BRASS AND GLENN urn SAYS Iris rnunï¬ TYPE ems JONBIUIJ sm senor TOGETHERle Curling is said to be the lastest growing sport in Canada People who seemingly know this have greed this in newspapers have cried it is wing so last how come we dont get the coverage Yes those cries do come irenr curlers Because the game is growing in popularity and en msnymore rinks are being buut clubs including the local one have had trouble this year iiiiing its bonsoiels with as many carrottown rinks it would like The competition has become so great that rinks Imust send out notices earlier than others Curlers are an anxious lot and like to get to as many splels as possible Its simple The iiret rink that catches bonsplelers eye will receive an application Send the notices out too late and youre out of luck Another way to keep outoitown rink participation at high rate is to be good enwrtainers In this sense Barrie hasnt failed me alternative is to have heme rink meaning one that has produced rink that has won either provincial or dominion honors Its been long time since Barrie cur has won major prize or any sort This brings us to the cris inel point or the column How can you have winning rink To hear local curlers tell it foursome must curl together or some time to become the slightest threat in big competitions At least one local rink the Colts that didnt last too long in the division competitions would like to work together and try to develop into more compet ent team To do this the team would like to curl regular schedule together without qualifying or any prizes The teams that play them would receive bye We do not know whether or not this rink has asked permission oi the club directors to play schedule such as the above We do not know the ans wer the our would get it they asked However we would suggest that the iellows be giv en the right to curl together in schedule Then we would suggest that they be compelled to attend at least halldozen outoltown spiels before the colts play comes around the next year In fact this could be the case or other rinks including Console Gover nor Generele and Tankard competitions other links weve heard do allow rinks this priv ilege The Sputnicks otorillia have curled together lcr at least halfdozen years The togetherness has paid0M They are the provinces representatives in the Dominion championships sure the Barrie Curling club has fine relatlonsbips with the orillia Olub Wouldnt it leather in the local clubs caps to outdo them This started out as social game sure But didnt it receive prominence in National Magazine cur ling though social is competitive Why not have the best If this or any other rink does not wantto have its best curlers entered in any or the prestige competi tions then we would suggest that it not even enter them lets not Md ourselves There isnt one in this entire city that doesnt want to win Lets make positive steps towards doing so or get out or it senator Listens To Stadium Plea or sun CANADIAN roses Edmonton Fiyerslicked Winv nipeg Warriors Monday nlght in Western Hockey League gorse that meant little It leit Edmonton our points out or the cellar Winnipegs sitlon While the league nly game was being playe there was talk in Montreal about the WELe possible iuhire relationv ship with the Naiional League Erwin Swangard managing editor oi the Vancouver Sun irisd hard Monday to win sup portot Senator Hartland Molsan ior ibsconeiruciion oi new 14000veeat collected and con vention hall in downtown Van couvor Mr Swan ard said the sena tor gave sysnpaihetic hearing Senator Maison is president the NHLs Monkeal Canadians Mr Swangard saldhexnade the approach as private citizen not in any official capacity in gnaw or his newspapers be He said he was looking or the day when sooner or later there will be Paciï¬c Coast section oi the NHL HOCKEY HINTS LLOYD Pizde One the greatest qualiï¬es cl man is charity giving to the needy The expression Hed give you the shirt oft his back is oitvehl vised todescribe girls 011 especiallydiari But when hockey erinihe middle or some handing gun in sea toxtbe motion ehariiab gemu earn him harsh words irom the mfid morasan am ilrsnaking blind peer just passing the puck in the shaleleamsnatals inpoeition iotakeihllisuhlly this reenlie inslossdposseeeionthatire this year shows that this sea son fliers is about so per cent improvement one sure rea son why the Leafs are so much baker So remember always take look and stop playmgegaanie Ciaus or the opposition use you might irlp on your beard For more hinis get my billio Hn Bellvcau Makes the Piey by sending stamped selfad envelope and cm careof this newspaper ed from the infant days of the schedule Barrie it must be conceded added the most Fel lows like Ray Gsriepy Bob Gan ner Lloyd Pearson and Red Fs vero lust recily were not on the ningday roster ns problem was not in rows ii El Beeton Wins All Championships In Little NHL Tournament Beaten team won all grmp lnge of the Eastern Section Central Ontario Little league ioumament he communiy Saturday MIL camp Borden RCA was the ï¬rst am contest over Allleton Darryl Maggs had ï¬ve goals or the winners Barry Young had three and Shannen Nelson one Bill lemmell scor ed for Alllsion Beansnodeléeted gamlgm Army three goals and Ted Gould the other two RCAF then beat Bradford 72 Bob Runcbsy scored three goals or the winners while Maggs had two Nelson one and Steve Boers one John Hughes and Steve Kenya hit for Bredierd Beeion took the final contest 84 over RCAP John Gould had two goals and Gary Carleton the other Magge scored for RCAF JUNIOR Bceion deleaiad Alliston so in he ï¬rst Junior contest Beam ard McKenns had two goals and brother Paul the other John Owen and Mike Clarkon scon ed for Allisinn ECAF added BMW Brian Gysel and Wayne Rogers scored for MAE Bill Kanyo scored for Bradford In the ï¬nal Breton sw BCAP 52 Mike McKenne our goals and Mike Sole and Paul Borgia one each or he winnan Lee Emit scored both RCAF goals NHL Aillsion edged Bredord in the first NHL contest Bill Lew is wilh two and GeryrSmoklnn wore the Alliston scorers Nevin Kslegaric scored for Bradford ECAF Heated Army 21 Peul Gauthier end Welly Schoclde sound for BCAF Anny goal was by Bill Sutherland Boston hopped Allision es in the sendtins contest Wayne Carleton and Ron Crowley bed iwo goals apiece iorihe win here Slums woreby John Boy on and Ted Gould Smohnn lsld the Alliston tally lhe final NHL conieet sew Beeton win again this time 72 over MAP Wsyne Carleton and MGonld has three and two goals respectively Ken Wood and John Boyce had sin glee Dove Wllet and Steve Buchan scored or MAE Murray Perry Top Scorer In Legion Minor Hockey Tilis Msriboros deloated Niagara Falls 84 in the ï¬rst lunior game in Barrie Legion Minor 3069 dandelion action at Barrie Gill Stove Thompson with two and Greg Spearn were the Marlboro goalsetters Sieve McGraih scored for the Falls st Mikes tripped Guelph oi Garry Moran had three geek for the winners Ken Bannerman had two and David Mitchlneon one George mpllng scored for Guelph 8t Caiharines edged Laks views 42 on goals by Roger Edi wards Pat Letour David Bled and Edward Kelly Bobby Lyï¬h scored both Lekaview go Peterborough delesied Hamil ton 76 in the final junior till Brian Kinsolla and Tom Wiley did all the Peterborough sopr oii Miami 33 all We V9 had three Hamilton goals and Brent Bowen and Ross ABlr man had singles Providence nipped Spokane 32 in the ï¬rst Am game Pet Quinn with two and Phil Cole man scored lo Providence Paul Parker and Jenyauinn scored for Spokane Dennis Water and Glenn Dav is scored as Hershey blanked Springï¬eld 24 Rochester blanked Cleveland 50 on twogoal performances by Swan Cooke and Murray Dingman and single by John Kennedy Erie and Buflsloplayed too 22 draw with Bruce Steeleend Murray Pony scored all the winners goals in Oornwails 62 win over WW David Ray crait and Brian Curtis scored for Winibor Mme alostchahéein we tend enemas by the nominatesn Timid you Tréduemlyeeé blind passed made even in the NHL it is common sight in age limit jockey SpearCollege studierslww that in the average game in agelimit caiegorles them are noises than Midgets se Kitchener wed them asemedslinsids ibepsssv ing loomsdslensive zone the most dangerous rplecelio give thn liege figures oiblind Co sires made by the Ma lei lie1s last year as opposedpto Barrie Midgets host muses Midgmymnorrownigbtettnsri flehrensiutberlrstgameo ibeeruterchlnorHockeyAe eocistion serl Gen ilmelselgbtoclock Berriesdvaneediotbesecond Whitbyseeredseowinovsr Kingston lathe sound senior game Darryl Landiak scored twice or the victors while sin glcscalns lrom DavidReld Steve Simmons StevePoflsrd and Dave Grey Doug Reed Mike Roblllnrd and Bonny Rich srdr scored for Kingston cum isouncedKiuhaier MDannyMsloneyiedtbewlnr nelswlihthreegools singles were by Brent Smith Bev Stewart and Dave Rutledge John unions and TerryLeigh scored for Kitchener Gbaihsm defeated Norih Bay 73 on three goals by Garry Meger and singles by Phil Fa vero Malcolm Lake Billy Mo Pberson and Graham lilo Knighl Greg Heseon Bob Wal ion nod Lewis Kelly scored for Northlay Montreal and Detroit played ionHtlointheiirstNELga me played last night Bob ho byk with two and Roliand Dempstor and Bob Nellson poor ed for Montreal Jim McCann Denies Decarle Jed Miller and Allen WalksEricirrceydmiorDellsalti New Yer cagopnye to IM lie Tons Mitchell got both New York goals and Chuck Breckey and Ivan Csmeron scored for Chicago Toronto deiested Boston 69 Doug Fimil scored twloelor Tomato Singles wereï¬y David Aikens Leo Dickey Ernest Ma nieces sud Paul Hargreaves Bo Sedeouest Paul Corsan and Richard Bornannn scored tor Boston Law Panacea ZilWin Year FORT MYERS Fla AP Vernon Lew oi Pittsburgh Pir slss ï¬guresbe can epeat this YWMHMW wwltbi some help the guys makethe plays for me like they didlset year= and we score law rune theres no reason why shouldnt be able to win 20 againi Law said Monday at tchaflonel training camp The rightbender was Pitls bugs top hurlsr last season as hues won their first pen sent in st yearsJiewonm end lostnineandiookilieGÂ¥Yonzgi lerd pitcher All 11 Latest Available Oh we Alei Time only SS no sxcHaNess on asFuNos gossssum Maori BRA To Believe ItY¢UMt See it AMENSg EANYS 795 pm VET 45 Each range containsau extensive variety witha wide choice or pat terns and colours This is the low est possible price for these quality all wool materials colours and patterns are in accordance with the latest fashion trends over 150 bolts of material to choose from This lea PieEaster offer from the student brand clothes in the men of Barrie to enable you to get so queinted with their superb tailor ing and line workmanship Under their lelbel you will and suchweil knownEnglehnnmes as Moorehouse Brooks Ltd and crabtreeend Sons Ltd All the newest patterns and colours bays been imported tram England mired