octahnnrin thewarhewu inthaCanedianAnnyuapsy ehiauicooulfltantinottawa amen consuuran in ll resuse poe an education Frequenth Dr Grit iin is consultant on the mental health and human relations pro namsaf the Canadian Broad casting Corporation Be for Barrie Printers Confer Degree InMgsonic Order ORIUJA Printers De see Team at the Masonic or der on April to visited Orlilia Lodge Noel to confer the FirstDecree Among the can rdldnies initiated was Douglas Klein circulation manager mflflh Daily Packet Wor Bro Alfred Shepherd of Barrie acted as Worshlpbh Master Other Barrie members were Wor Bro Llewellyn Bea lvii°xi célsgir an ar Vu William Untoa Howard Clarke and Don Dickerson oriilia members of the team included= Wor Bro Gordon Smith 1PM Wor Bro Beat tin Senior Warden Bro Fred Perigo Senior Deacon Bio Doug Rid Junior Deacon Bro Mac arson Seniorrsls werd Bro Brown Senior steward Bro ilede Stnhley Chaplain There was large delegation of printers present from 05th awn Wor Bro Thomas Harris on it Beaverton assisted in the war WEli Synopsis Aprils cool and wet weather over Southern Onthrio seems to have had notrouhle continuing into the month of May and indications point to more of the same Clearing is expected later to day our Southern9ntario but cloudy and cold weatherwith occasional snow will continue Mrthern regions Another disturbance dev sloping over Texas is expected to move northeastward bringing more gain to Southern Ontario lites sy Lake Erie Lake Huron agara western Lake Ontario Windsor Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with sunny po riods today and Tuesday lidainly clear tonight View showers Tues ay afternoon see is em ummary or nies day Continuingcool Haliburtom Cloudy today with rain endinglatethisafternoon Cloudy and cooler Tuesday with few showers Winds light to day and westerly to Tuesday Georgian Bw Clou today wrth few showers luesdny cloudy and cooler th few snowflurrlos Winds spread the Barrie branch points out that mortihan one million Canadians nearly oaeyin every ten are sutierin from some arm of mental or disorder About 70000 Canadians are under the care oi mental sitals right aw nearly hali ol the number of patiema in all hospitals or all diseases in the entire country More than 10000 new patients are admitted to mental hospitals each year says the Association symbol otthe Canadian Men tal Health Association is the White Cross Horticultural Tours Planned Members of Barrie Horticuh tural Society are busy muo No 135 thanelghltours shows and visits me planned for May and June alone Monday May 10 the Society leaves Barrie early in lhemom in to visit the Toronto Garden cl ilowar show at Case Loml than the Humberauihv Gardensand linaily Niagara Falls Conservatory end school oi Gardening Saturday and Sunday Mey so and Rochester New York will he the destination High lightsherewiliincludethaiiis ammonium 03Lru MARY JANE norm Midhurst shut camp Oyernioht lit Willowï¬reeit Three memheisoi hornet holdhuret Scout Troop recently imdertook on overnight but Theboys were well protected from be rather uncooperative lem statuary nampvm cedar grove inn fatalitl varied ioiktrafltlon will be 14 lists iron Britishï¬olnmhhto Newioundland asthaycomhlno as who rinterpretive talents inthe Maripou Folk Footlqu to he held in Orillia thisAIIgustlhe unique event will he Canada iiratnatlonaliolkuieotlvel willhe underzthe direction of oriilians Dr and Mrs Crawiord Jones assisted by strong committee and moitown en thusiasts no mean ailair wins nus May 17 sees the iprlnuiower show right at home at Collier Street United Church Details oentiypuhiished yearbook Mrs cBrown isconvener oi Trinity Hall Judge and Decoratlon days to and Barrie Union on Juneï¬ Sunday June 25 the Society exhibition oi the Canadianltoae Societyat Leeslde Communlu Gardens Barrier iannuai rose show atiriaity Parish Hall Wednes day Julieta hairs Mis Jlne Bond died in theRoyai Victoria Hospital BarrieSunday evening April alter short illnus at two weeks Born onduly 29 ml at Cralgvalc Minnie as she was betterwlmown xy guuwMéndgf was young tha late Mr aners Robert Bond She waspre reality or Nellie MrJemes Booth of Crnlgvale She is sm rived by one nephew Bertyi Booth of Bradford Alter completing her public school education at CIaIKvale she entered the Collingwood General Hospital where she oir tainted Registered Nurse degree Then when the first World War gt was declared in 101418 Miss Bond was the ï¬rst NurslngSls ter loanikt horn the Township of innisfii in the Canadian Army Medical Corps After spending three years overseas on active duty in England France and Germany she returned to Stroud where she was honorably welcomed by her home community Aftcr agahort rest she do oepted position in Westohini sterllidilltary HospitalyLondon Ont was matron oiahospitai in khan Sash did private nded her nursing as where she spent on active duty She then retired to Stro 30 St Pnnlfs Anglican Church the funeral aervlooJlast Tuesday Vattemoon from the Je ett Funeral boys Michael mm Potter com enjoyed their outingtheir only regret wasthat their Seou ter made them break campxin the rain and Barry rie lt the irisShow to beheld June er will be Leslie Latina ot WWW Royal Botanical Gan ed by Society members ere thoseoi St Marys on June 11 willotlaratourtotheaonuei hr Hlahways selenium nursinsln New Yorkrcitygand flashy Gravenhunx Sanltar up for long Walks life ion mem lt bet StreetJemhdree street square danceand Hey Rube starring the Yorkicom ty Boys oi Toronto Saturday morning for the ilrst time at any folkiestivaljin North America several iiims on iolk musicwill be shown The lime have been collected by the Na tionai FilmBoard almonds and the United States library or of this are in the Societys r9 gratuistlons were offered to the Swearold Bondlieadwo Aiilaton hospital today follow inflenaccident in that small oommunity sixinlleswest01 Bradlord tarlogtProvinclal Policest the woman Mrs Nellie Mc Pherson was struck by light truck at the intersection Constable woned Gllklnson said Mrs McPherson was parsntly hit when she ttempt tn as Highway hoAcstilth season nnrvan The OPP oiiicer said the driver at the truck was Edward Bell 69 at Benton The accident occurred at 750 am Mrs McPherson was malted to hospital by police who saldshe sustained fracture and badlycut legiscal laser tions and undetermined in es liev Cameron on at Tha Welland Canal Mission in the Seliors he guest speaker at monthly dinner meeting at the Christian Business Mens Committee of Barrieon May Burton Avenue Unit hutch Barrie Five or six times only ix days week during the entir shipplag season Mr 0rrsteps aboard the ships as they pass hetw Hotrave iocks Four only at stir may ectlonate titla given to There werejgood Wcslern Blind Bowling league manis in critical condition in Mrs Bell had epedal treat someone Reuters Igneousasset Derrioaratapa oouidalso he at up aiongrthe Welland Shlannnl seam mm 1673 saddensin Metro Toronto pssaed her Ill tmt who listens an erttliery came ua oompleteaurprisejo thilnavnlhaae Th caddy on what was described the navy nu routinemisrlon to tha srln training area oi Vietiu island int fol Puertonicog Dawesal anada ghtl semen club so heldits mo thlyvmcatihg at the 0d Fellows Temple Collier madamApr 428 oi members rand Iiiends Con Berrle Blind Bowera who villi iahedsecond lnB Group inlha andso entathe playoits overseas sacno When the business section was concluded Presiden Maisonrturned th in store for tho vlsuallyhandi capped She introducede Dav ice of Canada fjmï¬ï¬‚fl concert oIo recently re from avgilnthrs tour the USA and although busy they en WARNS JIiWB leaflets warning South African Jews against the governing Na tional party The leaflets said the nationalist government al readyihs departments for tu Negro Asiaticand colored nuairs and added thatiit was mo than vague possibil departmental Jaw eln NaziGennany eaarlitciuhï¬llf yously tiered oontanainttha rsightless VARIED PROGRAM Their arlall and songs iromf thr musical shows and Southern talk souls also rinldlngot comedy and iv thelrrflnnlnumbera French Ca1gladianugflk song once oroughlyeme joyedthe singingloi this concert was group on behalf litChili on and mentioned thettnlent oi thizeal ibre is rarely available endTCluh so appreciated their kindness in denoting their iim and1tslent lunch had anogpo unity to get better acquaint meeting SchooiAssociation held3the res ting in the ohool on Apr Tha speaker tor the evenln was Mei Rows of Elmvale Mr Rowat spoke on thepres eat fractional reserve money and banking system and said approximately 90 percent of all Canadian moneycornu into ex istence as debt owedvhyth people individualiyand collect ively to tho chartered banks as asserted that today money controls production whereas production should control the money supply Mr RoWat stated that whenthe amount or money incirculntlonisequsbto an gt determined by production will be impossible to hnv re musionsr depressions or lnila giving otkhis and knowledge Plans were made to hold euchre party in thesehooi to helpiinance fir orksdispln planned for Nlessrou ï¬rst not our fled mettle cl You July um ann allworx and parts here operatio seiootions Kennedy Uthanked tho and mm work averaged shmlt $1200 Physicians and Surgeons of On fessionsis and some women an travellingu scheduled lot 71 woman nits INPlililCEDHClili ALL clersFery til 11 otAiltrton employed vVas cleaning womanst Camp Borden warfound grklednear Fvacrett Vernon Econ 47 part tlmeworker at Camp Bord anï¬ was found unconscious in the car but lsin satisiae lory condition in Stevenson Memorlnltiospitnl Provincial police saldthe tuition overturned on but the motor had stopped when the co lswes iundbyl arm District respo us totha cam paignioriunds in of the Cnncer Society was Sen one thisyear lupast year the contributionsto hoipin per year 1961 objectL was raise to $1300 and this merit was exceeded more than $700 lvvo thousand dollars iifllwfltfliflld its sincere anks volun rcartvaasers tothe Wom Committee of the local branch of the Cancer Society to the Womenslnstitu woheLegim and LionsCiuh to the Hospital Auxiliary and nursesva the lid tarlhns to thrvoiunteer con vassers in rural centr in liege oi tarlo at the 96th annual meeting rm held in Tor een sins diatoms The The will CW Brarch Was formedgaboutln Lilli 56 will play two intu deaomlnational Saturday night ieilowahip ooncerts in Barrie May and May is VFirst of these is at Emmanuci Baptist Church this Saturday It ran showroomCitadel Band datesback tothe misses when the iirst hand of seven Pittier wasformed and is now cd one ol oremost lanes bands at dreworidnur ing these many year the band has earned reputation second to none for its consistently high standard at service and usic PAILBHCONCBRIS Typical the summertime aacredpnrk concerts First pre sented in 1922 theseries is still maintain lhejsame in true olthew or monthly musical series that 0ch in 1831 Each Sunday the band ntri huts vocal and instrumental music to the regular church services in the Democrat Cit adelol the Salvation Army in iorontp Manymemhers are also active as Sunday school teacher choir munbers and in various other church activi diaeucoess of this campaign What is done with this money or wheredna it 07 or the $11000 raised 50 per cent or this more if raduircd is available Brroughihelocal branch the Cancer Society torthe care of Alliston and district patients whoara in need of various forms lags or provide transportation tojPrincas Margaret Hospital Somaoftlia money raisedeoes towardthe iightagains cancerr carried ontin the laboratories of the country gt Society LIFE YOUR TIRES DEPENDS ON YOU or anyyeare the tire indus try as had ainethod or or longing the his of standard tire to rnaro thnn 100000 miles The reason it has it would Thlr chansein tiresconirl b0 and drastically alter aan the