Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1961, p. 3

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cloudy and TYPICAL AlTACK Barrie Will 29 Take CD EXercise Sirens throughout Ontario in cluding the City at Barrie will be sounded this Friday as part of the Emergency Measures Ehr ercise TDCSIN 61 They are part of the Canadian Armys National Survival At tack Warning System which is manned by the Army 11 hours day The siren notes and their meanings am the same though out Canada and the United Stat es Two different signals will be heard and although the general public is not being asked at this time to take an active part in the Exercise the Ontario Emer gcncy Measures Organization hopes that residents in the prov ince will learn to recognize the signals for any iuture real em ergency ALERT WARNqu The first signal that will be sounded is the Alert Warning steady three minute siren wail meaning that in real em ergency an attack is probable and the public should tune in to their local radio stations for further information At the time that the Alert Warning is sounded on May for Exercise Tocsin the CBC will broadcast half hour radio program on national urviv at including statements by the Right Hon John Dieienbaker and the Warning signal the fake Cir ver signal will be sounded This is warbling or rising and fallingwail which means that an attack is imminent and the public should take the best cov er immediately available It there is no prepared sh elt er close by basements or interior first floor rooms should be used 21 canmns The Canadian Armyplans to sound the sirens on May sin 27 centresin Ontario This repre sents only portion olhhe com plete installation plan as num bers of sirens are still in the process of being installed in some areas this will he the first time that the Army has sounded the sirens since they took them over in 1959 Sirens will be sounded in Windsor Riverside London Woodstock Stratiord Kitchen er Waterloo Elmira Sarnia Toronto Sault Ste Marie Fort Erie Barrie Welland Fort Wil liam Port Arthur Brockville Belleville Peterborough Arn prior OttawavHull area East view Eockland Almonie Pern synalts scattered showers and snowflurries are forecast for most regions today more pleasant day forecast for Skies will be mainly and mperatureawill be southern egions and thenorth Lake Eli Lake Huron gara Western Lake Ontario re gions Windsor Inndnn ton Toronto Cloudywith few sunny intervals and few showers today clearing this eVening Mainly sunny and warmer Thurs west 20 been Forecast temperatures low tonight High Thursday Windsor as oo 32 30 The progr In deiigned to give better undermined ofho mben can cufiy the valuable ushttnee of other community services bywork log together in unison Ind above all to carry away now tonight for application to pm bleml atthc locallovol WARNING SIREN art In broke Carleton Place and Sud bury KEEP COOL Bell Telephone spokesman warns the public if you hear the sirens sound In Exercise Tocsin on May do not be oh armedand telephone for Inforl mation Such calls may over load tho circuits and prevent requests for police and fire as sistance being made The Ontarioflovernment em phasizes that the siren warnings on May are parrot Exercise Toeain 61 and the public Is not requested to takeany action gt The general aim of mm 61 is to practise those emergency measures that are necessary for national survival withsem phasis this year on the contin uity of all levels of government Officials of the exercise will also watch for gaps in planning and preparation from the Ieder a1 through to the provincial and The theme of thereonfarencc warln Partnership With Your Community At the opening session the keynote speaker was Joel Aldred president CFTOgov Rid For fer norary preri out 0AM introduced Mr Aldrcd om rumor Mr Aldrcdahowed film de plctlng highlights of the recent 18 hour telethon through which the OARC was able to raise mono than $200000 This money will be used uclullvnly to further the growth of the association In the field of re search recreation and home training just to mention few DISCUSSION demonstration and dis cussion was conducted by the professional staff of the Psych iatric Research Institute for Children London Ont filha Ital participating in the dir culrlon were Dr Zarfus superintendent Dr Koagler paediatrician Miss Joan Taylorvsoelal workarfli Soper psychologist Cox teacher Dr Goldberg psychiatrist On Saturday Community Services for the Retarded was discussed by panel of key personnel Miss Bessie Touzel executive director Onv tario Welfare Council was moderator The panel consisted of Mills WRITER DIES AT 103 PERTH Scotland Reuters Marlon Jones 103 year old writer who published hcr first novel three years ago died in hospital Tuesday Miss Joneas book Is entitled The Chirpings of Jimirna municipal levels Opens Its Doors lhe0nlarin Hospital at Pene tang opens its doors to Simone County visitors today in Oper ation Friendship one or the activities during this Mental Health Week cordial invitationhas been issued by hospital staffers for visitors to meet some of the pa ltienta and tour the hospital fa cilities to goal better under standing of the problems of the mentally ill Open house hours are from 130 pm to 430 pm and pm to pm Barrie and dis trict people may arrange their own transportation or call PA 63166 An information table has een prepared at the hospital the Barrie Branch of lihe Ontario Mental Health Associa tioii TheAIocal Association points out that there is an improved outlook on mental illness Men Youths Wishy Waéhy According to Harold Bishop of Collier United Church Barrie motorists will be able to get car wash this Saturday The young peopleoi collier will be at their postsiat the corner or Collier Payntz streets from 930 am right through unn til pm Allproceeltk from Operation lgrarglashwillgoiotheSimone es ytety Church CanmMore than $60 was raised last year The young people will workin slnfts and there will air or sew an on hand at all times They will use three hoses and bru shes lots otspongefi doom and scrubbing brushes Ontario Hospital lliPenetang To Visitors tal disorders once considered hopeless like many physical disorders have largely been taken out of that ca goryT in the well ea pond and well staffed mental hospitals where patients are given the best and latest treatment up to 70 per cent improve or re coverand this rate is rising But ney and intcrestdre needed says an Association statement Mental illness is the must rapidlygrowing item in provinual budgets laarrlcs newest Home Administra tlvoOfliecr Dvnutmont of Public mum unn mln Field superv Com munity Program Bran ant of Education RJonel Dir ector Special Education To mnioBcIrd ofEdncation it was stressed to the mem bers of OARCJhIt help ll available In each community by going halfwa to meet the variourragencleru HOLD WORKSHOP On Saturday afternoon work Ihopl were conducted by OARG mmmlttu chairmen various one being Adult Program Home Care Membership Public Education and Fund Raising Recreation lnrtltu tlonr and Education Thou workhops were well attended and much information was gained by local locidon members On Monday the annual meet ing of Steel Street Home and School was held Thlr meet ing completed the tlrst year In School The president Mrs MaoKeigan conducted the bus iness portion of the meeting report of the convention was given and the resul of the resolutions were read Comrnltteediairmen report ed on their years accomplish meota Sidewalk petitions were the major prtgect under taken in the Steel treet area As resultof this work side walks will begin in the area Smith presented the slate ofofficers for the comin term These were ucclalme as read The new president will be Russ Davey Vice presldenta are Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Brennemau Ite wms can coNinatr SUDBURY CPFrld Cn struction Company Limited Hamilton has been awarded the contract for construction of service and rehabilitation cen tre for the Canadian institute for the Blind Leslie Jones CNiB field secretary said hlea day the firms tender of $880000 was the lowest of eightre aunsr spanner better informed about things Hlnlllu of Health Ontario Government briefing rcheir thl manage to the member He hopes to too the day when mental retardation will be pro noted and when mental hosp lulawilibenthinzdthopan had we will be Ibll to treat mental illneisea outside of institutions Campbell was presented with life membershiplu the Provincial Auoclntlon inre cognitlou for hirer with the allpciatlon honor is the new prel Ident of the Provincial Assoc iation for 190162 Delegates attending from Barrie were Mn Gable preildent or thevBarrie Associ ation Mrs Rankin Mr and Mrs Finlayloa Mr and Mrs Bradley cording secretory iaMrs Lewis Correlpondlng secre tary is Mrs Royal and treasurer Is GMoaier The five elected executive mem bers are Mrs Sills Mrs Baycraft Mrs McKee Mrs Simmons and Mrs Pearson 3A report on the planning of Bar3Q was made by Mr Davey Speaker ofthe evening was introduced by Mrs Smith Lyallgh Rodney vicepres ident of the Barrie and Die trict Home and School Coun cil spoke on the Members Role in Home and School Whatxdoes he want from his Home and School Whut does heget Whahcan he gIVe TWhat role should children play in Home and semen esaq btious Mr lie ietyof answer member wants to meet the teachers learn about his rchooland get acquainted with the parents of hischilds class mates He wants lto sbecome that concern his children He getalthese things it he takes an interest and on active part in hlsassociution The mem ber can give his talent his =smnnmmsunmn Donations for the Barrio Red Shield Appeal have start ed to come inalready list or all donations over $10 will appear in The tfllaweelCMay Willarth zi ST 0551 Supertest mplv for but high School infirm at the winter carnival was 112 Therm lExaminrr CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Russ Davey Is Elected Steel Street President time his background andrnost of all his voice Children are the incentive for belonging to homo and school association but should not be used in program for the sole purpose of bringing his parents to meeting Aubrey Fizzell thanked Mr Rodney for his inspiring talk The nowlyclectcd executive was installed bvaru Rodney Mrs Simmons moved vote of thanks to the retiring exec utive and was seconded by gt Mrs Whittaker Mr Davey spoke to the members as the ncwprestdent and the meeting adjourned for social Tractorill cm MetatMinésing The Mines Club held Public School on the staining of April as An election of officers was held and from the on members the following were elected ill Drury president Elwood Vila vicepresident Dave Maw sec retarytreasurer John Van Voorst press reporter Instructor Howard Nodwell handed out literature explained the fundamentals of the Tractor Club then showed slides on farm safety éibs meeting was then adjourn Thehext meeting will be held Wednesday night May 31 at esing Centsalfublic School pongmm Specializing wnnfimas PORTRAITS AND calm PHOTOGRAPHY Jamto 29 Butler st rooster its organizational mating in the Minesing Central awardedwnlde3phs also School by Derrysmith in left of Superimt this mom Lug Left to right are Mam Nominationsffit Vonembera Garvey 31 Me my ran Worm Kinsmen Club Presage Elections On May 16 Last nlgbt was nomination nightht nickname Club Per sonsslatedby the nominating committee were president lien dy Lamb Harold Hadden vloe presideot GordonTeak retary Gordon Conder Heels treasurer RossAppleton Peter Moots registrar Ronald Abrams David Wyles directors Norman Eueoberg Earl Coote George Davies William Elsou historian Al Froom he elections will be held on May 18 Past governor of the Kiosnien Hap Lowe gave an uptothe minute report on the prograa of the planning committee for Motor Overheats Damage Was Nil Out of oil and overheated an oil burner my Tuesday broughtBarrie firemen tolls Collier Street where basement minke hadséntan alarm to the department No damage was calmed and no one was injured firemen said this morning MAY 1st 7th Ted lha national convention which will beheld in Toronto on Aug so through Sept ManShol Killed Iniwiildsor Home WlNDSOR OP Lawrence Charles Parent about 91 Tires day night was shot and killed with deerrifie in his west Windsor home Details of thc shootingwere hazy It was believed to have followed an argument GARDEN CENTER FENJSLEYS FLOWERS Blake 83 PA EWil SPONSORED IY lllE ctutnuu tullorllmlc ASSOCIAIIDII PHYSICAL FITNESS begins with good SPINAL BALANCE protect it with CORRECT POSTURE and avoid muny PHYSICAL DEFECTS

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