ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS PROUD KAREN THE NEWS oi the Blessed EatJot can be announceu to your friends and relatives on only $150 Jot telephone PA 0in IN MEMORIAM REMEMBER MOTHER Sin Nev FUitdl ior iarnilies who wish to pay in little to their dephrled Motbon Tho Barrie Examiner has on tile many beauiinll verses which many perrcctly portray your leel lrlgr you wish to ploco an aimionlAM FOR MOTHERS DAY Please call PA will and ask lor an ad writer or you may corn 1nio our counter 11 you preler to mail it in address your latter in Th Burllo Examiner Classl dod 1191 16 naydeld street Copy must be in by Friday May 12th ENGAGEMENTS CHRISTIE reptilesMr and Mrs Alex Christin or Barrio wish to announce the engagement or their daughter Patricia Ann to Richard Allen Forbes ion or Mr and Mrs Cecil Forbes oi Barrie The marriage will idle place at Burton Avenue United Church Saturday Juno ml at 100 lun YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK beenuso you know that good prospects might be trying to gel In touch with you duringliidsr periods when your phone aemce is discontinued est principal and taxedCongistd Its the some with your advervl tlsing People are owing every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued COMING EVENTS Nequy New Sale PARISH HALL BASEMENT MAY 18 I9 20 REGULAR STORE HOURS Good irde clothing and miscell aneous articles Sponsored by Trinity Guild Convener Mrs Woltendon PA dim Cocoavenersr Mrs Help PA Emu Mrs ages PA 35530 CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN Sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society APRIL 24 MAY Proclaimed by City Council Pleaso cooporsto to make and has our city clean Barrio Bond or orks will pick up dabru all over Barrie THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY 41h AND Sih Place rubbish in Container have everything on Boulevardnot on Street HELP MAKE BAEltiE BEAUTIFUL SPRING TEA COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY MAY 5th 230 to 530 pm Admission 35c sponsored by Collier street Unl ted Church WA RUMMAGESALE $6509 oil price Evenings PA $7555 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE NORMAN Shelswell mi ESTA GRUKDI Dunlop sweat nut PA 89961 OR68742 SERVICE STATION SNACK BAR GROCERY with are lor service all year round bitumen on busy hilhwly showing good return on invest meni Unlimited psssibllluos is the right persons Coll lsclr Viii son Ior complete details OWNER TRANSFERRED and has io sell this bedroom brick bungalow with arauc lust ooo old and ice ed on Mar loo acent Low down payment to sibgla 6V NilA momF Call loeL Willson arrongo rpection EVENINGS CALL lo Longtln PA doles mereil sbalrweu 010 am dawtrd Norm PA was lack Wiiilon PA I546 Jinl Lemoo PA dam Norman obelswell PA meal Céï¬igN 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre 312900 31500 down Lovely room brick bungalow Oil beating Thrco bedrooms Built by Veltch Close to Public and High Schools Coll Runell Carson om PA Will Evenings PA ulol $1000 DOWN room trams bungalow smallest condition if rails trorn cit llrnltl on Highway 11 Carries or month in torert and prlnc pa Low isxer Call Gerry hisllory oiilce PA owl LVenings PA b7072 lvALLTdWALL BROADLOOM PAINSWICK $12900 hill price with 52400 down hunglow NHA mortg carries ior monthly luciud og loten or three bedrooms en llvin room Csil nursell Car soo mics PA duel PNnnIlisl PA Hidi NEAR UNIVERSAL COOLER 51000 down Reasonablypriced iiomy and ball homo Flvo hlca rooms Low tax Largo lot Low monthly pay nts Substan ilal reduction or larger down pay Call erEShcnr DIIIce PA miizveoinn PA 57585 FERRIS LANE $75m tall price Seven room large kitch trams home oNLY 311100 DOWN Cau Gerry Mallory idr rurtber particulars PA Will Evenings PA 071 CITIES SERVICE RESTAURANT AND GARAGE izuoo tull price and septa down will handle Pour miles from norrie on Highway 27 Call Russ arson ortico PA 56481 Evens ing PA 66151 THORNTON brick duplex on main street on hosted excellent income possibili ties snd low tsxer w1LL CON 5mm TRADE oN SMALL HOUSE IN bendinmlï¬lu pricn $6500 my ory orrco PA moolngs PA um NEAR ST JOHN VIANNEY SCHOOL Six room aoiid brick two storey home with roll basement and new all rurosce ONLY shoot DOWN Full price swoon call lilorg Shorar Oiflc PA 56481 PA 6648l Member oI Barrie and District nesl Estate Board MOVING For complots moving service star and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Essa Rd Barrie PArltway $5575 PA 68125 14min IABHIE nghuNEn Winn MAY REAL ESTATE EHOPKRTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNEL REALTORS ONEDUNIDPWEAST Pint in Barria Home SalesFormula Quality oi Setvice PA 85558 TRUNK LINES ill DRURY LANE BithK BUNGALOW WITH FIREPLACE slam Very attractive 5bedroom bullioi not gulls years old la main alina bright tchen rooml and he too clots to do with nlnetie otoislor drepiac town it restores vlded basement in living room an extra large ldoal ior recreation Fully equipped with aluminum ltonns and screens Thu NIIA 5w mortgage carrier or only id in lto VANCOUVER STREET $8 per month including han 51$ THIS NOW The localion gh demand and will aeu quickly Phone PA bow right awayl bBEDROOM SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW slum Hero is real boy in Bhrriel East End Only years old this home in like now in spotless condition throughout and all deoon atlas but been dooo with eaceuent lute Thero Li very lovely kil chen lo the lront with big area and very bright due to tho largo lrool windows The living room is large wellproportioned and most stirElite hilly equipped witnsiorms and screens bow down payment with only on mortgage or the balance that carrier tor $9105 including taxes Doni hesitate on this out but phone PA was 5000 One oi in be me NAPIER STREET st planncdinieflorl or any Ebrdroom bungalow in Barrie Iia rancbotyla clapboard with natural stone racing with an enclosed breescway connecting to the ale Thermopsno windows trout and rear real ovrnlxe master bedroo big pariectly planned kitchen bone dry pouredwall baromeni the eitlng ol the houso on ï¬nely landscaped won lot all add up to home charm and comiort We will he the market lor long Soopuliire Unlnl phone PA STRABANE AVENUE leased to show it to you nowit wont be $556 on iBEDROOM RUG BRICK Wllll GARAGE Simon The rsvourito livingdining combination and builtio Hsnovar kitchen In natuni birch This is well kept Lyehold bungalow oaa owner since new combination liormg all around trait iron and Has nicely hoishcd recreation avod privan driveway to garage gllg tlrlnl carry nu It 38115 monthly nmpleiei NAPIER STREET$1400 DOWN ROOMSONE MORTGAGE room aluminum beautilully iencod lot with thriving swat back Mort 39600 storey good lamily home close to Codrlngton schooL Mod crn lorced air oil heating bathroom on ground floor The mort gago carries or only 75 per month Dont miss this chance Call Mrs Moore PA uses 115 BLILM ROGERSPA was EVENINGS CALL DOREPA 181 FOSTEHA um 17 CONNELLPA MEMBERS BAiililn Dlslriicr nu MAT ncAnn CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGHSTREEI BARRIE PHONES PA $0241 PAW We have omencall us anytime EVERYTHING 1N RML PSTATE AFTER HOURS CALL Smith Cam boll PA 31389 Frank NelcoPA 6669 Joan tang 115761 Fergus GarveyPA D705 Memhcn ol the norm lioal Estate Board STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 85901 BUILDI ot Cookstowo lurtbcr details CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COTTAGE BARGAIN 100 water frontale at Big Boy Cottage reduced in Point ior quick sale hath Newton slrco root tho mode hnseme ment and pay price $12300 $2500 DOWN Flreplacs in livin dining room or this bedroo Iwith paved drive garage Patio area Large llving room kllcbo See this one berore its gone HOME AND INCOME Cute bedroom brick bungalow on rice ebedrooms pc Purchaser can at apartv au expenses Full rick spuricvcl and buiitin at rear Prestige RmiomlAL bCOMlllEliCiAL iNDusiluAL Coll PA IISSDI tor appoint mom to res for yourscu Members or lbs Barrio and District Real Estate Hoard Merv Gould0m 2516 Doris Nulil ELR comhePA essay Edith GouldDru 2515 Harry SleasorPA boon AND Broom units For op ointmc Percy ord NAPIER STREET BUNGALOW and bath unnolshod Well Four rooms Priced to salt Percy Ford in STRABANE largo 5th stone ureplsce In 21 root living and dining room ikilchen panouod don three bed nesuuiul and stono rooms double place in lor room Term HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 1126mm ESTATE SALE Thiyoider type dn hie house is located in downtow panlo nvc IS OWen PHONE Separate heating at to lnopoct phone mum Upstairs landscaped lot 52000 down Phone Lindsay supPlY executive brick hwy and workshop Full 31600 down Large Hanover heated garage Fire divlded recreation nder NHA Call tilts SUBDI MIoihranï¬ifl ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER STREET Saturday May 6th AM 12 NOON Auspioes CsthoUc Womenl League st lolm Vianney Aliandhie For pickup call stroud oznzl RUMMAGE SALE TRUE BLUE HALL HIGH STREET SATURDAY MAY AUSPICIS SASVTTION ARMY MIXED DANCING IVY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY MAY 1961 939 PM 1100 AM Lunch counter PAxloNs CHESTRA ADMlssi 75c BS LEARN CHAPT Presenrsv gt TAYLOR is CLAPPEEION STREET BARBIE PA 61761 EVENINGs PHONE AL FOSTERPA 61555 GENE MOORE PA Mano MEMBER OF TORONTO AND ONTARIO rim ESTATE BOARDS sum nuNGALow mortgan $111 monthly room In years old July occupancy Telilphflno PA Hm THREE nongoqu nsncb name baseboard hot water heating two bathrooms two ï¬replaces them pass window throughout broad loom rag large builtlo chins csblnct nuny besuuhu extras One mile 1min Elmvaie on 111 way 92 write has al Eimv or telephone lauw ER soandrett €1DAVIDS0N lovely family bile three lild room immaculate brick bungalow stuns plaster and kitchen pstlo No 475 EVENINGS RITA SCANDnm PERCY F0111 PA Must Member or Barrie and District and Ontario Roll WT BOAKE REALTOR 251 nnAnIolm 5mm nAnlilE PA roam still aching ror Clara WakemanPA Midi Ralph BoakoPA soon Member at Barrie and Diaiflet lical Estato CUSTo STOLLAR couslltucrmN urn For lurth PA 87204 mrAlm fhnoitm Tm Only $2200 down and one mortal red Coll Rib Scandro root tov soroot largo living room runch fenced with TORIA AND Owner transfer tt door CALL PA 84335 Btnto Boards Ind II on net PA on PA 95833 131111 ti amen ANGUS $595 Good water SITE iIIél PA 61879 Poll SALE by and HOMES nxirds Has contained Bo or lolormatlon mason and braih Many extrul division Aiiilton LARGE nainï¬alsw litres Em my ï¬x iniI baronth nooduapsd with Two yca to toï¬flyor pbono MEMBEH aAlmli BIG BAY POINT Kitchen large living room bedrooms and bath Largo renced lot private well completely win torizcd hon1min immaculate can Pail price seam Down payment or $2500 NO II HIGHWAY MILE FROIVI LIMITS Large Iliving room dining room two bedrooms kitchen and three piece bath hlsenlent oacb thormostat controlled Apply V18 Barrio Examiosr RANCH smlz bungalow square test 01 iloor space solid years old extra deep hademont 55 Goorge streety1lllcrert subs NG LOT Building lotlor solo in village loo loot Irootage by 150 set deep Par prior and APPLY aAnnla EXAMINER no as CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St IliltiiEL MARSHALL PA 84450 connv PA WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS 35483 FARMS COTTAGE nuerlSSES HENRY ICK MICHIE Sin Barrie PA H583 REAL ESTATE two Ample wuior Garage and price $3000 with Payments to he or ranged with vendor TOLLEN DAL VISION and during our raoram you will frontau Wooded Iota Price taro escb NOTE WE ARRANGE V10 GREY TRUST MORTGAGES After hours phone Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bob FieweiiingPA 85883 MOVING Dont rorgol to traosrel your INSURANCE extra coverage at an SEE STEVENSONS mi 89 DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 Large Iota 66 230 laiiinl or $100 down idml to unit Lou lam Iron Mr Cecil Avenuu Telepbo owner Modem three bedroom brick bungalow near schools and churches Many three roam rslr aPlflan 12m room lblidlcdperl HE SENT FULLY Modern mick bedrooms LolhlP vlng room and dining room Lot 75 lad teal aids CMHC George street Alue HI 53010 ma REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sALll HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR BAYZFHZLD 51 PA 6645 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING Nicely landscaped lot with boat and tidy homo or tour bed room Large livinx room dim log room sunporch largo kit chen with an added lumer tn ehon Garage oll healo This homo can bo msdo into an income very easily Only 312000 with small down payment For lnspcellon Karl Marsha PA mll $4000 DOWN room iVa storey homo on Drury unc Livinl room dining room kildien bedroom and run room downstairs bedrooms upstairs On lot so l6 loci Well lonfllt scoped Moon In excellent condi tion inside and out No decoriv inl needed Just move in For thriller particulars eail loo Pals mor PA soon Now IS THETIME To buy Cltrlrirnar tree plauia lien 15 acres or and with 3000 trees eight year old and 2000 trees livo years old Thus trees are well trimmed but need Itierl tion now so the older ones can be sold lor this Christmas Room to plant soother 5000 trees Call Joe lmer PA own 48 HOURS IN DAY Thats what you get when you put Harold Forster to work on sclllog our home or property Four iui time lumen working to sell your home More pm peels mean hotter chancel tor quick sale Thats why more peo lo aro going to Harold Forster sell their property Call In or any or the salesmen ilstc Iow inztho evening Member or Barrio and District Iiell Estlo Baird ZVENINGS CALL molly mum PA Min 01 PALMER PA was HAROLD FOItSIER PA Hind KARI MARSHALL PA Hm FOUR BEDROOM Bun blow bathrooms on heat vlc nlty North Collegiate Telephone PA pom Pluan roll quick Sal mm labed llve room coitago at Glen wood ncach Lot so in teal Good alvlinlnilll and eloso to stores Telephone Strvuli mm Room HUNGthaw hovel aide ing years old Pressu system small barcmcol mins lrom Camp Borden Phono iiqu New Lowell ALLANDALB Custom built brick bungalow Ava years old In Anna street south Largo down payment required $711 monthly eludes Interest principal and res PA owe FOR SALE by owner hlodorn throa bedroom brick bungalow near churches and tchools Gari agh paved driveway and many other line features For partlcu lars telephona PA 37737 PROPERTY WANTED PAIulior pasture ram wanted Would trada tor triplex with good income Telephone PA N36 PROPERTY Fog SALE on RENT PARKING splice downtown $125 per Wonk Apply Harold llili Lin lted 55 Dunlop West PA Mm hronnnN trolls pleco bath bedrooms living room dining room and utility room ml lus nscc Reasonable oslrviaw nescb Phone Wasags Beach ZEWI ALLANDALB District bouso wltii large modern kitchen bedrooms living room and hathrnorn coal furnace Double lot 65 month ly Telephone PA 37522 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 01 RENT 1957 GLENDALE two bed room trsuer ror sale Clcsn con dition tuuy equipped many ex tras Priced to roll owner going west Apply Gllmoras Motel High way 11 north BUS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS Im looking for capable intelli Xent mun with high standard oi Integrity and ability There ore locations svallablo in this area and in tbc Toronto hrea both now and iii the future otter you the most thorough training iaciuties in the business you qualify you can proceed to build prosperous busluess or yourself as Fina doaler with minimum capital outlay 777 mum to to now and be in time for the program beginning Juno wvliE 19 coDnlNGTON STREET BARRIE lt or Telephone PA 6852 CANADIAN PlliiioFINA LTD America MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Nd bonus Payments lnsurad lllludt lcnlderlt IiCILrl death CRESCENT FINANCE is DUNLOP sr PA moi MOIVIGAGEE Aland 2nd hflfllh solo and srranged Commamlai and rodiliuitinl Manny lfllan on existing mortgages oarr1 Hm III Broke PA $3504 living room and klichcn ilcaicd BARBIE EXCEPTIONALLY Sult girls orbuslhcss couple Funmdilnn Apartmcnt and one nue or iclephone PA 81524 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES lMMEDlATE MORTGAGE LOANS wrra Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAiumm YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY 31 Cdililloligï¬h debtsn nonguflsingia Home improvement Any worthbit use Call today lor appointment PA 60981 EVENINGs PA 61032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada I29 DUNLOP EAST mono To WAN on Am or sec ond mortgage Apply hos Ban rio Examiner 31206 ml MflliTOAGB wanted imml Slatwa It Elsi lg lnnrél so ox mariner RENTALS APTSl EDUSES 10 RENT Two uNPumslllm Rooms to rent Control location ileat and lights supplied Use ol bathroom Telephone PA N59 room or rent Ap 1y at to san iord Street or elephants PA 58255 slx x0011 11qus with garage big gardcn Located at in Como street lelc honc PA M179 be lween on pmr BRIGHT two room arlment with kitchenette and no East water and parking apsco duppilod Apply at iai Napier stroot AVAMIILE lliAlI lst ono lur nlshed apartment one unltintiih ed Both sell contained onc child welcome Dayo Piloaa 83270 Evo ninll PA 54508 PENETANG street two bedroom bcatcd sou contained artmont pnvlio entrance heat monhly Availsols now Telephone PA 68684 GROUND FLOOR Ihrcc rooms and bath private entrance parking lacillllcs Available May is Close to downtown Apply dd Mspla Avo TWO 1410011 Apartments with slow and rclrlgcrator noccntly decorated both very central snd reasonable rent Avallnblo May 15 Tolcphoba PA M717 liooili brick House bedrodros living dining room kitchen and place both Near Ccotrol School neasonoblo reni Telephooo Glen Adams Mlneslng 915 kENTAis APTS HOUSES TO BENT ANGud one bedroom boon with thus ieca Datum newly tie rat Suit couple Telephone mp Borden Amamv our room gplrt mill redecorated heated 1A rent $50 monthly AFPU nick Steela Ind Sol Collier StruL relepunos PA limo days PA um evenlnu Now Decorated roor room oelt contained unibrolahed spar meat Downtown location with arklog laelutiu Telephone PA 7711 or runner deans um um out and Plan overlookinu the Modern throo room unturnls ed spart ment with bath Separate ent noce bus at door near beorh Vacant and per month Telephon PA 475 or PA 85¢ mono undo noolls senesc iainzd tifper duplex newly deg onted air or cupboards ou bested Two blocks iron new shop plog cenire nssrmsat collides and lawn Apply 66 Henry street or Phone PA M116 uNleNullzD three room apart lneot heated and rederorated private entrance Suitable tor oils or two Iduiu Kerri rater and nogciie 1r desired ago includ ï¬bétvalhblc now Telephone PA EAST END onJiIta route New and modern Largo one bedroom apartment stovo and rolrigerator rup lied laundry lacllitles good Adults Availlble immed atoly Also apartments ovailablo June one and two bedroom limo racllllles abovo Adults Telephone PA 85851 GROUND floor apartment Thre mam ilVIic bub dell cantllnefl uniurnahmi stingertor and Hove Also In two hedmnm lumlahzd apartment Also email lround floor apartment contained furnished Telephone PA 60164 belore mornings Ru pm ovoninn RO0MS TO LET PmiNislinn bcdslitlng room lio cb illshcl rangolto supplied Use remgerator One block nom Five Points Tolcphono PA b1960 nnnnuoli FOR pm In dulet home west end district close to downtown suit business map Telephone PA Hui FURNISHED 1100M ror root with rangetto use or refrigerator and ncndix Ground floor Central lo cation Tclephono PA 012 Two iurnlsbed housekeeping rooms vlclnliy or bus station and Lobisws Suitable for con iii no objection to children We or monthly PA 1111291 alter pm leNisuon lsrga room and kitch en Slave and refrigerator sepre ale catrancc Also one smaller tarnished room Parking space afï¬rm location Telephone PA TWO nnuuooii ApartmentWilli Centrally located lieniul $58 per month Telephone PA mill or iurthcr inrormslloo Two BEDROOM ilousc close to schools Just ouLsIdb clt limlis Close to bus roulo lusl iaclii ties TUc lloors throughout Tele phone PA Mass UPPER DUPLEX tbrcs unrum lsbed rooms and private bath HelteiiAvnilnble June 1st Adults Jipr iii Pcnelsng streptor te op ans PA 55154 Two IlOOIIIED Furnished Apart ment also mode unturnlshed apartment lioih heated and avail able immediately Telephone PA 905 lor turihcr inrormatlon THREE 110ml Apartment with lecc hath Clam to shopping and us Refrigerator and range sill 11112111 $5750 per month Telephone PA H751 TWO ROOM apartment and bath room tully rutplotted heat by dro and water supplied Three minutes lrom dowoto Tel phoric PA sauna TintEE knoll uniurnisbcd lpdrt roent separate entrance sell con iaincd pnrkinzlnciiiilos Availablo immediately Telephone PA 82770 lor iurthsr lnidrmation LARGE mum ground lloor hosted Iparimnnt Uniurnisborl fireplace ample storage separate bsscmeot Available July 1st Adults prelerrcd Telepbooo PA and onoinvn Iloor or house three large rooms share hydro Imnt and back entrnnrd1dyiield street south or Woulngtan slrsst Ab itoinbra 60 per month Tele bon PA doors hionnltN Two bedroom apart moot centrally located stove and remgerotor laundry Incillt tics and parking looltor service Available lmrnedl Telephone PA 55092 NEW AND Modern ona and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempeniolt Bay Host wh tor parking and janitor service included Automatic Wldhiill ra eilitles PA 37902 MODERN two bedroom sell con talhed apartment Newly decon ated Close to downtown Parking ultd laundry racillties neat and 68807 ROOM furnished artment with privsts bath Hes hydro and water supplied This is in quiet part or the city Suit new is Availablenow 70 per month olephooc PA Ems BUNGALDW on Kompeniolt Drive six rooms on bested Beautilully landscaped 55 mon ly Available June Adults pm rerrcd Telcphooo PA 954 avenA inns mgr ROOM tarnished bested npnltnlent Privats bathroom re rrlgerator stove privato laundry includes and plenty Mnbnard space CentraL suit business girls or coupls Teidphone PA 797 THREE axnnoollt apsrhoeot gs rage large kitchen laundry tubs washing machine Hydro water and heat supplied Centrally lo cated mom per month Tehr phone PA dam COMFORTABLE partly furnished three room apartment in East End Includes one bedroom Close to animal and shopping 65 mon thly Avallablo now lclepbono PA 012 WAmu comfortable filldialled heated threo room Vaplrtment Stove and rerrlgorator and loud ury foeiliLies in Allsndale area one chud welcome Ample parks tog space Telephone PA 53561 CENTRAL Location Three room rurnlibeil apartment with icon hath Hosted heavyaduty aovo hardwood floors solt contained Available April 15 Apply Arm ItanEd Hurdwaie illoDnnN ooo bedroom allrt ment uviog room kltchan and bathroom private cntrsocs sop arato laudd rsriiitlos Heat and whteh supp ed 75 Telephone PA Avababls now clear throa room rurnlshcd apartment host ed private entrances modern klchon and hathroom psrking Three blocks trorn Post Dillco nkiGilT sunny bedroom with twin beds suitable tor couple Also nlce lurnished bedroom or one Park ng space Guragoior rent ior iuno 1st Apply so Maple Avcnuu or tclcpbo PA 51579 ROOM BOARD rtooii AND BOARD in now home Vdry private Bright ah tractlvo room with rivata bath room East and App to Wei don street or telephone PA 56023 twolu AND nomul avaliohlo or two working gentlemen Central location Available now For run 937 particulars telephone PA LOVELY RESIDENCE ior elderly ladies and gentlemen Private and semiprivate roams Excellent can by graduate nurse Apply Box 25 Barrie Examiner ROOM AND noAltn in private well kept borne Close to down town Lunches packed Gentlemen £21213 Reasonable Telephone PA NURSING HOMES Nurtme card or cldorly poople or cohvalesconto rates starting at sun reduced rates tor active peo sioners The Fivc Maples Nursing Home Thornton Telephon ivy 25112 WANTED TO RENT 7man or four bedroom house wanted to rent Barrie or sur rounding area Telephone PA 37165 ARTICLES for SALE wonls nooTs FROM $795 GOLDssHOE REPAIR ilA CLAPPERTDN ST YOUR COMPLEIE SHOE REPAIR SHOP NEWSPAPER MATS mi iden lor lining hen i1 WWIE mauï¬terrkGsmshepher erlec inmlator 251 PER DOZEN Apply Tho barrio examiner garrle Ontario USED TV $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES MCFADDENS gt128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 ONE 01L STOVE Gra bio sesles 2V Portrait amera and Tripod exposure meter limit glands Telephone PA b7194 any TV SETS FURNIS 10 par month Tolophona PA 1735 38 BAYHELD 3ST ARTICLES for SALE BRAND NW SINGER PORTABLE Emul Plucl ONLY $4950 SINGER SEWING QENIRE 28 DUNLOP ST WEST MAPLE SYRUP mp QUALITY REASONth PRICED SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 INNISFII STREET PHONE PA 6653 At rectory to on prim rosin cushions dam on arms and backs From $157 choice or cob on Come in and look around MAYPAirt uPlloLsrzBY BAYFIBLD mm TELEPHONE PA oldlz 111pr QUEEN used in good condition no Polly guaran teed Telephone PA Hm GAlmnN lilANuiu for solo Tale phone PA was or lurthcr into motion RADIO record piiyer Philip All and FM atereophublc six months old like new Phil longih floor modeL Telophooo PA 302m QUIZch HEATER nnali or sale Also ll on electric motor Both inmflonnd condition Phone PA lilirn AND iaAalN dvo foot mus ed rim bath with taps ud Baaln with tapx 35 Apply Tomato street or telephone PA Mud ilioToit new or lot to lose Chcvroiot Mpion Wuhsell citef Teiephono PA dull or only 19 Baylleifl st IlOlOcTILLIiR inches wide like new soiling Nisanlily Pilotla Hemloek 5702 lny limo COAL AND Wool Gravity mm aco or sale in good condition Complete with Plvu will tell am lelcphono PA unit or PA hp or sale in Two aligns to be moved olr promises But alter cwner on premises eve Sunday Chariss wusnn concss on Anton Mills nr trlcpboos Toronto no Hm WEIDEII wnmlil lilting Ill this is tbo big no lbs outlil with com pleta accessories 45 Call PA 5537 extension 15 between and pnl Ask tor Gary smith NEW Poncho All Gas horncu regular 3235 now to bo sold or slid using special siso discount Installation oxirs Telephone PA H9 or PA 39223 HPRINKLBR led Ill and con dition Also useiI pipelumbrr bricks Ind timber Apzly oil Elli Planing lIiill Sill or Bantam Sons lilidliuxot nnrnlamnou hilly automatic Crosley mo ireczer Houseboch mmliure garden took power tools and more numerous items gswncr moving Telephono Lolroy GMDIDLI bulbs rgo cle disease lroo bulbs Grown irom prixo winning stoclu Come see and compare Priced right Tole phone PA 527 eveninzl ter Hovercrolt ll Grove street GENERAL ELECTrut commercial rcrrigorntor like now used washing machines TV test equip moot onc scope one Jackson generator and marker Tolophooa 73 ring 21 stroud UNFINISHED Hrawor cheat 37195 oplvoe Iliclicnset $1960 5plecc bedroom suite $495 Dresser $1550 11011401 Desk $1495 Clarks ilomo Furnishings Used Annex all nayhcld Tele phone PA 81343 GILS SMOKE SHOP lo Maplo Avenue BInIe PA twins open daily am to 11 pm sundoyo l2 noon to 11 pm Smokoro sup plles Ncllsons Ice Cream nowa papers and night editions ninth riots and sundrl TO THOSE SUFFERING from mill culsr ache and pains read what Dr Trlivel MD in President Kennedy his to sly how massag nnd lint moist hunt bydroAlleh apy Curl help you in Readers Digest May Issue Dailies BathI telephone PA 57111 ARTICLES WANTED BICYCLES WANTED any no nd in any condition Also used writers Telephone PA min pick up USED TRAILER Wanted suitable or carrying idtoot boat with in motor Must be in good nn zillion Telephone PA 53531 FRUIT 81 VEGETABLES Goon QUALITY flavored bago Potatoes tor sale Flold inspected and clean Also drive chnlo tor Cockshutt Manure Spreader Tele phone Auao bouncy Minibusrt PA b7555 DOGJ PETS ed one year old or good homo Good watch dog Phone PA ooisv SAMDYED PUPPY or sale 1e male months old reristmd Telephone PA used BURNADEAN Kennels Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale Begin tered stock Reasonably priced Tolepbono Lelroy 170mm BOATS at Millotis SEA FIRE boat yearsn1d Equipped with 1955 Mercury 10 11 motor also included water liie lacket $17500 rein Pllnno PA N469 1955 GREAVFITE in out with 35 Evinrildo electric steering re mote controls lights bumpers wind shield and cushions $100000 Call Ken Rodgers Telephone PA 56252 RANGES HINGS PA 82843 Spring Is Home Improvement Time Sell With Examiner Want BUY NOW FOR GENUINE VALUES CLEARING OUR ENTIRE STOCK REFRIGERATORS HIFI SETS HSTEREO SETS FEW TOASTERS IRONS FRY FANS Will ACCept TradeIns CLARKS HOME New tryg we