Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1961, p. 1

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LOCAL WEATHER Mainly my tomorrow with light winds 1W tonight High Friday 55 For caplet mummy unite page three our TELEPHONE For mmwm AdaTalo pnoncPA unitolerance numbcrtn lnrtboBuunau orEdi DchllPAcGw 97th YeahNo 1M DESIGNED To Chill orriMONs SURFACE David Samolf left board chairman of thelladio Corp poration of America and John Burns RCA president look at large scale model of The Moon Crawler in New York Object was unveiled for first time at RCA stockholders meeting Company scientists say the llrnor exploration ve hicle is designedto be capable of moving about the moon in response to radio instructions from earth Defiant NegroesVow AntiVerwberdi RiOtST JOHANNESBURG AWDc tiant Negro lenders vowed today to press on with their plansfor countryw demonstrations against the new Southimriconfitill republic de spite widespread raids by 1000 police Mandela honorary secretary of the All in Africa called the aid unwarranted interfer National Council once and said word was going around for all nonwhites to double their efforts to make demonstrations success Mandelas organization has called for threeday strike be ginning May 29 two days be fore South Africa becomes re public and nonviolen gather ings protesting thfle of po litical rights to the nonwhite majority The aim is to bring industry and grabllc services to stan dslilhppublic ment against Prime Mmstcr Hendrik Verwoerds white supremacy government South Africas 9000000 non whites are voteless and had no say in the referendum last year in which Vcrwoerd won nar row endorsement in favor of repu ending South Africas alle ance to the Crown TENSDN MOUNTS In the wake of the widepov lice sweep Wednesday mount ing tension and anxiety were re ported from Cape Town Dur ban Pretoria and areas around IN NUTSHELL mGas WENSO 13th Price Beyelopsr downtnbm se selling gasoline at 2159 ents today but the majority Vwere charging 379 cents gallon as price war developed Murder Susp ct Held KADOKASD AP James Scott Stephens wasbeld for lVLirhigan authorities in this prairleroountry town today after police said he admittedthe rifle slayings of two Holland school girls Philip Pleads rosjnia ROME Reuters Prince Philip on the last full day of the Queens state visit to Italy today pleaded for aid to the worlds IJohannesburg witb large non white populations The government insisted that the raids myrtleng rn fmthhrahce vestigation of various forms of crime and suspected crime Butthe raiders concentrated on whites and nonwhites known to be members of antivgovernrnent groups and the apparent aim was to search out the detailed plans for the demonstrations at the end of the month The South African Press As sociationreported no political madepbut said ersonswere plckédup for criminal offences Both white and non trite po litical leaders opposed to the government protested the raids as intimidation Peter Brown Liberatparty national chairman said the raids were grim reminder of the days before and during the last years emergency the violence and bloodshed of Marcb1560 that startednvitha police massacre ofNegroes at Sharoesvilie Harry Lawrence Progressive party leader in Parliament and former minister of justice said Law and order mustbe pre served Progressives cannot remain culate while their own members suffer the indig nity and intimidation of pre dawn police raids if dfifigfimfld 00 JERUSALEMA Jewish lin derground fighter in the Second World War testified today that German army sergennttold him Adolf Eichmann was or ganizing everything in thc Nazi campaign to cxtcmrinntc Jews in Europe Abba Kovner now writer in lsrael told the threejudge courttrying Eichmann for com plicity in the wartime murder of millions of chs that his in formant Wehrmacht Sgt Anton Schmidt was xecutcd by the Nazis for helping the Jews Kovner said he had secret meeting with Schmidt one night in January 1942in Lithuan inn village Kovner testified askcd him about local Ges tapo commanders Schmidt said to These local cnmmnnd ers have no say Thcraisonc dog culled Elchmonn and he is organizing everything Another prosecution witness Meir Dvorski told of buV reaucracy of death in the Nazi created ghetto astern Eu sard iebens life certificates were issued to ews picked for respite from the gas 12th hers and firing squads but that cide who should be saved if man had wife two causepnly four persons could be entered on the life certifi cate Dvorski physician in the Viln Lithu nldkgbctt he Maugham iliose who could not be tered were sent away bythe family to hide in the woods Dvorskis testimony came as the prosecution took up the tivities ol the einsatzgruppen the Nazi operational groups as signed to kill Jews inthe rear of advancing German troops during the campaign agarnst Russia Piery csssh Kins school Teachers srwmrs FALLStCP Two wnmen school teachers were killed toda in the flaming colv 1isionof at and an oiltruck on Highway 29near this town 45 miles southwest of Ottawa Names of the victims who were driving fromwtheirehomesv in nearby Jasper to school at TM The crash occurred spot where ruralroad joins the truck burst Garnet sands 23 drlver of old son Garnet Jr were taken to hospital in Kingston with severe burns the Jews themselves had tod children and motherhhe had to choose whom to register be the truck and his threesyear Thuidly May 196 Modél Soldiers Wipe Out Ghetto 1in wife and had no dill dron Dvorskl said We were allowed to save two children So registered my sister as my child We had to make her look rmuch younger Then therewas boy who asked who wants to be my folher Ve registered him as our second child Also read to the court was report by Nazi gcncral who described German troops who slaughtered Jewish men womcn and children in War saws flaming ghetto as model soldiers Maste Juergcn Stronp opened his 75pogc report made in 1943 to SS chief Heinrich Himmler withthe sentence There are no more Jewish dwellings in Warsaw The general after detailing the rcmorselcss hunt for the ghcttos starving inhabitants said the German troops in volvcd fulfilled thelrduty inq delafigably in faithful comrade ship and stood together as med al and examples of soldiers PLAYER NEEDS TOUGHER TEETH CQOKSVILLE CF Fluoridation ol drinking wa ter is in hot issue in Ontario and one Toronto Township man is wondering if its worth it all As township manager Deon Henderson told it to rlbec on ncll Wednesday night africnd of his was fluoridating thalamin wa tcr supply to protect his eightyearold sons teeth Playing lost winter the son had all his front teeth knocked out 27 Die Missing In caracas Blast CARACAS Venezuela AP At Joust 27 persons were re ported killed and 50 injured Wednesday in an explosion at an illegal fireworks factory in private home At least three more persons are missing Firemen spid it was impossi ble to determine exactly how niany died in the blast because some bodies were blown to bits CONFER 0N CHURCH UNITY learnfrom each other in their quest for Christian unity three top Catholic specialists in the field said today They said both groups need to bc humbleand realize they can improvetheir ways We all still have to come into perfect obedience to the Lord said Most Re Willebrands of The Nether lands secretary of the Vati cans new tablished secre tariat on Christian unity Mutual dialoguecan help us discover in common the fullness of the revelation of Chris He and other Catholic lead ers inthe United States for conference on approaches to Christian unity said major transformation has occurred in said Rev Ber noted rrtish theologian Were not adver saries any more but brothers Pope John who has spurred efforts for closer ties among Christians sent his blessings to the threeday conference being held at the monastery of the Graymoor friars at Garrison NY The meeting has the Popes ardent interest and prayers said message from Rome About 100 leading theologians are participating Interviewed here Msgr Willebrsnds Father Leeming and Rev Charles Boyer French theologian who heads Romes Unitas Association said Not More Than per Copy18 Page HOODLUMSBEATUP ClERGYMAN WIFE School Religion Linked In Attack TORONTO CF United Church clcryman and his wile were beaten up by two men in their home early today Rev Raymond Bord 44 said from his hospital bed later he could think of no mason for the attack except for some strong language he has used against those opposing the touching of religious education in Ontario schools However his wife who was no tmanhnndled as badly said she thought it was case of mistaken identity lht intruders who knocked on the front door of the llord home in suburban Etnbicoke gave themno reason for the mauiing Apparently nothing was taken from the house cur 0N HEAD The minister with Royal York United Church was token to hospital with deep head cuts His wife was kicked in the are several times by one at the men who held her while the runsxaiid not officiadly They said much of the unity impetus results from greater scholarly attention to an old he the Bible Catholic scholars have learned much from Protestant biblical scholarsh Msgr vrilebrands said We also see now that Protestant scholars estimate highly Catholic bib lical studies Many interchanges are going on in this regard The European Catholic lead ers said the process isgiving Protestants fuller concept of the nature of the church They can Iind the church the Bible Father Boyel observed Protmtnnts have to learn the authority of the church he added IUDGEJUEGLES METER menace LONDON APlThe buzzer sounded through the court room Wednesday fl shall adjourn court for 10 minutes said the magis trate Lady Janne heleft the benchwaiked ut of the North London juvenile court and stopped inrfrontof grey sedan no dthe door started the lnot and then drove off underprimede as he addressed the staff of the United Nations Food and Agricldturai Organization here Govt Receives lluto Report OTTAWA or The government has received the report of the Bladen royal commission on the automobile industry and will make it public in due cours Prime Min er Diefenbaker indicated1hr the Commonsioday Biggest Missiles USArssnsl Fired From Underground Site VANDENBERG AFB Cal APThe Titan biggest mrs sile in the United States mih tary arsenal was launched for the first time Wednesday from anbnderground site Th Titan scared over the Pacific Then high in the cloud less sky it was destroyed The test was to see if litans could be fired safely from silos on hardened sitesair force terminology for sircalled bombs proof launching pads on bomb proof bases The air force said the test proved that Titans can stand the tremendous pressures inY eluding punishingltsound waves which arisefrom missile fir ings underground Great hillows of flame rose frnmithe underground silo as the countdown ended at 1311 pm lt Thenwith thunderous roar the 98foot twostage Titan rose from the Miltondeep hole It climbcdoutlof sight and wonflt blow was blown up when it vves about 40 miles at sea by radio im pulse trom the base Experts said the test also proved that the silos themselves workThey have elaborate de flection systems to carryflames out of the hole so the missile itself up during launching The air force has spent $100 000000 on Titan silos in differ ent parts of the country Ee cause tho hardened sites are impervious to anything but di rect hit from an Abomb or bomb officialsisay Titans in them would be readyrto strike back even ifan enemystruck an nll¢out blow at the United States Therhnles the Titans are tired from are only as feet widean almostimpossible target foren emy rockets The holes are called silos because they re rsemble in shape regular farm silosexcept these are under ground WASHINGTON lAP Gen Eisenhower was represented to day as believing that inade quate militaryiplanning=contrib uted to the Cuban invasionfa ore is The former president who has given his backing to Presi dent Kennedy in the Cuban and Laotian crises was reported to have criticized in discussion Monday with Republican lead ers at Gettysburg Paella mili tactics employe ythe iggding Gillian rebelforces Without attempting to assess any blame Eisenhower was quotedaswondering if the joint chiefs of jstaff had been con sulted in any detail about the mounting of the invasionu ble was reported to have ex pressed the view that most of the heavy military equipment was loaded into singlefiecond world War freighter known as Liberty ship that could hardly withstand any shore botteryfire oraerial attack He is reported to have said thisaeemed incon ceivable to him Eisenhower was represented as feeling that anybody who had studied the battle of Ga rlipoli would have known in ad Vancevthat it would be almost impossible to make the kind of landing that was attempted in 1915 the Allies attempted landings on Turkeys coastline inan attempt ideal the Dar Ike IsifCriticcil Of Cuba Plans danelles but were repulsed th heavy losses attermanths ofx ormet pres en said to have made it clear he was speaking from military standpoint only He is known to have told the Republicans he feels they should avoid critr ing Kennedy in thegrave crises in the world today WONT CRITICIZEJFK Some of the leaders said it was Eisenhowers view that wherever possible the United States should avoid acting alone crisis They quoted him as fa voring cooperation with allies that much otthe military equip ment was loaded on to single ship coincided with information pieced together by US off cial in the days immediately fol lowingihe midApril invasion From variety of sources vading force were assembled the United States and went Guatemala for training In March the sources or the Guatemalan vs run nt served not that the tr use must leave the country make their attempt twheth they were roadyor ot was reported sounded ago in attempting to solveany Eisenhowers reported view was reported then that the use men who wouldvbecomethe ipc Thisimpelled the invaders toi searched for parking space and ound one Dropping two sixpences 14 cents into parking meter she turned andhurriedback to the bench fCourt nnw iresume No hours later the buzzer on Lady Janners desk With an air of resignation repeated the process of moving her car This has been going on for two monthsever since the local borough council ringed she announced MORRISBURG GP ri ish freighter Manchester Faitbwas freed earlytoday by tugs afterbeing aground Lake St Tue his village all The of tho bannei and was not interrupted CANAVERAL Fla Reuters Cmdr Alan Shop and the navy test pilot chosen to be Americas first space ed the fact that ce rocketmg 115 miles up over the Atlantic in the next 24 hours Despite threatening weather the United States went ahead with plans to launch its first manned space flight at am Frid But Shepards long frustrat ing wait to get off the ground and blaze anew space trail may be prolonged until Satur day or even nextvweek because of poor weather conditions that plagued the $500000099 Me program here this cury space week The culprit is low pressure area mlthe Gulf of Mexico eronautics and Space Adnums afionisoidflshould not by rights be there but is Robbed othls chance to make minute ripg anddown ght cause of stormy weather Shepi and and space Vebcy officials elv to at least SOVIETSPY 138 sentenced vrn Lo on Wednesday to prison as Union man other dealt with her husband She was not taken to hospital Mr linrd said he believedtbo man who held him carried blackjack in one hand and knife in the other The attack occurred at 140 nm Mr Hon got considerable publicity in the controversial schoolrcliginn issue last Febru hry when he was quoted as say ingthe mnin opponents of rr ligious school education are Unltnrlans neurotic mothers and some ch5 lie said today he received large quantity of mail as re suit but no threats Howeverhe said the roll ginus education matter is the Edy motive can think of for is But Mrs Herd sald shcfelt the beating could be case of mistaken identity since they lived in home identical tothat of the nextdoor neighbor who had appeared as witness in burglary case Mrs Robert Johnson who livesnext door said neither she nor er husband had been three nod as the result of the burglary case Copter Picks up In CrashLanding TRENTON CWThe three man crew of an RCAF Otter planodvgs picked rigsbytballcgp Jo midu tert Lg blended in Nfleld sevei rn Es nnrthol here not injured Tire plane piloted by Flt Lt Bob McCullough had just taken off from the RCAF Trenton sta tion on flight planaround the area when it developed engine trouble Flt Lt McCullough F0 Czaja copilot and LAC Bain crew member are from 129 Acceptance and Ferry Flight at No Repair Depot the Trenton area helico fer was dispatched after an officer in the Trenton control tower saw the plane drop bflow tree level An RCAF spokesman said the plane landed wheels down and was moderately damagedi about They were MONTREAL LP idents of the CNR and CPR will meet top negotiatn or the nonoperating rail umons this afternoon renewed attempts by both es to avert con trywide rail strike May 16 it was learned today The talks will be private and it was not yet known where in Montreal they will take place Representingthe railways wrll be CPR President Crump don for the 15 nonpp unions chief negotiator Erank Hall and George Pawson secretary the joint negotiating committee The ground for outlier talks was prepared Wednesdaywhen had agreed to ume negotr tions broken off Monday loos Peace Talks VWill Shirl Friday vmnrraivs Laos AP The royal government today accepted former premier sou vanna Phoumas invitation to peace talks Friday on the front north of Vientiane Vlt was the biggest break through so farln getting major cease fire and political talks started between the government and proCommunist Pathet Lao rebels who agreedWednlasday to stop fighting Premier Boun Ouin said the government will send military delegation toa point just north of the town of llinileup 59 miles nnrth pi Vientiane on the southhighwny

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