Woman Pilotllurt Sally Anne Stapleiord 15 yearold daughter of Ontarios deputy director ottrade and industry won the British lun ior figure skating champion ship in March Her Iauier Red Stapletord once National Hockey League play er was industrial conunlsslon erat Ontario House in Lon don England for 15 years be fore he took over the provine 21 post in Canada GP Pho Istqelis Scredm At Nazi JERUSALEM tReuterslBit ter shouts and sobbtng erupted in the public galleryitodsy as witnesses at the trial of Adolf Eichmann told the grim details of the Nazi slaughter of Jews during the early days at the last wan No witnesses were inter rupted and two menwers led outot the gallery for shouting and gesticulating at Elchmann the war The first interruption came during testimony by Polish born Jew on death march or ganized by the Nazis in 1939 during which jeeriug SS men beat and shot their victims man stood up in the public gallery and screamed and shouted at Eichrnann Guards led him away stili screaming bloodhound bloodhound STANDS 5110st When another witness Polish born Yaacov Gurtein described how his mother pushed him out of train bound for Belserpex termination camp another man stood up and shouted toward Eichmann 1All my family the man charged with themur der of millions of Jews during Todays Super Shell packs no fewer than nine ingredients into one gasoline Among them is an ingredient called mixed pentanes This quickï¬ring componentis made by tearing the heavier molecules of petroleum apartmuch as you Splitkindling to get ï¬re going faster As result your engine warms fasterdelivers top performnnce hurry Comaucmes can never deliver top performance They also waste gasolinc per Iaillaflll imd mnlu your plugs Inst That is why Shell scientists add mixed cultures to toda Super Shell Blended into Super She formula this ingre dient speeds ilpthe deliveryvofhcat to your engine Top performance without coaxing Shellkmakcs mixed pentanesvhy sub jccting petroleum to terrific heat Under this ordeal the heavier hydro carbons are tom apart andtransfonned into lighter quickhumingmplocules When blendedinto Super Shell these quickburning molecules Work much like kindlingin log ï¬re They ignite glo TOP additive can give ya rarity to 15 per tent more power 17 extra mile twice long Todays aviationgrade TCP does this by neutralizing an harmful cm of enginedepositsult stops them from when hota major cause of power 055 It also stops them from divertin yoursparkamajorcauscof missing Thisis petroleum that has actually cracke Vdcr poodegree heat and catalytic action Its heavier molecules Xi 516151 bloodhound and levcryll hshattered into livelier lhe man was ledaway sob our engine soon oses e51 hmB feeling it has when starting cold You The result mghocmemgmh The ï¬rst Witness at the day ZyiPachter waived his arms and shook his list at Eichmanns glass cage at the bitter recol lection of the beatings and tor ture inflicted on thesrharchers by SS men Eichmann parsed his lips and his face twitched as he listened to the gory evidence By Spinning Propj MARKHAM CPA woman dont have to coax it into delivering top performance Dramatic efleet The direct of mixed penance may well be one at the most dramatic things youll notice after you ï¬ll 11 with todays Super Shell But you notice number of othersnoo Mixed pen tones is onlione of the nine Super shell lngredicnrsjthar give your car top shall adeqï¬m Wm wilth that gaso line can betoo sensitive performance Read about the other eight cut that makes your engine purrmth Nora Catcfackirig refers to the use power the moment youput your out down of catalyst substance that hasthe Ingredient is is catcracked gasoline for powervwith pun Extraordinary Sap is made 3137 tearing PéthIeumgapart t9 you performance mysterious ility Ito alter molecules without changing itself Ingredient heavy alknnesï¬for bothrpower and economy at all spee er flow under giant Van high intensity electron beam smishes ts in some highly of the £121 requirements for top perf Ingredient is an anti oer reactions as part of to stop stalls due toeorburetor andxylene chain though invisible cantons 511211 analyze their con lung study ofenginehehavioui In petroleum into superenergy comp entssuch as benzene toluen These three al release per ken gt gm am on Su eishdisfonhulaisadjmmdu to inure useï¬dener er allon prlot fractured her skull In two they are and what any am The extra That sfhe mg VP 82 aka In the all 11 tnmesa carfor onrareato eat pnpï¬sheupï¬yl $039 gmng cneï¬ts of many Super Shell my agaso ormsw one in laoioraneav ler at her oneengine planeat Locust Field airport Carol Wright school teacher in Scarborough was in surprise you Ingredientiiz for hen youre drl slowly but causes knock an 035 power at high th vweathcr Wheneverthertempéra tutors likely to degrees an anti eingrcdicncisadde But make no nperShellhehavcsitsclfatalls Shell scientists on it They line todays formula th heavy al ghoclane ingredient the is Why add antiicér fortyï¬ve 11 grease Because even then frost can cm in your carburetor Jus as it as serious condition in ospital resistance to knocks might suppose thattwo high edientslwbiddhcenoiighto power mileage and longer She had just returned ram is pluglife solo flight to Muskolra and would have qualiï¬edfor Shél where it ehavcs scarcely know there That is un in your refrigerator It can licence in May GUELPnsrEAIs snow HAMILTON CP Guelph Legion runners captured ï¬rst third fourth and 19th places in the Luck Stewart Memorial iorZVz mile road race Satura day in win the team championr shiphyga seven point edge over Hamilton Olympic gCluh BruceAndlews took the lead in 11 minutes 50 seconds 15 seconds ahead of llamiltons AlDun can Taking third and fourth uelph Legion were me version of this famous additive It was develops to use in gasoline eta insensitive Supél Sheilr pites yangtap slow formame whether you re giveyou gred nil butaneforqui Staffs kc yo enginedcadn gr preventive tokeepthe fuelsySte clean ii the purest gasoline conform gum hcn stored ThiSCanclog carburet and pumszut with neednt Worry sp Cllctllck policeman contron an eye on unstable c4 em from clo cat ystfor hell to produce tforma fortunatelyfor The platinfl Platformate its you note your oxtra mileage that there isno doubt sage sh Yo ll soon fled in the way your engine That dill