1121 the waterfront TRUCK bums rm naan Nicoasron names OVER THE BACK FENCE By outs JOHN BEBGN on Ammo For Lids our second day the proposedprograrn was tour of Halifax in the morning and trip to Citadel Hill inthe after noon As Halifax offered nothing new for Kaye she decided to spend the morning at home busy with the various odth and ends that working wife finds io have accumulated during the week So Lawrence was chosen to do the honors as our guide and chaffeur He had been say ins for number of years that he would like to show us Hall fax his adopted home city Now he had the longawaited opportunity While perhaps not as super ficially beautiful as Victoria it is in its own way inst as beauti ful and with much more his toric background and as for its people and Nova Seotiaiu in general there are none finer Lawrence thought we might like to start off the expedition by driving five miles the other way to the Shearwater Naval Air Base ivhere he has been stationed for some years ex cept for his periods of San duty It is nice drive out past the Imperial Oils extensive work ings Then past large trailer camp where saw new twist to the housing problems pne trailer which had been raised several feet on blocks had been boarded inarouod the bottom as sort of basement for stor age probably another raised still higher and likewise board ed in bad dows and door cut in the siding and was evi dently inusc as living quarters thus making twostory home and doubling the original size ENTER BASE We had no trouble at the guarded gaievof Shearwater as our son had pass and was well knowp to the guards This perm ittcd us to drive out on across the air field which until couple of days before had also served as the TCA and other air terminal the big international Air ust opened some miles the other side of Halifax now took all civilian trafficthe tarmac here seemed straneg deserted number of Navy planes stood in long line with folded wings Several large raircraft stood idly by one huge helicopter sea rescue plane like that which hasperformed on the waterfront at the Ex for the past several years These are usually sta tioned at the Greenwood Base which lies one small lake be tween Halifax and Kentville WEATHER TOWER At the far side of the field pathledrup rocky hilltopped by lthe Weather Tower The climb did not appeal to us but drive around to the base gave us an idea of the layout Then we returned to Dartmouth and headed across the bridge to Halifax The business section lies in that narrow strip oflandbe tween the base of ACitadelv Hill and the Watedront vao long level and comparatively straight streets Gotdngen and Earring ton three blocks apart para and run the approximate the length of Lille city much as BluesDan forth or Sinclair in Toronto The streets running up from the liar bor toward the Citadel are short andivsteep Behind and on each side of théfï¬ll areihe Univers ities schools hospitals parks and residential areas Just be hind the hill isaiarge common used for all manner of things travelling clubs or carol Halifax Fisher in one of his talks at Easter time which perhaps you heard mentioned several Halifax churches and their in teresting histories or character istics These we saw plus many other interesting things and ing up at Pt Pleasant Park which lies along the beautiful North West Arm It is reminiscent of High Park in Toronto Here many people come on Sundays to walk their dogs Perhaps it is not an no written rule that every person who enters must be accompan led by dog but during the short while we parked across the road we noticed that the dog population exceeded the humans by quite wide margin Some persons had several canines in tow Some of these were kept on the leash others were let loose and immediately dashed off under bushes or behind trees on the trail of an elusive phaa tom rabbit or saueysquirrel making themost of their brief period of freedom WINDOW saorrnio Aswe returned through the businm district saw some CourSe Rural Pcirents Giannini WOBKMMONCATWALK wanna more New oronawss To Aid Of Retarded In an effort to reach the esti mated 4000 parents of retarded children in Ontario who have not as yet received help from any recognized association the OntarioMotion for Retard ed Children is going to sponsor threeday workshop at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph The dates will be May 25 26 27 According to Peter Gomery field secretary for the associa tion there are approximately 2000 mentally retarded children whose parenu have not contact ed the association as yet coir servative estimate would place 60 per cent of these as living in non ar skirts admired in certain store window We took note of the location and name of the store so that when we came over to the city on the next day might investigate did buy skirt in that store too but not one of the lot saw in the window couldnt match the color and the size tomy satis faction so got very nice one in another lot Then we return ed home where Kaye had ner ready for us After doing full Justice to that we dressed in our best and all four of us drove to Citadel Hill first around the various drives inside the walls then parking the car in the large parking lot took off on foot to see other parts of the fortifica lOn The forts were built at dif entperiodsion the bill the first in i749 It was ust wooden paiisade as protection against the Indians The second was built at the meet the Ameri can Revolution the third dur mg the Napoleonic Wars which was repaired and strengthened for the War of 1312 Then in 1328 the present one was con structed Not one of these forts was ever called upon to resist invasion no shot wasever fired against them in anger but the were powerful deterenti they served their purpose just by beingthere just in case The official narne is Fort George bllt it is rarely referr ed toby any other name than The Citadel Just now much re pair Wnrkis being carried on Much of the stonework being strengthened straightened One of the most noticeable features oi the place The Old Town Clock was It has been removed and at pres out is being thoroughly over hauled when it will again take its place on the slope of the Hill Twhare it has done duty through out period of 153 years landmark and tourist at gt and loses not cow eiis spring afte and adtumnpbdore Vits countrywide tour for baseball football thing track and tie wood stroll around Most of the parents of these dilldren are trying to cope with their problem in their own homes One afternoon of the course will be devoted to in listen to speakers from the Childrens Psychlatrlc Research Institute the Department of Health the nt of Eduv 1caion St Pauls Cerebral Palsy Centre and various local and provincial mod atlom course for public nurses will run concurrently Further in formation can be obtained from am Paul Emma PA $7953 or by writing to hire Emma at 177 Codrington Street Barrie struction in setting up school in the home speech training and feeding The parents will visit schools in the Guelph Kitchen er Gait area and observe train ing programs One of the most important features of the workshop will be naivem spasms PA 84391 the opportunity afforded parents ofmentaliy retarded children to exchange ideas on discipline epmpanlonshlp how to fit the child into the family and emer gency care Parents will also be able to Gooonncnaons crop Good Allan Brown left of Dalston is presenting cheque for $1050 to Ken Dicker of Clowes who lost farm shed and machinery in recent fire Neighbors from IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING an arm 4am awnr New York no Mill GUINNESS lllHN Mills ms Eve shown At 7008 300 Adult Entertainrgient mannerszso on so Numbers mun near mum Cralgbuist Ciowes Dalston TIL FRIDAY TONY DEAN JANEI cums Imam NEAMED Lesa AT LOVE noun In Aounsi 2m mr As Iadlytl flemflnfl Edgar and Guthrie chipped in to help make up the loss Presentation was made at Fri daynights dance at Edgar Hall ems CARTOON so my action swmt Iiou udimlnigsukab Completewithflpieoe set of cleaning toolsy liowerful it imp motor paperdnst bag light quiet 31 See Live demonstration in our flora once or monarch to my HOME resume ON THIS POWERbeBMND NEW 71 is REPORTS PROFIT CP Domin ion Electroboma industries Ltd had net profit of $333104 or so cents share Indooo PM min ucémcoto 130 pm FreeList Suspended For This Engagement Last Whalersmind on aim any ll ACADEMY AWA MONDAY THROUGH SAT NIGHTLY AT 130 mm MATINEES wen SAT gee4 Dies RuvathA thhdmlnerhudleduan lultolaflrewhlehrnptlu bed mhrerlldonnltoryat the in hospltal Denis Anelhir no of Rouyn flue and Sam Belem 23 of Nova Scotti diedintheblau About meo were sleeping anhe dormitory when the fin started Churchiiroup For Death Penalty SlMCOE CPiA committee from the Clnlsttan Reformed Chwohes in Eastern Ontario Hamilton and Tomato has sent letter to Prime Minister Die fenbaker asking that the death penalty be retained The latter lignadJIy John Vrlend secretary of the oom miiteo fr oorrespndence with the government of the Eastern Canada interClassical Confer ence of the Christian Reformed Church lays the Bible speciï¬es that the death penalty is the punishment for murder The letter quotes the Bible Whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed for God made man in his own image srAnTS tomorrow AlLVWO COL1 VMV Wzl YER Bianlian Airinen Die Iii 325 crash HANDS AP least offer ubhlxofffromthlsAma iver city Act now insure new turn the look on financial loss Let us protect your poe against theft your eviuables Our low cost personal pr in surance covers fal Call on us for full ioftion and consulta tlon obligation MA OMSONS unim Atom Dnoioo If Barrio um FOB LlhuTED ENGAGEMENT RDS includingBEST PICTURE WILLIAM WYLEKS ohms srdN moos non ms ENGAGEMENT Children use anytime students 900 anytime Adults MatineeWed not100 Monday throughThursday $125 sailrouge Honda $150 Imes Tonight Esther the King soon The Enemy Below commemorati First only PouinerScmbbexwitii wannananonn mama BRUSHESVj