WILL ron The nuuuau bails heap puriog tron airways 0s hawas Grandviow Go Club ved with the discovery oi this cadla at 61 balls niar tbe duhhouse The culprit tur ned out to be squirrel but not the one in this picture Hal stuiied Photo 39 CANADIAN llllmms Ontario Tirafii urier ids Perils nithe capitals Con Efir hm ES of st lederatlon Square was put out before any damage was caused sevenOver Wékéï¬d By This cannons Panes Only Saskatchewan and Brit ish Columbia were tree at io talities during the weekend while other provinces nttiered heavy tolls haiilc mishaps accounted tor 23 of country wide total 19 latsilties in survey iii The Canadian Press irom pm local time Friday to Sun day midnight Road accidents took seven lives in Ontario in in Due bec our in each ol Alberta and New Brunswick where three youths died in one ear two in iNolla Scotlaand one in Man to Sixteen other iatalites eon neeted with weekend activities were counted Six persons died in tires three in Ontario two an Quebec and one in Nova Sco Four persons were drowned one in each of Newioundiand PrinceEdward island Quebec andfltlanitoha New Bruns wick mandled in all down staircase Newtonndiander was accidentally shot in Ontario youth was also troculed when his model plane hit high power line child died in parking lot accident and mother was ecrangled by drape cord man tell to his death repairing his roof The survey does dotoount normal deaths industrial iatal lties or known suicides The Ontariodead Jean Lalondeh as Friday night when he was shuckby car about miles northeast x1253 arsonage 15 mon Saturday when hit by car in parking lot outside his par ents Toronto apartment Alexander Joseph Gregory 40 when his carwent out of controland hit hydro pole in TorontoSaturday James Lepard 74 in fire which destroyed his Meaiord home Saturday Umberto Shrisea when car struck hydro pole in Ham ilton Saturday lllodel Airplane Cable Brushes High Tension Line Boy Killed TORONTO GP 16year old suburban Scarborough youth was eiectrocuted Sunday when the metal control cable of his model airplane touched 115000volt high tension line The cracking bolt settlre to the clothing of the victim Ken nethvGrant The yoilth was flying his mo del plane with three others Leon Basketville 18 Kenneth McMillan5 andhiamus Mar tin 17 all of Scarborough None oi theothers was hurt on tire and so was the grass all around him The three youths beat out the flames rooms EAFFLED HAMILTON or Two year old Stephen Stewart of Dundee died Sunday alter he was found unconscious on the parking lot of the church where he was attending Sunday school Provincial police said they are battled as to what caused the boys injuries They said they believe he was either hit The Baskerville boy said my Warren and struck his had warned the flier three not to fly the planes near the power lines dont know why they insisted on going there he said We usua listen to me Bask ville described the tra gedy There was sheetoi electricity is poweriui crack We couldnt see Ken be head An autopsy may be performed today Severaichfldren were play ing in the lot of the Church of the Nazarene in BeverlyTown ship at the time polioe saldnbut none saw the boy injuredn ian Siiwinski to Saturday in all imm theroot oi his Tor onto home Kenneth Grant 16 ot Scar borough when model plans he was lying hit power wire dead he was electrocutedpsun ay Stephen Stewart at Don das Sunday in parking lot death uncertain James Doyle so oi Orllll Saturday in fire in his roo ing house Lloyd Vigor 22 of Norwi Sunday in the which de slroyed an apartment building Joseph Wesgarth 51 Satur day night near Killaioe when his car leitthe road Linda Marie Brewer Sun day when she was strangled on drape cord in her Hamilton home Edna Beryl Courtney 500 Windsor in oar crash Friday night in downtown rWlndsor Gilles Ralnvilie 21 Sunday when hisear crashed into an ni Sudbury from the vlew 0111 mini who wasgparldng his next to the Parsonage cart The boy was tied to the bumper with long leash MINERS DIE IN FIRE CHBOUGAMAU Que CPl Two miners were burned to death and 10 others were in jured in tire that destroyed mine hunkhouse here Saturday ille bodies at Sam Mclsaac 23 and Denis Auclsir 28 Were found in the rubble oi the Campbell Chibougamau mine domliory Chihougameu is 260 miles northwest oi Quebec City Four of the injured had to be 145 miles to the southwest sui iering severe burns and shock They were identiï¬ed as Al phonse Coke 19 Rene St Innis 36 Tony Gartolo 15 and Frank lohlison Fiity men were in the Dubai dormitory Ina neon lash out and then vane Mael mysan oven TORONTO or lemnnth old boywas kilie Sunday when aoar ran over him in an apart was enveloped in burst of meat building parking lot where light Then saw him thaground He moved ain his legquivered th he Was clothes were be washed to th hisparents car to keep him trorn running on theroad Bandy Parsonage was hidden Factions Taking nOnBllsinessv in the ofï¬cers the International ski said Mill and smelter Workerstindil havetalren sep WILL ASKMHION arats action on mattersl left overirorn conventionhere Theexecutive board decide theemergency resolu unmodiï¬edme human outside church cause oi other on Highway 555 southeast taken to hospital in Robervai Qllebee came weak alter FLIbe iished reports oi New York staté commission report on or ganised and syndicated crime which linked gamblers in sev eral US and Ontarioddes EIGHT CITIES CHECKED Mr Roberts said Checkoi eight Ontarioacitles by proviso cial police and local ohlel con stables disclosed Hamilton No organized or syndicated gambling and the police department is on top oi any bookmaidng which may ea ls Niagara Falls No organ ized gambling activities and there has been none sinoehlay 1960 Ottawa No organised garn bling as suehl little dullcuity with the odd chartered dub Sugph Positivgiy and te no organise tannin The odd boohnaker but new city has them every uniran iamade toput thanmad hissing No mm gamblingpthovodd but nothing organlnuir the odd mmaliu but milith Eli thllS PLAYERS Planes nutrition 2ND BIG mum ANDIHE CHARLES sum HERBERF GORDON WE PLUS CARTO THEATRE cm SéOBE COLOR by LUKE oofrnarnn mum ENEMY dB GW Featurerinieli Esther and singerspm Enemyaelow 630 and 10 pm bumper oi IMPERiAL ltow Vnowma Academy ard performance in TheBzidgeOn Are yquhoklligae best Ossible£5595Stoutbank Its the numb of eople across Canadawho are unaware the variety of he pful services their banks have tqofler TheSe services range from loanplans to money orders to travellers cheques and so ongAll ofthese sorvicesare avail Zable toyouatevery bank across Canada sway should you choose TorontoLDomintoni Because we oEérWu all Of these handy services lLUS helpful interested pedple who enjoy providing them for your Qur cannons are This is Claytoti Cinnamonsit our GlenfStreetbrancll inHOtta Clayton litshown hot mg one of our orontoiDonlinioh wstomersfto bring or er outof chaos Hes suggestinga fTD Personal Chequ mg Account the sureï¬re way to keep freoordszupdoédate andaccuratc Through aPersonaI Cheq lng AcéoilntClaytdns customer can meetall Hitémized statement and Lof hisobli aï¬orla anï¬ Britains Queen is shielded byan Ihe chats with the local official on her at rainy Decomolnan port outside alum Municipal To Foot El ViNElAND OP gstel to the annual or of the Ontario Aasocl Urban and Rural Mun agreed Saturday on lit of Ontarios educatk should be assumed by vlncial government The so delegates ire ships bordering mel areas tabled leului ing the province to as education costs The resolution was i1 by Thomas Beckett ioronlo Township and school boards as sug pills with loathing about curriculum and do about education Mr Beckett said tin main function is to ings with architects problem with janitors Workers El Easeflana MONTREAL CPl workrs Sunday chldr dlanvladors or By accept large scale ment as chronic aiim which nothing can be in resolutionpassn end at Katherine of time Ladiea Garme ars Union CDC here Desperate M5 Battle For Vi GLACE BAY N5 newed discontent through Cape Brehol coal geld Sandys strug opene pr elose May 31 offline that employ more third of the islands era meeting otlomo era union officials an decided to send adell Ottawa to ask them to keepflli Chi operating until the Ontario clariï¬es itself President Bill Mars United Mine Worker Dist as said that in twr years with all existi operating the cape dushy would be unahll the demands oi Ontst bk tiontomembersoilocaism in mm andsa7 or action through membership meetings and other means MrSolski eaidl lhe board alsoplans to place be alsolure locals the Coal is shrinking 11an rousendwl The BV91KWL props disal erythins illthe am mam BEIION WIN BELFAST AP Beiouard of Front lien and African bent roy Sstmday diKht 70 ed their 33 the round Belouard scai mud Giiroy 119 navel UEHOLSIIII ANTIQUE AND 14 Beautifulsamilloar Free Estimates th the govern ments of Ontario Manitoba Qï¬eberiwill NW if Ca gt lt gt5 gt Produud by DUNN LESSUEsmnsild