RTISEDL DOMINION has always deavomfed to hairs adecmete euppnea of adver tised specials in all stores and ï¬ght up t9 closing mean the day the special ends Now DOMINION adds new quaran tee of conï¬dence If you ï¬nd us said out of an advertised sale item that we xégularly carry ask for DOMINION Sold Out RAWCHECK It entitles you to buy the item another time at the special sale pnce Only DOMINION offers this quaijan tee thatyoull get all the advertised specials You can shop with complete confidence in Dominions advertis ing as You can shop with complete confidence in Dominicns guaianteed quality and low everyday prices TERRIFIC wirn Mnsnnooms RED on mine 3mm nounusss nonND tlï¬ï¬‚thr 69 490 maulnounogsmhmxmato snowy RUMPROA 1699 ILLifiii7orMOPéIs94le PORKTENDERLOINW 499c fLKESKSXEus 13 cm swxms mnmnm sucnn KINDLESS 512mm SIDEBACON 699 EEXE3IT 10 gswurrs DELICIOUS smicmn PREMIUM FRANKS 49c PKG SWIFIS PREMIUM PAflIES 0R SPECIAL mer SWIFTS BRAND LAND ISALE 24 ECONOMICAL yam nxcnn SPECIAL FOR MW ismcm TINle 950 LL mm uoz Li LanvFomENo SPECIAL gsoz BFEFLIVERCHICliENBEEFWITH GRAVYYARD 11 SPECIAL DOG roan 49¢ 11119 yr LIVE 29c mm nu EGONOMICflLiREGULAR ALI SWEET srncmn ms oo LL LL 1133 5L OCKILTBNOWLL mm 6min LL LL LL srncmn ff mg 10 goosceast Ll BY PEAS 29¢ SPECIALS Am 65 MIVCAL hwys FANCY gt swam ay PKGSH LL wnma THEYLAST THURSDAY N01WEITETCBEAMED HEATAannnvnswms gt mm BEEF STE LL LL4LLB WEILLE Tm LASlE FRIDAY MONTMAGNY CHOCOLATE MAuqw BIS urns