Miss Ethel Jenner WedAt COoksioWn White camatimvs and candeia bra decorated the altar of St Johns Anglican Church Cooks town ior the wedding of Miss Ethel Louise Jenth and Regin ald Terrence AWhlteman April 29 The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Calvin Jennett Cocknown The bride groomis the son of Mr and Mrs Reginald whiteninn King stoa Rev Adam oi Cookstown oliiclaled assisted by Rev Ball at AW cousin of the bride WAREZLENGTH GOWN Given to marriage by her ia thcr the bride wore waltz length gown with short jacket of Chantilly lace embroidered with sued pearls at the nod lino She carried prayer book adorned with white orchid Miss Linda Jennott was maid of honor tor her twin sistei Miss Patricia Anne Jcnnett sisr ter of the bride was brides maid The attendants were gowocd alike in floral mauve silk over taiteta Their short dresses were fashioned with titted bod iccs and soltly rounded neck llnes Headdmes were iashioned of deeper mauve flowers for the attendants and they carried cas cade bouquets or yellow mums Adrian Hickey Kingston was groomsmnn The ushers were Jim McComb and Paul McComb gt Cookstowu cousins of the ride RECEPTION reception was bald at the home or the brides parents The mother of the bride received her guests wearing sheath dress oi green and white flowered sa tin with matching green linen duster Her accessordgl were beige and white and corsage of yellow murns completed her costume ling and the correspondence For travelling the bride chm pink and beige suit with black accessories Mr and Mrs Whitman will reside at Kingston if Outde gums at the wed diag were from Kingston Clin ton Rochester New York Schomberg Beeton Barrie Stoney Cred Tomato and Ayr Dalston WI was held at the home of Mrs William Malone with thirteen members and two visitors present The president Mrs Lorne Jory called the meeting to order The minutes were read and dealt with and final arrange ments were made for Rio Spring tea it was decided to send dona tions to the Canadian Cancer Society School for Retarded Children and ma neighboring family who lost possessions in tire The motto Good health and The April meeting of thel The April meeting of Christ Church ivy WA met at the home of Mrs Harper with nine members present The meeting opened with Hymn 338 and Bible read ing from isalsb 55th Chapter by Mrs listen Davis Mrs Elwoodgt Jenuett the minutes or the last meat Election Ol Officers Conducted At Edgar Wlllnnual Meeting 1th Edgar wr held its an nual business meeting at Mrs Ellis Hutchinsons home Mrs Johnson gave the motto In the heart oi hull lies the promise of Spring The correspondence and let ters of thanks were read tor boxes received from the WI also donation received tram Fraser The conveners reports were read Arrangements were made for the quilting at Mrs Hayes Mrs Sirachan reported tnli lag used Christmas cards to the School for the Retarded Children in Barrie Mrs Hut chinsonwas askedto locate new Canadian andhava her attend the District Annual in native costume Mrs szstrschan acted as chairman for the election of ofï¬cers They are as ioilows President Mrs Johnson first vicepresident Mrs are bigger flavour tullheiplngstorthewhole tamlly in Shirrltt new economy size Lushus Jelly Dessert Youll flnd 1an flavou extra value Mrs Shesrdown Mrs Bidweli second vicepresident Mrs Sheardown secretary treasurer Mrs Dolley assistant secretarytreasurer Mrs Johnston pianist Mrs Shelswell assistant pianist Mrs Sheardown branch directors Mrs Bidwell MrsEDailey district dir ector Mrs Strachan Mrs Hayes sick committee Shelswell press correspond ent Mrs Strachan program committee Mrs Howell Mrs Shelswell Mrs Hayes Mrs Strachan Conveners Agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Hutchinson historical re search and current events Mrs Bidweil Mrs Laud er home economics and health Mrs Howell cit izenship and education Mrs Johnston public relations Mrs Shenrdown auditors Dalston WI Complete Plans For Annual Spring Tea Bake Sale Delegates Diocesan Board gt Appointed At Ivy WA Meeting til the end of the year after Mrs HayesMrs Shearf down Plan Fragrant The executive and oonveaerl oi Churchill Womens institute met attire home at Presser vlcopresidentv to plan the programs for the year Approximately ammonia ed out to the ouchra party spore sored by the Churchill Womens Institute April Lady prize winners were Mrs King Hous ton Jr and MrsThomas Dev itt Prize winners for men were Allan Todd and Reuben Lucas good sense are two or lifes greatest blessings was com mented on by Mrs Stan Wat son Conveners of standing com mittees then gave yearly re ports Mrs George Salisbury was in charge of entertainment which was in the tern of two interesting contests Retreshmenta were served by Mrs Harry Wright and Mrs LornoJory assisted the hostess The nextnieetlng will be held at thohome Mrs Wni tcr ForbesMay 18 Roll call will be popular song oi my teens Miss GUL Dunnill gave the trcasurers report Mrs Claude Banting reported on the Dorcas workand stated the hate was rcady to send Mrs Davis will take over the Dorcas secetary position un itirs Banting moves to Bar rieMrs Jennett will he the new assistant treasurer Mrs Wilson president reported the church basement floor painted and the work on the cupboards completed She also reported the annual tall rummage sale at Trinity Par ish Hall Barrie wlll be held Sept MrsE1wond Jennctt and Mrs Wilson are to be delegates to the Diocesan Board meeting in Toronto on Monday Two surprise presentations were made Mrs Olauda Banting was presented with lovelytray on behalf of the WA for being faithful mem ber and worker She will be greatly missed after she takes up residence in Barrie The second presentation was an electric frypan to Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson on behalf ot the WA to show their ap preciation for the work done in the basement of the church Mrs Davis was in charge of the program Mrs Henry Davis read poem Farmers Daughter Mrs Elwood Jerinett read an item called Prayer MrsJ McDermott read an article called Pass to Prestige Mrs Davis rcada poem calln Time ho llhink some arrears on not imam quorterly helpline Lucky dra winners were Mrl Eben Sawyer and Miss Mildred Churchill Womans institute will meet Key 11 to hear Fred Collinsde oi betray pair llc school speak on The oi film stairs in the lcboo this meeting will be held the Criminally Hall atlzlï¬ pm PINEHURSI GOLFING Giarhtono Currie QC ot Barrieand Lloyd Bell of Dril lia registrar at the Supreme Court County of 51mm re turned at the weekend following weeks goiiiog vacation at Pinehurat North Carolina LEAVE CITY Mr and iris DE Harrison Blake Street residmts tor the past three years have moved to Toronto where they have new commitments in the WM hiral iield Crown Attorney and Mrs Wil liam Thompson Blake Street have returned to the city otter tiueeweek holiday in Ireland and tile Illannel Islands FREE WINNERS Among the prize winners at the annual games night at St Josephs Auditorium last aven ing were Russell Binds Mrs John Gray Reg Lachance Mrs Hettrou Mrs Terry Spearin Mrs Hugh Wallace Mrs Clark Mrs Tony Decarie ers Murdock boo Madi gen MrsFToiier Mr Regnler Mrs Fergus Garvey Mrs McI Cann Mrs John David 0dishawand daughter Kerry Lynne have arrlved from Winnipeg to stay with Mrs 0dishaws parents Mr and Mrs Cheesman John Street while FO Odlshaw is attending Officers Training Course at Centralia and Clinton The 0dishaws returned ram Grotensquin France last year atteraiouryearposting Th as ess mee ot the Barrie Venture llamas held last evening at Mayors Motel it was decided to sponsor child from the Barrie area to vacation at the Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children near Coilingwood Miss Marni et Goodtellnw gava sabertam using talkon the Spring Con terenee held in Ottawa recent ly Soportimist Advisor Mr the meeting was Miss Flora Mc Gregor THE LADYIS GENTlEIVIEN Mrs Dorothy Gentlemen of Lethbrldge Alberta is 1981s noon moatlily nt thaAngua WA was held SPEAllllG30FrPEOPlE AND PLACES year Selected iroin among hundreds oi nominees from all sections ofCanadaMrs Gents lemon when widowed with our young children established piayschool for preschool child renhsupported and educated her inmiiy and participated in many community activitiesln addition to other prises Mrs The Afternoon WMS otTot tonbatn United Churdi met at the home of Mrs James Hend erson ien members and anal visitor were present The meeting opened with devotional exercises conducted by Mrs Henderson Hymn 211 was sung allowed by prayer by Mrs ripping mentioning the WMS missionary Miss Rose in Korea gt For Christian Stewardship Mrs Drummond gave help tul and suitable reading trim the Missionary Monthly Bales otr clothing on hand were designated tor either the Scott Mission or the Fred Vic tor Mission and were to be delivered shortly Arrangements were made and dclegatcs appointed tor edit and For flame Freezers rs 85339 News noon manan 150 Collier st motions in came nt Totténnangwuis Prepare Bales the home at Mn Georg Dex MRIE West Roll allqu air aweredlby in members and one elmm Mrs George Bridger will be in charge oi Devotions tor the May meeting Mrs Clliird Duckwortb will be hostess Abakesaleandaitcnwonteav wiilbebsld at the United CburebMoyll Gentlemen will be received by Mrs Dietenbakertbe wits at the Prime hiatusll the of tidal residence in Ottawa May The announcement was made today by Art Harris Harris Flowers er ri Publicity Chairman oi the Ontario Unit Florists Telegraph Delivery As sociation the shame Presbyterial tobs held at Orlllia May at St Pauls Church Mrs Maglonghlen read an interesting article from the onward The chapterimm the study book was taken by Mrs Laird It was concise chapter and mentioned the not that it was rlusrso years siaoeEcmnenical ism came into being The meeting closed with the Benediction after that the moaoylhad its annual meeting uwmy Women washout in mummrnnn sacsisms III 85 year gt It was also mentioned that any item given in etarent av ants which would be Nimble or the erfllstory be handed to the convex The treasurer5 nnnualroportv MW prosperous year and been put into worthwhile dialects Members an cipsta another busy year beginning with cater ingior bmqusgMayJ loomaim the was appointed to It Wehastng new stove for the Connnime Hail kitchen No new extension tab is are to he purchased betro Witt ngaveare rt the District Directors $7on meeting The District Armual gill be held at Cookstown May conducted the election and in stailation of ofï¬cers The exec utivo is as tolio Pant Presl which the hostess erved re iresbments Try an sum wine as Phone la 82414 roar ORWARDl PLAN TO ATTEND CLASSES NOW ON Visnal run Charming Personality Good Grumth lioltnra Control The Resultsl very Charming Attractive VWOIuIn Taoism mums 10 Box or The Barrie Examiner ETD Canadian Mother of the MULTIMILK ior delicious coiioe or cereal cream for drinking valid save time save space save money MULTlSKIM for cooking and for noniaiiening diets amazing new no disadverles denomination autumn neia on Mrs Curtis First VicePres Mrs Wllliam lngrim Second VicePresldentr Mrs William Noble secretary nrer Mn ZDllkld Director Mrs Jackson alternate Miss Luella Donmily public relations rép resound Mrs Donneilyt auditors Mrs Elliott Mn Gilmore sick committee Mrs Reid Mrs Ferries tea committee Mrs Jeitormaa pianist Mrs Jackson PAINTER DIES NEW YORK AplHlldnth illolere 68 painter of murals anddesigner ot mosaics tor many mllor US bull disdTaesday an ROCK STEAM BATHS OPENDAILY may start Employees Slitililli Einployees Parson Employcas lllllllleSS Employees Sole Fill Employee