE FOR RENT IlAvIt PASTURI or rpproxiin otely lzo head or crttlo rt ï¬lm per held or leuon Silt tupp ad Apva Lewis Keilinan mile eat or Brootwood POULTRY do CHICKS HYLINE PULLETS FOR SALE 2000 STARTING T0 LAY 5000 1293511516150 oRfErooquwiIIIysityuflo Torfor Lim IIGd lullIDC F0 Inlet MIDIm IUQIi Ind prIch content SKYLHVE FARMS LIMITED KETILEBY PHONE PA no or SIMWE DISTRICT COOP PA 66581 Ind BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 BARRI HOME SERVICES RICHARD LAKE PA 89295 oEleouioalt IPlumbIng OHEdling oMuoeroizing SIMCOE FLOOR CLEANERS STARTING SOON Crrrying luli line at equip ment to clorn your ofï¬ce store wliehouse etc COVERED BY LIABILITY msuRANCE PHONE STAYNER 377W4 COLLECT EDISTEEL UPHOLSTERY iiugr Drrper supeoven GOOD QUALITY AT UDWEST PRICES WITH EESI SERVICE Guaranteed Workmanshlp Free Estimates PA 61612 MAYFAIII CUSTOM UPIIOLSTERY AND RUG 30 64 BAYFIELD 511 BARRIE BOATS MOTORS écorr ATWATER liloruns also LAWNJIOY MOWEPS AQUA LUNG AIR STATION DELANE BOATS BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PA 33461 EXCAVAIING FILL GRAVEL UP SOIL SEPTIC TANKSPUMPED Dunting ono Grudinl wtor Delivdry crushed none our yard sreltboo or hire DENNIS MORAN to Anna Sinct aorrit PA is DOZER WORK GRADING AND EXCAVATING Fish ponds Lustrlleted lance row remuvchliind clearing LEE HART PHONE PA osozo EVENINGS PA 83139BARRIE INSULATION Alrtite Insulation II hIPPY to announce In lddfllah to their IIOCKWOOL Einwlnfl Iiisullunn tho All Now Alumin um Cllpbnlfll Aiding completely installed with SMDlohm lnoult ilig tucker hoopd in eight colors We are also Including aluminum doors windows and million by WINTER SEAL ALL woliit GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES mums Write or phenol SCOTT MUTE211 MLNESING cochT BEFORE you BUYGIVE us TRY PAINTERS SPRING PAINTING Have your printing done now At roosopnhlo rules For oxporleneed pointers phouo LLOYD CONRAD ORO 3723 FREE ESTIMATES SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEADLORCRJBPLED HORSES CAIILE HOGS Removed promptly ior disposal Telephone Barrie PA 7751 Long distance Zenith slow at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69C61 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We one open licensed to reinva your dent and eripploo rrnn Ini mli under tbrooovo tor FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT EARRE PArkway S3617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENPE 95061 LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPE SOILASUFPLY gt Fred ostimgtes inndronplng lnwo paintednee soddlnil leading rel ung ioruilrlng tproyirlg Cedtr Hedges ond Evergreen opooioi It Kentucky or Muiun hlliu gnu Aioo fluid sod delIVorod anywhere nounmbl nter TELEPHONE IA 68568 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Garden Design Planting First Class Nursery Stock Custom Rototiniug Seeding and Sodding FREE ESTIMATES PHONE ET HARDER PAY 37186 TIME FOR SODDI NG SEEDI NG Your property is here Ailhi For best results in londscoptrig rod dinï¬ seeding Drill maintononce FREE ESTIMATES ARNOLD VDEE PAINSWICK STROUD 63M CARPENTRY 1952 PONTIAC ledn woo Duh or hell ollrr Phone PA 64061 Iflcr six oclock isil FALCON Demonstrator luxo model in 1129 Tolephohl PA Him 15$ Palm two door radio in cuntdoing condition nos 25 down Telephone PA Mini ussgumgï¬rn ludvoor Ssedtdh in on too on ou ouo Tolopbono PA Ami CAsu LOANS um At month Tolepbono PA mo crop cont Pipnee zo Dunlap St lass sTmnAlmR outomotic glamsslonï¬ RX Wain palyï¬nhh no only Ielephono PA do on 1356 DODGE door with lid In ouutmdilu condition Price down Talbflhoiic PA 195 PLYMOUTH Slam UIIIIDII tone noun with xiichi In turiot Prim 5299425 down Ilt Phone PA 879 mo oruuliodnsu custom built radio on owner Mutt to P11 537525 down Teluphnnl PA 1953 BUICK Iiooomnlor Ilrdto outputtie trolirlniriion nod tu owored Appr 31 lilnrgnrot Strut mo in HELP WANTED FEMALE um REIAIL CLASSIFIED SALES WOMEN so PM cusrmm Anvnus ING THIS mm POSI TION mm PLBSUNAL DUN IACT WITH IDCAL BUIINN Hm 01 ALL TYPE YOU NIH NOT RAVI NKWSPAPEE mamas AS WE WILL WI Pm APPLI WOULD LII POSITION WITH ONSIDmBu OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE Hm APPLY IN WRITING 10 SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE ElmuE nxAlilNEli coax WANTED liori loo ex tri ooeod and nitlbllior Dwv cmr RuilunnL Tell holu PA 34315 beloru phi PA LmL PAniVnMx seenuritl work to done In Our home Mun ha no ull Oink to blwelve hr rllllï¬ ei wet ii men pp 585 er molfl For idiomnon cell Hill Niven end noon TWO WOMEN or mu work In Eliflu lhd Md BGIIII Hun ovenn incomo No experienc nflefll hltphnno PA Hm or PA ml rod nit tor hr Jock Arnott aALEsLADP wmiod tor singer Sowing Centro Prclu ruler ur penance with rppllrnm 5dr ml Ind mmvmy bepeott ht ri in un ulrry no commission ply Singer SewtnlCenire MALE HELP ancTiticlAN required lor wiring houses Must Do willing to work Telephone PA 6554 or urlth InformUnit DODYMAN with paper wrnied lnrroedlrt Apply lllyd Simmo Motors no street Rub rie or telephone PA Mail or lurther mlcmhtiop Two lililN worried lmmediotely it look Alter nles opd rervico In ntrrle Ind district hotter thn liver1o income Tolephooo PA 64ml ask or Mr Amoit WRENch riogio nun tor mm with good broiu tor pro mu vu Jeney herd writu viilg mu rrticulrrr to Clepholen om atop entrrio lIIAN WANTED or Hill on Simeon Should DIVE expul nice on gu doclr no miror re plifl Study politicI tor right Exp Areal so 1175531 mum er MAN WANTED or emollrhod Rollie Wltklno Producil No dx portend bursary No Iotlipio merit Full or put me Wriio Gluihior 50 st Roch Strum Montretl in Quebec MALE OR FEMALE CDUPLE REQUIRED to moiinto renninht Silto experience And eomglolo rerolne Apply to Edit to Arno Bummer SALES HELP 85 AGENTS lï¬ltdl GODD USED Ford Engine Truth minions Ind Rorr 2nd lold toil llgitloiiud Phone cooktown no mo AUSTIN AAo Repossoul Like now Only soon miles Hor old mu Limited 55 llunlo street West Telephone PA wag 1955 DODGE IIlmmp ncw uphol rterirg custom min lian lights Body Ind tires good oklnl pric SSSII Telephnno PA 317 13 oh 1561 CHEVROLET lor sole door Implo turho lide Loco miles nico run Privoto olle Telephone HI use PLYIIIUUTH Ioiu door Sedan cylinder Antonitic tronmir lion lnw milela in lxeoillit eonditlon Telnphnno PA 61st 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxo with rldIo in AI anilitiiln Must loll helore Friday iolophono PA soaa my time 1552 CHEVROLET sodn 95 Good troorportdtlun Mun bu told grail prior Telephone stroud lest AUSTIN Convertible No no rorlobio otter remsed Aloo relt built an int transmission Add dlllererltnl for 1952 Chevrolet APPI 211 Cook Street 1950 romoc Lrureuiio Zdpdr automatic rrdio roield wuhell whitewdll Hr ton wig moon original miiei wul erupt inde Toldphana on 2512 1955 IERCURY uutomntio power stoeflnsabd power brake In Ai condition throughout tone men and white Phooo Hool lock E5702 my time 1953 vaLxswAGEN In voly load condition Privately ha en rt Dol wl nerdryr srturdoya For 47R suouo mo DODGE Sedl transitioned V8 in tor EDIIDBI ndlo now Ill covers now paint lob now ougbout rim down Tolephane PA 33 its METEOR dour Clem throughout Murt he sold 0on i221 Telephono PA M506 95 Palm Station Wagon In ox Mammal Telephone PA H300 1359 CHEVROLET man euitooi rldio Ind hind nhw dial Onl Fwnor Juslbï¬rconAdflifyflld sell 11 runab affairh street or tpeIephooo PA TRUCKS 85 TRAILERS loss VoLKSWAGhN window Van for sole Excellent condition 17 000 mile pan InformnI it all lulohnlio Icei by sorrilt Ros Apply 69 Err Rodd otter MARTIN CABINET MAKER MODERN KITCHEN COMPLETELY FINISHED AND INSTAILED WITH OSTAINLESS STEEL SINK OARBORIIE TOP gt nMAiIOGANY DOORS FOOT slzooo ram 13500 row lilooo FOOT Simon smoloa RR N0 JARRIE HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH PA 60781 PLASTERING 7slucco STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE itOLLECT PERSONALS Runs Deadly Shop Mothers Ddy Special MAY out To loin vaportori Jerry nnd lion Free Manicure with Every Permanent TELEPHONE PA 50668 PA 68244 Al Ointment uniLime LocA ION ACROSS FROM INNISFIL PRIVATE HOSPITAL We curl up mil in tor you WANTYDUR FORTUNE told by error lror appointment ielcphonu PA Winn wmnw going to business would like to share her iumiohed epon ment with lime or bulineullldy iolophoino PA 3535 otter pm WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY sitar Coldwover etc oy errtloeo hlirdrosscr to our own home Pbono PA up or pA Drool Try An Examiner Want Ad EDD Po 82414 MEN WANTED For immedlrto opening in run near mm to jail flmnli Rhwlclflh Products Steady picumt promhumor Mmy onion weekly Ill up 1er RAW Dept BGP 1005 Richelieu ntriill TEACHERS WANTED IEACIIEB wAnIed or eliht ID gï¬hPuhlInN IliILODIk telcyllntn NED MIT or PP on QUALI II in ltllrr secretarytraitor Tiibury untorlo mtIn lclunns roo mine or peciflh EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL Loux Arron children Ir my own home will call Tele phone PA 636 Iiolishwonx hnbyslttlbg Ind nil olehill done by the hour WlI work from Momm Phopu PA $2563 ter liirthor in lumotlon IIDOKKEEPER Accountpt ro tired on hmlon Alter lo ynrs Nico wih loeol tinn reoiiinil mu or orttimo employment John Lolnil High street Tolephnno PA Mail 11 LEGAL NOTICES JUDICIAL SALE OF COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND 3Y4 PUBLIC AUCTION LANDS To BE SOLD ARE MUNICIPALLY KNOWN AS 174 DUNLOP STREET EAST BARRIE ONTARIO iN THE MA1TER or THE PARTITION ACT no0 moo CldiAPTER 237 an INTIIE MATTER or THE APPLICATION or JOHN IAcoo PURSUANT to the Judgment tniiilll Order or Illa mldl in tense there will or altered ior n10 hyplibllc Auction Ill one If Hug or the county of Simon At the shown Oiilee Court House floor lle outrrio at the hour ol 300 oclock In the hitcrooun the 5th day oliiluy ml the allowing ioodr Arid premises knuwu 3511 Dunlap street Elsi In tho City or hurrie more ponieuiirly dee orlheg in instrument Number liseiis registered in the Re try Olflco tor the RegistryUV lion ol the County at SIMCM Tlio proportyewilloe nUeed or role Iuhlect to or reserve hid WhIEh bu heen ï¬xed by the Duil The Purchloei lhlII pug that IIW ï¬rm of Condor 85 119 DHDIDP Sheet Elsiï¬dilla Oil trrio on the dry or laid de grit at or In amount oi Pumllhil 11101193 and also In agreement to eoinplote tro ur chlle Incoming to ID Coudi on of Sole Adjustments to be main II Ilia of communal at tho llle The Purchalei shall march the title rt his own expat rile Vendor lhnll flat on hnund to Produce Any Ihfliiict at my Drudr or Evldomh time other than more in nu possession or cuntrnl In III olhol Niven Ilia Candilinns of Bill trr Ilia standing conditions sale Ella Court as modiï¬ed by the Cnndi tioru or solo settled by tho un dcrsimed FORTH portlcullrs Ind Cun oiuooo or slip may h9nbtliiied Pom Mus CONDER AND SUGG Eurrifle Ind Solicitors 129 up lop Streot Eh Dorrie Ontario Solicitors npgolnted by tbo courI to conduct 15 Its OwdrldevrfuI the way ClassifiedVAdsngt re Coulhllh ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTELS BY AUCTION UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN oi to CDILIW fthu poll no no or GHC Voltoo 5011 No mum Linne Nu lot Ihe In to mm or Diner 51ml AWL Toronto In no tom motor In nine to aid mo up to Sun MID 50 On OHM NOTES15 th nilE at on loci rt tin pnoilru 401103 Come In the Tail of Hills dole tor and Gun truck des mind lbavn All by uhlli lucflhn Jerry umoneen Tim cub mbifzté II D16 DA inn tte or MNHOALS nNrAli mfgr nighï¬louï¬uitérmuc Eurlo ODIIIID 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE LIGHT STANDARDS gulf teraoorsnwéu ho rmIvro EX III Dim lily ml tor tho lortrilriion at 41 commie Jllht ltlndlrds all Duoloo Street to the City or Elrfle Speciï¬cIon mly be ob illned Iii City CIelkl 0mm oi Collier Street norrte InweII or Deli lender not necessarily lb topi SIRAUGlIAN CITY ch Wani Aids Phone Pa 82414 TWO Yours sulis Phone £15814 will be mid of iioo oil lm mï¬ur wit ooooiiione lSELL Most Anything Installed all this in your line in other towns 12 TENDERS SUPPLY OF CONCRETE LIGHT STANDARDS SCH tender VIII received tn undufllnod no to on tv ml tor the rupolr nl comm ilxht wand on Blur loo strut in to City or Burlu ï¬rewall my be obialoha It to city clorko out at cou Ier Sm horns MIDI or In Ieodar not mainly Accepted STRAUC cityum DEAILTHRH OF PUBLIC WORKS OTTAWA TENDERS sum moms rddmreo to Sureilry Deptflmtnt at Public Womvairi sir curler Topper alluding divmlor Drive main and moaned mom mu illo SUPPLY or COAL COKE run OIL AND pRDPANE oAs iron 111E maul pun mos THROUGHOUT Phov lNCE or ONTARIO ioolqoor will or reneweduntil szoo Plu afsri THURSDAY KAY smutdon rod Iona ot un der on ohiAihed rt tho om DI the com or Purcbrun rod Storm iiooiu use sir lurlu roppar nuIldiu iiivoruor Drivo our Dr puma Mun er no hrvlo Toronto out 10 trict Monu Dominion Public guudinl ï¬ansonbgnmn um In at Fortuwfilidm OnL Tender must be made on th rinmi lomr wowed by the eminent end in rccorduieo the condition net ortn therein The niecle conlrlrtoi my be remitPied Improvide lecurily hetero the rword oi the ronirrot in no mount rod tom dcoevubio to tho heprimtni Tho lowest or Iny llnddr not ï¬rming rmptrd BERT Purim uu Service 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE DAY MAY 18 urrie at union trout lander buudoro olde Chev irueir potato mitoioery ti oindrr Vermeer bu rubber llruil tango will archrd IDIUEL Ilm methlnory Implemrotlurpentor tools my and min Inuquo lun olturo Ate AT LOT 58 DOMINION MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Progeny ol Crrl Rumor hie ll Emblhlm Telnu No reserve Prnn In lelfld Ind pm rlcihr quitting KENvalld CLAN PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS PT bers of the ad department are continual you move merchandise Mill ILLUSTRATION SERVICES Notljllst chenilleJunior Servicerbub two Seniorservices Fourteen months or these mats thousands of illustrations are kept on tile for your use AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU You can illustrate your sales message with ease get better sales results NEW rouillvllllir In addition to new modern building The Dorrie Examiner has spent thousands of dol lars to install the newest and finest kind of printing equipment All this equipment was cney spent so that you can have your sales message deal and easily Aim Many of themedmule hack shophave been With Tile Examiner for years Others have spent many years working in other fine printing shops All or them are conscient ious about their work and take pride In good clean newspaper Yoilr sales message gt in good hands THE comniurnslillowulnor om NEWSPAPERS As part of the Thomson Group Ihe Barri Examiner has El its bee and call the coin billed knowledge or the other 24 Canadian Newspapers Through our Director Advertis ing Office information As to successfln compolgns and new adldecsis constantly being sent to your Examliier dd shaft This can help you agtent deal for other merchants in are lacing the same problems as you are Their solution can he II Diltflcl lz TENDERS TENDERS WANTED mun Roou SEPARATE SCHOOL TenderK in oouuueuoo pl on Ith or III Sam at nuluu flu £655 Bdlflol 5min Nu ll LII my Ania Ontario viii bu nede not liter torn no or THUMDAY II HAY II It Lh otlioo or Siltr ud Allison Am d1 humming on cm Inn will be lulu ID len enl conductor oy in millim an IT ml KUJHI upon wdiiop rpleuiion morn unlod by duvet thoriu no lower or urorr will not manually be rmptod Fill and IPNflclllflnl DI on II II III TDlOlIIQ Ind urni ulden mo mm AN 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PWWMAN AND CULWIIJ LTD PHONEBARRI PA on vIcToRIA liAiiEcUii doom hm RIMl 17 Pill Adveflllinl Proiusionni MM Satisï¬ed custodian gt BARRIE AUCTION RQOMs 55 DUNLOP STREET WEST Auction hold every FRIDAY EVENING AT 730 PM We will moi goods lor Auction do Iron moo AM To limo PM on TELEPHONE PA won or debit JEIIRY COUGlILIN AUCIIONm AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY Auction nlo ot huuuhoid iiin iuro ion LUKE SEAKELL Ar ISS oRADPORD ST BARRIE Ltrt ineiuder rv rrt Ileotrio rtovo relrileniur modalo bed room Iiiile Woodword Pirno roud on And mil line or olhor bourtholri elleeu tooir Ind mny other Araliar ortieleL TBRMS CAsll No RESERVE As llooilz to sum SALE AT 100 PM SHARE JERRY coUGlluN AUCIIONDIR AUCTION SALE SATURDAYMAY ELMVALE SALES ARENA 100 PM sliAlLP Auction said houuhoid Ind ldvm mmlun Ind llIIEhEII Igulp menilul in Ad condition or Anyone Viithin tucunliln filmi ture my do to conttun the Alliialioerl It Intalll Elrhoui worm ovenihll ANDERSON PLOWLIAN AND COLWILL AUCTIINEEIIS 13 AUCTION SALES BAILIFF SALE V1111 ll rutmm hind tunn lho landlord Ind tenant not hu been no Mina 62 ton rrn or on kit to lolloutor PEAtel o1 iir Ntlooo liohiiunp or tb City or County clamor Illll otter too HutchLula ror nubile tuctlon on may evening tiny mi It to hour of pin it taum AuelJoo Roeu so ounlop 5L Wu torro eriy limid mu oloner wuoo when eoio ernlner wiloui onion erbloet intoIt tlblefl Vlnlllin oleD Ir door imp bed Ipflnu Ind Into nut rm ringi eonllhmui ood rollu beds to slam non rleo trlc no Wotioxooon not null Wu er lulollull clotte dryr nostril Murdan thuu dnrun drum unit murmur ntrrio this Add dry im nil HYRILL hm hriiiu JERRY COUGELLN Aucuonou CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver tisements are Inseer at that rate oi do per word per Insertion or one and tdeImes it per word or three our or live times and Wu per word lor or more Insertions 10 AMP lioniil charge It not paid within lo d4 THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADv VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 216 WORDS 1F GARGLL PER SUIGLIE IN SERTION ill$°° phone urrrurr om 1r Pg conditioner in you voltil Therefore the Cllulfled Advenifln papamoot nqulrol $913745 him Altar Am Mum In 1513er my error or onusion um oo reportod boron up in order on buy no rootinrd tor to tollowing dry lmmlon order Wo who to aim niJhlt Tbo hum lko or rap mol in only on Incorrectly railed lnrrrtioo on In no tomm Ind LII to exupl or portion at out Involve the mlopriot Eï¬orl which do out lamb tho nine or tho oovortiso ioeot or not oilrio sumo uohlvrmlll not oriï¬lirrrliï¬ory °I mood through Tb Exmtoor rd nrtlriog do rrtment BLIND HamilIon Irdlnl Idveltllul Iflinï¬ Blind mtor Bax Nllllhbil or Ipliu II hlld Molly odnfld rollermm or DIIDUElUim SYou Geltint service When You LAdvertise CI in the EXAMINER When you advertise in your daily newspaper The BariIa Examiner there are many hidden but neverthe less Important advantages These PLUS services are all designed for yourvbeneflt or without RESULTS your advertising is waste of nioneyTheso PLUS services give you the results your message deserves EXPERIENCE IN STAFF The ad staff is trained In writing copy making layoufs End In merchandising This Is gt continuing process Through the direction of Thomson Newspopers head cities all mam2 getting ideas slid methods that can help Metro and Sisaizlpspconldaixiiw our liliiii Quillill orgrlll NEWSPIIESIIIITIITION More andrmore every day the newsstbrles oi the Barrie Examiner both local arid lla tioriol aré getting better This is or great concern in you because good news story Ibeside your ad Attracts readership Fairlnstance story on We sport page about our ling bowling hockey later which most Inenin your ad which might herlght beside Vitl Vgl Ger loo Gems wonnor Risuns town will read can attract attention to rhizetiEnV OLLAIISDENT iN