AROUND SIMCO RUGBY Sorry to bear Mrs Thomas odgcrs tell and sprained her ankle and William Anderson tell and brokeabqneinblsioottlils past week We wish them both speedy recovery lira WiltlamlAngmaa is not as well as her many irteuds ish her At present she is in Symingtoo Nursing Home liiss Janet McLeod Orlllln is spending iew days with Mr and Mrs Don McLeod The teachershave had two student teachers this past week and their leader lira Albert Anderson entertained the ladies oi the community at ten held at the home oi Airs Maniard and Clarke Home on Fridav evening Marlon Horne Nyla Scott Jenn Anderson tayo Rodgers and Rita Fitchett re ceived the Kucsts Heather Thorpe took care at the guest book hlias Beverley Rodgers was chair lady ior the eveningspso gram tarion Horns and Twyla Scott two selections on the ac than Marian Moore gave reading and quiz loan Lang man gave demonstration on arranging daiiodlls ior centrr pleco which was used inter on the tea table Hy Amos spoons its so much pleasure to look at TV but how much more it will be with this cushion This wellpadded turtle made of leftover fabrics measures 19111 inches Simple to 9w cheap to pad Pattern 7283 pattern pieces directions Send Thirtyiive cents coins for thispattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Barrie Ex aminer Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Print main NAME Aan PAT TERNNUMBERZ JUST OUiii Out 1961 Needle crait Book Over 125 designs for home wishing for iashions knit crochet embroider weava sew quilt toys gifts bazaar items FREE six designs for popular veil caps Quick send 25 cents TODAY If Jenn Anderson and Marina Borne eve demonstration and short talk on the ornament or bouquetr oi pussy Willow and how weak an be used Linda Home gave piano solo Lorna Herrington gave the thank you on behali the club The tea table was beautifully arranged with lace cloth cen trepiece oi yellow datiodils yel low candles in silver holders lhose pouring toe were Marion Horne Jean Anderson Lorna Herringtoo and hlarion hloore with the remainder oi the girls serving Mrs thired Johnston gave this thank you to the club on be bail oi the ladies present vihoso taking the oil course are Jean Anderson it Home Twyla Sctt Bevcrely Rodgers Harrington Joan Lnngman hiarion ltioore Faye Rodgers Heather Thorno Rita Fitchett The Achievement Day ior Hi Homemaking Clubs will be held May In ntipm inGuthrie Hall All are welcome The Womens institute will meet Wednede evening May 10 at 815 pm title home oi Mrs Edward Langman Motto The events at the present will ho history oi tomormw Roll call Verso irom the Bible containing the word Mother Program Historical Research Mrs Jock Oatway ortltla will be the guest speaker Lunch Mrs Albert Horne hirs Don hie Leod Mrs Thomas Rodgers Mrs Georne Lennon The Rugby Group at the Fed crotlon oi Agriculture will meet May at 815 pm at the home at Wiiired and Berna Johnston All are welcome srnoun Members oi District No Order oi the Eastern Star goth cred at St Presbyterian Church ior its iirst district ser vice Led by the two marshnlls Mrs Lily Webb Stroud and Mrs Lila Kevannah Eellhnven members entered the church to the organ prelude Tho Garden oi Faith No beautiful bask ets of spring flowers in the Five Star print colors adorned the altar Rev Bell minister oi the church was assisted by Rev Walter er of St Georges An glican urch Ailandale in TELEVISIONPROGRKMS conducting the vi The theme of the sermon dealt with dedication oi our lives with no reservations to the service of the Lord and Master Jesus Christ Mrs mist villembers were present from Bayview Chapter Barrie Sim coe Chapter Beilhnve Pine crest Chapter Cookstown Bon Accord Chaptfstollingwogi Five Star Atliston Manson Bradley Chapter Midland Creemore pter emore Chapter Stnyner Newmarket Chapter Newmark et lnnisill Chapter Stroud GILFORD Mr and Mrs Kell visited triends in Port Elgin recently Mrs Frank Kell and Miss Margaret Neilly are visiting ior week with Mrs Keils daught er and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Jim Doan Pagwa Ont Mrs Sherman Todd is visiting for few days in Bracebridge with her sister Mrs Huckle Leslie Walker was org cxva CHANNEL annals munsDAY star 400 Popeye lnfl Pan rso Junior Roundup 030 Roy Room 000 News headlines 601 Three stones 10 Farm Market Report on non innueson 025 News Weather Sport 100 Gunman 70 The Rebel Ler somwra ur Chet enneasee min Ford Country Junction Peter Gunn soc1v News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Decoy mmAY MAY 1030 Test Pattern 1045 Sacred Hem liflfl Romper Room 1200 Papaya and Fall 1115 Noonday nennrt News anala Weather ram Report comma Eventl 1250 Movie gt Wanderer of the Wine land flue gamer Show en pure 3301 Verdict Your 400 Popeye no Fell 430 Junior Rounan v30 cinnnnoxu 000 News Heldlines crro CHANNEL monsoon MAY sac Professors Etdohwly 010 Atrium Patrol Burris out News Weather Sports Bcsho the Port LDC dip Theatre At Eight Two at Kind The new 11m on Mattel News Weather Sport Better Late AllStar Pnriormanoo People Vs Johnson News WeatherSpurn Epilogue FRIDAY MAY 110D Free and Easy 100 Encore Thetn lflrava Bull wr tilt Proteuorl HideWI an Enema ewe Wu or 11in sportI Outdoors Leave 12 To flavor The Third Man Serie lt illectMeBraw wojacu West 080 700 no 000 10 801 ExerciseTocsin EMTOJ 010 Farm Market tie on 525 New Wuhbe gofll 700 Father Know 30 130 Wyatt Earp 800 Country Hoedown aso Perry iii 11 930 Danger nan 1000 Have Gun Will Travel 1030 Tightrope 1100 chTvNewr 1115 The Weatherman 010m Euchre players ior isvtables were on hand at the Community Hall Thursday night in to part in friendly competition ior the prizes Ladics lone hands ltirs Maynard mens lone hands Tommy 3er high scores Rita Hirlehay and Keith Ellis conso lation prizes Edwin Donnch and ltiarg lkelL Welcome to Mr and Mrs Ro bert Boyd and iemliy of Camp Borden who are the new neigh bars on the John Mason term Congratulations to Mr and Mrs King upon the birth oi an other doughter April as in Eo yat Victoria Hospital Barrie Mac and Miss Pedrlman oi Toronto Teachera College spent last week with Mrs Arth ur Dobson while teaching in 53 No Kenneth Miller and Harvey Turnbull are tree planting with the Forestry Branch at Peoelt tang this week Mrs Roy Lister and boys re turned home 10 Sudhury Satur day alter spending month with the farmers parents Mr and hirs Aiticcann Mr and hire hchray and Ernie be rts oi Crecmoro spent Sunday with Elwood Mil ler ltlr and Mrs Allan Gibson and iumlly Alltslon spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Hector mrnouil hliss Virginia Muir is home COUNTY ileacbera College with Mruand hire Cecil Dohson Orillia and Leslie Dobsoo Bar rie called on hire Arthur Do son Thursday Mr and Mn his Hohiurry Nowmarket and Mr and Mn min Dobson anduiémily were er guests Dobson Sunny evening BRADFORD group at women represent ing the United Church and com prising the membership oi both the Womens Missionary Soc tety sad the Womens Associar tionmet in the Sunday school room at the church ltionday ov enlng to hear the plans at the United VChurch to combine the two groups Most oi the 60 women present realised the purpose oi the meeting and new methods were discussed Mrs lotteries Evans occupied this chair with Mrs Hare aet ing as secretary All points were well covered recording oi several ministers voices has been made explaining pertinent points Following the business session lovely duet was given by Mrs Morris and Mrs Holland ac companied by Mrs Art Spence Reiroshm hit completed successiul evening CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECEEB Southdealor EastWest vulnerable Noam our OAKS asses EAST 19542 WEST AKQs $962102 €107 410070 saline 4103 VATddï¬l 9558 42 The bidding South West mm Pass Pass Dble Opeliing leadking of spades Here is hand played by hm Sores oi Australia which of iors good example of how to make losing tricks disappear North raised the preemptive treeheart bid by Seres direct ly to four and West perhaps unwiseiy doubled glance at the EastWest hands reveals that declarer has iive tricks to lose consisting three beam spade and diamond But re managed to make the contract with the aid of slight assist from the defense West led the king of spades Declarer ducked in dummy and East played the nine to encour age the continuation of the suit GitANDMA West led another spade and Ser es won with the ace and trump ed spade Declarer then played club to the ace and rulied club diamond to the king and ruiiod another club and diamond to the ace and rulied still another club Nine tricks having been play cd West having won only the lflint one this became the post on Deciarer now led diamond West was forced to ruii even though his partner had the high diamond This gave his side trick number twohyesthdsthe flag of hearts and Seres let him hold it Th is gave West trick number three but that was the end of the iinefor him Seres made four hearts doub led two of the deieuders iive winners having disappeared into thin air West could have beaten the contract by playing diamond at trick two This would have prevented from getting all the rolls he needed to web lish the winning end position Tomorrow Responding to part nera overeat niunusie LAWN MOWERAN WINNER SIGNEl ram BRANNON JULIET JONES HAMMGNDS quaiiry riiï¬néht ECONOMY Wing not Powerhouse summonind boneless anmn Rolled Prime Rib Quality Meals at Lowest Prices sAva MOTORS WE OF THE unmo STATES HAVE GREAT 149 humor 51 serum 15 Me mue SIR ml mu OFFER REGRET 00 CT FIIL ICAM ILL ear you cuuwm DO THAT AGAIN IN THOUSAND PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER VALIANT DECLAREWAR on HIGH PRICES $1000 DOWN ALL 751000 DOWN USED CARS REDUCED 250 ARE VOU REALLI imseesrso iN wwszy MEAN SERIOUSLY Euros counsel BEFOEEVOLI same on eov MAic suns YOU HAVE THE our GEEM0Mwweev nun HAVE ADOBE THE SAME $1000 DOWN 81000 Down LIi¢E THE SAN MOVIESFAES EVEN THE SAME no fin neiï¬nimii kiwi wean saw rtl Community News 1135 Movie stringer At My poor SATURDAY MAY 110 Test Patten 155 Ner Briefs 100 Rodeo of Champion i$ Liana Club Boxtnl éThundcr Over Thrillers 500 ï¬g for the Innly lingl Kentucky Derby 545 Baseball 600 Rescue 580 Andy GflLfiLlu Show up The veggie cante 1100 sat on 010 See Hunt Movie Sports for the sunny 1oo Dannll the Menace 000 Great Movie 1080 uiietta 1100 car News 1110 News Weather Sport 1115 Movie Fighting Coast onrrd TORONTO 010 son 1030 eathu and Sports 1100 Ito 1200 noun 1105 ride Night sitrm full lltd Chi HDWX 115 EDIIDIIII summer my 1010 Three Musketeers 1100 Professors Pa 1141 Boys Girls 1210 an use on 12011 innei irie Theatre Mark at Zorro 200 ltdior Lolxtla Baseball ouse News Wrcxtiln glome ouu News Weather Bpofll Pliilditlm Ganm Show Bro er Erannl an Naked city s1 toilha 10 lo Ian ow 1100 Nswr Weather Sport 1115 Manhunt 11 suurdsy Night Theltra 11 WI Male War arise BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK MUQGS AND SKEETER artcuss wines inniafnwdiiiii ANflï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬dkllii Nev vi misnomer flogged VINGS 23 COLLIER sr wnoifssALE HOUSE BAnkie 696 STEAKS and trailers