lSliiG andsteel Comm lug example of Chinas policy of flowing down expansion of its heavy industry thiryear rliuhhge modern notary one at the developments that oouviaceennt the moniskepti oaivlsitoreol the extent of com is stnlcticn carried out ii Chinas heavy industry since the great leap forward besen in use But this year theChinue Communistparty announced ofmaiorbuudingeltortandtho new policies alter three years recent natural calamities and other rural difï¬culties which caused heavy agricultural losses reduced raw material supplla and forced changes in use of available manpower communique issued by the party central committee in Jan uary said the whole nation must concentrate on strength ening the agricultural front Otheavy industry it said The scope of capital construc orurmlllou Gï¬ï¬‚diï¬rceï¬solship 101 WQSterii Wbfldflfree Press Failure dytneunltedstates to call its spaceman shot isiustjso muchinore grist gtliorMoscows propaganda mill To soviet citizensthe Americans bra zenly announced launching date and let alittlething like the weathervioul up the countdodvlil6 those of us on this side otthe Iron Curtainit means the Americans place moreyalue on the life humanbeing thanvon tactical propaganda We likedt that way Whatithe citizens or theCammunist camp are unawareoi is that in all prob ability one or more their countrymen preceded odor YuriGagarln lnto spacehnd éither didnt make it back to term ilrma or didntget on the ground in the first plate HONOR CHAMPLAIN AT ORILLIA An item from April 1930 Examiner marked the Telcentenary or the death of Samuel de Champlain the French explorer who wasthe first white man to visit this part of Qanudaylhis was to be marked at orillia on April 28 with an interprovincisl goodwill banquet On tarios LieutenantGovernor Dr Her because or Down MembIYIdne bert Bruce andiMr Justice Sub yer or the Montreal swam com otherwise no one can notice the years headed the list of speakers forohéoc caslon striking monument stands on the shore of Lake Couchiuhingin love ly park and the great historiands re garded as theffrlrstoruuanf monomer codenaminrmzts An editorial in The Examiner of April 1936 extended congratulations tonnes Miner famous Canadiannaturalistwho not buy somemencant count their island ship theKuranaiMaru which By giving ship how carefully de signed bulbous underwater enact professor of Naval Earchitecture5211 Tokyo University has achieved an ap Professor Inui tested his development monthxorl 8000 ton Japaneselnter monuments Publisher BRIAN pulmonaru Mann Vaunrcounauenna Mulder editor errlouse WADGELBlulnese luqu ROBERT mm Advertising Manage an circulation flangar au oriuon me duly enter as we ï¬ï¬yeï¬rawxa egg mum Ontario our In monttioogutmlo calm minortechhicalities like perhaps an eitplosion on blastoff Thesis little things we in the West can mull over In Russia or chins such ineldentals never reach the newspapers let man on the street Hence it boilsdown tocensorship as opposed to tree press Peopleofthe tree world guard the free press asJeal ously as theydo the right to vote Its armor urherilagei Thus we use that althoughtes cued irommaking historic buttotal flight Tuesday both LtCol John Glenn and LtCmdr AlanBvshepard are alive togive it another try day whenthe odds arent stacked much against them gt alone the money but cant count my iriehds If it were not for children flowers birds and music especially children would have no desire to carry on Dont work all your lire tomake living but work tollve allyour life is Mr Millers ad vice to young men popularized the bird sanctuary in Can lada onthe celebration of his 71st birth7 day While his hair is turning white Creeping on him and he is as activeand enthusiasticin his study of bird lifeth dayms he was 20 years ago Calledby Edgar AGuest popular Detroit pact as The bestloved Christian in emer ica Mr Miner expresses this opinion tion in 1961 should be appropri ately reduced the rate at de velopment shold be readjusted and policy of cnnsolidatiug filling out and raising standards fllould be adopted on the basis of the victories already won EXCEEDSTARGEI The Communist planning ex gtpert Po nvlcc upremien and head the stats economic commission said in recent report that steel production in 1060 reached 13450000 tonsa more than the target set for 1962when the second flveyear plan ends The Wuhan lron Companys office manager HuaniMiog told me how these policies would affect their firm as he showed ma parts of the sprawling industrial basajust outside Wuhan gt The Wuhan developmentis one of the three higrpillars of the Chinese steel industry of the iuture Biggest of the three is the longestablished lapai nesebuilt plant atAushan in northeast ChinafiManchuria The third less advanced in con struction and slightly smaller than Wuhanls at Paotow Elutrd on ren farming lan about 20 miles down the Yangtzeniver from Wuhan in lose vr The original plan calledior the first phase uiour factory to enableaus io producel500 Temporary obs Hard To Locate and am me estate of the workers about 30000 are in the building trade Huan estimated that when the steel mills are all eompietd the permanent work force in cluding about 20000 men at the iron mines away mm the main gtï¬bowiil be between 40000 is nearly completed Six steel muidng furnaces are com pleted as are ï¬ve coke ovens and factory which makes re lrsctory materials for tile whole plant SOVIET EQUIPMENT We watched the highlyauto matlc operation at Soviet equlpped rough rolling mill big enough to handle the factorya ilnal capacity of 3000000 tons of steel heavy rolling mill just completed is undergoing trials while coustmc juisltI started on the plate rolling At the end of 1960 the com pany had completed mills able to produce 1500000 tons of steel each year Huao said But having the capacity to do this does not mean we are doing it Our blast iurnaces and smelterc were not all completed atthc sometime and they are notall in production at the sometime And with the blast ur naces completed only during the past yarnnun workers have not yetg tied the experience endltechnicslxskili to usellhem at maximum capacity Whliecomplete production ilgures for 1960 haveth yet been madzrlguhiic Huan esti acompaoyr rn lout tons of steeiyon 1200uootons oilron during the year Atpresent the company is not producing any special hard steels The output consists oi just ordinary steels Students Will rindlorisumer ay noannrnlca Canadian Press Stall Writer Fonmany Canadian un er sity students tempera wili be to find CrossiCahada Survey by The Canadian EressJoundihat students with special skillsr engineers approaching gradu ation business administration students foresters some me cal students have the best chance of gettinga good lodds Fare sg thern depending on whattbey want to do howbard up they are how far they want My biggestasset is my friends throughg out the world and the good health the good Lord has blessed me with fruit friends aresomethingjhat money can as measured against sisbér ship under similar conditions With the new snout the Kurenaiylillaru showed reduction111 total resistance essentially the saméas lowering power requirements whil maintaining the same speed by abo Jog ny return without sny FolV many summer rcturningto university in the fall and quitting altogether says Wells placement officer tion has An ingenious has tlooded MP8 senators bank president and bmlnessxnea with cold crisp cad newkiodofpapa using nan unamme smooch owner old drug store in neigh boring Hull Qu as devised reversible pope money which he claims could save thousand ol hours spent in banks and businesses in sorting hills so theyre all right side up and tom one bottom half of the bill is an upsidedown version of the top Hence it is always right slde up no matter how you look at it The front and back of the bill are similar as well unlike present currency Io creates sample oi his new money Mr owed up 30 worth of hona tide money and pasted the pieces into his newrdcsigu CRESTS ADDED Instead of the Queens pic ture he used newspaper shot of Princess Groce of Monaco And to add style he snipped from government brochure all the provincial crests to incor porate in the design Hisbllllsissuedioramytbl cal country called Cadana by the Bank at Cadana it has both English and French wording had 1500 copies of the de sign printed said Mr La tlamme He walked into one newspaper office and handed out about $25 worth at his moneyprinted in green or yellow take your choice liegwantsthelr support infla petition to the cabinet and the Bank of Canada ask ng that his piedJ The new reversible bank noteswouid save great deal at time devoted to handling he said fTheywould last longer beeause they wouldnt be ban died as much Mr inflamme says he spends his eveningsthinking up ideas or inventions Some people play bridge and ponder whether to play the ace or the king think about inven tions Mr Lsflammo is alsothe au thorof provincial government BdnkerSFrém TedtingHairi copyrighted in 1901 The ei he said was adopted by Britain in it lottery savings bond Icheme that provides prices in stead of interest also inva new kind of eigaret which has added in gredients that cut down on your desire to smoke Wouldnt that defeat itself With sales dropping as the Imoiung desire dwindled All said Mr Laflamlne thought oi that just put in enough ingredients to cut the desirenot eliminate it or Keep Another invention in multi purposo musical instrument which he calls the unicomagic piano lick switch lhhskesflhy like murmur P133 011 harp mnrimbs accordion nr chime The versatile Instru ment ieatured in cue Frenchnetwork telecut in De ccmoer1950 Now lm working on my Kï¬gtest invention Lanairum itll be woman who wont interfere with mans work Smart Comments05 Bore Iiim Ushers NEW YORK ANRemarks ian movie usher get tired ot hear ihe pictures they show here are retty lousy but they have the st popcorn in town fWhy cant take my dog in with me lie doesnt chew sum or talk out loud and hes smarter than most of the people in this audience What time does the feature begin stayed and seen this pitcher through twice and still dont understand what its all about is it up for an Academy award or something ills uniform its him like glovea baseball glove if he was in the navy and land all that gold braid hed be commanding at least three bat tleships and carrier Hey General Custer which way to the lounge mo MANY FRIENDS lii Melvin Joe and our two gal friends are waiting the slde exit How about slipping emin for tree This is the third time this month you have tailed to pass inspection Melvin Unless you get that button sewed back on beiore the next performance lll have to ask you to turn in your uniform The next time theUS cav alry chases the lndlaus away would you mind going down to my souhes the little boy in the frontrowand tell him that youre policeman and if he to put him in Jail Ill be wait lag in the lounge Podn me young man but would you please tell the Kenlman seated next to me to keep his hands to himselithet is if he dont want to wind up with bloody nose from having this hopping bug hopped in his ace CAUGHT NECKERS Melvin caught three young couples necking in the balcony last week lie asked or roles but instead the management gave him an oak leaf cluster to his good conduct medal Just sneezedand out they flew Let me have your flash light Ill find them They couldnt have gone more than three or four rows Who said was moringtSo what was Why dont you show pictures that keep people awake instead of putting them to sleep These are nice seats Thanks sonny and heres dime for yourself Remember dont spend it all on one girl WILL GUIDE CITIES TORONTO tCP Canadian architects decided Tuesday to establish an institute for re search work into and guidance of the development at urban areas The institute to be knownas the Canadian institute of Urban Studies was Approved at meeting of the Royal Are chitectura Institute of Canada it was the result of threeman oneyear study of housing and Canadian neighborhoods at the University of Western Ontario Even some who do iind wurk may not earn enough money to get through another you Engineers heading into tha northcan earn upto$500a monthwith nowhere to ailway resort hotels in the Rockies is between $80 and 5100 in th duh At thellnlyersity of Tornn studentsaret encouraged to for jobs associated with courses much spokesman ity Bali alEnipldymcntServic at ersity QuebecCity theyare may outh eusually geta let these jobs offered especially en the economic climate is like it west coast loho Mailman director of compet ouls getting tighte eat Lplsesships would be variously affected by Prof Inuisdevclopment it it roves accessrul It would not work too eli on slow beneficial to in freighters Some university placement oiflcersp lot to the economic picture asra basicfreason for ob problem chaelthusossi no employmentofficerwnrkin with Mnntre today These ï¬rms have the impression that students will accept obs because they lla ax says open in the hotel BIBLE THOUGHT ham ladum Distillera to aim jab lottery bonds plan which he doesnt go home now youll have spells the difference between YIEva