Lilli arm Examiner rum moment Newspapers Ltd is Bayfield Street Benin comic silos voila As CItY Past As supplementto th edition of ihe Barric Examiner lish allpage progress report on the state at the eco norny of the City or Kittie It is Sffldb uni report based on information sup piled by manufacturersCity nail Barrie chamberoi Commerce andtne oiiice of the industrial commissioner Ernest Blrmann or necessity the period oi progress covered is item the time Bhrrie became city two years ago although the em phasis is on the year 1980 Taking broad picture the peeple of Barrie have reason to be proud of the progress that has been made in comparison with the uncertain ec ononiy of many parts or Canada in the past year the city can boast of healthy degree or stability through loan can pied with promising recovery an upa surge in the latter part of that year But so isr we have been considering the mechanics which govern tiresome my 01 grovving community What of the people Have they become compla cent lethargic orlazy during the year Have they still the drive and energy necessary to Ensure that We continue to live in an eirpanding economy Basically there is nothing Wrong with the people oi this community Anyone who lives here knows that they tackle rvssosr rations on ing the post Two Years community problems With the same vie gour with which they meet the chal lsnge are competitive world Nothing was made more clear than this in the responleby citizens to the needs oi an llriitedAppesl Leading citizens came torward dur ycar to organize with high degree efficiency and minimum coat the tint United Appeal campaign The rest of the citircns responded to the appeai with an unmatched generosity Nor can it be said that Barrio people are content with status quo Rather they recognize the need ior additional community incilitiEs closely coupled with the growing population arid they are prepared to right for these iacllltles until they become reality Indeed reature oi the past two years has been growing corporate spirit There is developing strong sense or community responsibility ne cersary ingredient in continuing hap py economy The people or Barrie recognize that this is good place to live and through their own endeavors they plan to make gt it an even better community people with this background make wanderiui mainsprlng faiths economic expanslon oi Barrie Ontarios most progressive city some Illusidns Die Hard illusions dlehard And none die hora dcr than the illusion so carefully lost4 cred in the postwaryears of pater nalistic allpowerful government cap able of solving all problems and all wor rles including unemployment Mid rs cession Right now ï¬endish unemployment iigures are of country is in be throes or serious re cession And the demands on govern ment to debvcr the premises oi the postwar yearspromises oi iuli stapler merit and more soclaisccurity are heard with increasing prequency fem pressure groups limousines It is strange tlidt so ï¬ewdealiue my government is so impotent in the race or the current economic crisis Yet the reason ior that impotence is not hard Opimons oi Ollier NevIspapers era the availability of government bucked loans at reasonable interest rates ends Lightmoney situation which has stagnated the industry Branches of Canadas chartered banks haw now been supplied with the necessary information and application trim for the loans to small burlassses which are deï¬ned as mulnaases having gross annual revenue or duequarter million dollars or less ilusinessu catering primer to the tourist sully in obtain ing leuglerm loads and through such organiz ations as the Canadian Tourist Association and die Northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Associ ation have appealed for governmentseulsl adce The Small Businesses Loans Act wouldsecm to answer the need some bankers have pie itElUitN of This 9111st Printed Word It cdudot have ascriï¬led the notice oi unreconf alrucled Jacobllesel duglifhere has been lit tle newspaper comment on the fact that two or the queens three children have been given Stuart names and the thirdls named for scat lands patron saint This may be mere ceili clileiics but it may also be facsimiles attempt to cement Scottish loyal to the some by ellm lusting ancient causes enableram Scottish nationalism is accustomed to become vocal on the accession of British monarcms There were objections raised same Scots to taking the oath of allegiance to ward V11 ite memberirig the Battle of Bannoclrimrn and the Plantagenet Edwards they objected not so much to the name as to the numeral To take the call to be loyal to Edwardlm seemed to them to be tantamount to admitting that six previous Edwards including the loser at Bannockburn had ruled Scotland There was similar dialectic to the numeral of Queen Elizabeth ll for the great Elizabeth had not been Queen of Scotland and lied signed the dead warrant of Mary Queen of Scots who because of her Tudorancestry was belr ap parent to the English throne No flaw wiï¬ appear in the title of Prince mari es when as Charles iii he succeeds Queen Elizabeth II an event that all loyal citizens of the Commonwealth impamay be long delay ed The two previous kings or that name ruled both England and Scotland and the second was among the most astute rulers that England has ever had it may be worth recalling that although the Stuart line has been in eclipse for some centuries the Hanoverluos and Wedding delt rive their claim to the throne from their Slu srt descent There are good family as well as political reasons form revival oi Slum names HELPIOUBISI INDUSTRY Port Arthur Newschronicle The Small Businesses inane Act passed by Parliament in December should be great boon to the economy or Normwestern Ontario Especially sineug tourist and restaurant operat Ullr flame Examineri Authorized Iauconddur man run onion oepmintat Ottaw nsiiy Sundlyl and statutory Holiday exceptd it warm Putiqu and General Manager CHARLES Ii wsnoz Bluinm Mauser mm semen Hauling mm mechanism Advertising mum man howls circulation mango Eilbwflbuon rate grow mail In on months use mm 11117333 dtiiss Ontario mm year outuac omnmlilflt was liniva at Mantrahm Mambo or the onions ii Now an 1th baller Aufiflltiml The CullHIE PM the Audit hum of aliens Till thldlln Punileum In for IG utilisation of III MW died in this Wflfludwltflln Ilodlren tell And also the local new 9lele thaws All rid of Mplibliclflmi lucid are also urged Telephone Number Edit Advertising and mummy nun wool in mam Ave Toronto din Man an Georgia Elton Vancouver dune to cor postwar nigh and the industry have epperienccd mammograms to discover It lies in the fact that gov enimentahaving assumed more and ever more iuhcontrollablc spending com mitments oysr the years in the field of social security is unwilling to face up to the act that until the overload of costs stemmin irom government spand is reduce andthe tax silicon oi conscious sharply out there can be no real recovery in the national economy Government to put it bluntly cannot solve the present econoinlo crisis until it laces up to the last that government spendingitem must be out No country can be strong and prosperous when its iacket resulting irom years or easy spendinghabits formed at the expense or all taxpayers and sit the expense or progressitseli dicted that this assistance will mean as much 33 metal 15 to tourism as the Farm improvement Main Act has meant to agriculture The legislatienyprovidee that the owner of small business may apply to bank for loan not exceeding $25000vle be repaid with six per cent inlerestover period oi up to 10 years in finance additions or improvements to stem lses sndequlpmsnl Mans will ï¬nance up to 90 per cent of the cost of improvements and up to so per cant go the cart at equipment All loam are to be considered by lbs bankers will the same care requlred in granting other loans Bank security or small blisinesa loan may property or an assignment ohrlgbis of pur chaser under an agreement for sale or lien or conditional sales agreement IS PODIUM OR BOSTRUM Montreal Star our TV column and its correspondents have recentlyueveloped an argument about the use of the words podium and rostrum It was intensiï¬ed by the fact that the prepared min of President Kennedys speech contained the word podium while what Mr Kennedy acts uslly said on the air was rostrlun Until re cenlly we had believed that the wordrpadlum referred to the stand on which the conductor of an orchestra stood Increasingly however when radio and TV commentators describe events they get speakers on to podium without de BY Lets look at the Oxford English Dictionary all 12 volumes of itpIis the supplement In this podium is described vase continuous base or pedestal stylobale whatever that is raised platform surrounding the arena inan ancientamphitbestre or continuous seat or bench around room Ailernately it describes the lore or bind foot of mammal which some bow or otherdoesut seem to apply rostrum on the other handfwasjthe plat form or stand for public speakers in the ancient forum oi Rome the orstors stand lnthc Athen EDW BarridReporié Progress sepiaTare caughtdn tax straightr no lt BUT THE Ice Dive Version Grows Popular Variation Of Spart lNNERKIP Ont CF bitter wind lliled blinding allow across lonely iloodcd quarry hampering mug intent on chopping through tbick ice When cold is star finally walled up through the hole the globe lurned not to fishing lines to skindlvln gear One by one the droppc into the irlgld water or an ice divean lu cressln boulder variation at the an erwster sport lbs quarry is near this vil lags eight miles northeast at Woodstock On its floor about to feet down are two old cob crele foundations connected by tunnel through luci the di 3de swim beneath the icéliléy lounri themselves in wonderland oi clear green water that dropped off and around into blackness Near the surface the water was slightly below freezing but to ward the bottom it was warmer vegeiaiian waved gently Among the soil weeds were ilsb held in silklike co roads The four are members of the Windsor Subs self contained underwater breathing appara tus Divers sgroup with the Great Lekes and Southwestern Ontario for playground The average sportsmen may not get the urge to swim when the temperature drops below freezing but club members will dive in river lake or quarry in almost any weather It is call matd that about half of Can ades 500000 skindivers carry the pastime into the winter Syd Roulley husky president of the Windsor club says the secret is in the temperature oi The water is usually warmer than ibeiairso inst because it may befive below zero above the lceis no reason to worry The most popular method or keeping warm in the frigid we ierls togetiwet The rubber suits we wear include mortgage on real or personal tan assembly or platform stage or also adapiedioripubiic speaking inie it is nine beaklike projection from the prow are wary ship orlliebeakbrnose are still but thme dont seem to Fill either glilrbow dow slop Lp drums lo nrecalled wet suite Huntley said They dont keep you dry The idea is to let the water to trap it and warm it with body best The warmer water and ibi insulation eifect are what keep lha diver warm in experimenting with the first wet stills divers went through the ice near the North Pole where theselt water is much colder Their body teln ersiura dropped three degrees ttlis divers remained com fortable Ally way oi comparison ex rem say diving without pro ectlou in water colder than degrees ll deniereus The dry suit ridged to ml water cu is losing favorhiv are found themselves In trouble when ilietiiln rubber was rlpped en the underwater ob slscles But with the wet culls that let the water illlar through they say that winter swimming is no more arduous than told shower INTERPRETING THE NEWS US Allies Fnerlds Placingv American Govemmenl 0n Spot by mom nonunion Canadian Press erler Old friends and allies or the United States are placing the Amarch government in an em barrassing spot on the Red China issue vPresident Kennedy lore ported lobe ooking lorwsrd to his April meeting with Prime Mlnlster Macmillan in the hope of bridging the Anglonmsrlcen chasm that has opened on the issue of admitting the Chinese mainland to the United Nations Prominent American authori iies say lhsyisllll expect lo pre vent llie Communists from tak ing the China seal whenthe question comes upbefore the Genernl embly probably next September But they admit support for such position is being whittled away by varlous public declare lines including that ill Lord Home Britains forei secre tary who earller lb month said The facts ofvidleruu iional life require that Commun set to dwebedeeib tbe ice in quarry neardnnerkip likin diver ding is Jack Mca memberoi the Wind ist China should be sealed in the UN New Brazil which long had supported the American inlli sled UN moratorium on debsle oi sealing Communist China has come out in favor of endlug the moratorium and there ap parently is some support in the new Brazilian administration to bring Red Chins into the world assembly The danger for the United States is that Brazil as ma lcr Latin power may influence other Latin countries to follow her policy The vote in fever of the moratorium narrowed lest year The United States will need every vote she can get if she levio continue her battle egaluatimelnland China There is evidence that the Kennedy administration is at least considering two China policyinvolving UN member sblp for mainland China as Well as Formosa But there is no lvidence that Communist China would agree to such policy sor scuba Divers and may man with rope around waist is Geol cumin are onion room Do We MirSpend Our Income Inarammed MAWW ï¬g are gr 25 is as Mead in baa index when name is new oifllt chiliJute consumer Price lur mu iuuuu that Cldldldal affluent wanton The Dominion bureau oi Sta lsnzbvloualymnhlmw comm ar prodll Canadian riding pattern do it excites trail by in that decisions upon the in unions of lime in our lyplclisbepping bullet were based upon the fsciuai rcvclstiobs at national surveys No attempt has boon made says the burs lo diffurenil slo between uaurles and ne cutlilu nor to assess the de slrsbllliy or any particular allype of sysadmin from mar or real point of view me who sympatblu with their friends who are giving themselves cirrhosis of the liver and cancer of the lung will is nice that the even Canadian tony pends lets be did 10 years ago on alcohol and lo bscco in proportion to his total income But the fl urn is Hill In blah as Cello every 100 he spends or half as much old on his own and his ism bullb em estrus rm poitall it ir lower The most vivid rise In our agencies has been on the pur maintenance and opera tion olaulonitblln The typical causaln runny today spends it per cool of is much billin income on this while in contrast decade ago me overus was only four per cent oi the their small income in dollars iii iopmeuls ouadru line of tron lsrnily Ipcu on or sonallud transporlallrm no list today list item In only fraction ally lcn litii liic sum which that sums family spends on cloilllbl itself The full breakdown of our media paiicra mined as gemuillu of total ism brittle and shewinl first the figure oi dmdl and no ond the figure oi to is bed Ii similar limo opeil on Clolblbl other speedier The last mm some mn itlon and leisure time Activities tobacco and alcohol built om personal cm and trans on LakeheadMenBack Brief To Cabinet By DON OHEAEN roaouro no llorihwcata crn onions Chambers of Cars menir were here lob nuei vlsii This time i7 prominent mm from all over the area from the Lskcbead west took two dail ofi to ily down to back up their annual brief to the cabinet As has been noted before this type oi area mutilation is unique and all well ism pattern for other areas Each section of tbeprovince has problems unusual to it and good way of getting recogni tion of these problems is to come here In large bodyrsnd talk them over with the cabinet Northwesz Ontario has not gained some of the things it has been looking for particularly lower Hydro rules for mining and lnduslrybut it also has gained great deal And many at the roads and public works projects it now enjoys probably would not be there ii the chemhers delega tions hadnot forcefully made thedgoverumcnt aware of their nee BEAWAY AGAIN Once again it appears the government is geitingln trouble again through the expropriation practical of Ontario Hydro When the Seaway power prob act was started you will recall Hydro had the people in See way valley raging med Eventually the government bed to lie in and tell the Corn mlsrion tat ltwsl public bodyvand to start acting like one Now the same story seems to be getting rerun in Hawker iiydro an to exproper no propcrilu in this Eastern 0n 4am lovlmffor Quebec Hydra under the Ottawa River Agree meals And once again the local people are complaining bitterly Bydio they say is using bard tactics to get good deals it is telling people not to let their neighbors know what they have been promised for the proper ties is not re lslering piucbasas so that rate wont be established and is not submit ting offers or long riedsait or notice ofaxpropr lion have been delivered SOME TRUTH This is the situation In pre rented to the House by hib orsl Bay Edwards oi Hamilton Ha uciurslly was not non polltlcel in his motives And in any expropriation there will always be gripers Statements that are made have to be taken with certain reservations However on liydres record one has to credit at inst some truth to them Commlsslon ofï¬cials are in clined to look on themselves as hard businessmenend witb the power oi publiclybwnsd util lly behind them one can be very hard indeed They dont realize the are servants oi the public an that the public would not want them to take the altitude they do The commission itself will say Alt cant squander money And of course it cant Bul nevertheless there can berdlybe citizen Ontario who wouldnt want it to over bslance money with humanity Weedsvln Strawberry Patch Solve ProblemWiih Few Geese BMOOE 0st GP If you want tOkeep your strawberry pstch clear of weeds get some one have do are in which to store food unili ey need it The problem was solved by giving the gem light feeding belore releasing them in tho banIce but they like to eat the weed shoots But what myou gold to do if the goose gorges itself in the morning and then reiuses lo rtiriu the altarnoon mtth absorbnu station established ï¬ellï¬lglst shswberry patch The look the edgeoif their appetite and the tendency to gorge the weeds 1t increased their cropping efficiency up to 50 per cent manners said Recommending the geeseor the iobbe laid the initial cost isiiluh but they keep the patch relatively clean and provide axon He suggested six geese to the is luxury THOUGHT 531313